Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

166 The new leader and the new rules

Lin Fei came out of the mountain!Therefore, there is one more genius in the world, a rapidly rising genius!

Lin Fei had only two years to go down the mountain again, and he didn't go too far, but even in the area of ​​Hongta Mountain, his reputation still spread.

A fit monk under the age of 30.This age, this realm, is enough to make countless people pay attention to him.

In the past two years, Lin Fei has experienced many things and has become more mature. His rapid advancement to the realm is unexpectedly stable and cannot be stabilized anymore.Two years later, he even won the No. 30 by an overwhelming advantage during the Hongtashan lineage's 1-year-old monks competition, and the other two young disciples in the sect who reached the 30-year-old monks before the age of [-] were completely perfect. Not his opponent.

The first place this time completely pushed Lin Fei to the cusp of prehistoric times.


Because the Hongta Mountain lineage is a big faction.Everything in Dapai has been carefully watched by people.As the No.1 of the younger generation, and also a master of the fit period, he naturally attracted people's attention.

With this dazzling aura, Lin Fei is really the darling of the world.However, there are many dangers in it.In the sect, because of his young age and inexperienced relationship, he was often bullied by the older generation of monks in the integration stage.No way, who told him to reach such a realm at such a young age, he is naturally envied by others.And with this envy, more actions were directed at him.

Fortunately, Lin Fei was lucky. Every time he couldn't solve the problem, things gradually cleared up, and Lin Fei didn't have any serious problems.It's just that this kind of torture really exercises people.

In this kind of training, Lin Fei's peace of mind has improved by leaps and bounds, but what is surprising is that after 20 years in the sect, he still hasn't made a breakthrough in the cultivation of the fusion period.

His genius aptitude was also questioned at this moment.

20 years to break through the integration period?It seems like a joke.But for those geniuses, this is really nothing.Let's just talk about the two integrated monks who were in the same period as him.They all entered the Yuanshen realm one after another and became elders.But what about him?It's still in the realm of integration.

Under this kind of pressure, under the unfriendly eyes of most people in this sect, Lin Fei finally ended his position in the sect and went out to practice.

As the saying goes, the dragon enters the sea.Lin Fei who came out of the mountain was like a dragon entering the sea.Inside the door, everything was unsatisfactory for him, but when he came outside, he was completely free, and no one was staring at him all the time.He can eat freely.Free to drink, free to do everything you want to do.It is really difficult for those who have not experienced this feeling to understand.

It is said that the price of freedom is higher, but how high and how high it is is really hard for us modern people to understand!

Lin Fei came out completely free, he just remembered what his master and Lin Heng had taught him.The phrase "Good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil" is his creed in life, and he has always done so.During the period, those unwarranted things in the door ended up with nothing for him, which also convinced him.This sentence is true.

After going down the mountain, he is still like this.Relying on the epee in his hand, he acted chivalrously and traveled all over the world.Although his cultivation level still hasn't broken through, his reputation has become bigger than before, and people no longer call him that genius.Instead, it is called swordsman.

In the world of cultivating immortals, people generally call this kind of monks who hold swords sword immortals, because they seek immortals with amazing means, and the flying swords in their hands change freely.But Lin Fei is different, the long sword in his hand is that long sword, it cannot be changed at will, everything is held in his hand.If the only thing that has changed is that the sword keeps getting heavier.Every time, after he got used to the weight of the long sword, the weight of the sword would increase a little, allowing him to get used to it again.

This is what frustrates him too.

But now he also understands the benefits of this sword.This sword has tempered him, making his swordsmanship incomparable, and his strength is astonishing. Ordinary monks are no match for him at all, and even monks of the same level are rarely able to defeat him, unless there is someone A person who has a good treasure in hand, otherwise he is the king of the same rank.

Knowing this, Lin Fei also thought of Lin Heng, and felt more grateful for his kindness and cherished this epee even more in his heart, so he never exchanged treasures, but kept this epee by his side as his own Weapons, magic weapons.

In countless times of fighting for justice, he relied on this sword to win his reputation as "Swordsman".At the same time, he also saw another utility of this sword, which is its sturdiness.

He met many enemies and many magic weapons, but none of those magic weapons could harm the sword in the slightest.This let him know that the material of this sword is very unique.For this reason, he also deliberately experimented, roasting the sword with earth fire, but after 49 consecutive days, the sword did not deform at all.

Such a sword naturally made Lin Fei happy.He thought that this sword was heavy, but he didn't expect it to be a great treasure!

After going out for 30 years, Lin Fei returned to the sect.He felt as if he had passed away, everything in the past seemed to be completely changed, and the unkind eyes that looked at him in the past also disappeared.

Time, this can change everything!

Lin Fei who came back did not receive any courtesy, nor did he have any malicious intentions, because the cultivation world is forgetful, since you are not a genius, others will always remember what you do.If there is such a person here, it is either your relative or your enemy. Ordinary people, who will care about you!

Lin Fei returned to his place silently like this, looking at all the familiar things, he was quite moved in his heart.It's a pity that the master is not in the cave.

Maybe he was tired, but after returning Lin Fei fell asleep leaning against the rocks outside his master's cave.He didn't know that after he fell asleep, Lin Heng appeared.

In fact, Lin Heng never left at all, he just acted like that on purpose to hone him.Moreover, it was Lin Heng's fault that he was unable to break through these years.When he showed up now, he broke the restriction on Lin Fei.

Look at Lin Fei, after Lin Heng's restraint was removed, mana gushed out of his body automatically, he didn't even know it in his sleep, and when he woke up, he was a monk in the primordial spirit stage.

Lin Heng still didn't see Lin Fei, because now is not the time, and he will show up at the critical moment.When master Lin Fei came, he hid, and his master also saw Lin Fei, and saw Lin Fei after he advanced.

Feeling that Lin Fei's cultivation was not weaker than his own, the master was overjoyed.

Although this disciple is not the genius he used to be, he is also a monk in the Yuanshen stage, and he is a strong one!

Seeing him sleeping soundly, the master didn't want to wake him up.He thought in his heart, Ah Fei must be very tired, otherwise how could he sleep so soundly?In this way, let him sleep for a while.

He fell asleep really soundly, and slept for seven days and seven nights.After waking up, he immediately saw the meditating mentor beside him, and immediately stood up and knelt down, but with just this movement, he found a difference in himself, as if...he was stronger!

After a little induction, he found that he had entered a new realm.

'Primitive spirit stage, I have entered the primordial spirit stage! Lin Fei shouted in his heart, his face full of complicated and strange expressions.

In the past, the primordial spirit stage he dreamed of, unexpectedly reached it inexplicably after sleeping.The contradiction in his mood is naturally conceivable.

No one will pay attention to Lin Fei in the fusion stage, but Lin Fei in the Yuanshen stage is different.After he entered the Primordial Spirit Stage, his mentor immediately notified those who knew him well, so almost all the disciples in the Hongta Mountain lineage knew that the declining genius in the past had broken through the Primordial Spirit Stage.Although it took him a longer time, he still achieved the primordial spirit stage.

This is enough to make people jealous!

Lin Fei in the primordial spirit stage seems to have regained the radiant feeling of the past, and he is surrounded by eyes that pay attention to him, envy, jealousy... all kinds of eyes fall on him from time to time.However, Lin Fei's heart is different from the past, he will no longer have greater mood swings because of other people's attention.He still looked so normal, with a lazy smile on his face.

After socializing for a few days, Lin Fei entered his new cave.At the Yuanshen period, it is naturally different, not only the status is different, but also the status is greatly different, he has his own cave, and he is on an equal footing with his master, and has become the top person under the thirteen elders and the head of the sect .All of this made Lin Fei feel unfamiliar, but at the same time felt a little familiar.

Glory, can make people lose their minds!

In the past, Lin Heng gave Lin Fei a test. He didn't do well, but he didn't do badly. He kept his heart.This time, he still maintained his original heart and moved forward in peace.

Seeing Lin Fei like this, Lin Heng was satisfied.As for Lin Fei, he had no idea how bright his future destiny would be.He originally thought that he could practice peacefully, and he would go out to the mountains to fight for righteousness in his spare time, and practice in the mountains at other times in order to overcome the calamity and ascend.

Until Lin Heng reappeared.

His appearance naturally made Lin Fei ecstatic, but when Lin Fei showed him a portrait, he was completely stunned.This is the portrait of Lin Heng, the patriarch of Hongta Mountain!

And the appearance of the person in the painting...

Lin Fei couldn't describe his mood at that time, he took over the portrait completely in ignorance, he also took over the task of Lin Heng asking him to compete for the master, and even took over the new rules that Lin Heng created for him.

All of this put Lin Fei at the pinnacle of his future life, shining brightly like the sun, so dazzling that people couldn't look at him.And he has also become one of the few legends after the cataclysmic day.

Because, he is the person who changed the fate of the Hongta Mountain lineage, and even the person who changed the fate of countless people. (to be continued..)

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