Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

155 The Person Who Confused Lin Heng by the Prodigy of the Junior Generation

In the prehistoric land, after a series of events such as the spread of Buddhism to the East, the rise of demons, the resurgence of liches, the chaos of the Three Seas, and the migration of human races, the situation that was originally like a powder keg suddenly settled down, making all living beings tense. Nerves are relieved.

This is like the war-torn ancient times. After a long period of chaos, people all hope for peace.

In the prehistoric times of the past, although there were no major wars, small wars continued, and people's nerves were always tense.Today, with the relocation of Dongsheng Shenzhou personnel, everyone suddenly finds that the space for their own survival and activities has become larger, and people who used to have enemies have left inexplicably.In this way, their mood is naturally relaxed, and the idea of ​​hope for peace is born from it.

The major sects were not willing to disturb this sudden peaceful situation, so no one disturbed them, and the sentient beings also turned their attention to the major sects, and followed their own curiosity to look at interesting things.

It's just that Honghuang, who has just calmed down, doesn't seem to have anything interesting.

But don't forget that people can always find out those new and interesting things from boredom, so that they become interested.

No, in the peaceful century, some strange things suddenly appeared in Honghuang.These things are definitely new to the people here, but they are not new to some people, such as Lin Heng, Zhang Sanfeng and other ascended people.

This one thing is the leaderboard!

In current novels, the leaderboard is also an indispensable thing, and almost everything has to be involved with him.In this prehistoric land, no one dares to rank saints and quasi-sages. This is disrespectful. If a bad-tempered saint or quasi-sage finds out, he will definitely die without a place to bury him.Therefore, the first one to appear on this leaderboard is Lingbao!

I don't know which guy released the information of the spirit treasures since Pangu opened the sky, and listed all the spirit treasures with names and surnames.Legendary spiritual treasures such as the Creation Green Lotus and the Sky-Opening Axe have all been mentioned, but today, those powerful innate spiritual treasures are the ones that are ranked, but they are not as specific as in later generations, just like Kai The three innate treasures transformed by the sky axe are placed side by side without ranking.

For this kind of treasure, it is impossible to judge who is superior and who is inferior, after all, their functions are different.

The ranking of the spirit treasures made all the prehistoric beings curious and amazed for a while.They really seldom heard of so many powerful innate spirit treasures, but now they listed them one by one, which naturally caught the attention of the public at once.

This one alone has made all living beings lively for a long time, and various treasures have been extended under it, such as the treasures used by celebrities, like Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged knife, Monkey King's Ruyi golden cudgel, and Nezha's fire point guns and more.

With this one, people's thinking will be opened.

After Lingbao.There are also many rankings related to prehistoric things, but this ranking is not a ranking, but just listing them one by one to let people know about these foods.Such as spiritual roots, medicinal materials, materials and so on.

In the end, the ranking comes down to people.

Although everyone dare not openly talk about powerful figures such as saints and quasi-sages, they often talk about them behind their backs.And Lin Heng was the most talked about.No way, who told him to become a saint late, the power and power when he was sanctified is still fresh in the memory.

Among the many people being discussed.One of them is related to the present, and that is the rising stars from all over the world, Zhang Sanfeng from the Hongta Mountain lineage is impressively listed.His general information was also laid out.

Zhang Sanfeng, under the seat of Dilu, a three-generation disciple of the Hongta Mountain lineage, a flying monk, has practiced for more than 3000 years, and has the cultivation base of a Daluo Jinxian.

The front is okay, and it's just enviable, but the latter two have been practicing for more than 3000 years, and the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian makes people uproar. Daluo Jinxian, which is more than 3000 years old, is incredible!

How did he cultivate?

It's just that Zhang Sanfeng was not the only one who was shocked and in an uproar, there were six other people, from Renjiao Xuanwei Daoist, Chanjiao Guigu Taoist, Jiejiao Zhuangzhou, Buddhist Venerable Dragon Subduing, Demon Dao Tianxin Demon King and Sanxiu Dugu sword.

These seven people are all the existences who have advanced to the Daluo Jinxian in a short period of time. The speed and astonishment of their cultivation speed make people uproar and shocked.Among them, there are four more complete ascension monks, namely Zhang Sanfeng, Xuanwei, Guigu and Zhuang Zhou.That Jianglong also reincarnated into the planet to rebuild, preached the Buddha, and then returned, directly becoming the Daluo Jinxian.This time is less than 2000 years, including the 3000 years of his previous practice, it is only 5000 years.

The Tianxin Demon King and the Sanxiu Dugu family are different from the people above, they are all people from the wild.Tianxin Demon King was born 2000 years ago, and he cultivated to Daluo Jinxian in only 2000 years, and his demonic way is very domineering and weird, which makes people hard to guard against.Since his debut, not one thousand, but eight hundred people have died in his hands. He is a well-known murderer.

As for Dugu Sword, it is even more legendary.This guy was an orphan since he was a child, and was later adopted by a group of cultivators who taught him the basics of cultivation.It's just that this person loves swords naturally, and he doesn't even look at what his master taught him, which made his master very angry, so that he was expelled from the sect.But no one thought that although Dugu's family was kicked out of the teacher's school, he also walked out of his own way because of this. He broke into the way of the heart sword alone, turned himself into a sword, cut off all obstacles in the world, and was powerful.

It is said that this person is only about [-] years old this year, and is the youngest of the six.

The legendary deeds of these seven people made countless creatures in the prehistoric world crazy, and countless people wanted to ask, how did you cultivate, and how did you reach the realm of Da Luo Jinxian in such a short time?Leave the seniors, juniors, and peers far away.

It's a pity that no one will answer this question, if there is, it's nothing more than hard work, chance, understanding and so on.There is no way, in this respect, even the saints can't say anything else.

Almost everyone knows these things, but these seven people are so amazing that people are so surprised.

Under these seven people, there is also the arrangement of Taiyi Jinxian, who has not practiced for a long time. Between 2000 and 5000 years, among them, there are 2000 to 4000 years of people who are arranged alone. These people are likely to become another Seven people.

It's just the fact that it still needs the test of time.

In the small world, Lin Heng was also looking at the arrangement of Honghuang with interest, and he paid more attention to some other people, that is, the ascension status of Zhang Sanfeng and others.

Among the seven people, four people ascended, counting the subduing dragon, that is five people.Among the more than 3000 people in Taiyi, more than a third of them were ascended.However, there are very few people below, such as the Golden Immortal, the proportion of those who ascended is less than one percent.Although there is a population gap, but more, I am afraid it is a problem of xinxing.

These outstanding people are all people with excellent temperament and character, just like the selection of apprentices in Hongta Mountain, they choose people with good character.These people, with character and perseverance, coupled with the opportunity of the school, can stand out, but it is also expected.

But... Lin Heng couldn't understand it. You said that they became Taiyi, which is understandable, but in such a short period of time, four people became Daluo, which is incomprehensible.

Of course, because of the existence of Tianxin Demon King and the Dugu family, their practice time is not so conspicuous, but it still makes Lin Heng wonder.

Before, he counted Zhang Sanfeng, and had some guesses in his mind, but he was the only one, so that was understandable, and his guess might be correct, but now four people appeared at once, so his guess...

Frowning slightly, Lin Heng was puzzled.He closed his eyes, and Yuanshen came to Tiandao Center again to check everything about Zhang Sanfeng.During the period, he also saw the deeds of several other people, but like Zhang Sanfeng, they were all blocked by the power of heaven, and even with the cultivation base of Saint Lin Heng, he couldn't see through the mystery.

In the past, he thought it was the way of heaven, but now it seems that it is not the way of heaven, but someone did it on purpose.

Who has the power to do so?

With a move in his heart, Lin Heng raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes seemed to penetrate the chaos, and landed outside a palace. 'is it him? Lin Heng thought in his heart, but he was so sure.Because only he has this ability. 'But why did he do it? Lin Heng didn't understand again.Or, is it really because of something like that?Has that thing always been in his hands?

With so many doubts in his heart, Lin Heng showed a dazed attitude.This time, he was really not sure about his guess. (To be continued..)

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