Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

163 It Really Looks Like a Realm of Cultivation

After the day of the change of sky, thousands of years passed quickly.For ordinary beings, thousands of years, a long time, everything seems to be forgotten, and the past has become a legend.

In today's prehistoric times, everyone suffers because the speed of cultivation is slow, and there is too little aura, so that everyone can no longer hold back in the corner of the mountain to practice. They have to come out to find medicinal materials to increase mana to make up for their lack of mana.

After such days, various pills described in later novels appeared.This elixir has also become an urgent item, unlike in the past, only Laojun's elixir is a precious item.

Looking at this prehistoric world, Lin Heng felt very strange.

He is uncomfortable with this change in Hong Huang, after all he has feelings for Hong Huang.However, today's prehistoric world is like the realm of self-cultivation in the novels of later generations. It is as difficult to cultivate, and it is also life-and-death for the cultivation of materials... This change made him feel very contradictory.

Compared with the prehistoric world, the world above is much better.why?Because most people know that after thousands of years, Honghuang will experience a doomsday disaster. If they can't survive, everyone will die.

Therefore, one by one worked hard to practice in order to survive the catastrophe.

In modern times, if encountering such a disaster, I believe many people will become crazy.Because everyone is going to die, if you are not crazy today, you will have no chance in the future.This rule does not apply in the fairy world.Because people who practice Taoism strive for survival more, they cherish their lives more.Since I cherish my own life, I don't want to die, so I will do all kinds of struggles before I die.

Today, the upsurge of cultivation in the Eight Directions World and the Ninth World is the madness of everyone before death.

They all want to live!

There is prosperity above, but the struggle below is endless.For the creatures below who don't know the end of the world, cultivation and becoming immortals is what they have, and this is the world.Nature is like the realm of comprehension in novels.

Seeing such a changing world, it is rare for Lin Heng in the Ninth World to come out.After thousands of years of arrangement, the Eight Sages have long been idle, and they are all accumulating energy, waiting for the arrival of the chaotic storm.

Lin Heng, who was idle, decided to take a walk in the wild!

Reappearing in the prehistoric land again, Lin Heng's mood is quite contradictory.Although Lin Heng is not sure about resisting the chaotic storm this time, he is more than [-]% sure.To put it bluntly, he was guessing based on what Hongjun meant.Against Chaos Storm.Everyone doesn't understand, and if there is anyone who understands, it is Hongjun. Although he also said that he doesn't understand, who knows if it is true.

To put it simply, Lin Heng has a feeling of worrying about gains and losses in his heart.Today, the prehistoric world has turned into a realm of comprehension, which has aroused his emotions even more, and this is also the reason for his travels.

Caused mana fluctuations around the body.Sealing his own laws, Lin Heng walked on the street with big strides like an ordinary person, feeling the prehistoric style after the spiritual energy was exhausted.

here.Really changed!

In the past, almost everyone in the prehistoric world practiced cultivation, but this practice carried the shadow of Taoism, which, to put it bluntly, seemed somewhat indisputable.In that atmosphere.Cultivation is everyone's life, just like eating and drinking water.But here it is different.In modern times, not everyone can cultivate.If you want to practice.You must have good qualifications, a good opportunity, and be able to join a good sect, otherwise you will have no chance and no achievements.These are not counted, after you enter the door of cultivation, you have to fight for all the cultivation resources you can get to improve your cultivation, otherwise you will be eliminated.

Cultivation under this mechanism is full of madness.In Lin Heng's words, this kind of cultivation is close to the way of the devil, and even this kind of change of heart is more terrifying than the devil.

Such a prehistoric situation naturally made Lin Heng, a saint, feel a lot of emotion!

He really wanted to make amends in his heart. This kind of world is really unpleasant, but when he thinks about the chaotic storm in the future, he feels quite powerless.Before the chaotic storm, even if he had the ability to do something, it wouldn't have much impact.

'Forget it, it's good to try your best! '

Sighing in his heart, Lin Heng withdrew his thoughts and walked slowly into a tavern.This tavern is a tavern in the world, the kind of tavern that ordinary people enter, which is almost invisible in the wilderness, but now, it is everywhere.

Stepping into the tavern, Lin Heng frowned slightly with the aura of the world of mortals.He closed his pores and breathed, and his whole body was like a dead person, completely isolated from the outside world, which made his brows relax.

Sitting at an empty table, Lin Heng summoned the waiter, ordered something casually, and listened attentively to what the people around him were talking about.

Since ancient times, this tavern has been a place where everyone talks nonsense, and the people around them talk about all kinds of things. They talk about everything, some talk about the embarrassing things of the neighbors nearby, and some talk about rumors they heard... In short, Here, you can almost hear all kinds of strange talks.Of course, if you are serious, you lose.

Sitting around them, Lin Heng listened to all kinds of discussions amusedly, and occasionally showed a funny expression.

Having been here for so long, Lin Heng has never heard such familiar images and words.Here, being able to hear such words is also a kind of pleasure and a kind of enjoyment.

Just when Lin Heng was in a relaxed mood, he noticed two well-dressed men coming in outside.As soon as these two people came, there was silence in the tavern, and everyone naturally stopped talking and looked at the two of them.

These two people, not to mention their clothes, have that kind of temperament, which is rare, and it makes people feel good when they see it.It's just that being stared at by so many people makes no one happy.Looking at those two people, with a cold gaze, the hall seemed to have cooled down. Those who were staring at the two immediately looked back and lowered their heads, not daring to look any more, even the voices of talking and discussing became quieter.

In the corner, Lin Heng looked at the two of them interestingly.He could see clearly that these two were two human monks, and their cultivation was not high. In today's prehistoric words, they were monks in the realm of the primordial spirit.In the past, it was basically a mass product, and it didn't even have the qualifications to be taken seriously, but in modern times, it is a top master in the wild.

Although Lin Heng didn't get to know it in particular, he could tell with his eyes that the current realm was divided into five realms: Qi Qi, God Refining, Fusion, Primordial Spirit, and Immortal Transformation.When it is time to transform into an immortal, the sky and the earth will send down a thunder calamity, and then receive the guiding light, and guide the monks who have survived the thunder calamity to ascend to the upper realm.

However, since most of the last batch of Immortal Transformation cultivators ascended, there are not many Immortal Transformation cultivators in the cultivation world, and it can even be described as very few.And people with this kind of cultivation.Generally, they don't appear in the human world, but wander around, practice, and search for resources in order to overcome the catastrophe and ascend.Therefore, the top monks in the human world have become monks in the Yuanshen period, just like the quasi-sages after the saints can't go down to the prehistoric.

In the tavern, two top monks in the world chose a table by the window and sat down.They called something and began to talk, but no sound came out.No one else can hear it.

Lin Heng knew that the two had used spells to isolate their voices.It's just that this spell can hide it from others, but it can't hide it from myself.

From the conversation between the two, Lin Heng knew the purpose of their presence here.Coincidentally, these two people are not disciples of other sects, but disciples of his Hongta Mountain lineage.

Speaking of which, several major sects have also left inheritance.In the prehistoric world, in the Eight Directions World, and in the Ninth World.These three worlds have the inheritance of several major sects.Needless to say, the time in all directions, it is almost the base camp of several saints, and those quasi-sages go in, and they all live under the saints.ninth world.It's similar to the prehistoric past, but this original prehistoric world has become the world of self-cultivation in the novel.

Here, several major sects are not as strong as they used to be.Because their masters have all left, although there are many people left, they do not have overwhelming fighting power.Naturally, those casual cultivators are no longer afraid of them.

During these thousands of years, many Loose Cultivation sects have been established, and among them, quite a few sects dug grounds from the great sects.In the beginning, several major sects were able to overwhelm casual cultivators with their numbers.But gradually, the masters in the sect rose one by one, and they lost their powerful strength and numbers, so naturally they couldn't form an overwhelming force against the casual cultivators.

In addition, casual cultivators are not stupid, they know how to unite.In this way, the prehistoric situation immediately changed, and the sites of each great religion and sect also shrank instantly.

Lin Heng's original land in the Hongta Mountain range, but the south and north were removed, and the land left in the east was less than half.However, he is still the top faction, just like the other factions, although the territory has shrunk greatly, but after reaching a certain level, he is still extremely powerful.

This time, as the two elders of the Hongta Mountain lineage, they left the Hongta Mountain lineage because of fluctuations in Western Buddhism.It was once a place of chance, and many people would go there to try their luck.This time, it is the land of opportunity for Buddhism that has opened up.

In the past, disciples of big powers such as Hongtashan, Renjiao, and Chanjiao disdained to go to places of opportunity left by other sects, but now that resources are scarce, they have to take turns to go to the opportunities left by the major sects for resources. The land, looking for cultivation resources such as elixirs and medicinal materials inside.

These two are the leaders of the team, they are secretly guarding the young disciples of the Hongta Mountain lineage.From their conversation, Lin Heng knew that the young disciples of Hongta Mountain were resting in the Redwood Valley not far from the city.

Meeting a disciple of his sect by accident, Lin Heng naturally wanted to take a look.After just looking at the two Yuanshen monks, Lin Heng felt a little dissatisfied.

He could tell at a glance that these two people had a strong murderous intent, and their mana was somewhat mixed. Although their temperaments were good, they were barely sufficient.Such a disciple was definitely not qualified to be a disciple of Hongtashan before, let alone an elder in his lineage.But now, the two are elders.

Lin Heng knew that it was no wonder that they were the two of them, because the current practice world is generally like this, and it is not that simple to want to be independent.It's just that Lin Heng had just thought about saving Hong Huang, and he saw an unsightly person here, who was still a member of his own family, so he was naturally unhappy in his heart.

"Now it's only a thousand years in the past... Huh!" With a cold snort in his heart, Lin Heng became more and more urgent about his decision, and felt that it was right.A cultivation sect can compete for resources, but their confidence must be guaranteed, so that they will not be afraid even if they have karma.Otherwise, it will only drag yourself down and drag down the sect.Such a person, in the past, Lin Heng would definitely drive him out of the sect.

Is it only now...

Shaking his head secretly, Lin Heng threw down a piece of silver, got up and left the tavern.In a corner where no one was around, he came to a red valley in a flash.

Looking at an open space below, there are vague figures there, meditating and adjusting their breathing—these people are the disciples of the Hongta Mountain lineage who are resting here. (To be continued..)

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