At the center of the law of heaven, the five holy primordial spirits who had been silent for a long time recovered almost at the same time.Seeing such a situation, Lin Heng naturally wouldn't look for boredom here, and returned to his body in a flash.

Standing on the mountain peak, he frowned slightly thinking of the dazzling primordial spirit of the five saints.

Nuwa broke through, but the five saints did not change at all. Is it because their karma is too deep?

When it comes to receiving and guiding, Lin Heng still understands that after all, there is a problem with the sanctification of these two people.Although both they and Sanqing became saints by establishing a religion, Sanqing was directly sanctified, while Jieyin and Zhunti discovered the great vow and borrowed the monstrous merits from Tiandao.This merit is easy to say, but if the vow is not fulfilled, the karma between them and the world will not be resolved.

From Lin Heng's point of view, they may never be able to leave this world!

See why there is no movement in Sanqing?

If you talk about the entanglement with the heaven and the earth, Sanqing can say too much, if not too much, not too much.With their ecstasy, this kind of entanglement of cause and effect should be the least.Why are they lagging behind?

Origin, origin?Is it because of their origin?

Suddenly, Lin Heng thought of this possibility.The birth of Sanqing is remarkable, it was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, but similarly, this world was also transformed by Pangu.To put it bluntly, heaven and earth are Pangu in another sense.The three of them inherited the legacy of Pangu, which is equivalent to inheriting the legacy of heaven and earth.In this way, the cause and effect between them and the world will naturally increase.

If you think so, it's only natural that Sanqing can't break through.

"Then what about yourself?"

Through Sanqing, Lin Heng thought of himself again.Although.His primordial spirit didn't come from the prehistoric times, but this body actually endured the legacy of Pangu.If Sanqing has a great cause and effect with heaven and earth, what about himself?Is it the same?

This principle should be interlinked, but why did I break through early?Even now, the bondage of heaven and earth has become thinner. It seems that the bondage will be broken with just a light tap. Why?

Lin Heng thought back on the things he had done, and he knew that he had done a lot of things, which were also beneficial to the world.Own great luck.It can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect of heaven and earth.It's just that although he has done many things, not every time he has great merit and great luck, it is simply incomparable with Nuwa's creation of human beings and post-soil transformation of this way.How did he quickly pay off his karma?

Think about your past.Lin Heng really couldn't figure out the reason behind it.Finally he thought of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.If there is anything wrong with me, it is the six realms of reincarnation.

From this, he thought of the recasting of his body.Could it be that time, the six realms of reincarnation put themselves under the cause and effect of the heavenly realm.Did you return it?

Lin Heng, who was thinking quietly, couldn't find a definite answer at all, because he didn't pay attention to the incident when it happened at the time, and thinking about it now is also at a loss.Fortunately, he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't think about it anymore.He turned his gaze back to Xintiandi again.

These years have not been long, but the spiritual energy has recovered very quickly. The starry sky and beyond are full of spiritual energy. Back to heaven and earth.

However, if you want to restore the prehistoric scenery, it may take a long time. After all, it takes more than a short time to conceive a spiritual vein.

Watch the world with your eyes!Lin Heng saw through 33 days at a glance, and he saw the changes in it.He found that these disciples under his disciples are still very smart, and they have done many things that he did not remind, and even innovated.

Lin Heng refined the stars, among which there are living planets, which are for ordinary monks to live in.As for other planets, they all have their own characteristics, such as the sun and the moon. This kind of planet cannot be lived by ordinary monks at all, but some monks with high cultivation levels can also live in it, just like Di Jun and Tai Yi back then. Is it born on the sun star?

As for other Venus, Jupiter, etc., this is the case.

Now that there are such conditions, the people below have brought them into full play. Zhang Sanfeng and Lin Fei asked those who can live on these planets to open up caves, build palaces, and live nearby, and become a "star" that protects the planet of life. Jun".In this way, not only can you observe the growth of human beings on the living planet, but also provide you with a good place to practice, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

And in other places, there are also many features of their own. Lin Heng saw a feature that he was familiar with on a continent.It was managed by a person who ascended from the fighting spirit and magic world. He created the fighting spirit and magic continent in imitation of the fighting spirit and magic galaxy that Lin Heng had established.Here, comprehension is not the mainstream, fighting qi and magic are.

To put it bluntly, battle qi and magic cannot escape the scope of cultivation, just changing the name.But he likes to call it that way, and Lin Heng won't stop him.

Looking at this multifarious world, Lin Heng was really happy, and he wondered if he should choose one and play for a while?

With an idea, Lin Heng naturally wouldn't suppress it, he trembled, and landed in a mountain range.This mountain range is very large, and there is a huge valley in it. The area of ​​the valley is equivalent to two Chinas. Around the valley, there are surrounding mountains, which are impossible for ordinary people to walk through.

Lin Heng, who landed in the valley, waved his hand, and a restriction entered into the surrounding mountains, completely sealing off the place.He decided to recall his past memories here.

He looked at this vast valley and moved his hand little by little. After a while, this prairie-like valley became a criss-cross land, and the terrain seemed to expand China.

Lin Heng is satisfied with such a valley.He stretched out his hand, recruited some people with low cultivation, and threw them here directly, letting them live here.

These people don't need to eat or drink, and they don't have to worry about life at all from the beginning, and they don't even have the idea of ​​leaving offspring.This made Lin Heng depressed for a while.In desperation, he had no choice but to move his hands and feet to let these people give birth to offspring.Then, after their offspring had grown, they were removed.

It seems cruel to do so.But for his own memory, cruelty is cruel!

Without the care of those elders, these younger children lived well, because they were all taken care of very well, their bodies were unbelievably strong, and their kung fu skills were enough to survive here.

However, without elders, this kind of cultivation will naturally be inferior to one generation after another.What's more, there is Lin Heng next to him.They are not allowed to pass on their this way.Cultivation quickly declined, and there was no flying with a sword in the world, and there were only legends about Wu Po Void.Of course, this was also made by Lin Heng.He deliberately let a person practice martial arts to the extreme.Then broke his own prohibition.out of the valley.pity.That guy will never come back, so he can only go to the realm of comprehension.

And in this valley, the comprehension disappeared.Martial arts are widely spread in the world because of the relationship between shattering the void.

Slowly, with the increase of human race here, dynasties began to appear, and then, the legend of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors spread here, but it is different from what everyone knows, the legend here is the legend of the peak warrior.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns are all people who break the void and are the kings at the pinnacle of mankind.

After the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the human race fell into war. For hundreds of years, no one was able to unify the human race, and there was never a warrior who broke the void.

The Shattered Void seems to exist only in legends, and even slowly disappears.

Seeing all this, Lin Heng smiled, and with a touch of his hand, a chess piece was laid down.Thus, the war-torn human race began to unify, an emperor appeared among the human race with his own wisdom, and a tyrannical warrior assisted him.

In less than a hundred years, the Qin State unified the human race, and the Emperor Qin called himself Qin Shihuang, but at this time, Qin Shihuang was afraid of the person who had always existed.That is the God of War of the Great Qin Kingdom, and he has always blessed the Qin Kingdom and the Qin Emperor from generation to generation.It's just that his prestige is too high, so high that Qin Shihuang can't accept it.So, he planned to start removing this person.

It's just that he didn't expect, just when he thought about it, this person showed a shocking side, that is, his white hair and dark skin, his skin was rejuvenated, he broke through the void in one fell swoop, and ascended to the heaven.

This change caught Qin Shihuang by surprise and completely detonated the Great Qin Empire.Once again, the Shattered Void appeared in the eyes of the humans.Needless to say, there was a wave of martial arts practice in the human race, and even Qin Shihuang became obsessed with cultivation because of this, wanting to live forever.It's a pity that he was tricked and died of poison, and the Great Qin Empire also died due to the increase of powerful warriors.

After Qin is Han!

The Han Dynasty was a period of decline for warriors, because at the end of the Qin Dynasty, countless warriors were killed and injured, and the Emperor Qin even sent a large army to strangle the warriors and collect martial arts secret books.In this way, the classics of the world are missing and the inheritance is not complete.In this way, during the Han Dynasty, although everyone worked hard to restore it, they still could not fully restore the wisdom of the predecessors, and the martial arts collected by Emperor Qin became a treasure, which has been widely circulated, but has never been found.

In the middle of the Han Dynasty, a legend suddenly appeared, saying that the Yellow Emperor had a master, Chengzi, who taught him the formula of longevity to help him break the void.Today, the formula of longevity has appeared in the world.

All of a sudden, the declining martial arts world boiled again. Countless warriors, tall, low, weak, and strong, all went crazy to find the formula of longevity.It was also because of this formula of longevity that the princes of the Han Dynasty started a war, and the war was finally settled. However, the Han Dynasty also gave birth to many powerful warlords, who would not listen to the announcement.Less than a hundred years later, it was because of these warlords that the Han Dynasty fell.

After the queen of the Han Dynasty, the human race entered the age of war again, and the warlords were kings and conquered each other.During the war, warriors became a focus again. Countless high-strength warriors were recruited and returned, and countless magical books resounded across the continent.

Among them, the Judgment of Longevity cited by the decline of the Han Dynasty is naturally listed first. After him, there are also the magic tricks passed down by the Mohist Guild, and the magical classics such as the Happy Travels passed down by Zhuang Zhou.

In order to pursue these miraculous skills, martial arts people sacrificed their lives one by one, and did not spare their lives and wealth at all. Some people were even ruthless because of this, and staged a series of tragedies.

In the later period, this kind of competition became more and more serious, and the news of the legendary Qinhuang treasure was also revealed at this time, and it was rumored to be in a place called Jingyan Palace.

All of a sudden, the three words "Jingyan Palace" became the mainstream here, and everyone was frantically looking for it.It wasn't until the human race was united again that everyone knew that the treasures in Jingyan Palace had been obtained by the current Holy Majesty, and he also used this to cultivate power, and he himself was the most peak warrior.In his third year as emperor, he made a breakthrough, shattered the void and left.

When he left, he only left two words...God of War!

What these two characters represent, no one knows, but Jingyan Palace has been called the God of War Palace since then, and the martial arts practiced by this emperor is also called the God of War Illustrated Record.It is said that as long as you enter the God of War Palace and learn the God of War Atlas, you can break the void and leave. (To be continued..)

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