Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

168 The way to reduce the storm and fix the chaos

In the chaos, a huge storm raged past. Wherever he passed, the air of chaos was emptied, although it was filled again immediately. Seeing the terrifying power of absorbing and devouring, the Eight Sages who watched from afar Terrified.

The air of chaos in a radius of tens of thousands of miles was sucked up by him in one sweep.This point, even if the Eight Sages work together, they will not be able to do it!

And as he absorbed more chaotic energy, the chaotic storm became bigger and bigger, growing almost at the speed of the naked eye.If things go on like this, when it reaches the Great Desolate Land, its size will probably be at least ten times its current size.

In front of the Seven Saints, Hongjun's face was calm, and he was horrified by the power of the chaotic storm.He has made so many arrangements, although the main purpose is to resist the chaos storm, but he also has his own plans in his heart.As Lin Heng guessed, he naturally hoped that Tianwaitian would stay.In this way, it is beneficial to the way of heaven, to heaven and earth, and to him.

If those arrangements are really destroyed by the chaos storm, Hongjun will not be reconciled!

"Everyone, we must stop the expansion of the storm, otherwise Honghuang will not be able to resist it." Hongjun said to the Seven Saints behind him in a deep voice.

Seven Saints nodded, showing unprecedented dignified expressions one by one.Lao Tzu said: "Teacher, please tell me!"

Hongjun looked at the chaotic storm, and with a move, an ancient clock appeared in his hand.The Seven Sages narrowed their eyes when they saw this treasure - the Chaos Clock.This treasure is actually in Hongjun's hands.

"The Chaos Clock can fix Chaos! Let's cast spells together to freeze the surrounding Chaos and prevent the storm from absorbing the energy of Chaos." After saying that, Hongjun threw the Chaos Clock high into the sky.The Seven Sages also knew the priorities of the matter, so they didn't ask any questions, and immediately input their mana one by one into the Chaos Clock.In an instant, the bell rang through the chaos, and the power of chaos in the surrounding area was stopped by the joint efforts of the Eight Saints.

The Chaos Storm can swallow the Qi of Chaos, and the Qi of Chaos can swallow the energy of the world.Attack with supernatural powers and spells.Absolutely no use.As for planning a chaotic storm, Basheng never thought about it.In this way, the only way is to prevent the Chaos Storm from absorbing the Qi of Chaos, or to absorb less of the Qi of Chaos.Then the method is simple, that is to combine the power of the Eight Saints to stabilize the chaotic airflow, so that the area where the chaotic storm flows will not be able to absorb a trace of chaotic air.

It's just...with the joint efforts of the Eight Saints and the assistance of the innate treasure Chaos Clock, they still couldn't completely stop Chaos.

Look at that Chaos Storm.He passed through the chaotic area where the Eight Saints were settled, and the trapped chaotic energy instantly rioted together, pulling one by one into the chaotic storm.Although the Eight Saints are doing their best, they still cannot completely isolate the chaotic airflow. What they can do is to reduce the absorbed chaotic airflow as much as possible.

In this way, the Eight Saints fixed Chaos again and again, and the chaos storm passed in front of the Eight Saints again and again, absorbing a lot of Chaos Qi.It grows step by step.However, under the actions of the Eight Sages, the speed of the chaos storm's growth has obviously been greatly weakened.Judging from the current situation.When he reaches Honghuang, he can be five times as big, which is not bad.

Time passed slowly like this, and the chaotic storm was getting closer and closer to the flood.At this point.The Eight Sages no longer stopped Chaos, but received the Chaos Clock and quickly returned to Tianwaitian.Restore mana to go.At the same time, they also spread the news that the chaos storm will come soon, and everyone must be prepared.

In the palace where Lin Heng was, after he recovered, he immediately called all the disciples and asked them about their preparations.

In the task of resisting the chaotic storm, the task of his Hongtashan branch is to operate the Tianwaitian Zhoutian Star Dou Grand Formation.For this reason, he specially taught this formation to his disciples step by step, so that they can become proficient.Now, it's time to use them.

After careful questioning, Lin Heng nodded in satisfaction, and led them to the chaotic starry sky in the outer sky.Then, on each planet, he arranged a large number of disciples, allowing them to directly control the planet to operate the Great Formation of the Heavenly Outer Heaven Zhou and the Star Dou.Afterwards, he rushed back to the palace, personally took charge of this small world, combined with the power of the world, provided the Zhoutian Great Formation to enhance its power.

On the other side, the other six sages also had their own missions, and finally, like Lin Heng, sat in other worlds.In this eight-direction world, Hongjun sits in the center, and the last one is handed over to those quasi-sages, allowing them to form a large formation, and together with the eight sages, they will control the outer sky and fight against the chaotic storm together.

After this intense preparation, the Chaos Storm finally arrived.

It was not the Eight Saints who first felt the chaotic storm, but the disciples who manipulated the starry sky.When the chaotic storm approached, the entire starry sky became extremely bright, and the planet trembled, as if it was afraid of something.Immediately, those disciples followed the previous instructions, pouring out mana one by one, and laying down seals, the starry sky suddenly dimmed, but the next moment, it seemed to be one, bright and dazzling, making people unable to look directly at it.

Lin Heng looked at the starry sky that had changed drastically, and was extremely shocked.Is this the Zhou Tian Star Dou Grand Formation?Is this the Zhou Tian Star Dou array of safe start?It feels so strong!Incredibly strong!

At this moment, not only Lin Heng, but also other creatures were shocked, especially the other six saints.

They knew that the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation was strong, but since it was combined with the Jade Immortal Sword Formation and the Dutian Shensha formation, there was a limit to its strength.But at this time, a part of Zhou Tian's formation was exposed, and this part was far away from the Zhuxian Sword Formation and Dutian Shensha formation.

Its strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

Lin Heng stared closely at the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation, comparing and corresponding what he saw with the knowledge about Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation in his mind.This kind of realistic teaching made Lin Heng once again realize the unfathomable depth of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, and also gave him a long-term understanding of the formation.

Although Tianwaitian's Zhoutian formation is powerful, it is not the original version.It's not the original version anymore, so naturally it can't keep up with the original version.In other words, Hong Huang's Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation is the strongest.

Just as he was thinking, the violent wind from the periphery of the chaotic storm blew into the prehistoric.The huge chaotic air flow directly inserted into the starlight in the sky, piercing in like a black sharp sword.It's just that in the face of Zhou Tian's large formation at this time, this sharp sword is not fast.Look at the starlight, just like water, the chaotic air flow piercing into the starry sky was completely delayed and crushed by the water flow, without any waves.

The first wave of attacks was resolved so easily, everyone was shocked, and suddenly felt that the chaos storm was not so terrible.But only the Eight Sages who have seen the chaotic storm understand that this wind is the most marginal attack of the chaotic storm, and it is not even a drop in the bucket.

Soon, the second wave of attacks came.This time, it was obviously much stronger than the last time, and the airflow also had continuity, and it was no longer a one-time attack.

This time, Zhou Tian's Xingdou formation still resisted, it was neither difficult nor easy.This also made everyone understand that the Chaos Storm is not as simple as everyone thinks.

The third wave of attacks came.This wave of attack was terrifying. The gust of wind blew in directly from the outside, forming small tornadoes, stirring up the starlight in the sky.Only relying on the energy of the sky to resist this attack, I am afraid that there is not much power left.

Down below, Eight Sages saw this situation and knew that they should move.Immediately, the Eight Sages issued an order, and countless creatures in the sky outside the sky output mana together and pour it into the earth, and then through the sage, this endless mana was input into the starry sky, so that the sky and the earth could be combined to exert a stronger power.

In the endless starry sky, the two colors of blue and yellow intersect, and under the blessing of starlight, it turns into nothingness-like energy to fight against the strong wind.The two collided again and again, sparks were sparked, thunder and lightning were struck, and endless wind and clouds blew across the continent, setting off a violent storm.

At this moment, the entire earth trembled, like a huge earthquake.At the intersection of that world, a bottomless crack slowly appeared with the vibration, earth and rocks splashed there, and fire burst out there, just like the scene of the end of the world.

In the center of the world, a bell rang at the right time, and the trembling earth immediately calmed down.In the palace, Lin Heng took a deep breath, and the mana in his body surged and poured into the earth.

Under the action of the Eight Sages, the split earth was closed again, and the chaotic clock also floated in the sky, firmly fixed the earth, preventing it from splitting and collapsing. (To be continued..)

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