Lin Heng is cultivating, but the prehistoric land is resurgent!

Lin Heng's sanctification not only had a huge impact on saints and quasi-sages, but also other monks, mortals, and even any living beings.

Saints are not a secret to the older generation of monks. Even those who have experienced the history of conferring gods know the benefits and disadvantages of saints.Their methods are truly a world-changing one.

In the hearts of these people, they have reverence and attachment to saints and sanctification.But for those creatures who are conferred gods, saint is more of a word, a supreme word, but no one can tell how high it is.

To an ordinary person, a martial artist is a superhuman existence, and immortality is a fairy god.For ordinary monks, Taiyi and Daluo are extremely high existences. As for quasi-sages and saints, they can hardly imagine them.

Therefore, the saint is more of a word in their minds.

However, when Lin Heng became a saint, they saw how strong a saint really is.Not to mention the vision of the purple air filling the sky and the surge of spiritual energy, the most direct manifestation is the awe of countless creatures kneeling on the ground.

This is the saint!This kind of power makes people desperate and unimaginable!

At this moment, the sage once again became the mainstream of the prehistoric world, and countless people became in awe of him.This point is especially obvious for the Saint Sect!

The torrent of saints had spread for a long time, until those quasi-sages came back, and it subsided somewhat. After Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi exerted their strength, the saints' disturbance was also covered up by another war on the mainland.

When Lin Heng became a saint, he thought of the war in the mainland.If he had previously practiced mind meditation, he might have intervened in it.But now, he just retreated and practiced, throwing everything to Jin Cheng.

how so?

Because don't care?

wrong!Because I care, but the things I care about are different.

Inheritance of orthodoxy seems to be very important.But for saints.That's what Taoism is about, it's where they collect luck and beliefs.To put it bluntly, their orthodoxy is not as important as you think, but something that can be discarded at will.Because you discard it, you can rebuild it, and the identity and strength of a saint mean that you can pass on your own orthodoxy at any time, and it is difficult for others to stop it.

In a word, saints are the general trend!

What Lin Heng cares about is his disciples.He gave everything to Jin Cheng, that is to hone Jin Cheng.All these years.Jin Cheng still hadn't broken through to the quasi-sage, Lin Heng thought, maybe it was because he didn't have enough experience.This is a good opportunity. No matter whether Jin Cheng successfully resists the attack of others, it is a harvest for him.Having this harvest is crucial to his cultivation.

If he can break through to the quasi-sage, then Lin Heng will be even more satisfied.

The starting point of this war is between Zhen Yuanzi's territory and the remaining democratic territory.This is a good point.In the past, because of Lin Heng's attitude.Everyone doesn't want to play a democratic role, but now that Lin Heng is sanctified, no one is protecting them.This is naturally a piece of meat in Zhunsheng's eyes, and Zhen Yuanzi is close to the water tower.

Zhen Yuanzi's assault was very violent. Although he didn't do it himself, he broke through the defense of the ethnic soldiers with one blow.Infiltrated into the depths of this place, and then directly seized nearly half of the territory, causing an uproar in the world.

See Zhen Yuanzi's actions.The others were somewhat moved.Although they would also care about Lin Heng's identity as a saint, there is nothing to gain from it.Didn't you see that explaining teachings is also a sage orthodoxy, isn't it still occupied by people?Now that Lin Heng is sanctified, he will not be able to go down in the wild, and the threat will naturally be greatly reduced. Then how can he not use such a large territory for me?

There are a lot of people who think this way, but those remaining casual repair sites have moved their minds and quietly moved closer to Lin Heng's site.It's a pity that Jin Cheng didn't give it for nothing.He knows how dangerous the orthodoxy is now, so he has been paying attention to his surroundings.When he saw that those casual cultivators were trying to make up their own minds, he was furious.Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Jin Cheng personally took action, brought most of the big Luo Jinxians in the territory, and wiped out those non-ghost people who moved eastward in one fell swoop.

Of course, he also understands the principle of enough is enough. After killing those people, he did not occupy the territory, but retreated quickly.He understood very well that at this critical moment, no one should be allowed to sneak attack.

Jin Cheng's shot really shocked a lot of people, but those who were shocked were only those casual practitioners and those who did not have a strong backer. As for those quasi-sages, they didn't take Jin Cheng seriously at all.

No, just when he was guarding against the east, the base camp of Hongta Mountain was attacked by the monster clan.These monster clans are not only newborn monster clans, but also the monster clans left over from the Lich War and the monster clans swung by Beiming Kunpeng.

When he received the news, Jin Cheng's eyes widened, with a look of shock on his face.It's just that he quickly calmed himself down, and he was slightly relieved.

If other places are attacked, Jin Cheng will be afraid, because he knows that he can't stop the quasi-sage, but he is not worried about Hongta Mountain, because there are methods arranged by Lin Heng. The others are those monsters, and Kunpeng himself Come, don't even think about it.

Therefore, he didn't move, and he was still on guard in the east, while in the north, the monster race quickly occupied all the other lands in Luzhou outside the Hongta Mountain range.

Outside Hongta Mountain, Kunpeng was hiding in the clouds, looking down at Hongta Mountain below.The more he looked, the more he frowned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. "Why is this formation so familiar?"

Looking at the topography of the twelve mountains, Kunpeng felt a chill run down his back and his heart trembled.

Just as he was thinking, a figure below appeared beside Kunpeng.Kunpeng came back to his senses and looked sideways at him.The man said: "Monster, can we attack now?"

Kunpeng shook his head and said, "Wait a little longer!"

The visitor frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything, but accompanied Kunpeng to look down at the Hongta Mountain below.Seeing this, he was also shocked, and his mind turned quickly.Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he blurted out in surprise: "The Twelve Capitals are in a great formation!"

"What did you say?" Kunpeng turned his head quickly, his eyes shining.He asked a question, but he understood in his heart.No, he immediately turned his head and looked at the unique mountain again.Combined with the words of the visitor, Kunpeng also thought of it. Isn't this arrangement of mountains the formation of the gods and demons of the Twelve Capitals? 'That's right, if Lin Heng has a good relationship with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, he will definitely get news about the Great Formation of the Gods and Demons in the Twelve Capitals. With his ability, even if he can't form a large formation, he can also realize his own things. '

Thinking of this, Kunpeng smiled wryly, "As expected of a saint, the means are really amazing!" With a sigh in his heart, Kunpeng said to the visitor: "Bai Ze, order to retreat. Also, release all those arrested, and open the passage from Hongta Mountain to the outside."

Bai Ze grimaced, unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but he nodded and said, "Yes, I know how to do it."

Bai Ze also wants to occupy the entire Beiju Luzhou in one fell swoop, but now that he has seen the formation of Hongta Mountain, he knows that he can occupy any place in Beiju Luzhou, but he can't do it here. With the help of Kunpeng and Zhou Tianxing The big formation, I'm afraid they still can't break through the formation here, and if they don't do it well, they will suffer heavy casualties.The Yaozu has only recovered a little vitality, if it is lost here, it will be too much to lose.

Calculating in his heart, Bai Ze agreed with Kunpeng's words, and immediately issued an order to let the Yaozu release the passage from Hongta Mountain to the outside world, and released more of the captured human races, except for the dead.As for other sites, Bai Ze will not give up.

It's the first time for their Yaozu to move, so they can't have nothing to gain.Except for Luzhou in Beiju, which is in the line of Hongta Mountain, this is the harvest of his demon clan's revival!

When the Yaozu was in action, Kunpeng stood in the air, staring at Hongta Mountain in a daze, and did not leave for a long time.After all the Yaozu's actions were completed, he sighed softly, turned his gaze upwards, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a sneer.

"Huh!" He snorted secretly, turned around and went back to Beiming.

High in the sky, Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi frowned slightly, Hong Yun said: "Friend Daoist, it seems that Kunpeng found us."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, feeling awe-inspiring.With Hongyun's cultivation level, Kunpeng unexpectedly discovered the two of them, and he, Zhen Yuanzi, did not have this ability. 'Could it be that Kunpeng is almost reaching that level? '

Not only Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun are hiding here, but other quasi-sages have rushed over.Some people understood Kunpeng's retreat, while others did not.They also looked at Hongta Mountain, but they saw a very powerful formation protecting Hongta Mountain, and they couldn't see the mystery of it. After all, not everyone has seen the formation of gods and gods, but those of the older generation The quasi-sage has not seen much, and the only ones who know about him are the Wu Clan, Lin Heng and the Yao Clan.

Therefore, Kunpeng and Bai Ze could recognize Du Tianshen's formation, but the others were not. Even Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi were somewhat surprised, otherwise they would not have cared about Kunpeng's gaze when he left, and would have ignored it. He retreated.

However, there was one person who saw the extraordinaryness in it, and this person was Styx who was also hidden nearby!

Lin Heng's Great Formation of the Gods and Gods not only has the characteristics of the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Witch Clan, but also combines the characteristics of the Shura Formation of Styx.In addition, these two people are in the formation of evil spirits. Although the evil spirits are hidden in the formation, Styx, who is very familiar with evil spirits, can feel that there is an extremely strong and extremely evil energy hidden in the veins. come out, I'm afraid...

Minghe thought of the departure of Kunpeng and Yaozu, he understood.Kunpeng has seen through the mystery, maybe he sensed the evil spirit in it, maybe he sensed the extraordinaryness of this formation...

Thinking of this, Styx carefully checked the formation below.The more he looked at it, the more shocked and horrified he was. This formation was more advanced and powerful than the formation he had studied. Even Styx could not see through the mystery.

'how so? Styx shouted in his heart, a little unbelievable.Suddenly, he secretly startled: "Twelve, could it be the Twelve Capitals of the Wu Clan..." Styx was a little hesitant, but thinking about all the things before and after, he became more and more convinced of his doubts.

"Lin Heng, Lin Heng, you are really powerful!" He exhaled, and Styx also left. (to be continued..)

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