Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

165 It Really Looks Like a Realm of Cultivation

In the blink of an eye, 18 years have passed.

In the past 18 years, Lin Fei has grown up and lived a happy life. Like an elf in the mountains, he is dependent on his master and rarely sees outsiders. Only occasionally some people will come here to meet his master. He also learned about the outside world from these people by the way.The time he saw the most people was when his master broke through to the Yuanshen stage three years ago.

With Lin Fei's help, his master made a breakthrough, but he himself made progress slowly.

Because of Lin Heng's side, Lin Fei has never lost his breath. What he does now is to exercise his body and develop his body's potential. It's just a set of movements that he has practiced for 13 years.

This is unimaginable in modern times.However, in the past, it was very common.

It is said that the foundation is important, so what is the foundation?

To lay the foundation for a person is to exercise his body, and the deep-seated reason is to tap his own potential. In Honghuang's words, it is to tap your own origin.The more you dig out, the faster you will enter the realm when you practice later.When the existing source is used up, it needs to be excavated again, and so on.

It is best to lay the foundation when one is young, because the body is not completely closed.

At this time, your body is fragile, and if you are not careful, you will be left with serious hidden injuries.But at the same time, cultivation is also the easiest at this time. As long as you find the right method, you will have a solid foundation, and you will be able to advance quickly in the future.

The basic movements passed down from Hongta Mountain are naturally no problem.This is the basic way passed down by Lin Heng himself, comparable to other major sects, this is the foundation of a sect.It's a pity that people nowadays are too eager for quick success, and completely forget the importance of foundation.Of course, if you ask, they will say so, but it's really time to practice.Who doesn't want their entry to be fast?Who will exercise for many years for a set of foundations?

It can be said that almost no one!Even Lin Fei has always wanted to go further, because those who came have all kinds of abilities, which makes Lin Fei very envious.If it wasn't for Lin Heng's pressure, this kid would have learned the following exercises from his master a long time ago.But Lin Heng didn't keep suppressing him, he also taught Lin Fei something.

When Lin Fei saw others running like arrows, Lin Heng taught him a set of footwork.Let him be dexterous like a monkey; when Lin Fei saw others flying in the sky, he was very envious, Lin Heng taught him the method of lifting, let him jump three feet high, like a cheetah in the mountains; When the magic weapon was extremely dazzling, Lin Heng threw him an even black long sword, which weighed five thousand catties.

He told Lin Fei, when will you be able to walk down the footwork completely and jump nine feet high.When you are out of breath after dancing sword for three days and three nights, you can practice the following exercises with your master.

With this goal in mind, Lin Fei really calmed down and practiced harder.It's just that Lin Heng has set a goal.That is not what he can achieve in the short term.His original intention in setting this goal is to hope that Lin Fei will continue to lay the foundation and tap his own potential until his body is completely closed.That is, when he was 24 years old.

For ordinary people, the body closes at the age of 20, and the intelligent ones will reach about 22 years old.Those who can reach the age of 24 are all geniuses.

You really don't know if Lin Fei is a genius or not, but don't forget that he was nourished by Lin Heng with his innate energy.This little nourishment has created his extraordinary physique.

It can be said that because of Lin Hengna's casual look, he is one of the top talents in the world.

Of course, Lin Fei couldn't reach Lin Heng's goal, but he achieved one, that is, jumping nine feet high.

Speaking of which, this kid is not useless.When he started, his mind was really full of cultivation, in order to achieve Lin Heng's goal with diligence.It's just that after a period of time, he also understood that this goal is not easy to achieve.So he thought about what to do, and finally he asked his master, and his master told him a way, that is to carry the heavy sword on his back every day to adapt to his strength.

This method originally allowed him to achieve the goal of dancing the sword, but unfortunately the requirement of being out of breath for three days and three nights is indeed not something he can achieve at this time, but jumping high, because he carries the heavy sword on his back every day, and his body is light when he takes it off. Ruyan achieved this goal after trying.

This made him ecstatic, and Lin Heng also decided to reward him, that is, let him go out and see.

On this day, Lin Fei passed his birthday, and he said to his master, "Master, I want to go out and experience it."

The master was slightly taken aback, looked at Lin Fei and said, "Ah Fei, you don't object if you want to go out as a teacher, but your cultivation level..." He shook his head as he said this. Inexplicably, he didn't practice the next kung fu, which made him helpless.Really!

"Master, don't worry. I didn't go out very far, I just took a look in the nearby villages and towns. In the past, when you were shopping, I often went with you." Lin Fei said immediately.

When the master heard it, he felt it made sense, so he nodded in agreement.This made Lin Fei overjoyed, and immediately bid farewell to his mentor, and rushed down the mountain with the burden he had prepared.

Not far from the mountain where the two lived, there was a small town.Most of the people living in the town are hunters and medicine farmers, who make a living by hunting and gathering medicine.Speaking of which, this town is a bit like a wholesale market. Every day, many merchants send cars here to collect wild animals and medicinal materials.Lin Fei also came here several times with his master and saw a lot of things.

This time, although it was not the first time for him, but because he was alone, it was very interesting to see everything around him. He was like a country leopard, and people could tell that it was the first time to go out.

No, a profiteer is after him.He saw Lin Fei standing in front of his shop, looking at the things inside curiously.With a roll of his eyes, he immediately took out a pale golden ginseng, approached Lin Fei with a kind smile on his face, and said, "Little brother, you must be a cultivator by looking at the long sword on your back. Look at my ginseng." King Shen, it’s a thousand-year-old product. How about it? I sold it to you at a cheaper price.”

Lin Fei opened his eyes wide and glanced at the ginseng, blinked, and said to the boss with a strange expression: "Boss, do you think this is the thousand-year-old ginseng king?"

The boss noticed Lin Fei's expression, and he thumped in his heart, secretly screaming that it was not good.Lin Fei over there also continued: "Boss, you must have been deceived. This is a fake ginseng. Fake ginseng is also a kind of ginseng. It's just that the effect is not as good as ginseng, which is very ordinary."

'Fuck, this kid really knows.He won't pretend? Seeing that Lin Fei really said the name of this ginseng, the boss shouted in his heart that he had missed it.It's just that on his face, there was a heartbroken expression, cursing the person who lied to him.Lin Fei comforted him kindly.Seeing Lin Fei like this, the boss thinks that this kid just happened to know this fake ginseng.

In fact, Lin Fei didn't know each other by chance. He lived in the mountains and had never seen any medicinal materials.

yes.Lin Fei has never seen anything in the market, but he has learned these basic things. Even if Lin Heng doesn't teach him, his master will teach him, let alone he lives in the mountains, and everything he sees all day long These are the ones.

It's just that he can recognize medicinal materials, but he can't recognize those he hasn't seen before.Just like some gadgets in the world, he finds them very interesting, even a wooden toy, he plays with it with great joy.The boss took a look.Immediately used this to trick him, but Lin Fei didn't know it yet, he was just playing there happily.

The life he came out to experience began under such a situation of being deceived, and in the next three months.It was really an unfortunate day for Lin Fei.Because he was soon cheated out of his money, it was difficult for him to even eat.Fortunately, Lin Fei has been in the mountains since he was a child, and there are many mountains in his area.This allows him to hunt prey in the mountains to fill his stomach.

In this way, Lin Fei, who ran back and forth in the mountains and villages and towns, returned after three months.

After returning, Lin Fei's temperament has changed, which is the change after the baptism in the world.This change can't be said to be good, but it can't be said to be bad, because this is what everyone has to experience.

After he came back, he practiced harder, but Lin Heng also noticed that his heart was anxious!

People just went out and saw the colorful world outside, so naturally they wanted to see it.Only after he has experienced a lot, will he understand the benefits of family, and also understand the importance of strength!

In this case, Lin Heng did not oppress Lin Fei, but let him go down the mountain when he was impatient to practice.When he came back, he would calm down and practice for a while, and when he thought about going outside again, Lin Heng still let him go out.

In this way, Lin Fei experienced more and more, and slowly, he understood a lot of truths in the world.I also know the importance of strength outside.At the same time, his master talked about the following exercises again during this period.

The competition among the sects is coming, and the competition under the age of 30 has many benefits. He hopes that his disciples will participate and compete for some resources.

This time, he didn't refuse.This is what Lin Heng meant.This time, what he looked at was not Lin Fei himself, but his master.His master seemed to be messing around, but from his standpoint, everything was for the benefit of the disciple.Lin Heng understood this feeling, so at this moment, he let Lin Fei agree.However, he also asked Lin Fei that he was only allowed to breathe three times a day, one in the morning, one in the middle of the night, one in half an hour, and at other times, you can practice as you want.

With the new things, Lin Fei's addiction to cultivation was evident again, but his heart in basic cultivation was not quiet enough, which displeased Lin Heng very much, and he often taught him because of it.

The days went on like this a little bit until he was 24 years old.Lin Heng let go of the restraint on him and told him personally: "From today onwards, you can practice with your master."

This sentence made Lin Fei overjoyed, but Lin Heng shook his head and remained silent.He didn't disturb Lin Fei's happiness, but disappeared automatically.When Lin Fei came back to his senses, he found that he couldn't call out Lin Heng, which made him flustered and didn't know what to do.

Lin Heng's disappearance made Lin Fei depressed for a long time. His master sensed that something was wrong, so he took time to accompany him, which made him cheer up again.

This time, Lin Fei worked hard for a long time and stayed in the mountains for four years without going out again.Because when he thinks of Lin Heng, he thinks of the days when Lin Heng trained him severely.He didn't want to disappoint Lin Heng, so he practiced hard.

Until four years later, Lin Fei's cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds, one after another broke through the realm of breathing energy and refining gods, and entered the fusion stage.This made his master astonished as a man of heaven, and secretly called himself an apprentice who would be great in the future.

At this time, he also realized that his disciple's xinxing was not enough, so he kicked him down the mountain and went to practice. (To be continued..)

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