Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

136 Saints are extremely holy and unholy

The small world took shape, and Lin Heng felt a burst of spirituality, and an inexplicable feeling seemed to be imprinted in his heart. When he wanted to see it, he felt that he had nothing to gain.He had an inexplicable feeling, but felt that this sudden realization might help him.

All of a sudden, Lin Heng's thoughts rose from his heart, which was extremely chaotic.Before he sorted it out, the six saints flew over one by one, stood together in the small world, and said to Lin Heng from a distance: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist!"

"The six fellow daoists are being polite!" Lin Heng came back to his senses, smiled at the six of them, and said, "Since the six fellow daoists are here, let's enter the hall together and discuss the Tao, how about it?"

The six sages couldn't get what they wanted, and said in unison: "Good!"

Immediately, Lin Heng threw out a palace, which fell into the ground and rose up.Lin Heng made an invitation and walked into the palace with the six saints one after another. As for the others, he handed over to his disciples to entertain them.

Of course, not everyone will stay here. Look at Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi, they left one after another.Styx didn't leave, he envied Lin Heng in his heart, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity.The two have a friendship, if he stays here, Lin Heng may preach for him.This is a benefit to him.The one who thinks like Styx is Kunpeng.

Kunpeng and Lin Heng also had a friendship transaction, and he also knew some secrets about Xingkong.Now that Lin Heng is becoming a saint, he has more thoughts in his mind.He urgently needs to know the answer to his doubts, so he is naturally unwilling to leave.

The rest are the disciples of the three religions, and their elders have never left, so how can they leave?

The people were outside, led by Jin Cheng and others, walked together in the small world, carefully browsing the scenery of this different world, after walking through it once, someone proposed to discuss.Everyone said "good", they walked into the side hall next to the main hall one after another, and started chatting.And in the main hall.Liu Sheng and Lin Heng are also encouragingly talking about their respective Dao and fruit.

Discussion on the Tao generally has a relaxed and happy atmosphere, or the Taoist ancestor preached the Tao, making everyone mesmerized and making various expressions without knowing it.However, there is another situation in discussing Dao, which is fierce debate and discrimination.

In this case, Yuanshi and Tongtian first appeared.

In the novels of later generations, the two quarreled from the initial discussion.In the end, because of the quarrel between the disciples, it completely fell out.The root of all this lies in the difference in the two people's Dao fruits. Judging from their Dao fruits, there is even a little bit of the opposite meaning, so the two will not deal with each other.

In the main hall, Lin Heng and the six sages have different Dao fruits, and disputes are inevitable, which is what Lin Heng said they most want to know.They will still ask questions and argue with Lin Heng.

There is no way!If you talk about the Tao in general, the atmosphere may be much better for everyone.But this time is different, this time it is about the six sages being able to break through the confinement of the Three Corpses.Naturally, we can't be careless.So the seven of them talked very seriously together, and there were quite a lot of disputes among them, not only Lin Heng was arguing.Everyone else is arguing with each other, expounding their ideas, and being in that argument.Make your thoughts clearer and more mature.

Thousands of years later, the six saints left contentedly, and Lin Heng also walked out of the hall. Those quasi-sages who stayed behind saw it, and came to see Lin Heng one by one.Lin Heng understood their thoughts, smiled and nodded in acceptance, and then preached to everyone outside the hall.In this way, after another thousand years, everyone dispersed, and only Lin Heng, his disciples and disciples remained in the small world.

Looking at the apprentices and grandchildren sitting below, Lin Heng sighed slightly in his heart.In the past, he always hoped that the saint would not enter the prehistoric world, so that he would have an advantage.But now, this ban has imprisoned himself.

Thinking about his previous actions, it is not difficult for Lin Heng to know what the quasi-sages will do next.I have left such a large territory in the Great Desolate Continent, will they covet it?

There is no quasi-sage under the sect, no way!But quasi-sage, it doesn't mean that there is something!

Withdrawing his mind, Lin Heng said calmly: "Jin Cheng, from now on, you will be the headmaster of the Hongtashan lineage. The life and death of my lineage will be in your hands. You must know the difficulties and dangers, but I don't want to talk about it. Everything depends on you." Go to enlightenment. Here, as a teacher, I just send you a sentence: 'When you break, you break, and when you retreat, you retreat!' Well, you all go down and comprehend what the teacher has taught these years."

When all the disciples heard this, they retreated one by one, and Jin Cheng frowned even more.He has been the Emperor Ziwei for these years, and he is no longer the former Wuxia Amon. He also understands all kinds of competition.It is precisely because he understands that he finds it troublesome, and he can understand the dangers that Lin Heng said.

'When it breaks, it breaks, when it retreats, it retreats! '

These words kept echoing in his mind, filling his whole body with pressure.Fortunately, Jin Cheng is not an ordinary person, he secretly encouraged himself: "Jin Cheng, you must work hard to advance to quasi-sage as soon as possible, only in this way can you preserve the existing orthodox inheritance of your mentor." '

Seeing his disciples retreating one by one, Lin Heng got up and returned to the hall.This hall is different from ordinary halls, there are stars all over the sky on the top, if you compare them one by one, you will find that the stars are exactly the same as the starry sky at night, and the stone pillars supporting the hall are imitations of the [-] heavenly pillars .It can be said that Lin Heng's main hall was refined according to the formation of the whole world.

He refined such a palace just to deduce the follow-up formation, hoping to solve the aftermath of the formation as soon as possible.He also understands some of these things, such as the stars that first turned into galaxies, the few stars connected to the Tianzhu.When Lin Heng was arranging the layout, he had calculated it, and he also understood a thing or two about it, but this change related to the whole world, so he had to be careful!

After deducing it again, Lin Hengwu sat on the Qingyun by himself and went into meditation.

Others need to sum up the gains of the past 2000 years, and so does Lin Heng, and he still has a thought in his mind, that is, the inexplicable extra insights after the creation of the world.

This should be the message from the heavens. Although he doesn't know what it is yet, he believes that it will definitely be of great use to him, so he needs to check those insights to supplement himself.

After sanctification, the concept of time becomes even weaker.Lin Heng, who was in retreat, was practicing completely unconsciously. As for how long it had passed, although he knew it in his mind, he was unwilling to bother him.

Lin Heng couldn't say whether this change was good or bad.

Daozu said: "The saints are all ants!" This sentence refers to the great strength of the saints, but there is one more point that everyone should not forget, that is the peace of mind that matches the strength-the peace of mind that all living beings are like ants!

Although Lin Heng didn't want to admit it, in his heart at this time, the human race, which was once so important, also became indifferent.If he still cares, it's just his disciples and the orthodoxy that he spreads.As for the rest, it doesn't seem to be that important.

Sanctify, sanctify!Everyone wants to be holy, wants to be holy.But the saint is such a cold creature.This kind of indifference is chilling, but for them, this kind of indifference is also natural.

Holy, represents strength, represents knowing more, and knowing more, what will happen?

For the monks, most of them talk about obeying the sky and responding to others. In the current flood, the saint is definitely one of the representatives. Even the Tongtian has never really disobeyed the will of heaven.Everything he did was under the permission of the Dao of Heaven. To put it bluntly, he was within the rules, looking for loopholes in the rules, in order to preserve his own morality.Although this is dangerous, it is also a feasible method, and no one can say anything.

For the Dao of Heaven, there are almost no restrictions on the actions of the saints, and the so-called holy words are the words of heaven.There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but think about it the other way around, why is the holy word called the word of heaven?Because they know a lot and know the consequences of doing things, then everything they do will naturally respond to others.If there is a saint who goes against the sky, other saints will naturally seal that person without waiting for the punishment of the heavens.

To put it bluntly, this is a rule of non-dispute, which makes people helpless!

But for all living beings, such a saint is not holy.Because they all conform to the will of heaven, then why do the saints exist?

Before, Lin Heng didn't understand much, but now Lin Heng does.Saints are thugs, the gods who suppress the flood.With them, the so-called great calamity and calamity in the prehistoric world will not be able to cause any waves at all, and everything will be under the control of the law of heaven, unless it is the immeasurable calamity.It's just... Lin Heng opened his eyes inexplicably and looked up at the sky.

There, there is still a person who is more powerful and terrifying than a saint!

In the immeasurable calamity, is Hongjun the last checkpoint?

A saint is not a saint... Lin Heng smiled wryly when he thought of this question, and he thought a little more.Speaking of saints being unholy, Lin Heng thought of the world of detachment that saints pursue.

To transcend heaven and earth, isn't it just to leave the shackles of heaven and earth, to leave this world?So what is the use of the so-called saint to this world?To put it bluntly, not only is a saint unholy, but even the ultimate saint is still unholy! (To be continued..)

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