Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

154 Lin Heng Makes Another Move to the West

The movement of the three seas changed the prehistoric situation where there was only one dragon into two.

In the South China Sea, the Qing Palace above the sky, the Hongta Mountain of Lin Heng, and the Asura of the Styx River, the three religions joined forces to resist Buddhism, so that they did not dare to relax for a moment; The Yaozu, won a part of the territory, connecting the Yaozu and Buddhism, forming an oppressive trend against him; on the mainland, Buddhism is in the east and west, connecting the whole situation, but it happens to divide the world, and Buddhism occupies nearly half of the territory.

In the past, other people knew that Buddhism was powerful, with many masters, and a large territory, but they didn't have any specific concepts.At this time, when the situation changed, the division of Buddhist powers became completely clear, and everyone could clearly see how much territory Buddhism occupied.

Of course, this is generally something that only the top people pay attention to, and few people below know about it.But for some reason, such a map of the distribution of major forces suddenly appeared on the mainland, and someone sold it.As a result, countless people looked at the description of the yellow power representing Buddhism and fell into a stunned state.

In terms of the size of the territory, Buddhism comes first!

Needless to say, this move is naturally Lin Heng's method.His actions can definitely arouse the hatred of many sects.Because your Buddhism has such a large territory, why is it still expanding continuously? Do you want to unify the mainland?

Knowledgeable people don't think so, but there are not many knowledgeable people, at least most of the people below think so, and the situation of lower and upper limit exists no matter where it is.

This kind of gossip will also cause huge invisible harm to people and sects, and when the invisible becomes tangible, it must be a torrent that cannot be stopped.And the release of this picture is just Lin Heng's first-hand experience.

Although the major sects of the Great Desolation did not know whose method it was, they all contributed behind the scenes out of the desire to deal with Buddhism.Let the rumors become more and more fierce.Buddhism has also come out to evade words many times, but the influence plan is true, and their words will not work at all before this truth.

Just when the rumors reached their climax, another rumor suddenly appeared——Buddhism has such a large territory, why does it continue to expand?

This problem has always existed since the emergence of the power map, but most people only question Buddhism, even if they know the answer, they will not say it.But now, rumors have come out - that's because there are few Westerners!

This inexplicable rumor seems to be justifying the West, but smart people quickly realized that the West has fewer people and a larger territory. Isn't this telling us to go to the West to grab territory?

That's right, that's what Lin Heng meant.He not only wants to make the West mess up, but also let a large number of people flow into the West.

In front, Lin Heng made some moves.To perfect the prehistoric world and repay the karma owed to heaven and earth.Now, his action also has this meaning.It just kills two birds with one stone, and even gave Buddhism a blow.

The former Western Continent was absolutely no worse than the East.Just because of the appearance of Luo Hu, Dao Demon fought.The West has become the barren state it is today.After the development of Jieyin and Zhunti, the West is no longer too bad, but the impression of barrenness is always imprinted in people's hearts.Generations of inheritors make people disdain the West.

It is obviously difficult to persuade people to go to the West through formal means of persuasion.So Lin Heng played such a trick, using the territory to attract those people.The inspiration for his idea still came from the flow of people pouring into Sanhai.In Lin Heng's view, since they can go to sea, as long as they describe the West well enough, they will still go to the West.

As for what would happen if they went to the West?

Thinking of this question, Lin Heng just smiled and said else, nothing more than two results.One is to enter Western Buddhism and become a disciple of Buddhism.There are few people, this is inevitable, because Buddhism will not allow other voices to appear in its own territory.Second, it has survived in the West, allowing sects to stand up one by one, just like the three seas of today.

So, what should you do if you want to achieve the second level?

It's very simple, there are many people!As long as you have enough people, Buddhism can't help it. This is like Sanhai. It is precisely because there are too many people pouring into Sanhai that the major sects dare not move them, for fear of causing public anger.

The same is true for the West!

Therefore, Lin Heng spread rumors widely, drawing people's attention to the west, and making people go west.If one-third of the people in the east went to the west, then this world would be even more lively!

A map from Lin Heng and a rumor caused waves that shook the whole prehistoric world.Western Buddhism is urgently arranging measures, but they understand it, and other sects naturally understand it, so behind the scenes they are actually fueling the flames.Originally, that small journey to the west immediately rolled into the prehistoric trend, so that countless people knew the saying "Going to the west, the land will be greatly reduced".

As a result, all kinds of adventures formed a trend in an instant, and people began to flow into the West one after another.

Faced with the influx of so many people to the West, Buddhism knows that it is impossible to stop and accommodate them, so they can only follow the trend.The best way is to occupy the best place, still be the overlord of the West, and then place countless younger brothers, let them lead the West with him, and deal with those dishonest people.In this way, his Buddhism can always stand at the top.

With this rule of conduct, Buddhism naturally let go of the pass of the West. After the Easterners came here, they found that this place has a special charm, so many people settled here, and Buddhism is also carrying out its own business. , preaching.

During this process, there were indeed many small schools and sects established in the West, but more people still entered Buddhism and entered various temples, allowing the number of Buddhist disciples to increase by four or five times in a short period of time .

This surge in the number of disciples is definitely an increase in the strength of Buddhism, but at the same time, it must also be a hidden danger.Because no one can say for sure whether they will betray Buddhism, just like the Jiejiao disciples betrayed Tongtian back then.

It's just that now, Buddhism can't retreat.They have carried out various divisions on the original teachings, and almost every Buddha has a lineage, leading tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples and disciples.

In order not to make things easier for the East, Buddhism deliberately diverts these streams back to the East, allowing those Eastern children who have entered Buddhism to praise the goodness of Buddhism in order to attract Buddhists and disgust Taoism.

Just don't say it, this kind of appearance is definitely very attractive.On the site of Eastern Buddhism.Because of this desire, many people who can't deny Buddhism turned their heads to believe in Buddhism and became Buddhists.However, this kind of desire to show up is also very dangerous, because after someone changed him, the benefits of praising Buddhism became the good of the West, so more people flowed to the West. It has become a replica of the East.And the East.But because so many people left, he completely calmed down for a while.

In the small world, Lin Heng looked at the picture displayed by the Xuanguang mirror in front of him, with a warm smile on his face.On his screen, not only the map is displayed, but also various places with rich aura and the number of living beings in each place are displayed.

Looking at the west, there are many lands of spiritual energy, about one-third of the number in the east.This is the result of Yingyin and Zhunti.It's just that the number of human races is pitifully small, not even one ten-thousandth of that in the East.

Ever since he was inspired by the changes in the three seas, Lin Heng created this strange map perfect their means.If you look at the current map, the number has increased sharply. Those large and small territories are already full of people, and the number of people in the Eastern Continent has also been diverted twice.down completely.The total number is less than half of what it used to be.

Such changes are all due to his own means, Lin Heng has reason to be happy!

Just suddenly, his smile froze on his face.There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and the gaze that looked at the Xuanguang mirror also showed a gleam of light. The mirror surface changed because of this, but it turned into a dark environment. Here, there are black and white flashes, and a figure is shrouded in it. , Qingyun rose up and down with a headache in his body, majestic and majestic.

"How is it possible? You have become a Da Luo Jinxian?" Lin Heng's tone was full of surprise and shock.

Why is this happening?

Looking at the portrait in the mirror, it was actually Zhang Sanfeng who soared to the prehistoric era.How long has he been here, except for the more than 2000 years of cultivation in Hongta Mountain, it is less than 1000 years.After less than 4000 years, he actually became the Great Luo Jinxian!This cultivation speed is too astonishing.You know, he is just a human race, a human race with no deep roots.

But now, he has become a Daluo Jinxian in a short period of time. Although there is a result of his Lin Heng's help, the result is completely beyond his expectations!

"Di Lu is only a millennium advanced stage, but this Sanfeng advanced so quickly. There must be something wrong with it." Lin Heng pondered secretly, and silently calculated everything about Zhang Sanfeng in his heart.But after counting and counting, what he counted was only the ones he saw, and there was no difference in the others.This made Lin Heng even more puzzled.

Lin Heng absolutely did not believe Zhang Sanfeng was fine.

It took less than 4000 years to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal. This speed is too exaggerated for the human race, and Zhang Sanfeng was only in the Golden Immortal realm a thousand years ago. Now that a thousand years have passed, he even defeated Jinxian and Taiyi and achieved Daluo.

How is this possible?

"It must be some kind of opportunity he got during these thousand years? But what is it that made him a mortal in the world to achieve this achievement in a thousand years?" Lin Heng frowned, really puzzled.

The things revealed in it are too mysterious and weird.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng, Lin Heng's deep eyes seemed to see through him, but the more he looked, the more he felt that there was something wrong with Zhang Sanfeng, as if there was a layer of fog shrouded in it.

Thinking of this, he completely withdrew his divine sense, threw himself into the primordial spirit of heaven, and checked everything about Zhang Sanfeng with the method of the primordial spirit.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng has jumped out of the long river of fate, but he still can't escape the traces of his debut.In the Tao, he still has nothing to hide.With Saint Lin Heng's cultivation base, he found Zhang Sanfeng's Dao very easily, but when he wanted to investigate, he found that it was blocked and imprisoned by the Dao of Heaven.He knew that this was not done by someone, so it must be related to Zhang Sanfeng's chance.

'What could it be? '

In the law of the way of heaven, Lin Heng's spiritual thoughts fluctuated violently, constantly impacting the imprisonment around Zhang Sanfeng's law of way.He didn't succeed in the experiments again and again, but Lin Heng stopped suddenly, and there was an inexplicable sense and surprise on his face in the small world.

It seems that he already knows the reason! (To be continued..)

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