Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

175 Jin Gu Collision Number** Characters

In the time that followed, the world was still unpredictable, with various characters emerging one after another, and various gods and fame spread throughout the world, making countless people crazy about it.Later, Lin Heng even divided the world into two, one became the Golden World, and the other became the Ancient World.Usually, the two do not meet, but when there is someone Lin Heng likes, people from the two worlds will meet together, counting the romantic figures.

Under such a fierce collision, although martial arts is not far from the basic category, it has also transformed into countless families and levels, making martial arts practice more clear.

In the later stage of Jin Da's martial arts, martial arts seemed to have declined, but an undefeated Dongfang was very speechless.Here, this kind of intuitive feeling will naturally not be there, because the martial arts here are becoming more and more comprehensive and terrifying.

Three mythical-level miraculous longevity formulas, Tianmo strategy, and God of War record, four legendary-level magical swords, Xiaoyao Dao, Changing Heaven and Earth Attack, Xiao Li Feidao, ten martial arts classics, one hundred masters... one Another trick, here emerges endlessly, and since the Tang Dynasty, the recovery of martial arts has become more and more obvious, and some people have ascended successively. In the later period, this world has directly evolved into the world of warriors - sects, families , took control of the world power position.

This evolution is natural, because it is impossible for Lin Heng to make the world worse and worse. Since it is getting better and better, it will naturally become stronger and stronger, so there will be no end to martial arts.

At the back, he, who was immersed in memories, also came to his senses, laughed at himself, sighed, "It's still a matter of counting romantic people", and got up to leave.

When he left, a temple was left from the mountain.The temple enshrines a large charm of the word "Tao", and erects a stele outside, saying, "This world is a forbidden world. If someone can understand the word Tao, they can break the surrounding ban and enter the real world."

This statement was discovered later and spread throughout the valley, causing an uproar. Countless people came here to admire the charm of the word "Tao".at the beginning.In fact, everyone came here with a sense of curiosity and anger.Because they don't believe what the inscription says.But later, some people who comprehended the word "Tao" actually realized the supreme magical power, and broke through the void, which shocked the entire human race.

they know.The word "Tao" must contain a great secret.described in the inscription.It is true that it cannot be said.

In this way, the situation in this world will rise again until a thousand years later.A boy from a mountain village realized the charm of the word "Tao", and took over the word "Tao" in the temple in one fell swoop, and the prohibition disappeared. Everyone can finally enter and exit the valley at will, and those who have ascended outside can finally come back and bring in the news from outside.

The knowledge of the whole world has caused a great conflict to the valley world, but what is more, it is still the pursuit of immortality.Isn't that why they practice martial arts?

Closer to home——Lin Heng, who left the valley world, returned to the place where he lived.Here, it's just a mountain, no palaces.It's just that Lin Heng doesn't want to build a palace anymore, such a hill - very good.

Maybe it's because of a different mood. Since the bondage of heaven and earth has been significantly weakened, Lin Heng feels more and more that the realm of breaking free from heaven and earth is at his fingertips.It seems that he can leave at any time, and this world has no meaning in his heart.

However, it was different this time when I came back.Lin Heng suddenly understood that the memories of the past have always been kept in his heart. Maybe his expectations are different from his development, but memories are memories, and you can't erase them.

This is the same as Hong Huang's meaning to himself.

Once, the earth was his home, for this reason, he also created the earth, in the galaxy, at this time, and so on.Now, Honghuang is his home.Since it is home, it is natural to dress up warmly, even if I really leave this world in the future, why can't I go home and take a look?

With these thoughts, Lin Heng is like a person buying a new house as soon as he comes back.He enlightened a boy at random, and personally burned bricks and mud with him to build his own home.

His house this time is different from the palaces in the past, but an elegant and warm compound, with an ancient atmosphere and a modern feeling, with a leisurely and unique smell.

It took him more than three years to complete this house, and every plant and tree in it was planted by him.This feeling is really like a young man building a new house and marrying a new daughter-in-law, it is indescribable.

When Lin Heng's house was built, before he moved in, Lin Feng came.This kid has also achieved the realm of the immortal, and he has ascended from the realm of self-cultivation.

Originally, Lin Heng asked this kid to manage the forces below. Fortunately, he caged a mountain, took in one or two disciples, and threw the rest to those who went with him. The boy flew back again, leaving Lin Heng speechless at that time.

However, he more or less understood the thoughts of these people.

In the past, although everyone worked hard to cultivate, the sense of crisis was not too great, because with Lin Heng's existence, even without Lin Heng, there was also the existence of a big sect, which was the backing.However, a catastrophe caused by a chaotic storm killed countless people, not to mention those who did not become immortals, even those immortals, golden immortals, and Taiyi, all died.

Such a great pressure naturally made him practice hard.

This is a good side, but unfortunately there is also a bad side.

Under tremendous pressure, people generally have two choices, one is to work hard and strive for self-improvement, and the other is to give up on oneself and muddle through.It's not that there are no such disciples in the Hongta Mountain lineage.

Of course, those high-level people are impossible. They have high cultivation bases, so naturally they will no longer have such thoughts, but those low-level monks who have survived from the prehistoric times can't do it.They are still not at home, so naturally some people will give up on themselves.Lin Heng was not polite to these people and directly expelled them.Those who became immortals, he exiled them to the new immortal world, and those who did not become immortals were thrown into the cultivation world.

Don't you give up on yourself?Then go play here.

After a cleanup, the situation in the Hongta Mountain area improved instantly, and everyone was working hard to cultivate, but the number was never too high—no way, monks seldom had the idea of ​​having children.

Fortunately, after the world stabilized, the number of living beings has been increasing, otherwise Lin Heng would have to worry about death.

Seeing Lin Feng who suddenly came looking for him, Lin Heng was slightly taken aback, and said, "You came to see me for something?"

Lin Heng's tone stunned Lin Feng, who was about to salute, but he still covered up the surprise on his face, and saluted respectfully: "Disciple Lin Feng, pay homage to Patriarch."

Lin Heng nodded, swept himself, and smiled softly.He found that he was much more ordinary now, and his aura seemed to have subsided, making him look like an ordinary person.

This change may not be a good thing in the eyes of others, but it is a good thing in Lin Heng's view-this is the proof of his progress in cultivation.Look at Hongjun, doesn't he look like an old man?

Sitting casually on a boulder, Lin Heng asked again: "Say, you boy won't come to me for no reason."

Lin Feng sneered, and said: "Patriarch, disciple... I heard that our sect has a magic skill to protect religion, I wonder if it is possible..." As he spoke, Lin Feng's tone became smaller and smaller, but he couldn't hide from Lin Heng's gaze.

He chuckled, glanced at Lin Feng twice, and said casually: "You want to learn that body training technique? Lin Feng, it's not that the patriarch looked down on you. Although your aptitude is good, you want to learn the teaching protection technique There is still a long way to go. Not everyone can learn this skill."

Hearing this, Lin Feng's expression darkened.Seeing this, Lin Heng shook his head and said, "I won't pass on this teaching protection exercise to you, and you are not qualified to learn it. In this way, there are many body training exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, and you can learn it by yourself. Take a look."

"Yes, thank you Patriarch!" Lin Feng didn't expect such a surprise, and he said happily with his sadness swept away.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Lin Heng shook his head, his eyes casually scanning the surroundings.This mountain forest scenery, the villa that wants to cover up but is ashamed, is really a rare beauty.It's a pity that this time Lin Heng still didn't take a closer look. He just took a few casual glances and was interrupted by a sudden strong breath.

He looked sideways, with a little smile on his face, and clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay...that's really good!"

The owner of this breath is none other than his second disciple Yue'e.After this incident, she also took advantage of this greatly increased luck to break through to the quasi-sage.In this way, there are two quasi-sages under his sect.

"If you really count the romantic figures, you still look at the present!" (To be continued...)

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