Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

Ming Qiu didn't say a word, he didn't worry much about the logistical issues in Kaohsiung and Jeju Island - he trusted the organization and handling ability of this group of young people.Here's the problem: he doesn't have a qualified officer corps.

There is only one PLAN naval officer in the First Fleet: Li Ziping.Mond is a student of the Maritime University anyway, counting as half.Including himself, there are two semi-professionals in total.Although Le Lin is a veteran and fanatical navy fan, although she talks about sailing and naval tactics in a clear way, she is actually Zhao Kuo who has no practical experience at all.All sailing experience is accumulated in the last three years.However, the task of the navy in the engine operation is heavy, and the situation is very complicated.What Lelin was going to command was a steam-sail hybrid warship that he had never been in contact with—even he himself felt that he was not very sure.

There are still some veterans who were born in the navy, but these people either have their own responsibilities and cannot get away from them, or they were originally machine soldiers, technical soldiers, and base soldiers, and they knew little about navigation.Even if it is enriched to the First Fleet, it is of little use.

Most of the backbone naturalized civilian officers in the fleet come from former pirates. Whether the professional standards of this group of people are qualified is also a question.

"...the repair ship and the coal carrier are almost ready to be outfitted, and they will be ready for a formal trial voyage in ten days or so, so we should be in time." Chen Haiyang continued to add that he thought that Ming Lao was still worried about the logistics.

At the beginning of the shipbuilding plan, although Kaohsiung and Jeju Island had no repair facilities, it would be difficult to repair once a breakdown occurred, so the construction of three repair ships was deliberately included in the plan.But neither the Navy nor the shipyards have forgotten the problem of fleet colliers.The coal consumption of steam warships is astonishing. Even if they sail with sails most of the time, they still need a steady stream of coal supplies.

In this time and space, there is no coal filling station available anywhere in the world except Hongji, Sanya, Bopu and Hong Kong.The fleet must provide its own coaling ship to supply supplies along the way.

The Planning Institute realized this gap only halfway through the implementation of the shipbuilding reorganization record, because it was too late for additional shipbuilding, so it temporarily converted the two H800 Harmony ships under construction into coal carriers.

However, the structure of the Harmony Ship is not suitable for coal carriers. In fact, most of the ships in the navy and shipping departments are not suitable for it-the safety risk of transporting coal from wooden ships is very high. In bulk bulk cargo such as coal, stewing There is always the danger of burning, not to mention the risk of explosion from coal dust.

Ming Qiu withdrew his thoughts—it was useless to worry, the only way to start was to strengthen the training.Fortunately, the task of the fleet is not heavy at the beginning, and there is still a lot of time for training during the standby period in Hong Kong and Kaohsiung.

"How about security?"

Chen Haiyang said: "It's hard to say about the safety—this is just a temporary emergency. The H800 will try not to accompany the voyage and sea coaling operations, and the ships will mainly go to the port for replenishment."

He went on to talk about the Navy's plan for coal use in Operation Engine - which Thorpe had drawn up.The coal used by the navy is quite special. The Senate does not have Welsh hard coal, which is known as the "best marine coal", and can only use the best Hongji coal in the ruling area to replace it.Thorpe plans to store 2000 tons of marine coal in Hong Kong, Kaohsiung and Jeju Island each.

2000 tons seems to be a lot, but in fact it is only enough to replenish the entire First Fleet twice.This does not include the consumption of other steam ships that require coal. The actual coal consumption of 854 and 901 during the voyage is still unknown to them. The amount of 2000 tons per port is just the reserve calculated by Thorpe based on the capacity.

In addition, hundreds of tons of animal and vegetable lubricating oil, mechanical spare parts, and spare ship materials must be stored in advance at each base, not counting the crew's own supplies and ammunition supplies.

"The 24 Harmony ships sound like a lot, but they actually need to be put into operation. It is very difficult to ensure the normal navigation of the fleet and the construction of the base."

"Who is in charge of escorting the transport ship?"

"The plan of the General Logistics Department is to escort in sections."

Chen Haiyang said that the General Logistics Department should be called the Joint Logistics Headquarters.However, he still used the familiar term "General Manager" habitually.

Because no one can guarantee the mechanical performance of the ship, Thorpe and others can only make a fuss about strengthening maintenance and frequent inspections.Try to avoid steam engine ships sailing at sea for a long time.

"Specifically: the convoy from Hainan is escorted by the Coast Guard's Type I and Type II Sail Patrol Boat Squadron to Hong Kong. The convoy from Hong Kong to Kaohsiung is under the responsibility of the First Fleet. The convoy from Kaohsiung to Jeju Island The Second Fleet is in charge."

The Second Fleet is composed of three other Type 901 first-class gunships and the sailed second-class gunship "Fubo" that are being outfitted.

The reason why the First Fleet was deployed in Kaohsiung was because the main enemies of the Senate: Da Ming, Liu Xiang, and Zheng Zhilong were all active in the Guangdong Ocean of Fujian Province—especially Zheng Zhilong, who was regarded as the biggest enemy by the Senate, was based in the Fujian waters. for its backyard.The main force is also concentrated here.Ensuring freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait is the Navy's top priority.

"The number of ships in the First and Second Fleets is limited, can they afford it?" Ming Qiu remembered that the enemy briefing mentioned that there were naval activities of North Korea and Ming Dynasty near Jeju Island. There are naval forces stationed there, and the North Korean navy also often operates in this waters.

Chen Haiyang said: "The two fleets will each be organized into several sailing spy boat squadrons. In addition, when Jeju Island lands, the First Fleet will assist them in destroying the local sea power and clearing out the North Korean navy."

"This is Li Di's plan."

"Yes, he's chief of staff now. His job."

Although Ming Qiu didn't speak, the expression on his face once again expressed his worry about this inexperienced chief of naval staff and fleet chief of staff.

Li Di has been conducting staff training, but he grew up relying on books and various materials. In the entire Senate, there is no veteran who has actually served as a naval staff officer.Only God knows whether reading books can become a qualified staff officer.

"He's very young, and he's easy to learn, and he didn't do badly in several staff assignments..." Chen Haiyang seemed to be reassuring him.

It took Mingqiu a long time to spit out a sentence: "No one is born to fight, let's grow up in actual combat."

Zichuan Hideji is now a corporal, although he doesn't quite understand the meaning of "corporate", he only knows that he is now a small official under his new employer, and this official is called the squad leader - similar to the head of the pawn group under the daimyo.There are nine Japanese mercenaries under his command.But for now, he had to take orders from an education sergeant sent by an Australian.

The sergeant was selected from the army by Fu Sansi, a veteran with good training and first-class combat skills. His task was to train recruits into qualified soldiers as soon as possible.

To train qualified soldiers in a short period of time, the old way of the Senate was to educate them with batons.Of course, it is even more impolite to educate the security forces. The training camp is given by three guests all day long.The sound of slaps and bagats resounded every day.

Zi Chuanxiu's promotion depends on two reasons: first, he has been in the circle of Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese for many years, has eaten the king's meal, worked as a thug, and worked as a coolie. He can speak Chinese better among Japanese mercenaries. The family has a little knowledge of Sinology, and can read and write Chinese characters without difficulty; secondly, it is because Zichuan Hideji is a fallen samurai with a name and a surname, and it is a decent surname.And the vast majority of Japanese mercenaries are all kinds of men, all kinds of pills, all kinds of horses, and even a certain soldier and guard are super respectable, and they dare not vent their anger on the spot when they see a samurai with a surname.According to Japanese customs and laws, samurai are lords, even if they can't eat, even if they have bare buttocks, it is a legitimate right to chop off civilians in the street

Of course, now Zichuan doesn't have to bare his butt, but puts on the new Australian military uniform.The loincloth was replaced with standard knee-length shorts—for ordinary people, shorts and trousers are the main symbols that distinguish the security army from the Fubo army.

According to the new military system, they were compiled as "Public Security Auxiliary Force" - referred to as "Public Security Army".

The public order army is different from the national army. As the name suggests, the national army is composed of "nationals" and undertakes the local garrison work of the armed police in the old time and space, while the public order army is not necessarily composed of "nationals" and is mainly composed of mercenaries.The main responsibility is to guard and mop up the newly occupied areas, and cooperate with the regular army to conduct public security warfare.Therefore, its establishment, equipment and personnel composition are different: the sources of soldiers are varied, and the equipment has also been simplified-changing trousers to short trousers is just one of them.

The Fubo army wears trousers mainly because the field troops have to climb mountains and wading. Trousers can reduce thorn scratches and mosquito bites.In addition, there have been several accidents in the previous training - when the soldiers lifted the Minie gun, the trousers sometimes caught the hammer, so the European army in the flintlock era wore tight trousers, and the upper body was tied up with complicated armed belts. The hem of the coat was also tied at the back before battle.

A minigun is much safer than a flintlock: the cap cannot be loaded until the gun is lifted.However, there is no guarantee that the hammer will not spark when it hits the empty cap chamber, or that someone put the cap on and put the gun down.After learning lessons, the clothing factory modified the version of the new military uniform.The trousers were redesigned with reference to the version of jeans, and the trouser pockets were also placed on the side and rear, and leggings were added to avoid danger.

However, security forces mainly stay in settlements and maneuver along roads.Generally, there is no need to climb mountains and wading, and the British colonial military shorts have little disadvantages.Some people pointed out that the security forces are not only on duty in tropical areas, and that in Hainan and Taiwan in this time and space, it is difficult to wear shorts in winter.But the answer from the Planning Institute is that the current training stage can be overcome-the weather is not cold now, as for the really unbearable, just change into trousers.

(End of this chapter)

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