Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

152 Lin Heng's move in Tongtian Bureau

In Lin Heng's small world, he sat opposite Tong Tian. Lin Heng asked him the purpose of coming here, and Tong Tian didn't hide it. I just hope to have a good chat with the two fellow Taoists and see how the world changes."

Hearing this, Lin Heng narrowed his eyes slightly.This Tongtian is about to move.Judging from what he meant, it was obvious that he had taken a fancy to other places outside the East China Sea.The East China Sea is located between the North Sea and the South China Sea. There are monster clans and Kunpeng in the North Sea. The Heavenly Shangqing Palace probably won't touch that brow, so his eyes are on the South China Sea.

In the past, Lin Heng also analyzed the four seas. The West Sea and the North Sea are not moving. One is the place of Western Buddhism, and the other is the place of the monster Kunpeng. They are all tough bones, and it is extremely difficult to break them down.Those that can be occupied by them are the East China Sea and the South China Sea.In Lin Heng's impression, the South China Sea has Buddhist forces. He didn't want to provoke Buddhism at first, so he chose the relatively chaotic East China Sea.

He also succeeded, but the current East China Sea is not the same as it used to be. The current East China Sea power can be said to be fixed.Lin Heng's lineage, Xuehai's lineage, Tongtian's lineage, Laozi's lineage, and Yuanshi's lineage, these five lines completely divided up the islands above the East China Sea. Lin Heng and Styx are allies and help each other. Laozi and Yuanshi are one Team, advance and retreat together, Tongtian is alone, but relying on the former power and power and looking at the former disciples, they are no worse than the two groups.

However, these two groups of people are no worse than Tongtian.If Tongtian wanted to develop the Shangqing Palace and make plans in the East China Sea, it would undoubtedly be extremely difficult.He went to Qing Palace and had to go out.

But where should I go?

Continental?The current mainland is not peaceful, and there are still many variables in it. Tongtian came here today, and judging from the meaning of his words, he obviously did not choose the mainland, but chose another road, which is the South China Sea.

'Although Tongtian is not in harmony with Laozi and Yuanshi, it is as if Tongtian went to the South China Sea.Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi are absolutely happy to see a war with Buddhism.He came here and reached a consensus with himself, which is equivalent to bringing Styx with him, and it can be said that he has collected all the forces in the East China Sea.In this way, he can attack the South China Sea with confidence.Nice hand! '

Thinking secretly in his heart, Lin Heng's mouth curled slightly, and he said to Tong Tian: "Dao has a friendly abacus."

"Haha... I knew I couldn't hide it from fellow daoist." Tong Tian laughed indifferently, and said, "I don't know what you mean by friend?"

"Of course I have no objection!" Lin Heng returned a smile.

He naturally has no objection to letting Shangqing Palace fight Buddhism.It's just that he knows it too.Tongtian will definitely not be so simple, he must have something to ask for when he is hungry, otherwise he would not come here in person.After all, the other major sects will definitely agree to this kind of thing, whether or not they get Lin Heng's verbal approval, it's all the same.

Sure enough, Tongtian didn't get up and leave after Lin Heng agreed, but continued: "Fellow Daoist is able to support me, it's really a blessing for the poor. In order to fight against Buddhism, we must rely on the power of formations. My Immortal Execution Sword Formation is impossible. In this case, I can only ask fellow Taoists."

Lin Heng cursed secretly in his heart, you are so good, what a good idea to fight!

Although Tongtian didn't say it clearly, Lin Heng knew.This is the idea of ​​Zhou Tian's big formation of stars.

Lin Heng's method of formation is also extremely famous in Honghuang, especially after Wu Gang defeated Kunpeng with the gods he left behind, and pushed his reputation to the level of heaven.It even faintly overwhelmed Tongtian.Because Tongtian doesn't have any good formations except for Zhu Xian, but Lin Heng has one.

Afterwards, Lin Heng became a saint and personally demonstrated his Zhoutian formation, which shocked the people in the prehistoric world even more.Dutian and Zhoutian, Lin Heng has mastered their mysteries!At that time, in the hearts of everyone, he had already become the existence of that kind of formation master.

For these two formations, many people have experienced the first one, so they naturally know the advantages and disadvantages of it, and many people also know that this formation is not easy to deploy.Zhou Tian and the others have also seen it, but how powerful it is, everyone can't tell.Of course, just because others don't understand, doesn't mean that people who have seen it don't understand, just like Tongtian in front of him, he knows the pros and cons of Zhou Tianxing's large formation.

He came here hoping to obtain this formation, and then use the power of many monks in the Shangqing Palace to use this formation to fight against Buddhism.

This time, his calculation was very precise.Obtaining the Zhoutian Formation from Lin Heng, Tongtian will not use it to really fight against Buddhism, he just uses it as a threat.Tongtian believes that as long as Buddhism is not an idiot, it will never go to war with itself, so it will be a natural thing to live in the South China Sea, occupy a place in the South China Sea, and divide the South China Sea with Buddhism.

As for the claim of going to war with Buddhism, that is pure exaggeration and nonsense.He is as good as the sky, and he is not a fool!

His thoughts are also very simple, Lin Heng thought of it.The reason he thought of was also simple, that is, Buddhism was so powerful that the Shangqing Palace couldn't resist at all, even with the Heavenly Zhou Formation, it would be difficult.

Therefore, the meaning of Tongtian should not be to fight against Buddhism, but to win a part of the South China Sea territory from Buddhism.

Although he understood, Lin Heng didn't mean to refuse.He nodded to Tong Tian with a smile and said: "Okay! Since Fellow Daoist has come to me, the poor Taoist naturally cannot let Fellow Daoist return empty-handed."

As he said that, with a move of his hand, the star map above the main hall burst into light, and a ray of starlight slowly gathered in Lin Heng's hand, turning into a silver-white stone slab, in which was engraved the mystery of Zhou Tian's star formation.

He handed the slate to Tongtian, and said again: "I hope Daoist friends make good use of this formation!"

"Haha..." Tong Tian laughed loudly, and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist, I will definitely not insult this kind of formation." After saying that, he got up to leave, and Lin Heng didn't stop, he just notified Tong Tian after he left. Yang Jiao from East China Sea asked him to keep an eye on the actions of the Shangqing Palace. If they showed signs of trouble, he would secretly follow them and live in South China Sea with them, occupying a territory.

Tong Tian has his plan, and Lin Heng, who wants to understand Tong Tian's plan, naturally wants to share a share of it.As long as the Shangqing Palace moves, he can make the Hongta Mountain in the East China Sea pulsate, and this will form a scene where the two factions fight together.At that time, what can he do with Buddhism?Why don't they give up part of the territory, as Tong Tian thought, otherwise, once the fighting starts here, it will definitely start fighting on the mainland.

This is definitely not what the Second Saint of the West wants.Tong Tian and Lin Heng understood this point, so they acted without fear.

However, although Lin Heng thought clearly and anticipated Tongtian's plan, he didn't think so thoroughly in Tongtian's psychology.Tongtian really wanted to occupy a piece of land in the South China Sea as Lin Heng thought, and expand the Shangqing Palace.But in his heart, the better thing is to hit Lin Heng's idea again.

As long as Lin Heng moves, as he imagined, then the two religions will form an illusion of attacking at the same time, which in the eyes of outsiders, the two religions are an alliance.In the past, Tongtian might not have minded whether he had such an ally, but after the conferment of the gods and the decline of Jiejiao, he naturally understood the benefits of allies.

So, this time he came here, he set up a trap for Lin Heng and let Lin Heng jump in.In this round, Tongtian not only made himself owe Lin Heng a favor and a share of karma, but also gave Lin Heng a share of the benefits he got.It can be said that he spent a lot of money in order to bring the two religions closer and give people a false impression.It was also the reason why he spent such a high price that Lin Heng didn't think about it at all, but jumped into the game as he expected. (To be continued..)

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