Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

138 The banner of Hongyun Suan Renjiao rolls to the south

At this time when Lin Heng became a saint and Hongta Mountain was suppressed by no saints, all the major powers in the world were ready to move against his territory, and the war was triggered at the touch of a button.

First, Zhen Yuanzi broke through the last line of defense of democracy and brought down the land of democracy derived from Lin Heng's territory; then the remaining monster clans in Beiju Luzhou joined forces with Kunpeng to sweep Beiju Luzhou.At that time, Beiju Luzhou was owned by the Yaozu except Hongta Mountain, and the Yaozu opened their fangs again.

The Yaozu's siege of the Hongtashan base camp attracted the attention of many people, but in the end they retreated innocently, making countless people wonder secretly. Only a few people knew that there must be something strange in it, and this strange thing was the mountain guard array arranged by Lin Heng—— All the gods are in a big formation!This formation is so prestigious that even the famous monster clan, Kunpeng, dare not try its power.

Thinking of Nian, the real body of Pangu summoned by this formation broke through the Zhoutian formation in one fell swoop, and the monsters who beat them had no power to resist. If Daozu Hongjun hadn't intervened, Dijun and Taiyi would have died a long time ago. There will be some Lich Wars.

Faced with such a formation, not to mention Kunpeng, even other quasi-sages dare not easily underestimate its edge.It is precisely because of the existence of this imitation formation that the Hongta Mountain lineage still exists in the wild, and everyone knows that as long as the Hongta Mountain lineage still exists, then the so-called Hongta Mountain lineage territory will not be extinct.Of course, those people didn't think about ending the Hongtashan lineage. After all, Lin Heng is a saint. They want to give Lin Heng face, and if they get stiff, it's not good for anyone.What they want is to swallow a piece of land and grow themselves.

Zhen Yuanzi has already done this, making others envious.

In the Palace of Eight Views again, Xuan Du sat respectfully below Lao Tzu, looking at Lao Tzu calmly.Lao Tzu closed his eyes lightly, as if ignorant and unaware, his whole body was ethereal.

It can be seen that since Lin Heng created the world.After preaching and discussing the law, his cultivation was one step closer.

Suddenly, Lao Tzu's aura changed, and the ethereal aura disappeared without a trace, leaving only an ordinary old man in front of people's eyes.With a light beard and a smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned his head to look at Xuan Du and looked at himself, and said, "What's the matter here?"

Xuandu's temperament was slightly stagnant, and a wry smile flashed in his eyes, but he straightened his expression immediately.Respectfully said: "Teacher, it's not peaceful to come in Honghuang. Sage Lin Heng will be challenged if he waved down the orthodoxy. I will teach you how to do it. Please give me instructions!"

"How should I do it?" Lao Tzu glanced at Xuan Du and said, "Do what you want to do!"

Xuan Du was even more stunned. He looked up at Lao Tzu, and found a trace of smile in Lao Tzu's eyes, and immediately understood.

In today's prehistoric times.The largest territory is Lin Heng. His territory occupies a part of Dongsheng Shenzhou, a part of Nanzhan Buzhou, a part of Beiju Luzhou, and then Renjiao, which used to be Chanjiao.But now it has become a human religion.This time, if Lin Heng is hit, Renjiao will become the number one, and will definitely be pushed to the forefront.This is not a good thing for people to teach.Because they only have one Xuandu.

Cultivators with personalities like Laozi and Xuandu are not very suitable for being in the limelight, which will disturb their xinxing.Take Lao Tzu's idea.It is good for their sect to pass on a single lineage, but the reality has to let him pass on the orthodoxy, but in some places, he still insists on his bottom line, just like he has only one personal disciple, Xuandu.

Xuandu asked Lao Tzu how to treat the Hongta Mountain lineage.And the smile in Laozi's eyes told Xuandu, you can do whatever you want.The two have similar personalities, Laozi understands Xuandu, and Xuandu understands Laozi.His words penetrated Xuandu, that is, no matter what, self-development, at the critical moment, he can pull Lin Heng's lineage, and return the favor of Lin Heng's preaching.

It can be said that both of them had good ideas.

The flames of war finally broke out!When Xuandu and Laozi were discussing, the red cloud moved!His actions were beyond everyone's expectations, because he did not attack the Hongta Mountain range, but the Renjiao, taking a bite out of the Renjiao.

This move of his made everyone astonished, but later they discovered that Hongyun has a good trick!

Hongyun's magic path and Lin Heng's Hongta Mountain lineage did not border at all, and there was a lot of Sanxiu countries separated during this period. If he thought about it, he would definitely destroy these Sanxiu countries first.It's just that it's not good to do so.

Although the existence of Sanxiu Kingdom seems abrupt, it is a zone of relaxation, which involves Lin Heng's Hongta Mountain lineage, Zhen Yuanzi's Earth Immortal lineage, Hongyun's magic way, and Yuanshi's teachings. , the four major sects will directly border each other, and if a conflict breaks out, it may be out of control, and with them, there will be a buffer.

This is also the reason why these scattered cultivators can exist.

Hong Yun understands the truth of it very well, and he also understands his own situation.Demons, to put it bluntly, are still opposite to Dao and Buddha.Now, everyone is living in peace, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, especially that Chanjiao, who absolutely hates himself. If he directly borders Chanjiao, the consequences will be unpredictable, maybe even Zhen Yuanzi will be killed He gets involved.

Therefore, Hongyun did not move the Sanxiu country, but the Renjiao.

In the eyes of Hong Yun now, apart from Buddhism, there is absolutely no sect in the prehistoric world that can resist him.This is brought about by the gap in cultivation.There is only one Xuandu in Renjiao, and one Laojun in Tiangong, but just these two people are not enough to see.Most other sects are also like this, only Buddhism makes him afraid, because there are many quasi-sages there.

Around the Red Cloud Demon Dao, the people who can do it and benefit the most are taught by people.

Hong Yun became much more decisive after reliving a new life. After he thought of this, he immediately took action. At this time, Xuandu happened to be away, allowing him to succeed in one fell swoop, and won a large territory of Renjiao. Its geographical location is not bad. A mountain range can even separate the human religion in the rear from the territory occupied by Hong Yun.

In this way, it would be difficult for Renjiao to retaliate.

The movement of the red cloud shocked countless people, and in Nanzhan Buzhou, the silent family also moved, and their movement shocked everyone even more.This clan is the witch clan that retired at the same time as the monster clan.

Back then, the twelve ancestor witches died one by one, and only Pingxin, who was not a witch, and Xuanming, who was suppressed in the underworld, lived.Although neither of these two can leave the underworld, they can help the Wu Clan and teach the Wu Clan what they can do.

Ever since Lin Heng took Wu Gang, the patriarch of the Human Witch Tribe, as his disciple, the two have noticed this tribe. Through the ability of peace of mind, they have seen through Wu Gang's real body, knowing that this is the reincarnation of Xingtian Great Witch.

This discovery made the two very happy, and then the two began to discuss the development of the Wu clan.

In the underworld, Houyi led the witches, in the Pangu Temple, there was the newly promoted great witch Chihuo, and in Nanzhan Buzhou, there was Xingtian by his side.Such a situation is very good for the Wu Clan.

It's just that the two have to choose the right time to do it, otherwise it will definitely attract the siege of other sects.Therefore, the two of them did not move, they just planned secretly.

Not long ago, the Yaozu moved and occupied Beiju Luzhou.This time it stimulated the nerves of the Wu Clan, so they asked for a fight one after another, and Ping Xin and Xuan Ming also felt that it was time for the Wu Clan to move, and their goal was Nanzhan Buzhou.

Here, there are not only the reclusive witch clan, but also the descendants of human witches. Coupled with their relationship with Lin Heng's lineage, they can be called natural allies.With such a powerful strength, as long as they make a move, they will definitely be able to wipe out the demon clan in Nanzhan Buzhou and occupy their territory. As for the teaching, human education, and Buddhism, they will be divided into four parts in Nanzhan by then. It depends!

The Witch Clan is more, and they can't understand the Yao Clan!

With the permission of Pingxin and Xuanming, the witch clan moved.The Wu Clan is still the Wu Clan, that warlike race, and they move like thunder.Like the monster clan, the witch clan who lived in seclusion for many years has recovered a lot of vitality.This all-out effort immediately annihilated the monster clan in Nanzhan Buzhou.There is no way, the monster clan here is not strong, nor is it the main force of the monster clan, so naturally they cannot fight against the witch clan.

However, their move still shocked many people, and the Yaozu was even more furious.When he received the news, Bai Ze, the upper echelon of the monster clan, rushed to Beiming, and personally invited Kunpeng to go to Nanzhan Buzhou together, wondering if there would be another witch clan.

Compared with the furious Bai Ze, Kunpeng calmed down a lot after receiving the news, and he saw more.The current Wu Clan has no ancestral witches except Xuan Ming, and Xuan Ming can't come out of the Netherworld, so the Wu Clan has nothing to fear, but since they are moved, they have a way to threaten themselves.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng naturally thought of Lin Heng.Since Lin Heng can get the Great Formation of Dutian Shensha from the Wu Clan, it is impossible for the Wu Clan not to get the big formation transformed by Lin Heng.

Lin Heng's formation is not bad, after all, it is only a formation, and it cannot summon Pan Gu's real body.But what would happen if the Wu Clan envoys came, Kunpeng was really not sure.

Yes, the Wu Clan doesn't have ancestor witches, so they might not be able to summon Pan Gu's real body, but if they summoned the twelve ancestor witches one by one, that would be amazing.After all, Kunpeng is very clear about the strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.What worries him the most is whether they can recruit one Zuwu or twelve.If one is fine, if twelve... Thinking of this, Kunpeng didn't dare to think about it.

Kunpeng is worried about this, but he is not a timid person.After Bai Ze came, Kunpeng nodded in agreement, and rushed to Nanzhan Buzhou with him to meet the reappearing Wu clan. (To be continued..)

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