Outside the starry sky, in the chaos, the seven saints stood together, and Taoist Hongjun was in front of him.After leaving Zixiao Palace, Hongjun no longer looked like an ordinary old man, his whole body became immortal, and a powerful aura was added to his body, floating around his body, isolating the chaos.

He looked at Chaos in front of him indifferently, without turning his head, he said, "Are you ready?"

Seven Saints nodded together.Hongjun also nodded, and moved his hand forward abruptly. An inexplicable force of magic power extended from his hand, turning into a beam of laser-like light, and piercing into the chaos.

boom!With a violent explosion, the peaceful chaos instantly exploded.The endless chaotic air seemed to have lost its restraint, boiling like water.

Hongjun moved extremely fast. After the first blow, he drew a long sword of chaotic color from his arms, and slashed at the void.Kaka... It was as if the sound of glass shattering sounded from the depths of the chaos, and the boiling chaos was instantly split into two halves under Hongjun's sword.The sharp sword glow flicked across far, until the end of the eyes of the saints.

After one sword strike, Hongjun's second sword followed, and the flying chaos instantly changed its color. The void of the original chaotic color turned into blue and yellow, the clear one rose, and the yellow one descended.However, the separated clear and turbid Qi were squeezed by the upper and lower chaos, and they were about to merge into one again in an instant, and Hongjun also made a third sword because of this, completely expanding the scope of separation of the chaotic air.

At this time, the seven sages behind Hongjun shot one by one, and Lao Tzu played the Taiji diagram, and the surging chaotic energy was instantly quiet; The Qi of Chaos split apart, causing the range of the clear and turbid Qi to continuously expand and rise and fall; the Qingping Sword in Tong Tian's hand was glaring with green lights, and sword Qi with destructive aura cut into the Chaos one after another, flying the Chaos away again; Lin Heng , Jieyin throws the karmic fire red lotus and the meritorious golden lotus respectively, to help Lao Tzu stay in the void together; Zhunti throws out his own wonderful tree of seven treasures, and turns it into a bodhi that reaches the sky, towering over the sky and the earth.Push the clear and turbid air upwards and downwards.

The eight sages worked together to create a world in an instant.This world is not as vast as Honghuang, but it is much bigger than a continent, and this is just the beginning.

Look at the Eight Sages, after the world opened up by Hongjun was stabilized, Hongjun's long sword moved forward, and another sword was slashed out, and the chaos in front of him split again, turning into two clear and turbid qi.behind him.Lao Tzu ran out eight stone pillars reaching to the sky and inserted them into the heaven and earth in front of him.In this way, without the support of the Seven Sages, this world would not be destroyed again, and the Seven Sages also freed up their hands and continued to go forward to assist Hongjun.

In this chaotic void, the mana of the saint is not endless.They will also consume a lot of mana and spirit because of opening up the world, if it is just one person.It's nothing to open up a small world.But if you open up a big world, it will definitely be very tiring.However, the eight people are reasonable.However, eight connected worlds were opened up one after another, forming an outer world that was bigger than the prehistoric world.

In this world, each world has eight stone pillars, forming a state of gossip.It is connected with the eight directions world in the starry sky.In this way, the Ninth World has completely become a gossip formation, connected with the prehistoric world.

Look from a distance.This world is too grand, wider than the prehistoric world.But Basheng knew in his heart that they were not as good as Pangu after all, because although the eight worlds are connected, they are not connected together, but connected, and there will be gaps there after all.This gap is where the starry sky is.The starry sky created by the eight sages is connected with the prehistoric starry sky, connecting the Ninth World with the prehistoric starry sky.

With the support of the Eight Directions World and the Prehistoric Starry Sky, plus various preparations made by the sage here.It can be said that this side of the world is stable.There is no problem at all in moving people from the prehistoric land here.

However, whether this world can withstand the storm of chaos, Qisheng has no idea in his mind, and no one knows whether Hongjun has a bottom.After all, no one would guess what he was thinking.

"However, he should be prepared..." Lin Heng looked at the new world, and doubted Hongjun's preparation in his heart.

It would be a pity if such a world really couldn't resist being destroyed by the storm of chaos. Even if Hongjun wasted, he wouldn't waste it to such an extent.Moreover, he Hongjun asked everyone to arrange the Eight Directions World first, isn't he just treating the Eight Directions World as cannon fodder?Undoubtedly, Hongjun intends to use the sage's eight-direction small world to resist the chaotic storm, so as to preserve the prehistoric world and the newly created ninth world outside the sky.

It's just why he did this, but Lin Heng couldn't guess!

Putting aside the distractions in his heart, Lin Heng also felt a surge of pride in his heart when he looked at this magnificent new world.This world is created by myself!He turned his head to look at the other people, seeing the similar expressions on their faces, he knew the sense of accomplishment in their hearts.This feeling is like a person who has accomplished a big event, very satisfied and proud.

Standing in the void, looking at this world, the Eighth Sage did not speak for a long time.After a long time, Hongjun still said: "Okay! You go back and do the rest."

As soon as he said this, the expression on Qisheng's face changed.It's just that no one spoke, just nodded silently.

In order to resist the chaos storm, they created this world, and naturally they didn't want him to destroy it.Then, Hongjun's previous arrangement must be completed-relocate the masters of Honghuang here!

But who are the masters of the wild?

Needless to say their names, most of these people come from several major sects.It can be said that the important task of resisting the storm of chaos falls on the hands of several major sects, and they have to do their best, otherwise their small world in the prehistoric world may be destroyed.

Hongjun's front move was well arranged, so Qisheng had no choice but to bite the bullet, and there was no way out.

well!With a sigh in his heart, the Seven Saints looked at each other, then turned and left tacitly.This is the second time that the saint has reappeared in the prehistoric world since Hongjun ordered that the saints are not allowed to enter the prehistoric world.

The first time, it was when the eight directions world was arranged; that time, they sent their own small world into the prehistoric world, and also gave their handle to Hongjun; this time, they wanted to bring their disciples to the ninth world, Push them over the fire pit.

These two times, it was not a good thing!

Enduring the depression in their hearts, the Seven Sages still followed Hongjun's instructions one by one. They summoned all the disciples in the sect and issued an order: those who are above the immortals will enter the world of eight directions; , into the Ninth World.

After the Seven Sages finished this matter, they convened the quasi-sages together, told them about the chaotic storm, and told them that the monks on the Taiyi Golden Immortal must enter the Ninth World.

On this issue, quasi-sages really can't object.Don't talk about their feelings for Honghuang, just say that the Seven Sages came forward together, and there is a Hongjun behind them, these people dare not object.Haven't you seen that the Seven Sages are desperately trying their best? If they object, aren't they courting death?

Therefore, like several major sects, they entered the Ninth World very cleverly, and those who lived on the Immortals also entered the Eight Directions World, and re-established their families and religions.

A major change in the world took place here, and later generations called this day the day of changing the sky and the day of no immortals.

Because on this day, the sky has changed, the aura has collapsed, and it has become more difficult for everyone to cultivate. Every step is extremely difficult, and mana is no longer just what you want.Because on this day, all the immortals disappeared, leaving only those who did not become immortals on the mainland, making countless people wonder, where did the immortals go?Because of this day, many people disappeared, and the inexplicable disappearance caused countless people to panic and live in fear.

This day is a day of disaster for all living beings.This is true no matter for ordinary beings or immortals. (To be continued..)

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