Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

170 People who collapsed and retreated into the prehistoric

The New Immortal Realm completely collapsed, and the sky and the earth were re-formed into clean and stale qi, which merged into the ninth world of Tianwaitian and became the spiritual power of this place, replenishing the destroyed earth and starry sky.

Outside the starry sky, although the Milky Way was cut off, it was like two chains, trying to lock Chaos Storm and prevent him from moving forward.And at the cracked place, the strong wind kept blowing into the starry sky, disturbing the starlight, but it was immediately submerged by the starlight.

Confrontation!This is a confrontation of energy!

With the collapse of the New Immortal World, Tianwaitian has no shortage of energy for the time being, but saints and quasi-sages all know that when the energy is exhausted, this place will also be completely destroyed!

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun had a serious face, and there was hardly any expression on his face except heaviness.All his mana poured into the seat, while his eyes were fixed on the Chaos Clock above.

Hongjun absolutely does not want it to be shattered, but judging from the current situation, the shattering of Tianwaitian is only a matter of time, unless something unexpected happens.

Other saints have no choice, but Hongjun has another way, but this way makes it very difficult for him to choose.

The three great treasures of Kaitian are the only three treasures in the prehistoric world.These three treasures are all unpredictable and unrivaled in the world.Taiji diagram can calm the earth, water, fire and wind, and there is an immeasurable golden bridge in it, which travels invisible; Pangu banner, which can emit the power of chaos, can break the void of chaos, and is the most important weapon in attacking; the chaos clock can be attacked and defended, suppressing chaos , control time and space.

Among the three great treasures, the Chaos Clock is definitely the most powerful, and the law of time and space inside it is even more coveted.

Why did Hongjun hide the Chaos Clock?It is the law of space-time within it.That's right, as a saint of the Dao of Heaven, he can indeed comprehend the laws of time and space in the Dao of Heaven, just like other monks.But having a chaotic clock and not having a chaotic clock are completely two concepts, just like Lin Heng.If he didn't have the help of the six realms of reincarnation, how could he achieve what he is today?

Now, to save Tianwaitian.It is necessary to break the chaotic storm, and the only thing that can stop the chaotic storm is the chaotic clock.However, the Chaos Storm is so strong that even the Chaos Clock cannot stop it.At that time, if the chaos storm cannot be completely broken, this treasure will be destroyed!

Hongjun made a decision in his heart, and the energy of Tianwaitian also dissipated quickly.On the ground, the land that was meant to be calm split open again, shaking violently as if someone was shaking the whole world again.

Sitting in the palace, Hongjun felt the disintegration of Tianwaitian.I finally made a decision in my heart.He still decided to give it a try.If the power of the three great treasures can be combined to break the chaos storm and save the sky outside the sky, even if the chaos clock is destroyed, it will be worth it!

Immediately, Hongjun sent an order to Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi to hand over the things to his quasi-sage disciples, and came with treasure.After the three met, they immediately rushed to the outside of the starry sky.

In that thousand miles of chaos.The three of them stood outside the chaotic storm, Daozu Hongjun made a move, and the chaotic clock in the middle of the world instantly turned into a stream of light and fell into his hands.But without the protection of the Chaos Clock, the shaking of the sky and the earth became more violent, and the earth jumped into several pieces in an instant.It's just that at this time, Daozu couldn't care less about it.He threw the Chaos Clock back into the void.Mana poured into his body at once.


A crisp bell sounded over the howling wind and rang outside the starry sky, and everyone in Tianwaitian heard it.They look up.One by one, they looked out of the starry sky.There, a big clock towered above the starry sky, and that huge figure was no less than a chaotic tornado.

"Make it for me!"

With Hongjun's loud roar, the Chaos Clock erupted with a brilliant black-yellow brilliance, and endless Chaos Qi erupted from the Chaos Clock, and the surrounding Chaos air was also cut off, becoming the energy to supplement the Chaos Clock.The raging chaotic storm also stopped at this moment!

So strong!

At this moment, these two words rose in everyone's mind.However, I don't know if they are talking about Hongjun, Chaos Clock, or the two together?

In the palace, Lin Heng stared at the Chaos Clock with a strange color in his eyes.He also understands the laws of time and space; he understands the law of good fortune and chaos even more.This Hongjun can use the Chaos Clock to exert such power, what about himself?

A fire rose in his heart, and Lin Heng didn't dare to look away.At the point of view, the Chaos Clock fixed the Chaos Storm Evil, and then Yuanshi took out the Pangu Banner, restored the sword energy one after another, and split the Chaos Storm violently, and Lao Tzu immediately suppressed the scattered Chaos Storm with the Taiji Diagram.

However, the strength of the three is not enough after all.That chaotic storm was fixed, but the time it was fixed was too short.As soon as the two of them finished a wave of movements, the chaos storm on the other side started to move. With his rotation, the chaos clock made a rapid bell, and cracks were cracked on the body of the clock, and Hongjun also vomited blood and died. Retiring, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi also felt bad, part of the chaotic storm they had just settled was swallowed by the re-turning hurricane before they could be digested, and the magic weapon of the two was immediately beaten back, bringing their spirits with them. was severely impacted.

'Damn it, can't it? '

Hongjun's face was gloomy, and the chaotic clock in his hand was already covered with cracks, as if it would break if touched.

Looking at the chaotic storm raging again and the broken chaotic clock in his hand, Patriarch Hongjun felt very distressed.Unexpectedly, it still failed!

"let's go!"

Leaving a sentence, the ancestor Hongjun retreated again.He, Lao Tzu, and Yuan Shi once again used the power of the world to consolidate the earth and resist the chaotic storm.However, he also failed in his last attempt, and the fate of this world was determined accordingly.

The last action of everyone was to use the remaining energy of this world to consume the chaotic storm. After all the energy collapsed, Tianwaitian also collapsed.Under the leadership of Hongjun, everyone returned to the prehistoric starry sky.

Just take a look at the people who came back, it seems that there are many, but as long as you have the heart, you will find that, except for the saints and quasi-sages, these people are all disciples of Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian and below, and none of them have come back.

It can be said that with the collapse of Xinxianjie and Tianwaitian, all the monks above the immortals and below the Great Luo, except for the officials of the heavenly court, all died.

This situation is depressing, but everyone understands that there is no way to do it, and they also expected that more people will die in the future, but this time it is no longer immortals like them , but the sentient beings below.

Now it is, they don't die, what dies is the prehistoric.This is absolutely unacceptable to everyone.There is no choice but to choose in this way!

Standing in the starry sky, Lin Heng sighed inwardly, glanced behind him, his face was even more gloomy.Many of his disciples were also left behind in Tianwaitian. Only a few direct disciples such as Jin Cheng survived. Only one of the three generations of disciples, Zhang Sanfeng, was still alive, and the others were all dead. In the Hongta Mountain lineage, he doesn't have any extra disciples at all.

He is like this, and so are Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian and others. The most miserable people are probably those of the Yaozu.Once they die, they will die in groups, which is even more miserable.You are like the dragon clan, the purer their blood, the higher their cultivation level, but that's how it is for the dead.What is left now are those masters and those hybrid creatures. If they also die, I am afraid that the dragon clan will have to be extinct.

This is even more tragic than Lin Heng and others!

"Preserving the prehistoric world is the most important thing now, so don't think too much about it." Seeing the sad expressions on everyone's faces, Hong Jun said something.Finally, he ordered them one by one, asking them to act according to the plan.

Not long after, the remaining people fell into the back of the starry sky and began to meditate to recover the consumed mana, and the Eighth Saints also gathered together with the quasi-sages, standing on the front line outside the starry sky, waiting quietly With the coming of the chaos storm. (To be continued..)

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