Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

167 Chaos Storm in the Idle Chapter

Back in Tianwaitian, before Lin Heng's butt was hot, his heart skipped a beat, he immediately shook his head and smiled, got up and walked outside the palace.He stood outside the hall, and after a while, a red light came down from the sky and landed in front of Lin Heng.

" are actually waiting for me outside, it's really lucky for Styx."

The one who came was the Blood Sea Styx.He received the news when Lin Heng came back, and rushed over immediately.

Ming He and Lin Heng walked into the main hall one after another, and they sat down. Lin Heng served the boy some tea, took a sip, and asked, "Fellow Taoist came to see me, is there something wrong?"

Styx nodded, and straightened out his intentions: "I am here this time to discuss the matter of the Chaos Storm with fellow Daoists."

Lin Heng understood, knowing that Styx was worried.This time, the Eight Saints Nong had a huge momentum. Although the quasi-sages didn't understand, they also knew the danger of this incident, and the best way was to be with the saints.In this way, there is more or less a guarantee of safety.Styx and Lin Heng have always been friends and once formed an alliance. At this juncture, he naturally wanted to come to Lin Heng to express his affection.

"To be honest, Fellow Daoist Styx, we actually don't know much about the Chaos Storm." Lin Heng briefly said what Hongjun had said, but he didn't say anything about his own guess.Everyone is not an idiot. Lin Heng can think of it, and others will think of it to some extent, and Styx immediately thought of it.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he said with a light smile, "Fellow Daoist, no matter what, it's better for you and me to advance and retreat together."

"Haha..." Lin Heng clapped his palms and laughed loudly, and said, "Friend Daoist is really temperamental!"

For a while, both of them were very interested, and chatted while drinking tea.While chatting, Minghe talked about Lin Heng's lower realm, and he even teased him about what Lin Heng did.

Most people in the upper realm knew about the prehistoric situation, but they were too busy to take care of themselves.Don't care about it at all, Lin Heng will take care of it, so it's natural for others to laugh at it.However, as a quasi-sage, Styx naturally understood Lin Heng's mood, and if other people went down to the realm at that time, they might also intervene.Moreover, since Lin Heng has made a move now, other sects will not fail to make a move.

After all, what Lin Heng did was a good thing.Good for all denominations.Since it is a good thing, everyone naturally goes with it.

In the lower realm, Lin Heng launched Lin Fei and made him the new headmaster of Hongta Mountain.Later, with the help of Lin Fei, he promulgated new canons.In the past, there were not many canons in the Hongta Mountain lineage. At that time, these canons were nothing.Because the general atmosphere is like that, but now it is different, there must be strict constraints, otherwise most of these monks will go astray.

In the new gate rules.Lin Heng specially stipulated that all beginners must practice basic exercises until they are 24 to [-] years old; all beginners must learn the way of cause and effect.The merits of the inside and outside of the Ming Dynasty.This is a requirement for his disciples, and he also made a requirement for the sect, that is, the contributions of the disciples in the sect must be recorded.This contribution is not a contribution to the sect, but a contribution to the world. In the vernacular, it is to do good deeds.

From now on, all the resources in the sect must be withdrawn by means of contributions, and no one is allowed to get them for nothing, even newcomers, the cultivation resources they need must be accounted for, and they must be repaid in the future, otherwise the sect is entitled to take back all your mana .

This rule is to break the rules of all the current sect rules, because most of the sect rules are based on the interests of the sect.

In the previous era of master-student inheritance, the resources needed by the disciples were voluntary by the master, without any remuneration.Later, in the era of sects, it became the main interest of the sect.Now, Lin Heng has broken this rule and let the sect be dominated by heaven and earth.

This change caused huge waves in Honghuang. Many sects laughed at the idiots of the Hongta Mountain lineage, but many disciples in the sect couldn't figure it out.When the new sect rules were announced, Lin Fei's position as sect master was questioned.Fortunately, Lin Fei has Lin Heng's support. Although he never showed up, he knows everything about the sect. This way, he can help Lin Fei clean up those trash disciples and revitalize the Hongtashan lineage.

After completing a series of arrangements, Lin Heng asked Lin Heng to announce new rewards and punishments—door regulations: all good people will be rewarded by the door, which is more or less better than before; Don't be chased by the sect, never die.Among these regulations, one of the most important is that Lin Heng reopened Hongta Mountain to allow the best people to enter and seek great opportunities.

As soon as this regulation came out, those people immediately fell silent.With a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, it is easy to use anywhere.

In the following time, Hongta Mountain was slowly being transformed.This transformation starts from themselves, first from the door, then from their own territory, and then gradually expand their reputation.

Not to mention, under the continuation of the Hongta Mountain Sect's regulations, the reputation of the Hongta Mountain Sect is getting better and better, and it is even widely spread in Honghuang, and it is respected as the number one sect in Hongdashan.

Lin Heng didn't wait until that time, he returned to Tianwaitian after completing his own consolidation in the Hongta Mountain lineage, and he only heard about the name of the first sect when he came back.

These are the benefits of fame and the sect. The disciples in the sect don't benefit that much. At most, when you go out, others are polite and friendly to you.But don't forget, heaven and earth dote on luck, and the Hongtashan lineage is in the current prehistoric period when luck is added to the body, and its disciples naturally also receive attention.Among other things, the biggest change is that the cultivation speed of the disciples of Hongta Mountain has accelerated, and there are more people who have ascended through the tribulation.

In the past thousand years, there have been more than 100 ascenders in the lineage of Hongta Mountain.This is unimaginable in today's prehistoric times.And all of this is brought about by the change of door regulations.

In the palace, while Lin Heng and Minghe were chatting, other sages and quasi-sages also passed down orders to let them follow the line of Hongtashan to change, and they also gave their own suggestions according to local conditions.

In this way, the changes brought about by the Hongta Mountain lineage immediately swept Honghuang, and Honghuang's unhealthy tendencies were stopped.Lin Heng didn't think of this either.At that time, he just hoped to change into a prehistoric place, but in his heart, he felt that this possibility was unlikely.It's just that when these big sects unite, it will be a prehistoric situation.Once the big environment changed, Hong Huang naturally got better.

It's just that although the change has changed, but everything is a bit of a transaction, compared with before, there is still a gap.

The gossip was closed, Minghe said goodbye, Lin Heng sent him to the sect, after he left, Lin Heng did not return to the palace, but flew up, and after a while, he came to the outside of the Starry Sky Palace and stepped in.

Here, there are already seven people present, precisely those seven saints.

After Lin Heng came in, he bowed far away and sat on his futon.

Seeing the Seven Sages coming together, Hongjun opened his eyes, and said in a voice: "The outer chaos has changed, and the chaotic storm is not far from the prehistoric world. We are saints, but we can't just watch the storm come. Wait , may you go and have a look with me.”

The Seven Sages glanced at each other and said in unison: "Good!"

Hongjun nodded, got up, walked out of Zixiao Palace with seven people, and flew out of the starry sky.The seven of them entered the chaos and flew straight ahead.The eight people, one in front and seven in the rear, didn't know how long they had been flying. Lin Heng roughly calculated that it had been at least a hundred years, and the distance they flew was also hundreds of miles away.

The farther you go, the closer you are to the Chaos Storm.Arriving here, the eight Lin Hengs felt the terrifying fluctuations from a distance.Look at the chaotic airflow, like a water vein, rushing forward crazily and quickly, and the Eighth Sages can feel the tingling sensation of the skin when they are in it.

Looking up, from a distance, the appearance of the chaotic storm could not be seen at all.

With such a distance, there is such a great power!The horror of the chaotic storm made the Eight Sages feel awe-inspiring.

They flew for another distance, and they could see the terrifying embryonic form of the storm, which was like a general tornado, crazily raging chaos, devouring everything around it.In this chaos, there is only the Qi of Chaos, and the storm absorbed all the Qi of Chaos, making it stronger and bigger.

Look at the speed at which he runs, it's too fast.Just now, he was still at the end of his gaze, but in this way, he narrowed the distance with everyone.

The Eight Saints did not dare to resist the power of the Chaos Storm, and retreated quickly, and the Chaos Storm followed them. Judging from his distance, he was really heading towards the Great Desolate Continent.

Such a storm, can we really resist it?

For the first time, all the saints had no idea, and Lin Heng was even more so.He used to guess that Honghuang should be sure, but after realizing the horror of this storm, his previous speculation seemed to be untenable at all.

If Hongjun didn't arrange it that way, could the Great Desolate Continent really survive such a storm?

Lin Heng is really not sure at all!

'It seems that this time, it is really going to be desperate! '(to be continued...)

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