Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

146 Cultivating Immortals and Asking Heavenly Wizards

Beside Juling Pond, the boy looked at Zhang Sanfeng who suddenly appeared with a look of shock and anger, and Zhang Sanfeng was also horrified by the boy's cultivation, his heart was so emotional that he couldn't speak.

It seemed that the two just stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Finally, Zhang Sanfeng turned around. Seeing the boy's angry expression, he immediately gave a slight salute, and said, "Zhang Sanfeng has met the senior in the fairy world! Please forgive me. Zhang Sanfeng is the one who just ascended..."

Speaking of this, the boy showed surprise, he interrupted Zhang Sanfeng, and asked in surprise: "Wait, you said you are a person who ascended?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and confirmed again: "That's right, Zhang Sanfeng is the one who ascended."

Hearing this, the boy's expression was even more strange, he walked around Zhang Sanfeng in small steps, his eyes were very strange, and Zhang Sanfeng looked puzzled and strange, as if this boy had some bad hobby.

With a snap, the boy clapped his hands together, which startled Zhang Sanfeng, and what he said next made Zhang Sanfeng even more at a loss.

"Haha... After waiting for so many years, finally there is someone who ascends, I don't have to be too boring, it's really great." The boy was very happy.Since he took this task, he has been holding back here, really bored.Now, they finally have someone who ascends, and it's great to have one more person to accompany them to relieve boredom!

Zhang Sanfeng settled down, and asked cautiously: "Xiantong, what mystery did you just say?"

"Xuan Ao? What Xuan Ao?" The boy opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhang Sanfeng innocently.Suddenly, his eyes blinked, and a wave of spiritual power instantly filled Zhang Sanfeng's surroundings.

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, just about to use his mana to resist, but found that his primordial spirit was imprisoned.He was even more horrified, this boy's cultivation is really unfathomable, but is it that I, Zhang Sanfeng, will die here just after ascending?

While struggling, Zhang Sanfeng passed out.The boy smiled, took out a precious mirror, and took a picture of Zhang Sanfeng, and the images of his life began to flash in the mirror.

The boy opened his eyes wide, looking at Zhang Sanfeng's experience with curiosity, just like watching a movie or TV, he found it very exciting.Look at him, and mutter while watching: "That kid is not a good person, beat him, beat him... oh, oh, it's the way of yin-yang and taiji, this kid is really smart, he can realize such a way from nature... ..."

In the mirror, Zhang Sanfeng's life passed quickly, the speed was too fast, and the boy was not satisfied watching it.He didn't care about Zhang Sanfeng at the side, and with a little trick, everything about Zhang Sanfeng in the mirror started to play back again.The boy had no idea.After the first round, Zhang Sanfeng faintly woke up.It's just that he didn't dare to move, for fear of disturbing the boy.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Sanfeng quietly opened his eyes.He took a look.Then he found that the boy was facing away from him, holding a mirror, muttering and shouting non-stop.Zhang Sanfeng was also curious, he glanced at it.This glance startled him, for what was shown in the mirror was actually his whole life.


Zhang Sanfeng's fluctuating breath startled the boy, and he put the mirror away.Turning around quickly, he happened to meet Zhang Sanfeng's wide-open eyes.He said viciously, "You didn't see anything just now, did you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly, nodded and said: "Xiantong, don't play tricks on me like this."

Xiantong sneered, and said: "I can't help it. I've been here for so many years, it's really boring. Fortunately, you are here today, and you will be here to play with me from now on." Saying this, Xiantong got up bouncing , he stretched out his hand to make a move, and suddenly a fairy deer galloped towards him, holding two green fresh fruits in his mouth.After Xiantong took it, he swallowed it into his stomach.

Although he had never tasted it, Zhang Sanfeng was so envious of the spiritual power exuded by the fresh fruit, all his miscellaneous thoughts were thrown aside, and he stared blankly at the fresh and tender fruit.

Xiantong noticed his gaze and said: "Boy, you don't need to look at it. This fruit is my snack and I can't give it to you." With a smile, Xiantong said again: "However, if you promise me one condition , I'll give you one, how about it?"

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned, and said: "Please also ask the fairy boy's famous words, only Sanfeng can do what he can, and he will definitely not refuse."

"You play with me here, and you can leave only after the next Ascended Person arrives. How about it?" As soon as Xiantong's words came out, Zhang Sanfeng was forced.He is very curious about the fairy world, so he naturally wants to go out and take a look. If he stays here, wouldn't it be a waste of time?But after thinking about it, Zhang Sanfeng felt that it was nothing to stay here for a while, after all, he could also learn about the fairy world from Xiantong.

It's good to have a systematic understanding first, and then go out to have a look!

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng nodded, Xiantong was very happy, and threw the fairy fruit into Zhang Sanfeng's hands.Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect this little fairy boy to be so happy.Holding the fairy fruit, he couldn't help but whet his appetite when he saw the vivid appearance.However, when he just put the fruit to his mouth and was about to bite, the fairy boy snatched the fruit back.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Xiantong in astonishment, not understanding what he meant.

Xiantong sneered, and said rather embarrassedly: "The aura of this fruit is too strong, I'm afraid you can't bear it with your current body. Look at me, I was too busy chatting with you just now, and forgot the most important thing. You follow me!"

Standing up, Zhang Sanfeng followed behind Xiantong's butt, passed through the wooden house, and came to the back.Zhang Sanfeng raised his eyes and found that there was only one pool here, and the pool was filled with clear water.Before Zhang Sanfeng could react, Xiantong pointed to the Juling Pond and said, "This is the Juling Pond, which is a treasure for improving physical fitness. Everyone in the pool is transformed by innate aura. Now, you go in."

The pool water transformed by innate aura!

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened, full of shock.In the galaxy, there is no shortage of innate spiritual energy, but Zhang Sanfeng has never seen such a rich innate spiritual energy, let alone using this spiritual water to improve his physique, how much spiritual water is needed.

Immortal world, really rich and powerful!

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Sanfeng didn't hesitate, and walked quickly like in a pool of water.As soon as he stepped inside, the rich aura instantly filled his whole body, Zhang Sanfeng moaned restrainedly, his face flushed.

Cool!This feeling is so cool!

Unfortunately, his comfort only lasted for a while, and he couldn't help frowning, and let out a muffled grunt.The severe pain distorted his face.

'The spiritual energy here is too strong, but the spiritual energy entering the body is forcibly changing one's body... no.Take control of these energies and make them work for you. 'Zhang Sanfeng gritted his teeth and circulated his mana, in order to drive the innate aura that entered his body, and stop letting them wreak havoc.It's just that the innate aura in this gathering pool is too strong, Zhang Sanfeng can't control it at all, and can only let this painful transformation continue.

Fortunately, the transformation of Juling Pool has not always been painful.After going through the first round of pain, Zhang Sanfeng's body returned to its youthful appearance, and his body also initially adapted to the transformation of innate spiritual energy, greatly reducing the pain.actually.The congenital aura was relieved, and the speed of entering Zhang Sanfeng's body was greatly reduced.When Zhang Sanfeng saw it, he immediately used his own mana to refine the spiritual energy in his body, slowly mobilized the spiritual energy, and flew around in his body to nourish his body.

After such a continuous period of time, the aura in the Juling Pond rioted again and ravaged Zhang Sanfeng's body. The more painful feeling than before made Zhang Sanfeng's head go black.Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and held back.

At this moment, although he couldn't control the aura in his body, he could watch them destroy his body little by little, and then reshape his body little by little.This kind of robbery of destruction and rebirth is a manifestation of Tao.Watching from a close distance is also a kind of enlightenment!

And Zhang Sanfeng is worthy of being Zhang Sanfeng, under this kind of severe pain, he fell into samadhi.He doesn't care about the pain in his body.He just focused on observing the changes in his body, and every bit of insight from the past came to his mind, which gave him a lot of insight.

Beside Juling Pool.Looking at Zhang Sanfeng, who was in samadhi, the fairy boy was surprised, and said: "This ascended person is so powerful, can he enter samadhi in the spirit gathering pool?" His tone was full of shock.

After being here for so many years, there are quite a few people who have entered the Juling Pool, but not many who can enter meditation like Zhang Sanfeng. Those people are all genius disciples of the Hongta Mountain lineage.These people can enter meditation, and Xiantong is mentally prepared. After all, everyone is extraordinary, but this Sanfeng, an ordinary Sanxian, can do it, which can't help but shock people!

When Xiantong was shocked, Zhang Sanfeng's trance did not last long.Because when he entered meditation, the second wave of body transformation was completed very quickly, and then his adaptation training also passed quietly, and the third wave of transformation also came in time.This time, it was more painful, the pain penetrated to the bone marrow, and suddenly awakened Zhang Sanfeng who was in samadhi.He could no longer maintain the state of sedation, his whole face was distorted, and he held back in the spirit gathering pool to prevent himself from passing out.

After the body transformation this time was completed, the spiritual water in Juling Pond completely returned to calm, and Zhang Sanfeng also heaved a sigh of relief.He persisted!Feeling the changes in his body, he was a little overwhelmed by the powerful force.He couldn't believe that his body could be so strong.However, before he could examine it carefully, the mental power he had just consumed blindfolded him, and he passed out.

When Zhang Sanfeng woke up, he was already in Xiantong's wooden house.When he opened his eyes, what he saw was this simple and elegant wooden house layout, and Xiantong was not in the house.

Sitting up, Zhang Sanfeng quickly walked out of the wooden house, but found that there was no one around, only those fairy birds were lazily basking in the sun.

After walking around, Zhang Sanfeng found that it was a valley, the scenery in the valley was good, there were many fairy fruits and spiritual roots, most of the things Zhang Sanfeng had never seen before.

Faced with such a precious land, Zhang Sanfeng was very moved, and sometimes couldn't help reaching out to pick those spiritual fruits, but in the end, he endured it.Here, there must be a master, why don't you ask yourself?

Turning around quickly, Zhang Sanfeng used samadhi to suppress his desire, but this time he found that he seemed to have broken through the realm of Sanxian and entered a new realm.Zhang Sanfeng didn't know why, but he didn't go deep into it.He knows that it is useless to think about it without anyone teaching it.With that time, it is better to get familiar with your new body and understand the natural way.

Unbeknownst to Zhang Sanfeng, he came here alone during his drowsiness.This person is Lin Heng's third disciple, Di Lu. His mission in Hongta Mountain is to investigate the ascension people, and recruit good-natured people into his sect.

Checking memory is the first inspection, the most authentic inspection!Zhang Sanfeng was qualified, so he was eligible to enter Juling Pool for body transformation.Otherwise, you will just be thrown out of Hongta Mountain, and you will be left to fend for yourself.

The second investigation is the temptation of spiritual objects just now.Zhang Sanfeng also qualified.In this way, he has the qualifications to enter the Hongta Mountain lineage.

There is also a third inspection, this inspection is not important, it is just to look at the qualifications, if you pass it again, you can become a core disciple of the Hongta Mountain lineage, if you are liked by Di Lu, you may still be accepted as a disciple.

What Zhang Sanfeng is doing now is the third inspection, which is the cultivation after the body is transformed.At this time of cultivation, there will definitely be a leap in cultivation, but where the leap can be made depends on the person's aptitude and perception.

What is Zhang Sanfeng's qualifications and understanding?Absolutely not bad.

After coming out of the Spirit Juling Pond, Zhang Sanfeng has the cultivation base of a Profound Immortal. He has been in meditation for 300 years in front of the wooden house, and he broke through the Profound Immortal and entered the Realm of a True Immortal in one fell swoop.Such a fast breakthrough speed, such savvy and comprehension, even Di Lu was slightly startled, and couldn't help admiring: "Heaven is a genius!" (To be continued...)

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