Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1012 Security Army

Chapter 1012 Security Army

"Anyway, the clothing consumption during the training phase is very large, and it is in line with the purpose of saving and building the army to use the simple version first." Dai Xie, a representative of the Planning Institute, gave the above answer to the question raised by Fu Sansi at the meeting of the Military Affairs General Court.

Fu Sansi didn't have any special feelings for the Japanese, but now the Japanese were his soldiers, and if he wanted soldiers to go out and work hard, he still had to have at least a sense of honor and food and clothing—at least he couldn't dress like a beggar like the Nationalist government.

The Planning Institute, which is as stingy as the reincarnation of Yan Laoxi, is more concerned about how to save more fabrics.The military uniforms sent to the training camp simply kept only one trouser pocket for the shorts, and the leggings of the security forces were simplified to plain canvas strips, unlike the Fubo Army, which is integral, and the rope can be tightened quickly.In the future, immigrants on Jeju Island will be identified mainly by the color of their leggings. Those with white leggings are the security forces, and those with gray leggings are the Fubo Army.

Naturally, the Japanese soldiers would not have any objection to wearing trousers, except that they were often slapped because they forgot to wear the civilized buckle.

The tops of the security forces are a new style: Australian employers commonly call them "Su-style pullovers". Of course, it is impossible for Zichuan to know where this "Su-style" is. I have been to similar names, and the officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army have similar views on this.Later, many street stall military literature magazines falsely stated that the origin of the uniform was from Suzhou.

In fact, the United Logistics Headquarters launched this uniform only because the garment factory has been too busy this year, and the machinery factory has not developed a button sewing machine and a buttonhole locking machine, and sewing buttons and opening buttonholes is too labor-intensive.If the uniform is changed to a pullover style, the original 5 can be deducted to 2.

Although it was cutting corners, the trial version launched was very popular.Even the Fubo Army welcomed this change: After the second anti-encirclement campaign, the Fubo Army increased the intensity of their training, and emergency assembly and long-distance training became commonplace. Soldiers usually only unbuttoned two or three buckles before going to bed at night. In order to listen to the whistle in the middle of the night, put it on and leave.

However, this kind of jumper was not widely equipped in the end, and the resistance to the pullover among the veteran officers of the Army was so great that Thorpe, the deputy director of the Joint Logistics Headquarters who presided over the improvement of the uniform, was scolded as "a dead-on man." Yellow Russia".Thorpe couldn't understand this, and repeatedly complained-in fact, the one he admired most was the U.S. military.Due to the strong rebound and other disadvantages of the pullover-style military uniform, the Joint Logistics Headquarters finally decided to only give the number "1631-style National Army uniform" and equip it to the National Army and the Security Force.Winter uniform is to replace shorts with long trousers.

The pockets of the national army uniforms are only the lower right pocket, because the left shoulder needs to be hung with an armed belt, so there is no need to keep the left pocket. The officer uniform does not have two upper pockets, but only a left arm pocket for pens.

The first-generation clothing of the Fubo Army was indigo. The veterans carried their guns and practiced a few times. They all complained that the dark clothes were too hot, so the army quickly changed to gray. The navy kept the old blue uniforms as winter clothes. In addition, summer clothes have also been changed to white as the keynote-in fact, it is the true color of cotton cloth.

Since the gray military uniforms still use plant-based dyes, the color adhesion is not high, and the troops quickly faded after training in the hot sun.Since the special joint chemical company produced a small amount of picric acid, the joint logistics headquarters has used it to dye a batch of khaki yellow cotton cloth experimentally: the dye mainly comes from traditional turmeric, plus a small amount of homemade picric acid.

However, there is too little picric acid, and the supply of turmeric is not sufficient.Unable to dye enough cloth, it ended up being given to the Vigilante to make uniforms.Khaki yellow pullover uniforms, white canvas leggings, and rattan oiled paper hats—this is the standard image of the security forces. Needless to say, it is a bit wretched, especially when the soldiers are basically under 1.55 meters in height.

Every day when the Japanese education team of the Security Force is training in the camp, it always attracts the crowds of passing veterans and naturalized people.Not only because of their image, but the Japanese soldiers in Haiyou called "onboard" three times before starting training every day, so everyone nicknamed their camp "onboard battalion".

Zi Chuan Xiuci and more than 300 Japanese mercenaries have been imprisoned in the training camp of the Superintendent of Education since they arrived in Lingao.In order to prevent these mercenaries who have never known what morality is from making troubles, the education superintendent's department has also stepped up vigilance, especially the security company that has received riot training.However, the prohibition of these mercenaries was beyond the expectations of the Director of Education.

The Japanese are not naturally disciplined, but these Japanese dicks pay more attention to three meals of rice and fish a day.Japan has been under the pressure of overpopulation very early: in the 17th century, Japan had a population of nearly [-] million, and it experienced the dilemma of shortage of living resources very early.The mountainous island nation has more people and less land, coupled with the extremely harsh exploitation by the shogunate and daimyo: six lords and four people are the norm, and five lords and five people are benevolent government.This made life extremely difficult for Japanese farmers. They could not eat the rice they grew all year round, and they could not get enough to survive on miscellaneous grains.Even in the modern Japanese countryside of the Meiji and Taisho eras, extreme poverty still afflicted ordinary people.As described in "Ashin", isn't it the most tragic phenomenon to hire a maid for a year's work for only one bag of rice. In some remote and barren mountainous villages, the custom of abandoning the elderly is even retained.In some areas, except for the eldest son with the right of inheritance who can marry and have children, the second son without the right of inheritance, Saburo, unless he goes out to find food and work, otherwise he can only work like a slave for his elder brother in exchange for a bowl of food if he wants to stay at home. , are not allowed to marry and form a family.

In the 17th century, a large number of Japanese people flowed out to Southeast Asia. In addition to the religious persecution of Catholics, solving the problem of food was also an important reason.

Now they have plenty of food, rice and dried fish.It was the first time I opened the tinplate vat sent by the training camp to see the full rice, dried fish and seaweed soup with bean paste, and every Japanese shed tears of excitement.Zi Chuan held the cross tightly, looked up at the sky, and thanked the Holy Mother for sending him to a good place.

Since Ping Qiusheng brought these people to Hainan Island, "one person violates discipline and all are punished" is the slogan they must shout every day before eating.

In addition to being punished for being caught, according to the order of Pingyuan Laodian, everyone should self-examine and report to each other whether there are any behaviors and thoughts that violated discipline today before the meal, and then they can shout "a bag of open horses will die" and so on.If they are exposed and verified to be true, they will have to starve. Fish and rice will be rewarded to the whistleblower, and the toilet, dormitory, and playground will also be cleaned depending on the circumstances.

"Is there any weakness in the flesh!"

"Thoughts have no thoughts of infidelity!"

"Do you always remember to be grateful!"

"Did you do your best in training?"


So every day before dinner, the scene where all the onboard battalions lined up and faced the sun and roared in unison became a scene of the training camp.So much so that Fu Sansi had to issue an order to prohibit other people from pointing and watching.

The military training of the "Onboard Battalion" is rude and brutal, and the corporals always use body language to fully educate them in order to try their best to show their competence.

"Baga! San Sanlang, you red deer! Can't you remember when you step forward with your left foot! I beat your hands until your hands are swollen and you don't have a long memory! 50 push-ups, right away! Do you hear me? If you can't do it, I'll tell you to wash it Worship the toilet!"

Shi Chuanxiuji yelled like this almost all the time and gave orders to his subordinates, using all kinds of hardships he had suffered and seen to make his subordinates fear him more than death.Then he immediately took a look at the education sergeant assigned to him by his employer-he was watching the training of each class not far away, hoping to get a nod with even a blank face, and the other corporals did the same.However, as a former samurai and a professional mercenary, I have to say that the Japanese soldiers brought out by Zichuan have the best training performance in the entire security force, and they are most likely to become the first Japanese platoon leader of the security force.

The basic content of the security forces training camp is formation, fighting and shooting training.The performance of the Japanese mercenaries is much better than that of the Li Miao soldiers. After all, most of them were originally mercenaries. Although they may not have been trained in formation, they have experienced the formation of troops, and they have certain combat experience. Able to understand and adapt to the training content.

The combat training of the onboard battalion retains the Japanese-style sword skills that many mercenaries are familiar with.As a former samurai, Zi Chuan has the best sword skills among all mercenaries, so he also serves as a swordsman instructor, teaching mercenaries Japanese sword skills-his sword skills are the best among all Japanese mercenaries. the best.

As for the knives they used, it didn't bother the Senate—these mercenaries had one when they came from Siam, and some even had two or three, and most of them were relatively good knives.To them, this is a guy who eats, can be poor without pants, and can't lose a knife.

Because of Zi Chuan's outstanding performance, Fu Sansi had included Zi Chuan Xiuci in the first batch of promotions to the profession of sergeant acting platoon leader.

Shooting training uses muskets.Japanese mercenaries can skillfully use matchlock guns.There was a debate in the Senate about whether to equip the security forces with firearms.Some veterans believe that the security forces are "not reliable enough" and should only be equipped with cold weapons.For example, Japanese mercenaries gave them Taidao and spears, and let them go to "Zhutu".As for Li Miao mercenaries, machetes and crossbows are enough.

But most of the veterans—especially the veterans in the army thought it was a waste. Without firearms, the advantage of the security forces over the natives would be greatly reduced.Casualties and losses in battle will also increase significantly.Although the Security Force is positioned as a consumable, everyone also hopes that it can be used for a long time, not a one-off kind.

(End of this chapter)

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