Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

139 Zu Wu roars everyone in shock

In Tianle Mountain, Wu Gang meets Hou Yi, Hou Yi still remembers Wu Gang's past life, but Wu Gang doesn't know Hou Yi at all.His true soul was damaged too badly, even if he had the chance to be reborn, he would no longer be that Xing Tian.However, in Hou Yi's eyes, this Wu Gang looked very much like Xing Tian, ​​and even his temperament was almost exactly the same, which made him feel emotional, and tears seemed to flash in his eyes.

At the foot of the mountain, the two stared at each other for a long time. Behind them, one was an orthodox member of the Wu clan, and the other was a descendant of the Wu people, but the origin of the two was simple.But now, the atmosphere between the two is not right, and even the two parties are tense.

"You are not from the Wu clan!" Suddenly, Wu Gang said this, which suddenly changed the tense atmosphere. The clansmen behind him all looked at Hou Yi with unfriendly expressions, while the Wu clan behind Hou Yi looked at each other. Peep, with a wry smile on his face.

They naturally knew that Hou Yi was no longer a Wu clan!

Back then, Houyi died under the chaotic clock of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the one who survived him was the Yuanshen.This thing is not unique to the Wu clan.With the primordial spirit, it is natural that he cannot be reincarnated into the witch clan, and at that time, Houyi had no chance of being reincarnated, so he had to return to the earth or choose ghost cultivation.Under Pingxin's care, he embarked on the road of ghost cultivation. Although he has recovered his former cultivation base and even made progress, his body is no longer a witch.

It's just that the rest of the Wu clan are not dissatisfied with this great witch Houyi.This is a great witch of the older generation, so he is naturally respected.Wu Gang and his people didn't know this, so they naturally didn't look good towards Hou Yi.

"Brother Xing Tian, ​​don't misunderstand..." Behind Hou Yi, a big man stood up and shouted.His voice was like thunder, spreading throughout Tianle Mountain, allowing everyone to hear the sentence "Brother Xingtian..."

Who is this calling?

For a moment, everyone was a little puzzled. Many smart people looked at Wu Gang, but they found out.That man was talking to Wu Gang, but Xing Tian... Isn't Xing Tian the war god of the Wu clan?Why would he call Brother Wu Gang so?

Everyone was puzzled, and Wu Gang was also puzzled, but the first thing he thought of was not why the man called him so, but what Lin Heng had said.

He still remembered that when Lin Heng taught himself, he said: "The battle ax in your hand is used by a war god of the Wu tribe, and his name is Xing Tian! From now on, this battle ax is in your hands, but you can't dirty it!"

Wu Gang was a little confused about this sentence before, he was surprised that his teacher was obviously not from the Wu clan.But how did you get Xing Tian's battle axe?That is the God of War of the Wu Clan, how could he allow outsiders to take away his weapons?

This doubt is not deep, but it has been in his heart for a long time.Now, the member of the Wu clan called himself 'Brother Xingtian', but it reminded him of what Lin Heng said again.

Inexplicably, a strange look appeared on Wu Gang's face, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that I have something to do with Xing Tian? Is it his reincarnation, or the reincarnation of his descendants?"

Various thoughts flashed for a moment, and Wu Gang was attracted by the man who spoke just now.Wu Gang had a good impression of this man's aura.And looking at his appearance, Wu Gang felt even closer.

Suddenly, he touched his cheek strangely, and muttered to himself: "It's really like it!"

yes.alike!The big man of the Wu clan standing behind Houyi and talking looks very similar to Wu Gang, or in other words, he looks very similar to Xing Tian from before.Even the temperament is [-]% similar, and it is Wu Gang's body.Naturally felt like it too.

This generation of witches is also a great witch named Xing Gang, the first child of the great witch Xing Tian.However, this child was not born with a woman, but was created with the blood of Xingtian through the method of witchcraft.

Xing Tian's power in the Wu clan is high precisely because he is the first great witch who can use the method of witchcraft to create a member of the Wu clan with his own blood, except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches.With this, regardless of Xing Tian's combat power, he is No. 1 under the ancestral witch.

Xing Gang is a witch born in his heart, and he was created by the method of making witches. He is very popular with Xuan Ming.Otherwise, with his origin, he might not be able to become an ancestor witch.

When he came here this time, Xing Gang was also sent to become Hou Yi's deputy, just to meet Wu Gang.But in the Wu Clan, this kind of Wu Clan made out of witchcraft is commensurate with other Wu Clan brothers, which is why he is called Xing Gang, Xing Tian's reincarnated father and brother.

"Brother Wu Gang, shall we go in and talk..." Hou Yi interrupted Wu Gang's thoughts.Wu Gang glanced at him, nodded slightly, and waved his hand to make way for the clansmen behind him to get out of the way.Immediately, a large group of Wu clan moved into Tianle Mountain, and Hou Yi led Xing Gang and Wu Gang into the belly of Tianle Mountain.

Looking at the mountainside, the turbid and evil qi inside are intertwined and criss-crossed. In the vague mist, there seem to be twelve figures standing upright.When you get closer, you will find that these are not 12 figures, but [-] big flags, each of which is embroidered with a strange figure, shining with brilliance, like a giant standing there .

Seeing these twelve strange and huge figures, Hou Yi was even more emotional, and unconsciously remembered the days when he fought with the Twelve Ancestral Witches in his mind.It's just that everything is gone and never returned!

well!Sighing softly, Hou Yi took his mind back and looked at the twelve figures seriously. When he looked at the first ten figures, his brows were calm and smiling, but when it came to No.11 and the second figure, he frowned.

Hou Yi pointed to the banners of Houtu and Xuanming, and said, "What's going on?"

Wu Gang glanced at him, then turned his eyes to the twelve banners in the center of the field, and explained: "The mentor once said that the Wu clan is a peculiar race. Guarding the world. It can be said that they are the incarnations of Pangu. The twelve ancestor witches died one by one during the Lich War and merged into the earth. Let them come down to heaven and earth again to protect the witch clan. But..." he said, pointing to Houtu, "but the ancestor witch of Houtu and the ancestor witch of Xuanming are not dead. The ancestor witch of Xuanming was sealed in the netherworld, the ancestor of Houtu The witch turned into the Pingxin Empress, but her origin has not changed. Therefore, the ancestor witch flag cannot summon the will of the two, and naturally it cannot activate the image on the banner."

Hou Yi nodded, he also thought of this, he just wanted to get Wu Gang's confirmation, and this was not what he was worried about.He looked at Wu Gang again, and asked seriously: "Then our formation..."

"Don't worry about the formation!" Wu Gang waved his hand, took two steps forward, and slowly raised his body.look at his feet.But he stepped onto a stone platform, which was blue in color and engraved with mysterious patterns, but where Wu Gang was standing was two deep footprints, his feet just fit into it. "Du Tian Shen Sha's Great Formation is a supreme formation that can summon Pan Gu's real body. With our strength, we can't bear Pan Gu's power at all. Even if we succeed in summoning, we will die without a place to die. Therefore, the master arranged The formation method is only to summon the twelve ancestor witches. But just in case, the mentor also left behind."

After that, he moved his feet, and the stone platform started to run automatically. For a while, there was a rattling sound from the mountainside, and the turbid and evil energy that was full of it was slowly absorbed by the stone platform.

When Wu Gang was in the middle of the twelve ancestral witch banners moving together with the stone platform, inexplicable brilliance scattered from the stone platform and converged into twelve rays of light.Reflected on the twelve ancestral witch banners.

"Couple!" Wu Gang let out a low voice, his mana fully mobilized.The nameless suction is emitted from the stone platform, extending from the light to the twelve ancestral witch banners.With a few swishes, the twelve ancestral witch banners were pulled into the edge of the stone platform by the the same time.Twelve grooves appeared under the stone platform, and the ancestral witch's flag was inserted into them at the right time, enclosing Wu Gang.

He stood inside, his figure completely obscured.The voice came out slowly: "This is the last layer that the teacher made for the formation. This layer is set up just in case. When this layer of formation is activated, the gathered power of the twelve ancestral witch flags will The bluestone platform will be added. And the people on the platform will join forces with the bluestone platform, in order to temporarily gain the power of the quasi-sage."

Hou Yi frowned when he heard the words, and said directly: "This floor is very dangerous!"

Wu Gang fell silent, there was no sound in the cave, it was terribly suppressed.After a long time, Wu just opened his mouth, and the voice came out again, and he said quietly: "That's right! This Zeng formation is a way to hurt both sides. With the turbidity and evil energy gathered for tens of thousands of years, an extremely powerful attack will be launched, so as to hurt both sides." .As a person who bears it, he will die directly if he is serious, and there will be extremely serious side effects if it is not good. If one is not good, the original source will be destroyed. However, this Zeng formation also has an advantage... If you can persist, your strength must be great If he advances, he may even become a new ancestral witch."

New Zuwu!

Four words, every word knocked on the tip of Houyi's heart.He understands the importance of Zuwu to the Wu clan too well.Although the current witch clan still has Xuan Ming, Xuan Ming has been sealed, and Xuan Ming is not allowed to leave Nether at all.In this way, Xuan Ming's role is only to ensure that the Wu Clan is not exterminated, and there is nothing else that can be done.If the Wu clan has a new ancestor witch, then...

For a moment, Hou Yi's thoughts raced, and he thought of traveling in the Great Desolate Continent these years, and looking at those sects, which ones have not become stronger because of the quasi-sage.This is a good time, really a good time, if the Wu Clan has quasi-sages, they can rise again, at least not worse than the Yao Clan.If you want to take Yaozu, don't you just have a Kunpeng?If there were ancestral witches in his witch clan and he wasn't afraid of Kunpeng, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome now.

The more he thought about it, the more Houyi became firmer in his thoughts, and his eyes on Qingshitai became more intense.Inside, Wu Gang seemed to have sensed Hou Yi's thoughts, and said coldly: "Hou Yi, you'd better not think about this bluestone platform. Do you know that every time this bluestone platform is activated, it takes hundreds of thousands of years It can only be launched a second time, and in this way, the success rate is too low, if one is not good, all the great witches in the Wu Clan will be killed or injured, which the Wu Clan cannot afford."

Wu Gang's words were like a basin of ice water in the cold winter, and Hou Yi was shocked.He was covered in cold sweat, the back of his clothes was wet, and his face was terribly pale.

Just now, he had a good idea in his mind, but the implementation process was definitely not good. If they failed to succeed once, then the Wu Clan... Thinking of the terrible consequences, Hou Yi's face became even more ugly.

He knew that he was eager for quick success.In terms of the development of his shaman clan, it is impossible that new ancestral shamans will not be born in the future.I was dazzled by the performance of the Yaozu recently, and I also wanted to revive the Wuzu quickly.

Secretly calming down his turbulent heart, Hou Yi thanked Wu Gang, "Thank you brother Wu Gang, if you hadn't reminded me, Hou Yi might have made a big mistake."

Kaka... When Houyi was speaking, the bluestone platform turned again, the twelve ancestral witch banners returned to their original positions, and Wu Gang's figure was also revealed.He walked down the blue stone platform slowly, and said: "You're welcome, everyone is from the same clan."

Yes, family!

Hou Yi looked at Wu Gang's back, and the image of Xing Tian became clearer in his mind.In his heart, he couldn't help but compare Wu Gang at this time with Xing Tian in the past.He found that these two people were too similar!

Regardless of whether you are Xing Tian or Wu Gang, you are a good son of my Wu clan!

Hou Yi clenched his fist vigorously, his heart became hot. (To be continued..)

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