Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

171 Zhou Tianquan Looks Like Pan Gu Reborn

The storm roared, and a sharp sound came from afar.In the starry sky, everyone's clothes were blown and rattled.Outside the starry sky, a ray of starlight suddenly appeared, gradually converging into a river of starlight, this silver river flowed outside the starry sky, the sound of the wind was immediately cut off, and everyone's clothes also calmed down.

'coming! '

For a moment, everyone said in their hearts.They quickly jumped into the high place, the magic weapon under the seat was shining, and the surging mana radiated from their bodies, but it didn't disperse very far, and was absorbed and swallowed by the surrounding starry sky.

Hush... The sound of running water sounded in everyone's ears, and the galaxy outside curled up with layers of huge waves, blocking the entire starry sky.When everyone looked at it, what they saw was only silver and black shadows, but they couldn't see the collision between the two clearly.

The booming sound resounded non-stop in the ears of the saints and quasi-sages, and they also stared wide-eyed to see while conveying mana.It's just that I really can't see through here.That galaxy completely cut off everyone's eyes, not to mention the quasi-sages, even the eight great saints, they still couldn't see them.

At this moment, everyone was extremely shocked.They can see it in Tianwaitian, but they can't see it here.A very simple reason, the Zhou Tianxing Dou array here is stronger, terrifyingly strong!

Although it has always been said that Zhou Tian's strength is beyond everyone's imagination, but at this time they still dare not think that this big formation will be so powerful.For the first time, hope rose in everyone's hearts.With such a large formation, it should be able to compete with the chaos storm.

Sitting on the starry sky, waiting calmly, anxiously, and helplessly, when the starry sky suddenly came with a suction force, everyone was shocked.They knew that Zhou Tianxing's power consumption was too great, and it was necessary to forcibly replenish energy.

Thinking of this, they didn't hide one by one, but speeded up the delivery of mana, and they were on the wild land.The flowers and plants began to dry up, and the land began to turn yellow. In the western land, the desert that had been turned into a green land also turned into a desert again in a short period of time. The eastern continent even appeared a scene of desertification, which shocked all beings, and they couldn't help asking: What's going on here?

What's going on here?Why is the world such a doomsday scene?

With the passage of time, the desertification of the land became more and more serious, and the water almost completely disappeared. All living beings looked at this doomsday scene in horror.There is no way.

Suddenly, there were several explosions in the sky and the earth, and there were such heaven-shaking riots in all directions in the north, east, west, and south.Countless people saw that streams of light rose from the places where the explosions took place, and rose into the sky.They were no strangers to that streamer, it was the light of aura gathering, but this light.It's so eye-catching.

"It's a holy place! It's the holy place of a big sect!"

Someone yelled, and it spread throughout the Great Desolate Continent in an instant.For a while everyone knew that the innate blessings of the major sects were destroyed, just like this prehistoric land.It was smashed, and the aura in it flowed into the sky.

Outside Hongta Mountain, Lin Fei looked at the collapsed Hongta Mountain with a look of sadness on his face.He already knew it from Lin Heng.There will be a catastrophe in the world, it is just a doomsday disaster, if it cannot survive.Not only sentient beings, but the whole world will be destroyed once.Therefore, he got Lin Heng's order to prepare various resources early, and when the catastrophe happened, he gathered everyone outside Hongta Mountain.

However, when he saw Hongta Mountain collapse with his own eyes, he was still very sad.

"Start!" Looking away, Lin Fei shook his head vigorously, and ordered to the disciples behind him.The disciple nodded with fear on his face, and immediately waved the banner in his hand.Behind him, countless Hongtashan disciples sat down cross-legged at this moment, all kinds of brilliance lit up on their bodies, and the surging mana poured into the ground immediately.

With the infusion of their mana, the destroyed land around Hongta Mountain seemed to have signs of recovery, but together with the signs, they returned to their original state.Lin Fei knew that it was the starry sky absorbing spiritual energy.He asked the disciples to try to adjust the speed of their mana input, and slowly, they mastered the balance between absorption and output.He told his disciples that it is only with this balance point that mana can be output - only a little, not a lot.

With Lin Heng's previous instructions and Lin Fei's dispatch, the disciples of the Hongta Mountain lineage are obviously good, and the other major sects are mostly similar.However, there are few such big sects after all, like those ordinary sects, ordinary sentient beings are miserable one by one.They don't know how to send mana to the earth. When a place withers to the extreme, the suction immediately acts on the living beings, forcibly swallowing his mana and life force.

Fortunately, everyone was not stupid, and each of them immediately came to their senses. Although many people died, it was just a drop in the bucket.

In the starry sky, although everyone couldn't see it, they still stared at the Milky Way closely.There, the sound of rumbling collisions has never been heard, only the starlight of the Milky Way occasionally dims, but then it becomes stronger.Outside of it, the Chaos Storm didn't advance a step.This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and hope in their hearts rose.However, when they looked at the scene of the mainland, they couldn't help but their hearts sank.

At this time, the Great Desolate Continent is really completely barren. Although there are still countless creatures sitting on the land, the land has basically turned into desert, and the originally green land has also turned into a withered yellow color.

How did this scene make them happy?

The whistling sound suddenly became more urgent, and everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look. Outside the starlight, the huge black shadow of the storm seemed to be getting closer.Such a scene made everyone's hearts sink, and they thought to themselves: Is the storm going to break through the galaxy?

Just when everyone was helpless, a roar suddenly came from the sky and the earth.This roar seemed to come from the bottom of a person's heart, making him tremble.They looked up one by one, but there was no one around.

who is it?

Everyone was shocked. At this time, the sky and the earth shook, and the continent below seemed to be rising slowly. Endless power was born from the void, turned into star-colored rays, connected all the planets together, and finally gathered in one place, blasting into the ground. , so that the two are combined.


There was another roar, and this one was even closer, but everyone knew that it was not the sound of the crowd, but the sound of this world.who is it?Pangu?

Looking at it with eyes, the prehistoric world seems to stand up at this time, just like a giant standing between the heaven and the earth.

"Roar!" There was another roar, but the voice seemed to be calling for something.

Beside Lin Heng and the others, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Hong Jun lit up with various colors of brilliance, and three streamers of light suddenly rushed out from the hands of the three of them. with Chaos Clock.

The three treasures fell into the galaxy, and infinite power suddenly rose from the sky and the earth. The violent shaking of the sky and the earth stopped at this moment. A ray of golden light extended from the starlight and blasted into the chaotic storm. Inserted into the middle of heaven and earth, the infinite energy spreads outward like a banner.

'So strong! '

Seeing the three treasures showing great power, everyone's hearts were shocked for a while.

These three treasures are strong, everyone understands, otherwise they would not be called innate treasures.However, no one would have imagined that they would be so strong.For a while, everyone was inexplicable, especially Laozi, Yuanshi, and Hongjun.The masters of their treasures could use less than one-tenth of the power of the treasures at this time.

Saints, their saints are really scumbags at this moment!

At this moment, the prehistoric world seemed to be resurrected, and he manipulated the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven with infinite power.Back then, Pangu could even open the sky and the earth, how could the little chaotic storm be in his eyes?

The heaven and earth at this time may not be as powerful as Pangu, but with the help of the Three Treasures, the chaotic storm was still easily broken up.

Yes, easy!

Just one hit!The Chaos Bell steadied the storm, the Tai Chi Diagram Golden Bridge was stretched out, and the Pangu flag swayed rustlingly.With just one blow, the Chaos Storm was dispersed without leaving any trace.

So Easy?

Everyone couldn't believe it.Since the prehistoric world can break up the storm so easily, why is there such a big sacrifice?

They don't understand, don't understand!So, they looked at Hongjun one by one.You are always a Taoist, the number one in the wild, and the spokesperson of the way of heaven. You always explain it to me.

At this time, Hongjun also had a sullen face.Compared to everyone else, he does understand why.This blow is Hong Huang's last blow, and it is the frozen Pangu power.Just to send out this blow, the consumption is very huge, even greater than the previous consumption.

He glanced at the crowd, did not recover them, but looked down at the wild land below.Following his gaze, everyone immediately looked over.

How could this be?

At the point of view, everyone let out a silent exclamation.

Why is this happening?

The ground that appeared in their eyes was full of spider web-like cracks, as if it would shatter as soon as it was touched.

The price, is this the price of that blow?

For a while, everyone understood, but the price was unacceptable to them.

Shua, Shua, Shua!Three piercing sounds rang out beside everyone's ears. When they looked sideways, it was the three treasures that had returned to the hands of Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Hong Jun.Before they could turn their heads back, the sky and the earth suddenly shook, and the erected sky and the earth fell down again at this moment.It's just that the heavens and the earth were already fragmented. With this movement, the cracked continent could no longer support it. With the loud rumbling noise, it split into pieces all of a sudden.

Seeing such a scene, everyone opened their mouths wide in shock! (To be continued..)

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