Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

172 The newborn world of the starry universe

The rumbling sound resounded across the earth, and in the starry sky, the saints and quasi-sages stared at the prehistoric continent with dumbstruck eyes, while the creatures on the continent wailed one by one.

On the current mainland, those who can survive are people with a little cultivation.They flew up one by one, but with the strength of the mainland's shattering, the huge earth and rocks were simply not something they, monks who didn't even have immortal cultivation, could escape.Countless people were smashed to the ground by boulders, buried in the ground, and lost their lives.One after another, the screams were inaudible in the sound of the mainland bouncing.


Someone shouted, waking up the stunned crowd.Everyone is a generation with quick minds, and they quickly take action as soon as their minds turn, and support those creatures in disaster.

On the current Great Desolate Continent, the number of living beings is not much, not even one ten-thousandth of what it used to be. In terms of quantity, it is only a few hundred million living beings.This number is less than the number of human beings on the earth today.

If the living beings were paralyzed during the process of breaking the continent, then these saints and quasi-sages should be dumbfounded.Therefore, they did not hesitate to save people one by one.

It's a pity that these people seem to have forgotten that they don't have much energy left at this moment, even the Eight Great Sages are panting, if not for the power of the Dao of Heaven, they might not even be able to save people.

Holding up the remaining souls, the Eight Saints and the Quasi-Saints all set their sights on the Great Desolate Continent.As the cracks on the ground widened, the entire continent collapsed, and landmass of varying sizes lay across the starry sky.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Heng's heart was shocked, and he unconsciously thought of the universe and starry sky in the future.I thought that the galaxy was the starry sky of the universe, but I didn't expect this continent to become the starry sky of the universe.However, the earth is a planet, and this place is still a continent.

'That's fine.The universe is the universe, but it has become a fantasy novel! Unable to bear it, Lin Heng complained.

Seeing such a scene, he also relaxed.Now it seems that nothing will happen to the mainland, but changes will occur.This kind of change is not unfamiliar to Lin Heng, and the only thing he is not sure about now is whether this kind of change is good or bad for Tiandao.

Pieces of scattered land lay horizontally under the starry sky, and under the inexplicable force, these lands moved spontaneously.After a while, it became an orderly arrangement and existed.

Everyone knows that this is the new Great Desolate Continent.It's just that this newborn world is obviously not yet mature.

Look at those continents, not only are there big and small ones, but there are also many smaller lands floating around each continent, just like the stones next to the continents, which are very obtrusive.So continental.Not to mention saints and quasi-sages like them, even the creatures living on it will probably not be able to help complaining about it.

Seeing that the movement of the mainland stopped, Hongjun said to everyone: "Everyone follow me back to Zixiao Palace. We need to discuss carefully how to transform this new world."

Everyone nodded silently, followed Hongjun's footsteps one by one, and came to Zixiao Palace.This magnificent palace has lost the grandeur of the past.Looking at his appearance, he is dilapidated and the only satisfactory thing.That's the long history above.

Stepping into Zixiao Palace, the futon inside was still there, everyone sat on it one by one, and Hongjun also sat on the high platform, the whole person was still so mysterious.He exhaled lightly, stretched out his hand a little in the void, and an invisible air flow flowed in from the outside.Everyone's spirits were shaken, and they all closed their eyes and meditated to adjust their breathing. After a while, the mana that had been consumed so much was recovered a little.

After a long time, everyone opened their eyes one by one, and Hongjun also opened his eyes, glanced at everyone, and said: "The prehistoric world has changed. The continent that was once one has been divided into countless lands, and there are many small lands among them. Suitable for survival, we should think carefully about how to rebuild the new world."

As soon as his words fell, the map of the wilderness that everyone saw just now appeared in the sky above them, and there was no difference in size.

After everyone looked at it for a while, Hongjun said: "If you have any ideas, you can talk about them."

As a big brother, Lao Tzu was the first to speak, and said, "Teacher, Heaven and Hell are the only places that survived this time. I think these two places should be set aside separately and treated as the top priority."

Hongjun nodded, and said: "You are right. The heavens act according to the heavens, and the reincarnation of the prime minister of the underworld cannot be messed up!"

Yuan Shi then said: "Teacher, although those scattered continents are under the starry sky, they are too far away from the starry sky. I think we should rebuild the stars and put them on top of the scattered continents."

"What you said is also reasonable!"

Seeing Hongjun accepting the suggestions of the two one by one, the people behind all became excited and raised their own thoughts one by one.After the previous six sages finished speaking one by one, Lin Heng suddenly said: "Teacher, there are many scattered continents at this time, how should we treat them? Should we all be one, or should we all get something?"

Lin Heng's sudden words made the hall instantly quiet, and Hongjun frowned unconsciously, obviously he was not happy to hear this.However, this is what everyone is more concerned about.

This is just like the division of galaxies before. Isn't the continent at this time the same galaxy?Everyone naturally wanted to divide him.

Everyone looked at Hongjun eagerly, and Hongjun also understood in his heart that the mainland has become like this, and it is impossible to distinguish.If it is divided, everyone will coexist peacefully. If it is not divided, everyone will fight for each other until a balance is formed.In this case, it is better to divide directly, and let this balance be maintained from the very beginning.

He was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said: "To fight against the chaos storm, you have contributed your own small world. That being the case, this new world will be divided among you..."

It seemed that Hongjun only mentioned saints in his words, which changed the expressions of all the quasi-sages, even the seven saints looked a little ugly.The meaning of Hongjun's words is to put the quasi-sage under his own swing.On the premise that the saint can't make a move, isn't this creating obstacles for himself?

Fortunately, Hongjun would not do such an obvious thing, and he went on to say: "You have made all the contributions in this catastrophe, and these continents naturally have your share." Having said this, Hongjun paused, as if he should Think about how to divide.

After another long time, Hongjun said: "We still divide according to the previous sphere of influence!" After saying that, Hongjun stretched out his hand, and a lot of light appeared on the void map, dividing the continent, and the divided area It was once the range of several major forces.It's just that if it's completely calculated in this way, the West will take advantage of it, because they once occupied the largest territory.

Hongjun obviously didn't want this either. With a slight push, some unconnected sites were connected together, just like Lin Heng's sites, which were located in the north, east, and south, and some of them were split. Under Jun Shi, they are all connected together, forming a large territory, with more than 30 pieces of mainland and Xiaolu.

Then there is the territory of Laozi, Yuanshi and others. These two are the backbone of Taoism. Naturally, the territory cannot be small, and the places they lack are divided from the west, and then the saints such as Tongtian, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhunti, etc. They have all been divided into territories, and the rest are those quasi-sages.Some of them are easy to divide, such as Styx, the part with the sea of ​​blood was given to him, and the others are not big. Compared with the saint's, it is indeed much smaller.

It's just that at this time, it can only be done in this way, because so many saints have come back.But there are also some people who understand in their hearts that this may not be the method arranged by Hongjun.Because the saint can't do it.You give them such a big territory now, if they can't manage it, they will definitely give people an opportunity, just like Lin Heng's lineage, only a Jin Cheng, who is still a quasi-sage with a back, how can he compete with Styx, Zhen Yuanzi, etc. People fight.The same is true for Lao Tzu's subordinate Xuandu, but Yuan Shi took advantage of it, because he has San Zhunsheng under his sect, and after this incident, the others will be too soon.

After the territory was divided, everyone began to discuss the transformation of the new world.In front of these top prehistoric people, this problem is naturally not a big deal.In the end, everyone unified their thinking, and then went to transform their own sites one by one.

Lin Heng brought Jin Cheng and other disciples to the newborn continent, and he released the people he had collected just now.Most of these people are disciples of his Hongta Mountain lineage, who survived the collapse of the continent.

This time, because of Lin Heng's arrangements, they managed to save a lot of people, and Lin Fei was lucky to be alive.It's just that the current Lin Fei is not the head teacher of Hongtashan. After all, his cultivation base is too low, and his seniority is not enough. How can he compare with the previous ancestors.

Putting these people on the ground, Lin Heng was not in a hurry to arrange anything, but explained the whole story of this incident to everyone, and then let them walk around, take a look, and experience this new world .

As for cultivation, there is no rush.

There is no way, even if they want to practice now, they will not be able to do so soon. After all, the world has just passed the crisis, and the spiritual energy has not yet recovered. (to be continued..)

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