Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

176 The Spiritual Qi of the Resurrected Heavenly Dao

Due to the division of forces and the lack of personnel, there has been no disturbance in the new world for a long time, and everyone's past struggles seem to have disappeared invisible.

In this kind of tranquility, everyone is practicing, preaching, and simply living their own lives.All of this seems nothing to ordinary monks, but to the few people who have experienced a peaceful life in the wild, it is worth remembering and cherishing.

With the passage of time, the Dao of Heaven has fully recovered, and the newly born Dao of Heaven seems to have something more—this is the feeling of the saints and quasi-sages when they comprehend it.It's just that there is something extra, but they can't say it all at once, they can only swim proudly in the ocean of heaven, and realize the extra mystery.

After the revival of the Heavenly Dao, the recovery of the spiritual energy of the prehistoric land accelerated. On the new land, one after another spiritual veins began to form. In order to speed up the spiritual energy of their own territory, some powerful people even used magical powers to speed up the growth of the spiritual veins.

In this regard, Lin Heng can't deny it!

Moving forward to speed up the flow of this spiritual energy is an act of interfering with the way of heaven.Although this is nothing to heaven and earth, it is cause and effect.As a saint, Lin Heng naturally understands the truth, not to mention that his shackles are almost gone now, so naturally he will not provoke this kind of karma. The task is to teach sentient beings, don’t worry about other things, you don’t need to worry about them.

Under Lin Heng's thinking, the recovery of their world is not fast, and there is a gap with the other worlds, but the gap is not big.Because the way of heaven recovered quickly, the speed of spiritual energy recovery also increased step by step.At this time, there are not many living beings.This aura is enough.In the future, even if there are more living beings, it will not be a problem, because the spiritual energy is still increasing.

After waking up from seclusion, Lin Heng went through his own 33 days again, and also went to the cultivation world to have a look.This world is not bad, it looks a bit like it used to be.He believes.As long as it continues to develop like this, it will only be a matter of time before the glory of cultivation can be restored.The only thing that makes him regret is that many innate creatures are gone—they either died under the disaster of the chaos storm, or lost too much aura, and transformed first.No longer the essence of the past.

In the future world.The cultivation event will definitely be resumed, but after this generation, the chance of quasi-sage appearing again is much smaller!

After watching the new life world, Lin Heng returned to the mountain where he lived, and looked at the home he built himself - he knew when he built it that he would not live for long.

After enshrining the gods, Hongjun issued an order, and the saint came out of the prehistoric world.Do not show up in the Great Desolate Continent.Up to now, Hongjun still hasn't canceled this order.It seems that it is okay for a saint to live in the wild.

However, Lin Heng knew in his heart that Hongjun might not have good intentions if he didn't speak!

Living in the prehistoric, you must absorb the aura of the prehistoric, because you can't absorb the aura of chaos across the starry sky-in this way, you owe the cause and effect of heaven and earth.This is definitely not what Lin Heng wants.Therefore, after a round of retreat, Lin Heng felt that he had left the prehistoric world and returned to live in the chaos.This time, he not only wants to open the small world again, but also opens up the 33-day channel between Chaos and his family, and uses the power of the small world to send aura to the prehistoric, and when he makes up for the gap in his own aura, he also has some karma in the world.

This kills two birds with one stone, but it is also Lin Heng's enlightenment only after this retreat - to build a space-time tunnel between the small world and the prehistoric world!

This is not a simple matter. Lin Heng was able to achieve such abilities only after this retreat.That was what he thought of after seeing the majesty of Pan Gu and the horror of the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Clock is powerful, why?

It is because of the law of space and time.It can fix time and space, and naturally everything in time and space can be fixed.Lin Heng's space-time tunnel is such a theory.With the law of time and space, focus on the points between the two places. Of course, when passing through, the laws echo each other to break through the obstacles in the middle and realize the shuttle between the two places.

It sounds like this is the teleportation array in the novel.That's right, it's very simple to understand the truth, but to do it, you must have a deep understanding of the laws of time and space. At the very least, you must be able to freeze time and space—this alone is enough to stump most people .

Walking to the foot of the mountain where he lived, Lin Heng swiped his hand and turned the land with a radius of ten thousand li into the range of the mountain.He threw a few stone pillars casually, and the stone pillars were nailed straight to the outside, sinking into the ground.With a wave of his hand, the sunken stone pillar rose again, but it turned into a mountain peak, surrounding it.Then, Lin Heng threw out a few items, which were treasures such as the Juling Pool and Tianqing Pearl that he had arranged in Hongta Mountain.This time, he arranged these treasures here, intending to turn this place into a new innate blessed land.

After the preliminary layout was completed, Lin Heng opened up a cave in the middle of the mountain, refined a huge stone plate with top-quality materials such as star crystals, and carved intricate patterns on the stone plate.

The whole stone plate is in the state of gossip. There are eight stone pillars at the octagonal corners, and each stone pillar is deeply inserted into the ground, connecting the eight spiritual veins below the ground.In this way, the step of using spirit stones to open the teleportation array in the novel is omitted, and the spiritual energy of this spiritual vein is abundant. After the space between the two places is opened, the spiritual energy derived from the small world will also be injected here. Naturally, the spiritual energy of the spiritual vein will not be because of Use and decline, but will continue to increase, in order to achieve Lin Heng's goal.

After finishing all the arrangements, Lin Heng called Jin Cheng and Yue'e in.

Both of these two are quasi-sages, and they are the leaders of his Hongta Mountain lineage. After leaving by themselves, the two of them will truly become the masters of the Hongta Mountain lineage. There are many things that need to be told to them and let them do it. of.

After Lin Heng told the two of his thoughts and Guan Qiao of the teleportation array, both of them looked admiring and shocked.Such an idea really exceeded their expectations, and the space-time tunnel connecting the two places is even more powerful than they could have imagined.

There is no way, although the law of time and space is easy to get started and everyone knows both hands, it is very difficult to delve into it in depth. Without the help of the corresponding spirit treasure, it is almost difficult to make progress, otherwise Na Hongjun would not covet the Chaos Clock.

Although Jin Cheng and Yue'e are quasi-sages, they can tell the truth.Their aptitude is not considered good, and Lin Heng accepted the two of them because of his mood and chance.They were able to enter the quasi-sage, thanks to the great luck of the lineage of Lin Heng Hongta Mountain.It is even more difficult to go further.In Lin Heng's mind, the two of them will be able to kill the two corpses at most, and it is really hard to say when they will kill the two corpses.

With these two disciples, Lin Heng explained everything around him in detail.Then he mentioned the two of them, and together they left the starry sky and entered the chaos.

it's here.Lin Heng said to the two disciples: "As a teacher, I want to break through the world. You two should watch carefully. I hope it can be helpful to you."

Both of them nodded calmly!Lin Heng no longer went to see the two of them, but flew into the depths of the chaos.He took out the Skyfury Sword.The sword shook.An inexplicable mystery spread from the sword body.Under this profound mystery, the surrounding chaotic airflow stopped inexplicably, Jin Cheng and Yue'e were shocked physically and mentally, and were horrified.

The law of time and space, this is the progress of Lin Heng's law of time and space!

Stabilizing the chaos, the Skyfury Sword in Lin Heng's hand turned into a small blade, and quickly shuttled through the chaos.Wherever the blade passes, chaos is split apart.Turn into clear and turbid air.The clear rises and slowly turns blue.It turns into the sky; the turbid one descends, gathers together, and becomes the earth.

Taking advantage of the emptiness, Lin Heng turned his head and smiled at Jin Cheng and Yue'e. The two immediately put away their shocked expressions and watched Lin Heng's movements seriously.

Seeing this, he nodded secretly, and took out nine teams of balls in his hands, facing each other in two colors, yin and yang.He imprinted the yin into the earth and turned it into the core of the earth, and threw the yang into the sky to become the sun.

Under Lin Heng's operation, the two slowly faced each other, and a huge repulsive force suddenly emerged between the sky and the earth, which further widened the distance between the sky and the earth.

Attraction and repulsion should be!This is the reason why Lin Heng arranged it like this, and it is also another harvest for him.The two pairs of yin and yang mounds are only yin and yang on the surface, but they contain yang and yin inside.

Yang and Yang produce strenuous force, and Yang and Yin produce gravitational force.

In this way, there is no need for Tianzhu between heaven and earth!

Lin Heng's move was not difficult, which greatly inspired Jin Cheng and Yue'e, and then Lin Heng's newly built Zhou Tian Xingdou array was even more incomprehensible to Jin Cheng and Yue'e.

After experiencing this incident, if Lin Heng has improved the most, it is definitely his understanding of Zhou Tianxing, and almost everyone else feels the same in their hearts.It’s just that the feeling belongs to the feeling, what will happen after you absorb it can only be seen by yourself.

After absorbing this insight, Lin Heng comprehended the new Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, which has more comprehensive functions and even eliminated the hidden dangers of the past, because Lin Heng combined his own Zhoutian Formation with the Zhoutian of the Great Desolate Starry Sky. The big formations were connected.In this way, under the leadership of Honghuang Zhoutian Xingdou, the big formation here will be perfected spontaneously.Although this would make one's own world a part of the Great Desolation, whoever said that the small world established in the chaos would not be a part of the Great Desolation.

Therefore, Lin Heng generously used the method he learned from Hongjun.

After opening up the world, Lin Heng took Jin Cheng and Yue'e to build the space-time tunnels himself, and he let them do most of them to enhance their understanding of time and space, while he himself would only do it at critical moments.

When the two places were docked, Lin Heng stretched out his hand to lead, and the newly transformed active Xian Ting aura in Xiaotiandi rushed into the eight stone pillars in an instant, and radiated from the stone pillars of the Xintiandi Teleportation Array through time and space.

With the radiance of this spiritual energy, the spiritual energy of the mountain where Lin Heng lived quickly became stronger, and even more stream-like spiritual energy flowed outside from this blessed place, replenishing the spiritual energy of this world.

This point was specially modified by Lin Heng.

In the past, when he built the line of Hongta Mountain, he only thought of creating a blessed land, but he forgot to use his blessed land to benefit the surrounding area.This time, Lin Heng thought of this, and deliberately opened a few openings in the formation, so that the innate spiritual energy in the blessed land can flow out, benefiting the surroundings.In the same way, in order to prevent the innate blessed land from being affected by the acquired aura, these openings are only allowed to go out but not to enter.

In this way, the innately blessed land will have no worries!

After finishing all this, Lin Heng asked Jin Cheng and Yue'e to go back to retreat and comprehend, and he himself, sitting on the highest peak of Xiaotiandi, once again retreated to comprehend the harvest this time. (to be continued..)

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