Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

159 Death of Hongmeng Ziqi Hongyun

The prehistoric chaos appeared, and the evil way became the fat that everyone stared at.In everyone's eyes, Buddhism and interpretation of religion may be the first to do it.However, it was Renjiao who did it first.

Renjiao has been making decisions for him since Xuandu took over.This time, he didn't get any news about the Bajing Palace, but he knew one thing, that is, the saints absolutely had no time to deal with the current affairs, and Hongyun's death was the most important thing in their eyes.

Therefore, if no one moves, although the Great Desolation looks chaotic, it is actually calm.So, Xuandu moved.

What he did was not to bring chaos to the prehistoric world, but to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, so that the prehistoric chaos would be completely settled.

Why do you say so?

Now, there are no saints in the major sects, and they are the quasi-sages who make the decisions, and no one will do everything.But after having a sage, one has to obey the sage's orders, but no one can say for sure what will happen.

The Renjiao made a move and directly snatched back all the territory they lost in the past from the Demon Cult.When the explanation saw it, it immediately moved.Buddhism can't just sit still, so it moved too, and even the small country of casual cultivators who are close to the Devil's Sect also came up to share a share of the pie.

For a moment, the prehistoric situation changed color, but the color changed quickly and went away quickly, because most of the territory of the Demon Cult was divided by several major sects in an instant, leaving only the southern part still in the hands of the Demon Cult.

In such a situation, Xuandu also heaved a sigh of relief.There will be no chaos in the east, and there will be no chaos in the south, because it is too complicated, and it is difficult for the devil to cause trouble.

So Xuandu didn't make any moves anymore, because he didn't know whether destroying the Demon Cult was in the mind of a saint.

Compared with Xuandu, explaining education is much more unscrupulous.Seeing that the human religion and Buddhism had stopped one after another, they immediately ordered the Southern Chanjiao disciples to attack the Demon Cult and continue to fight for the territory of the Demon Cult.

It's just that the Devil's Cult isn't bad either, and it's simply not their opponent based on the teachings in the south.Fortunately.With Guang Chengzi personally sitting in the south, it also made the elucidation of teachings a success, advancing step by step, and reducing the territory of the Demon Cult.

Under such circumstances, the Devil's Cult naturally wouldn't sit still. Some ruthless ones directly fought with Chanjiao, causing a large number of Chanjiao disciples to die, while some smart ones just sneaked away and went deep into the mainland.Tian Xin is a smart man.He had seen the demise of the Demon Cult when he was working in the Human Cult, so he immediately led the few Demonic Dao elites under his command, broke out from the gap in the south, and entered the Wu tribe further south.

Here, they can survive, especially Tianxin Baiqi's reincarnation status, which makes the Wu Clan have a good impression, as for the human race of Lin Heng's line.Of course I didn't see it.

In this way, a group of demon monks survived here, and gradually became the most powerful force in the demonic way.

Here, calm quickly returned after the chaos.Inside the Bajing Palace, however, it was always lonely and peaceful. None of the Seven Sages spoke, and they kept silently confronting each other.This is the case.I also have no choice.

He glanced at everyone one by one, and finally lowered his eyelids, and said softly: "I heard that the patriarch of the Fenghuang clan is the descendant of the Phoenix Emperor and Huangmu. Why don't we send a letter to call him and ask him, how about it?"

When the six saints heard it, they said in unison: "Good!"

Lao Tzu was speechless, and his heart was boiling with anger. He looked at the expressionless faces of the six people, and didn't say any more. He just typed out a message and fell into the prehistoric land.

Afterwards, while everyone was waiting, a golden light rushed straight into the Bajing Palace.This golden light is so insane, even if the Six Sages come here, they need to enter on foot, but this golden light actually wants to fly in.

Such a scene made Liu Sheng's eyes suddenly strange, and Lao Tzu was even more furious.It's fine if Liu Sheng doesn't give him face, but you, a little Da Luo Jinxian, dare to be so arrogant!

"Hmph!" Lao Tzu snorted coldly, a mountain-like pressure suddenly rose in the palace, and then quickly fell.There was nothing wrong with Liu Sheng, but as soon as the flying golden light entered the hall, it hit the ground with a thud and let out a miserable cry.

Seeing his embarrassed look with blood on the corner of his mouth, Liu Sheng knew that I was really angry when I was moved.It's just that the six of them didn't care much, they just looked at this arrogant kid one by one.

This is a rather handsome young man. If his hooked nose did not destroy his overall image, he would definitely be a super handsome guy, especially his arrogant eyes, which would definitely attract the little sister.But at this moment, there was a look of fear in the boy's eyes.Obviously, the saint's strength exceeded his psychological expectations.

'Golden-winged it was him! Lin Heng looked at the young man, saw through his body at a glance, and said in his heart.

In Conferred Gods, Kong Xuan is definitely a super awesome character, but this time he didn't appear on the stage, and he has never appeared on the stage.Lin Heng wondered, where did Kong Xuan go?It seems that he should be in the Phoenix Clan.

"This Gold Wing is crazy, and that Kong Xuan is probably not bad. The saints are recruiting each other, but they don't even come." With a chuckle in his heart, Lin Heng turned his head to look at the other six sages, and saw that their complexions were indeed not good.

A sage is the most respected peak existence in the world, but now a patriarch of the Phoenix clan is not recruited by the Seven Sages, it is really embarrassing to the Seven Sages.

For this, Lin Heng didn't take it too seriously, so he could still laugh out loud, but the other six people were different.They all stared at the Golden Winged Roc Eagle with unkind eyes. He couldn't get up under such pressure, and could only lie on the ground all the time, his eyes showing fear.This rebellious guy who appeared in Journey to the West also knows to be afraid!

"Why didn't patriarch Kong Xuan come?" Lao Tzu asked quietly as always, but the chill in his tone was clearly heard by the six saints, and the golden-winged roc eagle even shuddered unconsciously, Xiao Said: "Brother is retreating at a critical moment and cannot get out."

"Really?" Lao Tzu glanced lightly, and his usually cloudy eyes suddenly burst into light.Liu Sheng laughed secretly, and followed Lao Tzu's eyes one by one.Their seven saints directly saw through time and space, and their eyes fell on the volcano group. The Phoenix clan hidden inside all fell into their eyes, and in a splendid hall, they also saw Kong Xuan who was retreating.

At this time, Kong Xuan seemed to have noticed the gazes of the seven people. He suddenly raised his head, his gaze was radiant, and there were five colors of brilliance flowing around his body, which were brilliant and colorful in an instant.

However, after Kong Xuan glanced at the void, he withdrew his gaze.The multicolored brilliance on his body was also restrained in an instant, as if he had never appeared before.Looking at the dead and silent Kong Xuan, each of the Seven Saints felt rather strange, because in the eyes of the Seven Saints, Kong Xuan at this moment was like a lifeless statue.Only Lin Heng, his eyes widened, looked at Kong Xuan in surprise.

The Six Sages quickly noticed his expression, Zhunti turned his gaze, and asked, "Friend Lin Heng, do you know why Patriarch Kong Xuan is like this?"

Lin Heng withdrew his expression.He glanced at Zhunti lightly, but kept silent.Seeing this, the six people frowned slightly, but they didn't ask any detailed questions.However, there is no need for them to ask about this, because there is a huge momentum coming from the prehistoric world at this time.This momentum soared straight into the sky, clearing away all the clouds in the sky thousands of miles away.

'Breakthrough! Feeling the aura coming from Honghuang, Lin Heng said secretly, and opened his eyes again.Into the predicament.The other six people also looked at Kong Xuan in the volcano just like him.

At this time, Kong Xuan was standing proudly in the void, full of arrogance and arrogance.An aura of who I can't bear is vividly expressed in him.

After Lin Heng and Hong Yun, another person broke through the bottleneck of the second-order quasi-sage and reached the peak quasi-sage cultivation base.The difference between Kong Xuan and others is that he did not practice the method of three corpses.He followed the path of the law.In other words, he is likely to break through to the realm of a saint.

"The Phoenix Clan, there is an amazing guy! 'The seven saints are all admiring in their hearts!

Kong Xuan, who had just broken through, did not stay in Honghuang.After he left behind his world-shocking cultivation, his whole body seemed to break through the speed of light, and plunged into the chaos in an instant.Almost just blinking a few times, Kong Xuan, who was far away in the wild, appeared outside the Bajing Palace.

He walked in step by step, and when he saw the younger brother who was lying on the ground, his face turned cold, he snorted, and his momentum suddenly exploded.

Seeing him in such a state, the Seven Saints were all happy.

The existence of the quasi-sage pinnacle is indeed powerful, but compared with the saint, it is still far behind, especially in the competition of momentum, it is even more incomparable.This Kong Xuan is too crazy!

Before anyone else could make a move, Lao Tzu looked at Kong Xuan coldly, pressing straight towards Kong Xuan with a huge aura.

He resisted a few times, once, or twice, and then he was defeated, and his whole body was enveloped by that mountainous aura.Fortunately, this son's luck is extraordinary, and he is the patriarch of the Phoenix clan, and he has great luck, so I didn't go too far, otherwise he might be lying on the floor of the Bajing Palace just like the golden-winged roc eagle just now.

After punishing Kong Xuan a little, Lao Tzu directly asked: "Fellow Daoist, I want to understand why we called you here!"

Kong Xuan pursed his lips, not letting blood spurt from his injured lungs.It's just that the people here, who don't know that he suffered a little injury.After a long time, Kong Xuan, who suppressed his injuries, said, "I don't know!"

His three words made the faces of the seven people turn cold, and the aura of the six sages almost directly pressed on Kong Xuan.Facing the Six Sages, Kong Xuan lost the calmness he had stood up just now. His body was shining with colorful brilliance, and he stepped back, and spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

However, Kong Xuan still did not lower his head, he looked at Qi Sheng coldly, his eyes were full of rebellion.In this regard, he is much better than his younger brother. Although that guy is also crazy, he is crazy on the surface. You can see from his performance just now that this guy is a bit bullying, but Kong Xuan is crazy in his bones. The coercion of the six sages did not give in at all.

"Alright, alright, alright! What an insolent Kong Xuan!" Tong Tian suddenly uttered a voice, breaking Liu Sheng's aura at once.The other five people looked at him one by one, but he didn't care, and said to Kong Xuan: "Patriarch Kong Xuan, you should know the secret behind the Hongyun incident, so please tell it, otherwise you and your other brother may not be able to get out of here today of."

What Tongtian said was so meaningful that the other six saints were stunned.Damn, what do you mean?When did we say not to let them go?

The six people scolded Tong Tian in their hearts, but none of them opened their mouths to speak, because they saw that Kong Xuan's stiff face relaxed a little.To these people, Kong Xuan was just a small person, what they wanted to know more was what happened to Hong Yun's death?And the majestic purple energy behind him.Especially the second point, this is the key point. As for you, Kong Xuan, as long as you are not a saint, then you are shit. As for the others, after this incident, you will naturally feel better. (To be continued..)

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