Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1013 Nanyang Style Rifle

Chapter 1013 Nanyang Style Rifle

As for "not reliable enough", it was suggested that they could be equipped with flintlock guns - such as tried and tested models such as Brown Beth.But this proposal was opposed by the industrial department and the planning institute. The structure of Brown Beth is completely different from that of the Minie rifle, and all parts except the buttstock cannot be used for common use—it is equivalent to opening a new production line for it.What's more, the ammunition is not universal.Consuming a lot of extra resources and manpower expenditure to arm a small number of troops is not worth the candle.

In the end, Wang Luobin, who was attending the meeting in Lingao, proposed a new plan to produce the "monkey version of the Mini rifle". Specifically, it is to follow the structure of the existing Mini rifle and use most of the parts in common, but the barrel does not have rifling. .

Because there is no rifling, the range and accuracy of the monkey version of the Mini rifle have been greatly reduced.But it is still much stronger than the various matchlock guns and fire door guns in this time and space, and even has certain advantages over mature flintlock guns like Brown Beth.He also maintained a generation gap with the regular army.

The monkey version of the Mini rifle does not need to change the production line, nor does it require special processing. It only saves a drawn rifling production process, saving manpower and material resources.It can be reverted to "Standard" by changing the barrel when needed.Greatly save manpower and material resources.Ammunition can also be used universally.

The most important thing is that the production technology of thunder mercury and flash caps is monopolized by the Senate. Even if the weapon is lost, the person who gets the weapon cannot use it. This is much safer than the flintlock gun-the flintlock gun is very It is easy to repair and use, but the minigun has no cap and is an iron fire stick.So far, although there have been hundreds of Minie rifles in an "unrecovered" state, no faction has been found to be able to use the Minie rifle.

The idea of ​​this monkey version of the Mini rifle was quickly implemented, and the Japanese company got the first batch of "Nanyang-style rifles"-because in the plan for the security force, the future security force will be mainly deployed in Southeast Asia.Not all of these rifles were newly made, and some of them were reconstructed by reinstalling smoothbore barrels with worn-out rifling rifles replaced by Fubo Army.

First of all, the firearms training work for Japanese corporals was carried out-the Nanyang-style rifles were well received by these people once they were put into training and used-almost all of them have experience in using matchlock guns, whether it is the monkey version of the Tanegashima iron gun made in Japan They have all come into contact with genuine Portuguese and British matchlock guns. Regardless of the comparison in shooting accuracy and shooting speed, the huge advantages of Nanyang-style rifles make them speechless.

After the corporal squad leaders mastered the shooting and maintenance essentials of Nanyang-style rifles.Early the next morning, the entire onboard battalion assembled on the training ground.

"From today onwards, you will receive your weapons. Run forward!" After the education sergeant gave the order, each education class ran to the weapon depot in a column under the command of the password.

A table and gun racks have been set up at the door of the armory.Everyone received Nanyang-style rifles and matching bayonets.Weapons personnel are responsible for managing the serial numbering of weapons.Then each education class organizes explanations on the structure and maintenance of weapons at the training ground.

Zi Chuanxiuci said loudly: "Each rifle is engraved with the emblem of the Senate - the morning star, so it should not be treated rashly. A soldier's mental state can be seen through the awareness of a soldier's cherishing of the gun, so it must be Take good care of your guns!"

He was giving lectures from the training class full of emotion, when suddenly there was a "click" sound from behind the line, and everyone looked back, it turned out that it was Mibingwei who accidentally knocked down the newly issued rifle and was in a panic Zhang Di went to pick it up.Zichuan Xiuci roared loudly: "Get out!"

Yahei's face turned pale with fright.

"Bastard!" Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of slapping his mouth.Zi Chuanxiu yelled: "With a guy like you, it's over! Bastard! Stand at attention! If you treat weapons roughly, you will be confined and only eat one meal a day, do you understand? Stupid! You will be fined to stand guard at night Time to carry three rifles!"

Then it introduces the maintenance methods of guns and bayonets in detail, including disassembly and assembly.Then everyone started trying to disassemble and maintain the gun.

The structure of the Minie rifle is quite simple, but it is still not easy for people who have no maintenance awareness.

"I said it again, have you written it down?!" Zi Chuan roared at all the soldiers.All the education in the barracks is mandatory indoctrination, and soldiers are forced to memorize it through loud reprimands.

The rifle shooting training lasted for a week. Most of the Japanese mercenaries had matchlock shooting experience, so there was not much difficulty in using Nanyang-style rifles.It is even faster than the recruits of the Fubo Army to adapt-it takes a lot of effort for the latter to just overcome their fear of firearms.

After 40 consecutive unloaded shots and 20 live shots.The troops switched to bayonet training again. After the eight-week training ended, the basic training of the Japanese battalion of the Security Force was declared over, and the formation of troops began.

Among the more than 370 Japanese mercenaries who signed contracts to work for the Senate, they were eventually organized into four security companies.It is still an establishment of 100 people.However, there are no drummers or flute players in the company, only flag bearers and trumpeters.Company and platoon-level officers and company chiefs are temporarily appointed by naturalized civilian soldiers drawn from the regular army. According to the principle of low-ranking and high-ranking personnel, the sergeant from the regular army will serve as the platoon leader, and the sergeant will serve as the company commander. The ranks will not change. But enjoy the corresponding job allowance.

The establishment and use of the security force was decided according to the discussion at the "Danzhou Symposium".

When the Qiongbei security war was about to end, the motion to establish a full-time security force had already appeared.In order to give full play to the role of the security forces, the General Staff held an "on-site seminar on anti-guerrilla security warfare" in Danzhou. Xue Ziliang introduced a series of anti-guerrilla warfare methods, ideas and lessons learned in Danzhou under his auspices. .

One of the main lessons learned from the meeting is: while having enough mobile forces to carry out strikes, it is necessary to ensure the effective control and management of various strongholds and residential areas.Militia and national army can be organized in the ruled area, and in the newly occupied area that has not been "civilized", there must be enough security forces to implement control over the main residential areas.Deter the local tyrants, ensure that the enemy cannot obtain supplies and personnel from the settlements, protect the local administrative agencies, and ensure the smooth flow of government orders.

The security forces formed for this purpose do not require a large establishment, nor do they need to be synthesized-they do not need to form special logistics units and heavy fire support units-this part is guaranteed by the regular army.Even queue and tactical training can be greatly simplified.Do not conduct overly complicated queue change training and coordinated tactical training.

Combat training highlights shooting, bombing, fighting, soil engineering and riot suppression, and tactically focuses on patrol and defensive operations.

Because the security forces are deployed and operated in a dispersed manner, the largest tactical unit is the company.A detachment is set up on the company as an administrative management and logistics supply unit, and the number of the company under the detachment is not fixed.It is suitable for distributed deployment and flexible configuration requirements.

After the completion of the onboard battalion, they will be sent to Bopu's naval training brigade for two weeks of sailing adaptability training and onboard hand-to-hand combat training to make final preparations for sailing.The onboard battalion will be transferred to Taiwan as part of the advance team of the Security Forces, and then part of it will be sent to Jeju Island.

The naval training camp is located in Bopu, and almost all the facilities are the works of Ming Qiu, the People's Commissar of the Navy. Unlike the military house Navy, which is well-versed in military history and equipment, Mr. Ming is serious and serious in the PLAN army. Those who came up have their own unique experience in training and leading troops.


"Please take a break"

"The first company of the Marine Corps landed very quickly, but the equipment was all wet, so how can we fight?!"

"The fighting training mission of the Second Sailor Battalion is over halfway, and someone still cuts the sail rope, will they fight the pirates with their stomachs then?!"


Working under Commander Ming, it is necessary to be scolded every day, but as an old navy, it is only Ming Qiu's professional habit to be serious on the training ground, and immediately after he is disbanded, he will mingle with the majority of commanders and fighters.However, as an old navy, Ming Qiu is used to diving fast in the air, even in his dreams it is the sharp bow of the boat that cuts through the white waves.When it comes to manipulating sailing ships, it is a complete amateur to line up in battle, and they have not thought about how to command the most powerful surface fleet in this time and space.



Take a 5 minute break!You can go to the toilet, but you are not allowed to go far!


Zi Chuanxiuji and seven or eight Japanese held bayonet-mounted Nanyang-style rifles and walked to the shade of a tree to drink water, while watching a group of Australians lined up in a strange formation in the distance, holding strange flags and bamboo poles, Walking slowly, stopping and pointing from time to time or going back somewhere to start again, I really don't understand what they are practicing.

Ming Qiu and his officers did not care about the pointing and pointing of the Japanese mercenaries in the distance, and carried out their own training on their own.

Strictly speaking, this cannot be regarded as training. This is a tactical simulation method invented by Admiral Ming, which is similar to the former space-time pilot holding a small plane on the ground and gesturing various flying movements.It's just that the captains lead a few men to stand in a row to simulate a ship. The 901 ship and the 854 ship are the treasures of the Senate. When appointing the first batch of chief officers of key positions on the ship, the first emphasis is on "reliability".As a result, the ship handling and tactical capabilities of the officer corps of these "capital ships" fell behind.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, training must be strengthened.There is very little training time left for them.We are about to go to sea to perform missions. Targeted navigation training can only be done while sailing, and tactical training must start in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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