Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

135 Saints are extremely holy and unholy

Thousands of years later, Lin Heng's cultivation base is stable, and his whole body is introverted. He looks gentle and jade-like, seemingly ordinary, but upon closer inspection, he feels extraordinary, with a strange and eye-catching aura.

After waking up, he shared his little insights that he felt would be helpful to Jin Cheng and other disciples, and let them digest and assimilate them.Another 500 years later, Lin Heng sent a message to Honghuang: "I want to open up a cave in the chaos, and anyone who is destined can come and see it!"

His words made the whole prehistoric boil, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, quasi-sage, almost all the monks who could enter the prehistoric came.Even the six saints also came.

Opening up the world, even this small world, is an extremely rare understanding for all monks.This has been said many times, when you realize it, you realize it.Such opportunities for enlightenment do not always exist.Therefore, when encountering such things, everyone will flock to them, and saints are no exception. After all, everyone's way is different, and they have to understand their own way from their own way.

In the chaos, Lin Heng left a golden light path, and the end of the light path was the chaotic void where he stood.Here is the place he chose to open up.

Opening up a small world in the chaos, there is a certain amount of attention.It is not up to you to decide what direction to choose, but to choose a place that you think is good according to the hints given to you by the way of heaven.

A saint in chaos is still a saint of heaven.They couldn't leave this area, or in other words, the chaotic area controlled by Tiandao was too large, even with the ability of a saint, they couldn't leave.

Unless, enter a new realm.

Now that Lin Heng has become a saint, he must take up his own responsibilities and end his own karma.He will not escape, and he will not expect any kind of carefree life. This carefree life is obviously a relative term. He used to have a lot of things when he was quasi-sage, but isn't he free and easy?

so.You can only listen to these words. As for the specific understanding, you don't have to take it to heart, as long as you act according to your own wishes, that's enough.

Closer to home——following the guidance of the golden road left by Lin Heng, more and more monks in the prehistoric world came around Lin Heng. Together with his disciples standing outside, they looked at the new saint Lin Heng standing in the center of the crowd.

He didn't move in a hurry, but waited until Jin Guanglu disappeared.Lin Heng turned his head and smiled at the Six Sages, then straightened his body, and a mysterious and mysterious aura emerged from him.

His aura is very strong, just like the waves of the sea, surging out one after another.Not long after, his aura spread all over the chaotic void, looking at the radius, it was about half the size of Dongsheng Shenzhou, a bit bigger than the small world opened up by the Six Sages.

Take a breath.Lin Heng's aura gradually strengthened, and mana surged out, spreading all around.A dark-yellow light appeared in his hand, which has not yet been seen by others.Then the light burst out, dazzling like the sun.

He held up the treasure and swiped it forcefully in the air, the calm and chaotic void was like boiling hot water.It boiled up.

"Break!" With his soft vomit, the even-black space violently oscillated, and there was a chaotic atmosphere within Lin Heng's envelope.It was cut into two halves by him in an instant, one half was clear, rising slowly, and the other half was turbid, slowly descending.But Lin Heng stood in the turbidity, with the blood under his feet flickering, but it was the karmic fire red lotus that was released, shining brightly in the void.

At this time, the light of the treasure in his hand faded, and everyone saw clearly that it was a strange weapon.

Seen from a distance, this weapon looks like a sword, a long black sword, exuding a dark yellow light, which should be due to merit.If you look closely, you can find that the sword body of this sword is like dragon scales. If you look more carefully, you will find that the dragon scales are slightly opened and closed, as if breathing.On the hilt of the sword, there are two small seal characters engraved - Heaven's Wrath!

Such a unique weapon is absolutely unique to Honghuang.This is also the spiritual treasure of merit that Lin Heng specially refined for himself.This treasure is made by him by gathering the reverse scale of the dragon and combining it with various materials, and it contains the profound meaning of life and death.In terms of performance, if you look at the Heavenly Sin in Fengyun, this Skyfury Sword has the ability to spontaneously disperse the Heavenly Sin, which can strike people invisible.

Seeing the heaven and earth gradually taking shape in front of him, Lin Heng ran out another thing from his arms. This is the Tianzhu he refined, with a total of [-] pillars.It is worth noting that the tops of these one hundred and eight heavenly pillars are dotted with silver light, which looks like jewels inlaid on the pillars.

Seeing these celestial pillars, ordinary monks didn't feel anything, but those quasi-sages and saints all changed their expressions slightly.Because Lin Heng's one hundred and eight heavenly pillars were obviously modeled after the one hundred and eight galaxies in the prehistoric starry sky.And Lin Heng's purpose, they thought of it in an instant, that is to use those Zhoutian formations to draw the Tianzhu deep into the sky, attract the energy of chaos, part of it flows into the starry sky of the small world, strengthens the stars, and part of it turns into innate energy , into the world.

What Lin Heng did was obviously to expand the small world.This point shocked Liu Sheng very much.

The small world opened up by the sage, or the small world opened up by everyone, cannot continue to expand in a certain sense.Honghuang can, because it is not man-made, but a gradual change.

This kind of thing can only happen in this way. If it is reversed by human force, it will not work at all.

Now, Lin Heng's behavior is obviously to imitate Pan Gu, so that his small world has the ability to continue to grow.This is something that the saints never thought of.In their eyes, the small world is just a cave of their own, and the big world is the main world.What Lin Heng did obviously overturned their cognition.He did it like this, obviously to develop this cave into a real world.

At this moment, Liu Sheng felt that his heart was violently pulled.Develop your own little world into a real world.What good would it do?The six sages don't know, even Lin Heng doesn't know.

Although there were many people who did this in previous life novels, in this world, Lin Heng didn't know the specific use of it.But one thing is for sure, that doing so must be beneficial.

If his small world can really develop into a complete world, maybe a heaven will be born in his world.Under this Dao of Heaven, what was born may only be a branch of Dao of Heaven, but as the master of the world, such a branch is definitely beneficial for him to realize Dao.Even in a certain sense, he can use this small world to integrate into the Dao of Heaven.Just like Hongjun.

Lin Heng, who has this kind of thinking, will naturally not give up the experiment. He has been doing these things during the thousand years of his steady cultivation.Now, all the preparations are done, it depends on whether the practice can be successful.

The moment the one hundred and eight sky pillars were thrown, Lin Heng shot out countless rays of light and placed them on the sky.This is the star he refined.

The stars form a large array of stars in the sky, corresponding to one hundred and eight pillars of heaven.When the sky pillar rose into the void and penetrated under the starry sky, the small Zhoutian formations all over the top of the sky pillar instantly woke up.Form a strange.They are more closely connected with the starry sky. Looking up at the entire starry sky, the stars on the [-] sky pillars hang in the starry sky like forming a long galaxy.

Yes, Galaxy!

This week, Lin Heng has undergone changes in the star formation, in order to make it more suitable for his own small world.

In the Great Desolate Continent, the stars are placed outside the earth, which is the first line of defense to intercept the chaos.But in the small world, it is the power of heaven and earth that intercepts the energy of chaos.The starry sky is more of a good-looking display.

Lin Heng disagreed with this point.But he also knew that this was impossible.After all, they can only open up such a small world, and they simply have no ability to open up a big world like the Great Desolation.

Since the source cannot be changed, change within the source.Look at his Tianzhu.Although it cannot extend beyond the starry sky, it can be inserted into the starry sky.In this way, a sky can be opened.Introduce the air of chaos.The chaotic energy that comes in will be absorbed and transformed by the small Zhoutian formation on the Tianzhu, and the little chaotic energy will melt into the starry sky and strengthen the stars, while the differentiated innate aura will disperse into the world.

His arrangement not only subverted everyone's cognition, but also shocked everyone with his changes to Zhou Tian's formation.

The prehistoric formations, each of which is unpredictable in power, can be said to have reached its peak, and there is no way to change it.Let's talk about Tongtian, he has the Zhuxian sword formation in his body, and he is also the master of the formation among saints. Such a person can't change the Zhuxian sword formation.But Lin Heng changed the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation that was named after him.Doesn't this surprise and shock them?

With this complicated psychology in mind, the Sixth Sage carefully observed the Zhoutian formation.But slowly, the expressions on their faces became weird.

Transforming the formation is to hope that the formation will be stronger.But what about the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation transformed by Lin Heng?It does look powerful, but a closer look reveals it.The foundation of this large formation has become the Tianzhu and the [-] small galaxies, as for the stars in the sky, they have become more auxiliary.It can be said that they do not have the powerful effect of the stars in the prehistoric starry sky.

To put it bluntly, Lin Heng's modified formation was modified to absorb the energy of chaos, and the others are useless.

This kind of change can indeed slowly strengthen those stars at the beginning, but when those stars grow to the limit one by one and become galaxies automatically, this change will definitely have great consequences.

They never imagined that what Lin Heng made was just such a thing.

Lin Heng himself understood this point.But there is no way.As mentioned earlier, this formation is already at its limit, so how can he change it?

As a modern person, Lin Heng's thinking is obviously more divergent than that of the sages. He thought of his own purpose and changed according to his own purpose.The current formation is the first step of his goal, which is to absorb the energy of chaos, strengthen the stars, and use the enhancement of the stars to drive the expansion of the earth, so as to achieve the goal of turning the small world into a big world.

When the enhancement of this stage reaches the limit, the stars in the starry sky will definitely turn into galaxies, and at that time, it may conflict with the galaxies on the Tianzhu, and the Tianzhu is the foundation and cannot be moved, so he can only change the later ones. galaxy.

Lin Heng was prepared for this.He also thinks, since it is a change?Then go to practice and make up for it.Among other things, he succeeded in this first step, which was enough to give him great comfort.

And after that, no one knows what his cultivation is, maybe he already has a complete solution at that time?

In short, it is a sentence, true knowledge comes from practice.

For ordinary things, a sage can deal with them without having to practice them.But such things are obviously beyond the ability of a sage, so they need to practice, and only by comprehending and reforming from practice can they be successful. (To be continued..)

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