Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

144 Buddhism moves Styx and the river retreats

The appearance of quasi-sages one after another made the uncontrollable Honghuang strangely calm down.No matter what others say, judging from the current situation, a war cannot break out.However, the danger in it also makes people vigilant. Whoever relaxes will be trampled on the ground and severely humiliated.

In the Western Paradise, Jieyin and Zhunti recruited the pharmacist and the second holy Maitreya who had just become quasi-sages.Of the five quasi-sages of Buddhism, only these two were born by the two saints, so they are naturally closer, and there are some things, it is best to tell these two first.

During the Sanskrit chanting, Jieyin stopped the hand that was pushing the beads, he opened his eyes, and looked at Zhunti next to him.Zhun asked the pharmacist and Maitreya: "You two have also become quasi-sages, what do you think of the current situation in the East?"

The two met each other, and Maitreya laughed, and made a gesture of invitation to the pharmacist.The pharmacist got up, bowed and saluted, and said: "Returning to the two respected masters, this disciple thinks that although the East is temporarily calm, a great war will break out sooner or later. But what makes me undecided is who will detonate the war and how will it be detonated?"

"Good!" Maitreya answered and said, "This is also my disciple's intention."

Zhunti smiled slightly and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

"The two disciples think that they should take the initiative." Medicine Master and Maitreya said in unison.

"Haha..." Zhunti laughed, showing satisfaction and admiration on his face, and the same was true for the reception.Zhunti said: "What you two said is right, it fits my brother and I's opinion very well. Then, do you two have a solution in your mind?"

This time the pharmacist asked Maitreya to do something, and Maitreya stepped forward, bowed and said: "The two disciples think that our Buddhism should make friends with the teaching, resolve the grievances with the teaching, and divert the attention of the teaching. They always stare at my Buddhism. In addition, the two disciples thought that the river Styx can move on the mainland."

Two simple words expressed the strategy he and the pharmacist had in mind, and they were also very satisfied with the introduction and appointment.These two disciples are worthy of being their personal disciples, and they really fit their wishes very well, and their ideas are no different.

In today's mainland, the real danger is Buddhism.Because Buddhism is completely surrounded by teaching.Although, with the strength of Buddhism, he is not afraid of teaching, but now that teaching has three quasi-sages, who knows when other disciples will break through, if they also break through one after another, it will be for Buddhism.Definitely a deadly threat.Therefore, this threat must be removed as soon as possible.

The solution is actually very simple, that is to give up some territory, resolve the grievances of the interpretation, and break away from the encirclement of the interpretation.But the step of mobilizing the Styx relied on the powerful power of Buddhism to drive him back to the sea of ​​blood.In this way, the Asura Kingdom has become a land of Buddhism, and the lost territory of teaching can also be made gossip of the following disciples will also be less.

From this point of view, the two of them thought very carefully, and they were very satisfied with the introduction and appointment, but there was one thing they thought was wrong.That is the retreat of Buddhism, which should not be done like this.

Buddhism should indeed retreat to resolve the grievances of elucidating teachings.But as the two of them thought, most of them gave up the teaching site.That's not okay.In that case, Buddhism will only temporarily withdraw from the place of elucidation, and elucidation may not be at ease.And they're gone.It is still close to the education, and the education always carries a worry.This is not a good way.The best way is to let the two have a common enemy and share the pressure with each other.

This enemy, the two also thought of it, is Hong Yun's demon sect.

The Devil's Cult is definitely not liked by Chanjiao. In the place where they are close to each other, the two sides also have a little friction, but they are restrained by Hongyun, and the two sides have never fought.If Buddhism gives up some territory, and then opens up the place of the Demon Sect, and is adjacent to Chanjiao and the Demon Sect, then the resentment of Chanjiao towards Buddhism will be transferred a lot, and even because they are worried that the two parties will merge, they will not dare to act rashly, so as to win over Buddhism.

As long as the two parties converge, all causes and effects can be resolved naturally.At that time, if Buddhism makes another two steps, then the two sides will still be friends.

After the four-person plan was agreed upon, Maitreya and the pharmacist went to Lingshan to convey the will of the two sages, and Duobao Tathagata Buddha could not deny it after receiving it.He didn't object, nor did he say he agreed, he just said he would do it.

In Buddhism, Duobao's prestige is absolutely no problem. His current status as a Buddha makes him the leader of Western Buddhism, but in some matters, Duobao has to obey the wishes of the two saints.If he wants to stand on his own, it is simply impossible.Moreover, Duobao joined Buddhism because he was not self-reliant, otherwise he would have joined in the past?All he needs is the great luck of Buddhism.Therefore, as long as it is against Buddhism, Duobao Tathagata will not stop it.

It was the same this time. After understanding what Er Sheng meant, he immediately arranged for someone to do it.Soon after, the Buddhist disciples met with the disciples of Chanjiao to discuss the situation of each center.In order to show sincerity, Buddhism gave up part of the territory before the negotiation.

With the deepening of the negotiation, the tacit understanding between the two parties is getting higher and higher. Buddhism aims to connect its own territory, and gives up the redundant territory little by little in exchange for a small and remote territory with little teaching.

In the end, Buddhism gave up about one-third of its territory, and gained less than one-third and a half of its territory from Chanjiao. adjacent.

In this way, Chanjiao, Buddhism, and Devil's Cult are adjacent to each other, forming a tripartite rivalry of the Three Kingdoms.

This kind of change naturally attracts the attention of the prehistoric people. Some smart ones thought of the possible purpose of the two religions shortly after they moved. Just look at Styx. This guy knows when he sees the movements of Buddhism, his own Asura The country may be in danger.

In the past, his Asura Kingdom was able to gain a foothold because the mainland was too chaotic, which attracted the attention of several major sects. Although the mainland is still in chaos, the power of several major sects has been greatly enhanced. They have the ability to guard against other sects. , Take action against Asura Kingdom.And looking at the two religions facing the Asura Kingdom, elucidation and Buddhism, these are both powerful sects, not to mention the two religions fighting together, even if one of them fights, Styx can't resist it on the mainland!

Thinking of the current situation, Styx could only smile wryly.Fortunately, his religious lineage is not limited to the mainland. In the East China Sea, his sect also has a lineage.This extra orthodoxy is the extra luck, which made Styx very satisfied with the random step at the beginning.

"That's all! When you retreat, retreat!" Sighing, Styx of the blood sea ordered the Asura tribe in Asura to lead the elites of various ministries to withdraw from Asura and vacate the territory.

Styx moved very quickly, and his retreat was beyond many people's expectations, but those who understood Styx felt that he was in a state of beauty.

In the hearts of these older generations, cherishing life is second only to seeking Tao, without exception.A conflict with the teachings and Buddhism will definitely lead to a big war. At that time, Styx will at least face three quasi-sages. If the two religions go together, no matter how strong Styx is, he will not be able to stop him.

In this case, retreating is the best choice.It's just that Styx's retreat was not that simple. Before he retreated, he let Asura provoke Chanjiao, and his retreat seemed to be beaten by Chanjiao.

In this way, Chanjiao entered the Asura Kingdom first, and took advantage of the retreat of the Styx to occupy a large amount of territory in one fell swoop.

This situation caught the Buddhist side by surprise, but thinking of the strategy of making friends with Chanjiao, Duobao Tathagata resisted the urge to snatch the territory, and directly ordered Buddhist disciples to give up all but some border areas to Chanjiao.

Their concession made Chanjiao feel relieved, and Guangchengzi and others began to think about Buddhism again.It can be said that Duobao's move really opened up the way of communication between the two religions. If the two religions really cooperate in the future, Duobao's move will definitely make the first contribution.

In the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were sitting opposite each other, both of them looked a little unhappy.Styx thought of possible strategies for Buddhism and elucidation, and the two of them naturally thought of it too, especially the step of bordering on the Devil's Cult, which made Hong Yun very embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have to worry too much. Buddhism has always owed you great karma, even if they really deal with your demon religion, they must carefully consider it." Zhen Yuanzi comforted, but his comfort could not make Hong Yun peace of mind.

What Hong Yun was worried about was not only the Buddhists' attack on the Demon Cult, but also the development of his own Demon Cult.

Hongyun had expected the reaction to Buddhism and didn't care, but what about the development of the Devil's Cult?His step to the south is very beautiful, but after that?Judging from the current situation, the Devil's Cult seems to be blocked, it is blocked there, and it is impossible to continue to expand its territory.

A strength that cannot be expanded will be peaceful, and after a long period of tranquility, it will decline.As the master of the Demonic Way, Hong Yun naturally had to worry about the Demonic Cult.It's just that this kind of worry is not enough for outsiders.Moreover, there is a faint worry in Hong Yun's heart, that is, he is afraid of explaining the teachings to deal with Zhen Yuanzi.At that time, Buddhism will involve him, and he will go all out to deal with Zhen Yuanzi, and Zhen Yuanzi will definitely not be able to resist.

As for Buddhism, Zhenyuanzi can also be used to make up for the karma they owe.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to talk more with Zhen Yuanzi.The two are old friends, and Hongyun is very grateful to Yuanzi Zhen.He is now thinking more about the magic way, hoping to help Zhen Yuanzi disperse the pressure from the breakthrough of the magic way, and attract everyone's attention.

In this way, Zhen Yuanzi will be safe. (to be continued..)

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