Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1015 People in Hong Kong

Chapter 1015 People in Hong Kong

The watchtower on the top of Taiping Mountain has just been completed - there is no Hong Kong Governor's Mansion here in this time and space, only a barren land.The project team of Lingao Construction Corporation in Hong Kong under the command of Shi Dafu spent several months to open up a mountain road where two-wheeled trolleys can pass through the wind, and then leveled a small piece of land on the top of the mountain to build a stone building. The three-story watchtower of the structure is used to monitor the whole island and the nearby sea.

The watchtower itself also serves as a radio transmission tower. With good terrain advantages and a pure radio environment, it functions as a communication center connecting the north to Zhejiang and the south to Lingao.

On the top platform of the watchtower, a few elders are "looking at the mountains and small mountains". They wear various uniforms and are surrounded by orderlies, secretaries and maids.

A gray-haired, dark-skinned veteran looked down at the ships of the Oceanic Fleet at the anchorage, and said, "The navy is very strong now! What a pity! We are laggards who can't catch up..."

Li Di, who was wearing the staff sash, laughed: "Boss Lin! You are not the same as the navy. When it comes to military rank, your rank of lieutenant colonel is rare in the navy."

"How can it be compared?" Lin Chuanqing, who was wearing a navy uniform, shook his head again and again, "I am a fisherman—the fishery corps. To put it bluntly, I am a fisherman in military uniform—isn't it the same thing as a production company in the army? The year is farming and raising pigs.”

"Fishing is also a revolutionary job." Hong Huangnan said, "This fishery corps of yours is much more important than the production company of growing vegetables and raising pigs—you have solved the problem of eating meat in the past few years. I still count on The fishery gives us more protein." He pointed to the faintly visible Lantau Island in the distance, "The decontaminated population on it is all waiting to eat seafood porridge!"

Lin Chuanqing laughed: "Staff Hong——no, Minister Hong, I'll just accept the high hat. I understand the meaning of this fishing, but I'm very envious when I see the boys going out to fight meat and war!"

He touched the stubble of his well-trimmed hair: "Of course fishing is my old profession, but I often want to be able to fire a cannon, don't you?"

At this point, everyone laughed, and Li Di said, "Why don't you become an admiral of the fishery fleet in the future? First go to Japan to make a fishery dispute or something, and then you can bombard Sakai Port."

"What to do with shelling Sakai Port? It's too wasteful. It's a commercial port, and if it is occupied, it will be a great cow." Shui Yin's eyes showed greed.As a commercial director based in Hong Kong, he is not satisfied with the current Hong Kong commercial business.

Hong Kong's business activities have developed greatly.As the outer port of Guangzhou, Hong Kong's transportation advantages are far superior to those of Whampoa and Macau.Especially after signing a trade agreement with the Dutch and opening Hong Kong as a trading port, the Dutch fleet sailed to Hong Kong regularly to conduct trade here.

The trade with the Dutch, although profitable, was too small.There are not many ships from the Netherlands to China, only dozens of voyages every year.It is pitifully small for someone in the 21st century.

As the Ming court blocked the mouth of the Pearl River, the Portuguese's right to trade in Guangzhou was revoked.In the original history, the Portuguese in Macau failed to obtain permission to reopen the port through various activities, and fell into a great crisis.However, in this time and space, the Macau Municipal Council has no choice but to set its sights on Hong Kong - the Australians' entry and exit of the Pearl River Estuary is like entering an uninhabited territory, and the government dare not prohibit it.Moreover, Australians have a semi-public consular business organization in Guangzhou, which makes it extremely convenient to transport and sell commodities.As a result, some Portuguese businessmen changed to conduct trade activities in Hong Kong.Shui Yin found that Hong Kong is now acting as a trade "window" - a window that can communicate with the sea and the mainland.

Hong Hongyin welcomes the Portuguese: they have the ability to pay and have sales channels, and all their business activities in Hong Kong will bring income to Hong Kong: from rent, port usage fees to taxes.

The Portuguese also felt that Hong Kong was quite superior as a window: they did not have to face the greedy officials of the Ming Dynasty and the Chinese businessmen who often defaulted on their payments.The disadvantage is that the profits are not as good as in the past-Australians know the market of various commodities like the back of their hands.

However, these alone cannot satisfy Hongshui Yin's "big ambition". He often looks towards the mainland—there is the real gold mine to be developed.

Unfortunately, the current situation is not yet ready for gold mining.Hong Hongyin can only look at the ocean and sigh.

His gaze turned to the foot of the mountain. Rows of warehouses have been built in Causeway Bay and Central, and large steam cranes have been erected one by one—the appearance of Hong Kong as a logistics center has been initially revealed.Ships from Hainan and Guangzhou unload a large amount of cargo here every day, and various materials are piled up like mountains.

It's a pity that none of these goods has anything to do with him-it's all the materials needed for the engine operation.However, he was frightened for a while-Hong Kong's defense force is not enough, except for a company of sailors, it is the armed patrol boats of the Hong Kong Squadron of the Navy.

As for the militiamen of Luochen's Land Reclamation Team, although they claim to be a unit of soldiers and civilians, they don't even have a single rifle. On the construction site, there is not much time for training——Shui Hongyin is deeply suspicious of their combat power

Once attacked, it may be difficult to guarantee the safety of the massive supplies stored here.At that time, as one of the main persons in charge of the Hong Kong region, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Such fearful days lasted until the summer, when troops from Lingao finally came to Hong Kong—in addition to the strengthening of the navy, the Northward Detachment and the newly formed security forces also gradually sailed to Hong Kong Island.Now Hong Kong Island has a strong army, and there are nearly 2000 people in just one northbound detachment, not including the security forces that have just been transported a few hundred meters away.

A group of people were pointing out the country, when Luochen's female secretary came to report: The reception to celebrate the third anniversary of D-Day has been prepared, and the chiefs are invited to go and the official start.

D-Day is the day when they came to this time and space, it is very commemorative, in a sense it is equal to the National Day of the Senate.Therefore, the Senate designated it as "Remembrance Day". In 1629 and 1630, due to internal and external troubles on the D-Day anniversaries, there were no other activities except simply holding dinners for the elders and improving the food.

But this year, despite the engine action, after all, their surrounding environment has been greatly improved, and the material conditions are not as good as before. In order to strengthen the cohesion of the naturalized people and the centripetal force of the indigenous people.The Senate held some simple celebrations around D-Day. In addition to Lingao, all counties and commercial stations under the control of the Senate held dinner parties and receptions.The former is to reward the backbone members of the naturalized people, while the latter is to entertain the indigenous collaborators.

The reception is held in the external hall of the commercial station and takes the form of a buffet.Generally speaking, it is specific to the New Year reception.Although Hong Kong is far away from Lingao, it is very close to Guangzhou. You can easily buy a lot of fresh ingredients from Guangzhou, so it is not inferior to Lingao in terms of richness.

In the lobby of the commercial station, the long tables covered with snow-white tablecloths were already filled with dishes and tableware.The dishes here are "Australian style" - through the spread of Ziminglou, all kinds of modern dishes that the elders like have gradually spread in the Guangzhou area.The chefs at the Hong Kong base are from Lingao and trained in cooperative restaurants.

Hong Hongyin saw several large plates of sushi and sashimi on the table, and the fresh raw fish had an attractive luster, which is definitely a rare thing in this time and space.Although sashimi and sushi are not uncommon among the elders of Lingao, this is the first time they have been made in Hong Kong-there was no cold storage in the local area before, and there were no freezing facilities on fishing boats, and the fresh fish caught could not be stored in the cold chain. For safety reasons, I never cook raw food like sashimi.Furthermore, in the past, fish suitable for sashimi were rarely caught locally.

"Old Lin, this is all thanks to you." Hong Hongyin said with a smile.

The South China Sea is one of the main habitats of Pacific yellowfin tuna and skipjack. Yellowfin tuna was very expensive in old times and space. Skipjack is the smallest tuna. Time and space are still rare delicacies.Tuna are all deep-sea fish. They mainly live in the cold water layer of about 20-50 meters in the deep sea area. They often dive below [-] meters. Therefore, their bodies contain a lot of fat and myoglobin, so they appear red. For the elders who lack red meat , is really irresistible.

However, ordinary fishing boats in the Ming Dynasty were neither seaworthy to enter the blue water, and only a few tens of meters deep nets were brought with 8145—all of which were used in the Beibu Gulf fishing grounds.This kind of nylon trawl senate group can't make it either.Therefore, the fishery detachment stationed in Hong Kong can only fish with small nets, the catch is very small, and the economic value is not high.

In order to solve this problem, Lin Chuanqing decided to switch to fishing.He converted a tugboat that had been retired to a fishing column by the naval combat unit into a longliner.

This kind of boat drags several kilometers of cables with a string of buoys hanging on the cables. Each buoy hangs a 50-meter-long suspension line, and each suspension line is tied with 20 hooks. The boat goes out to sea twice a month. , as long as the sea conditions are good, you can always bring back a boat full of decent catches.In addition to tuna, mackerel, and sea bass, there are rare species such as swordfish, sailfish, and big sharks.

The results of the trial were satisfactory. Lin Chuanqing immediately submitted a report on converting several ships into longline fishing boats. The Ministry of the Navy agreed to his request. On the one hand, it is everyone’s wish to increase the supply of protein. On the other hand, the Navy considers the need to strengthen the South China Sea direction of patrolling.The fishing operation of fishing boats is also a kind of patrol.

(End of this chapter)

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