Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

151 The Noisy and Unexpected Guest

Lin Heng's leisure can't represent all saints, you just say that the few ideas he came up with have changed Honghuang, they are definitely great, intense, and shocking!In modern terms, Lin Heng has always been in the undercurrent of fashion, and can only be imitated, never surpassed.

This time, too!

Markets and bazaars appeared first. After receiving Lin Heng's order, Di Lu immediately started to do so.In the area of ​​Hongta Mountain, he selected several open and scenic places, and gathered the scattered markets in the past to form a large market.Afterwards, Di Lu set up the first auction house himself, and created the first auction house in the name of Hongta Mountain.

On the opening day of the market, the auction house became the main force. Those masters might not like the things that Di Lu produced, but those who were not strong enough competed one by one, which made the Hongtashan market famous.

As soon as this market appeared, it was shocked twice in the wild.Because this is the first big market in Honghuang, the market for all the people in the city.Not to mention everything here, but you can buy most of the things related to cultivation.

Magic weapons, elixir, various materials, and even exercises, as long as you have money and things to exchange, you can get what you want in the market.This has never happened before in the prehistoric world, so the shock of the appearance of this new thing lasts for a long time.

The emergence of the market has caused people to come and go in the Hongta Mountain lineage, and a large number of outside monks poured in here, not to mention casual monks, even those monks from sects, all came in groups of three or four.

With their publicity, the market of Lin Heng Hongta Mountain lineage naturally spread all over Honghuang very quickly, and Dilu also took advantage of the trend, launching several markets one after another, filling the entire Hongtashan lineage, and publicly announced that, These places are open to everyone, and no fighting of any kind is allowed in the market city.

Big powers such as Chanjiao, Renjiao, Buddhism, Demon Sect, Zhenyuanzi, Yaozu, Wuzu, etc. have seen the strong flow of people and utility brought by the market.One by one is also thinking about building a market.Just as they were preparing, Lin Heng's second ax appeared, but his second ax was not cut outside, but inside Hongta Mountain.

That is, the appearance of the Montblanc Tower!

As soon as this chance reward appeared, all the disciples of the Hongtashan lineage went crazy, and those monks who did not join the Hongtashan lineage could only watch with envy and hatred.Luckily, casual cultivators said that they had a chance to enter the Hongta Mountain lineage, because just after the Myriad Treasures Pagoda appeared, Jin Chengcheng announced that Hongta Mountain would recruit new disciples.And the new disciple can be anyone without sect, the premise is that you pass the test of Hongta Mountain.

This announcement also showed the difference of the Hongtashan line once again, because it was the first time he said that he could massively include casual cultivators.This is not the case in other sects.

Soon, the heart-refining road appeared in the Hongta Mountain range, and the upper mountain range was the heart-refining road refined by Lin Heng.As long as you can pass the requirements of Hongta Mountain, you can enter the range of Hongta Mountain.Become a disciple of Hongtashan.

For a while, most of the casual cultivators in Honghuang went crazy, and the flow of people brought by the market also flooded into the road of refining the heart.This kind of change, the other big sects who saw it all frowned secretly!

In the hearts of many people.No matter how good the disciples are, there are no more disciples, but Lin Heng's action has caused a large number of people to pour into Hongta Mountain, just like Tongtian back then.But many smart people thought of it.Although this is the way to reach the sky, the way of refining the mind is obviously the way of Yuanshi.The one who feels this most deeply is the Twelve Golden Immortals who explain teaching.They also figured out their own way of refining their minds in the first place.Give the disciples a trial and test.

When a mind-training method appears, everyone will wait and see and doubt it, but Chanjiao has also created a mind-training way. Everyone can feel relieved, and those sects that react slowly have also created a mind-training way one by one.It's just that compared to Lin Heng's way of refining the mind that was open to the whole prehistoric, their way of refining the mind is only open to the disciples in the sect.But everyone knows that it won't be long before they will open up to the whole prehistoric people, and they are just waiting to see if there will be any problems with the whole prehistoric people's wanton recruitment of disciples.

It's just that they are still going on with the market.No, just after the Hongta Mountain branch announced that it would accept the first wave of casual cultivators who passed the test of refining the mind, several major sects launched their own markets accordingly.

This time, it also diverted the flow of people in Hongtashan. After all, it was a new market, and everyone wanted to see something new.There is no way to do this, and there are not many high-level executives in Hongtashan who want to stop it. For Jin Cheng, he is waiting, and when the market boom passes, he will throw the Bloody Valley of Opportunity.At that time, Honghuang will definitely set off another upsurge.

The fact is, just as Jin Cheng expected, after the market boom receded, the appearance of Blood Valley in the Valley of Chance caused an uproar in the whole prehistoric world again.This is a place of opportunity facing the whole prehistoric, which makes people crazy.

When countless casual cultivators and sect disciples rushed to Blood Valley, the major sects did not move, and they all watched coldly.Or, they were annoyed by the Hongta Mountain area.This one after another movement really made them a little bit unable to keep up with their train of thought.

Of course, they can also see the benefits, that is word of mouth!

Word of mouth is the heart of the people!With a good reputation and popular support, your sect is naturally invincible.This is the case with the current Hongtashan sect. Their continuous actions have made their reputation extremely good. Not to mention those casual cultivators who are grateful to them, but many sect monks have a good impression of the Hongtashan sect. Things, those high-level sects can only watch and continue the actions of the Hongtashan lineage, otherwise they will lose all their hearts, what is left of their sect?

The pressure from all directions calmed down the uneven prehistoric wilderness strangely, and the chaos became an internal matter of the major sects. Countless disciples expressed in the sect that they hoped that they would also build the land of chance and give prehistoric sentient beings a choice .

It was this kind of pressure that made the high-level leaders lose their confidence in foreign wars, and they had to first meet the requirements of the disciples in the sect.In this way, lands of opportunity have sprung up in the prehistoric times.This made the casual cultivators extremely happy, and at the same time made them grateful to the Hongta Mountain lineage.They are not stupid, they know that the source of all this is the Hongta Mountain lineage.

This kind of gratitude is, to a certain extent, belief and luck.

Lin Heng played these two hands beautifully. He hardly moved anything. Just by his own movements, he brought a large number of believers to the Hongta Mountain lineage.

Just when the prehistoric situation was turbulent, his peaceful little world was broken.

Lin Heng in the main hall raised his head and looked outside, frowning slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.He stretched out his hand, waved the iron, and ordered: "Go outside and welcome the Tongtian sage to come in."


Ba Tie heard the sound and walked out, but Lin Heng couldn't think about the reason why Tongtian came here.

Is it the East China Sea?

As soon as he thought about it, he took care of the world, and everything about Donghai appeared in his mind instantly.There, after years of development, it has calmed down from the chaos of war.Because Lin Heng and Minghe entered quickly, there was a place for them, and then it was cut off.Of course, there are also teachings and human teachings. After all, they sent the Eastern Prince here, so it is impossible not to leave behind the orthodoxy.

In this way, these major factions in the East China Sea were almost at odds, and the Dragon Clan was pushed back to the bottom of the sea again, not daring to show their heads easily. Among these major forces, the biggest one was the Heaven-reaching Shangqing Palace.It's just that compared with the previous Jiejiao, Shangqing Palace is not considered a top-notch strength at all, because there are no quasi-sages in their sect. If it is not supported by the saint Tongtian, I am afraid that they will not even be qualified to be compared with other sects.

In the later novels, it is said that Yun Xiao became a quasi-sage, but it is no longer possible here!It's just that Yunxiao can't do it, so why can't the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit?

You know, the Holy Mother of Guiling has always been one of the four major disciples of Jiejiao. She has the teachings of Tongtian. After so many years, she has not become a quasi-sage, which is really surprising.

Thinking about Tongtian and Shangqing Palace, Lin Heng heard a slight wind outside.He got up, put aside his miscellaneous thoughts, and walked out of the hall step by step, just in time to see Tongtian coming in outside the door.

Lin Heng smiled lightly, stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "I'm really happy to see you here, Fellow Daoist Tongtian. Please, Fellow Daoist!"

Tong Tian smiled at him, returned the gift lightly, and said, "You are too polite, fellow daoist!"

The two entered the hall one after another, Lin Heng sat on the main seat, and Tong Tian sat beside him.Looking at Tongtian who came suddenly without invitation, Lin Heng was deeply puzzled, and he asked: "I don't know why you came to me?" (To be continued...)

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