Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

145 Reshaping the body of the prehistoric rookie

The prehistoric situation is unpredictable, and in the chaos, the small worlds are calm and slowly developing.Here, there seems to be nothing worthy of attention. Even if there is, it is just Lin Heng's small world, but it will take time, at least for now, no one will go back to pay attention.

However, compared to the calmness of other saints, Lin Heng was not at all calm.

He can have the current peace, in essence, it is the six black holes of reincarnation.If it weren't for them, Lin Heng would still be just an ordinary nerd on the earth, and now maybe because of his old age, he would not be the same as he is now, a high-ranking saint.

After being sanctified, Lin Heng stabilized his realm, and immediately thought of this black hole of reincarnation.

When he broke through to the late stage of quasi-sage, the upper and lower black holes merged into one. After he became a saint, the two overlapping black holes were completely merged into one and no longer separated from each other.The black hole is still the same black hole, but...

In the main hall, Lin Heng sat cross-legged on the high platform in the middle, and in front of him, there was a black stone plate floating.The stone plate has only one layer, like a roller, the whole is pitch black, and has nothing unique about it.However, this stone plate is the black hole in Lin Hengyuan's mind.Since the six black holes were fully integrated, Lin Heng took out the black hole after trying it, and the black hole changed into what it is now, no longer in the form of a black hole.

Raising his hand, Lin Heng stroked the stone plate lightly, and it felt like touching white jade, cool and comfortable.As his hand turned around, the stone plate was as smooth as a mirror, without any patterned characters. It seemed that he was just such a stone plate, without any characteristics.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Heng didn't know how to activate the black stone disk.In the past, when he drilled black holes, there were entrances, but this stone plate is perfectly round, how can he drill it?And when mana was input into it, Shipan didn't respond at all, it just kept absorbing his mana, which made Lin Heng very helpless.He thought about it too.Could it be that the treasure lacked energy, but when he poured the mana in his body into it, he immediately gave up this idea.

The stone plate swallowed all the magic power of a saint, but it still didn't respond at all, and didn't even radiate any light.At this point, don't say that you don't have enough mana, that's nonsense!

'Where is our connection? Lin Heng gritted his molars, suffering from a headache.

Staring at the stone plate, Lin Heng experimented again and again.Failed again and again.Finally, after an unknown number of times, he succeeded.When he used the six laws represented by the black hole one by one and drove them into the stone plate, the stone plate finally responded, and endless black light enveloped Lin Heng in an instant, not even giving the great sage Lin a reaction.


A scream came from Lin Heng's mouth, seeing that his body was slowly melting under the black light.It made him miserable.He tried to arouse the mana in his body, but under the black light, the mana was evaporated in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

'What the hell is this thing? 'Lin Heng endured the pain.I was terrified.

He is a saint!Prehistoric supreme existence!But now, under the light radiating from the black stone plate, he has no strength to resist at all, and can only watch his body slowly melt.

There is no way!There is really no way!

Lin Heng tried his own methods one by one.But the black light never receded, and he couldn't escape the black light, he could only suffer in it.finally.Lin Heng's body completely melted, turning into a bend of clear water, and where he sat, only his primordial spirit phantom remained.This is not his real soul, but only a part of it. His real soul has long been entrusted to the Dao of Heaven.

It can be said that even if this primordial spirit is wiped out, he will not die.But the feeling of dying once is really uncomfortable!

Watching the black light shine on Yuanshen's body, Lin Heng's eyes widened in surprise with a gentle feeling. 'what happened?How is this going? 'Two completely different feelings.When the black light shone on his body, Lin Heng in pain couldn't help making a sound; when the black light shone on his soul, he moaned softly in comfort.What's the matter?

In his eyes, the black brilliance became softer, and the liquid body was slowly sucked into the black light, and flowed into the phantom of the primordial spirit along the black light, attaching to the body surface.

It seemed that in just a split second, the body that had turned into liquid was reborn again, and the black light from the stone plate disappeared without a trace.

"Recasting the body...this..." For a while, Lin Heng didn't know what to say.With his ability, he can naturally recast his body, and the body that can be recast cannot exceed the range of his strength.Now, his physical body is much stronger, but Lin Heng doesn't think he is beyond his ability, but there is a very strange feeling that has been lingering in Lin Heng's heart, which makes him feel inexplicable.

It seems that there is some mystery in this recast body, which needs to be explored by oneself.

Kaka... Just as Lin Heng was in a trance, a broken sound suddenly sounded in his ear.He looked up and looked at the stone plate floating in front of him in surprise.

The black stone plate had already lost its color and turned into an ordinary earthy color.On the stone plate, cracks were born, and the cracks were slowly expanding with the sound of cracking. After a while, the cobweb-like cracks covered the stone plate, and with the final "click", the entire stone plate It shattered, turned into sand, and fell to the ground.

Lin Heng leaned over, grabbed a handful of sand, and found that there was no power in it. It seemed that the energy of the stone plate was completely exhausted during the reshaping of the body just now.And Shipan, who had exhausted his energy, also completed his mission and returned to heaven and earth.

"So, the energy of the stone plate has completely integrated into my body." Lin Heng muttered softly to himself, with excitement in his expression.

This stone plate is mysterious enough, and mystery generally represents strength. If its energy is completely poured into him, then... the more he thinks about it, the happier Lin Heng will be.After a long time, he regained his composure and closed his eyes to examine his body.

The new body seemed to be no different from the old one, but when Lin Heng used his mana to move around his body, a special energy would emerge from his body.This energy came so suddenly that people couldn't figure it out, and it went away very strangely, so Lin Heng couldn't catch the slightest trace.Obviously, it was in his body, but Lin Heng couldn't grasp it.

After experimenting many times, Lin Heng finally got something.He discovered that his mana would be affected by this special energy, making it more pure and easier to manipulate.

This seems to be an energy that surpasses the power of chaos!

Just when Lin Heng was studying his new body, Hong Huang had a rookie, a rookie with outstanding talent.The most important thing is that this person is not a native of the wilderness, but from an extraterrestrial starry sky.

To put it simply, he is a life from a galaxy!

Since the birth of the galaxy, it has developed there for countless years. Many beings from the galaxy left the starry sky through cultivation, were introduced into the prehistoric world, and joined their respective sects.But there is one galaxy that is quite exceptional, and that is the galaxy where Lin Heng is located.His galaxy.Up to now, no one has successfully escaped from the shackles of the galaxy and ascended to the prehistoric world.

As for the reason, it is very simple. Lin Heng only passed down simple cultivation, and what he left behind was only the scene of preaching, that is, nature.Whether they can realize it or not depends on themselves.

At the beginning, they couldn't comprehend it, because these worldly desires were too heavy.Just like a modern person who suddenly got the energy to destroy the world, what he thought of was not to pursue a higher realm, but to dominate the world.Sitting above ten thousand people.

This is brought about by the society, and it cannot be changed by cultivation. Only as the cultivation base is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the higher realm is awe-inspiring.They will put cultivation first.

Today, the first ascension person finally appeared in a world similar to the previous earth. This person is called Zhang Sanfeng!

That's right.It is Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng!

Since one of Lin Heng's galaxies is similar to the earth, there is naturally Zhang Sanfeng.He is an alternative in Lin Heng's world. He is different from ordinary Taoists. He does not take the road of alchemy, but takes the road of martial arts. This makes his body extremely strong, and he lived for nearly 200 years when he was famous.When he was about to die, Lin Heng's future avatar gave him a chance, and frozen his body until the practice of cultivation flourished in the world, Zhang Sanfeng's ice seal broke up, and he returned to the world , There is also a simple method of cultivation in my mind.

Relying on this exercise, relying on the energy absorbed over the years, Zhang Sanfeng shocked the world as soon as he was born.He cultivated from scratch, and in less than 30 years, he stood at the peak of the world at that time.Another 20 years later, Zhang Sanfeng further perfected his Taijiquan, combined with the exercises, and initially realized the way of Taiji Yin and Yang, broke the limit of the human realm at that time, and entered a higher realm.

This time, Zhang Sanfeng became the No.1 in the world, an incomparable super master.The emergence of a new realm also made Zhang Sanfeng sure that there was a higher realm ahead, so he tirelessly pursued it.

Fifty years later, Zhang Sanfeng broke through again. When he broke through, a beam of auspicious light suddenly descended from the sky, covering Zhang Sanfeng's whole body, and an illusory continent appeared in front of him.

Amidst the loud laughter, Zhang Sanfeng went straight into the clouds in front of countless people, went deep into the depths of the sun, and disappeared.

Since his occurrence, word of immortality spread on the planet immediately, driving the monks on the entire planet crazy.Cultivation became their belief for the first time, and Zhang Sanfeng was also established on the top of Mount Tai, becoming No. 1 in the cultivation world.

The guiding light was naturally created by Lin Heng and others.Every cultivator who has become an immortal will be guided by the guiding light, and will instantly appear in his own school through the way of space transmission.

Zhang Sanfeng appeared next to the Spirit Juling Pond on Hongta Mountain after hiding in the guiding light.

This place is still the same as in the past, the difference is that there is an additional wooden house on the side, and a seven or eight-year-old fairy boy lives here, taking care of the flowers, plants and trees in the back, teasing the rare cranes, and when there is something to do, he is responsible for guiding the planet Ascension man.It's just that in these years, this fairy boy has never seen anyone who ascended.

One day, when he was playing, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring him so much that he sat down on the ground.When he saw that the newly appeared old man was just a little Sanxian, he immediately got up and said angrily: "What a big Sanxian, dare to break into my Hongta Mountain, don't you want to live?"

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned, his eyes widened, and when he looked at the little boy, there was a hint of shock in his pupils.Because in his eyes, this little child has the momentum like a mountain.In front of him, he was like an insignificant person, vulnerable to a single blow.

'A child has such a terrible cultivation.Immortal World, is this Immortal World? Zhang Sanfeng exhaled anxiously, panting slightly, blushing. (To be continued..)

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