Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

160 Death of Hongmeng Purple Qi and Red Cloud

In Bajing Palace, the tense atmosphere eased with Tong Tian's words.Kong Xuan sat on the futon below with the golden-winged roc eagle, his eyes swept across the seven saints one by one.

From the depths of his eyes, one can see the endless desire.Obviously, through the contest just now, he knew the gap between himself and the saint. This kind of gap is feared and envied by ordinary people, but what the strong think about is possession.

Want to have, naturally desire.


Seeing Kong Xuan like this, the Seven Sages had no choice but to praise him.This person is worthy of being the patriarch of the Phoenix clan, he really has a kind heart!

After exhaling, Kong Xuan stared at the Seven Sages and asked directly, "I wonder what the Seven Sages want to know?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashed slightly, and said: "What happened that day? Why did the red cloud explode? Is it related to the primordial purple energy?"

Hearing the word "Hongmeng Ziqi", Kong Xuan's eyes flashed brightly, but there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.Maybe the other six saints didn't understand what Kong Xuan meant, but Lin Heng did.

This is a proud guy.If there is no primordial purple energy to become a saint, Kong Xuan might be tempted, but since Lin Heng is a saint, Kong Xuan wants to become a saint himself, not relying on the primordial purple energy.Now, when the Seven Sages mentioned the Primordial Purple Qi in front of him, Kong Xuan naturally understood what they were thinking, and naturally looked down on the Seven in his heart.

However, he didn't say much, just said truthfully: "I don't know what happened that day. I only came out after Hongyun blew up. Others, I don't know."

What he said couldn't satisfy Seven Sages, because what he said meant he didn't say anything.As for the "purple light" in the words, what is it?Is it the Primordial Purple Qi?Or something else?

"The Phoenix Clan is suppressing the volcanoes, and they are not allowed to go out easily. Except for our own territory, we, the Phoenix Clan, are too lazy to take care of other places." Kong Xuan added.Seven Sages also know.He was telling the truth, so they were right to find nothing.It's just that this makes it even more problematic.Hongyun's self-destruction will definitely not happen overnight, but judging from the situation at that time, it is a matter of overnight.

How is this possible?

Who has such a great ability to make Hongyun explode in an instant?The seven saints asked themselves, they did not have this ability.

"Could it really be Hongjun..." Lin Heng couldn't help but think of Hongjun again in his heart. It seems that only this unpredictable old guy can have this ability.Moreover, Hongyun's primordial purple aura might be problematic, if he used that primordial purple aura to attack, it would be even more likely.

But why did Hongjun do this?

Thinking about it, Lin Heng thought of Hongjun's words in Zixiao Palace.He said, to delay the time of immeasurable kalpas...then naturally no one can become the ninth sage.In this way, is it true that Hong Yun has obtained the primordial purple energy and may become the ninth saint?

In Zixiao Palace back then, the primordial Ziqi chose people.He was chosen as Hongyun.This shows that Hongyun has a chance to become holy.In his previous life, he died and lost this opportunity.But this life.He became the master of the demonic way, just like the Buddha and Taoist guide, and he is the same as the guide, and he is the only one who monopolizes the luck of the demonic way.With one line of luck, coupled with his cultivation at the pinnacle of a quasi-sage.If you get the primordial purple energy, you can't really become a saint.

If you want that, the Nine Saints will come out.The immeasurable calamity arrives.This is the opposite of what Hongjun said.

Looking at it this way, there is a reason for Hongjun to kill Hongyun.Of course, we can also put it another way, Hongjun did not kill Hongyun, but just let him reincarnate again.

In this way, the time of his sanctification must also be postponed, and the primordial purple energy might disappear for a while.Adding all this up, it is not a short time, and naturally achieves Hongjun's goal of delaying immeasurable calamity.

'If my guess is true, then where is that primordial purple air?Did it fall into Hongjun's hands, or did it disappear? Lin Heng thought to himself, and couldn't help raising another question, that is, when Hongyun died, where did the primordial purple energy go?Did it disappear between heaven and earth?Is it still in Hongjun's hands?

If it disappeared, it would appear automatically when it appeared at this time, and then returned to Hongyun, and then Hongjun shot and killed Hongyun.In this way, this piece of primordial purple energy may still be wandering in the world, not in Hongjun's hands.If it is in Hongjun's hands all the time, then this Hongjun is too powerful!Back then, when Hong Yun died, he withdrew his primordial purple energy; now, he even used this primordial purple energy to kill Hong Yun again.

As for the reason, it was still the same, but this time, Hongjun probably sensed that Hongyun was about to become a saint, so he used the Hongmeng Ziqi in his hand to kill Hongyun.

No matter what the reason is, it shows that Hongjun postponed the decision of immeasurable calamity, and Lin Heng also thought of himself from Hongyun. If Hongjun also made a move when he became a saint, then there would be no saint Lin Heng today. Yes!

Just when Lin Heng was thinking wildly and other saints had different thoughts, Honghuang below finally calmed down after being in chaos for a while, and the magic way established by Hongyun disappeared from Honghuang.Among the major forces in the prehistoric world at that time, there was no longer any place for the Demon Dao, and their existence was only the occasional Demon Dao monks and the Tianxin Demon King hidden in the Witch Tribe.

However, the Tianxin Demon King is not known to outsiders, because he does not want to cause trouble for the Wu Clan, so he is secretly practicing and preaching, stabilizing and improving his cultivation.

This shock did not last long, just a few months.Everyone is still discussing, and the event has come to an end.This caused Honghuang to be in an uproar, but when he thought about it in his heart, he felt it should be taken for granted.

After all, the Devil's Cult is fighting against the joint efforts of several other sects.How can he stop the power of the Demon Sect?

The prehistoric world that had just calmed down was still a bit jittery, and various rumors were flying all over the sky, such as Zhen Yuanzi's lineage, some people said that he was not clear with the devil, and suggested that several major sects should also eliminate Zhen Yuanzi's lineage.

It's just that the rumors still maintain the characteristics of rumors. Although he caused a lot of damage to Zhen Yuanzi's lineage, he didn't mention a few sects, and he joined hands to destroy Zhen Yuanzi's lineage.

The reason is very simple, that is, Zhen Yuanzi still exists.

That's right, Zhen Yuanzi was not as strong as Hong Yun's cultivation, but as an ancient strong man, no one would touch him.Because, you can destroy his territory, but you cannot kill an ancient quasi-sage who wants to leave.In this way, whoever offends him will be unlucky.When he is alone, without worries, wouldn't the territory you occupy become his target?

Therefore, no one would be stupid enough to touch Zhen Yuanzi's lineage, unless Zhen Yuanzi also blew himself up like a red cloud for no reason.Obviously, this kind of good thing doesn't happen often, and if there is another one like this, then the other quasi-sages should also worry about whether they will follow in the footsteps of the two of them one day.

Therefore, after the Demon Cult, the Great Desolation returned to peace again, and the only thing that was not peaceful was probably everyone's hearts.They were all thinking and guessing, who the hell killed Hong Yun?

Back in his own small world, Lin Heng still thinks again.

There is no way, he doesn't have any evidence, even if he deduces, he can't deduce anything.So, can only rely on personal guesswork.To be honest, this kind of speculation is unreliable, at most it is to connect the known and extend various possibilities.

When it comes to Hongyun, Lin Heng thinks of Hongjun, and the others probably think of Hongjun as well.Because the whole Hongjun, except for Hongjun, it seems that no one else has such ability.

I just wanted to think about it, but no one would say it out loud, let alone ask Hongjun for confirmation, otherwise the party this time would not be in the Bajing Palace.

Now, in addition to thoughts about Primordial Purple Qi, everyone is probably more concerned about it.They are also worried about whether they are like a red cloud, being plotted against by someone, making an inexplicable self-exposure and dying.

Fortunately, saints are immortal, and their primordial spirit entrusts them with the way of heaven, which also gives them some confidence, unlike those quasi-sages who are waiting for news from saints, and they have no confidence in their hearts.

In the small world, Lin Heng recruited Jin Cheng, told him the details of the meeting of the saints, and told him to develop in a low-key manner in the future, not to expand his influence, not to cause trouble, just in case.

Jin Cheng also knew the size of the matter, nodded immediately, and went back to explain Lin Heng's edict, but Lin Heng himself was still thinking about it, thinking about various possibilities, and looking for the most possible possibility. (To be continued..)

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