Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1016 Reception

Chapter 1016 Reception

Originally, the fishery corps owned a lot of ships, but they were generally small, miscellaneous, old, small in tonnage, and in poor condition. They basically operated offshore, and the farthest they could go was the Beibu Gulf.Now it is obviously unable to undertake the maritime cruise in the Xisha and Dongsha areas.In Mingqiu, a group of ships with a standard displacement of less than 100 tons were eliminated from the spy boat squadron to the fishery corps.No matter how Lin Chuanqing reforms, the only requirement is to maintain a certain level of armed force in order to carry out armed patrols in the sea area between Dongsha and Xisha.

At the beginning, the Senate hoped that Lin Chuanqing could change a few whaling ships. Whales are full of treasures—especially oil, which was the main source of oil in the early industry and played an indispensable role in the industrial system of the Senate, which was seriously short of oil. .As for whalebone and bone fragments, they also play a considerable role in industry due to their high elasticity.However, the Great Library clearly threw cold water on the whaling party—the South China Sea is not a habitat for whales at all, but only occasionally some pass by. Before taking Hokkaido or Hawaii, commercial whaling is impossible to think about.

In this way, all the newly allocated fishing boats were remodeled as longline fishing boats.The transformation is not complicated, just adding a large manpower winch and two working boats.Because there is no power winch, manual retraction is very slow.After the longline is put down, as long as there are no special circumstances, the working boat will check the buoy, fishing line, harvest and change the bait.In addition, the bilge was changed into a "cold storage", and the fish that were caught were simply processed and stuffed into them to keep them fresh.There is no refrigeration power on the sailboat, and of course there is no gas cold storage.Refrigeration can only be ice cubes wrapped in insulation.

Lin Chuanqing invited veterans with a background in thermal engineering to carefully design the marine cold storage.The insulation layer of the marine cold storage adopts multi-layer insulation treatment. There are many options for insulation materials: in addition to kapok, sawdust and diatomaceous earth, which are widely used in Lingao, a large number of cattail leaves are also used. and velvet.The heat preservation effect of cattail is very good, and it is not afraid of water. The cattail grass has evolved this fiber to help its seeds float with the water, and the hollow cattail leaves play a role of moisture insulation.

Papyrus is actually the most famous plant in ancient Egyptian civilization—the oriental subspecies of papyrus. The ancient Egyptians used the long fibers of cattail leaves to make papyrus. In China, besides making cattail leaves into cushions, mattresses, kneeling In addition to padding, or used to make paper, cattail fleece is also an important cold-proof material.

Because cattail grass grows well in depressions and wetlands with high salinity, the water supply and drainage department has planted it in large quantities to treat sewage and transform coastal saline-alkali land.Compared with a small amount of wild kapok obtained through collection and purchase, and sawdust and diatomaceous earth with other uses, kapok cattail leaf and cattail have become the cheapest and most effective insulation that the Group can produce on a large scale. Thermal materials are mixed with a large amount of cotton wool to make bedding needed for engine operation, and most of the pillows used by veterans and maids to enjoy the gentleness of the country are also filled with cattail fleece.

Although the production of cattail is large, it is necessary to ensure the supply of materials going north. Therefore, only ten of Lin Chuanqing's cold fresh ships were refitted, three were used in the Beibu Gulf area, six were used in Sanya, and the other two were deployed to Hong Kong. Haikou is also a place rich in fishing.

The sushi and sashimi at the reception are the benefits of the cold fresh boat. Originally, Hong Shuiyin thought that the local people might not be willing to accept such food, but he did not expect that it was still very popular.Plate after plate came in a steady stream, and was quickly wiped out.

"This is Guangdong - I have always had the habit of eating sashimi. Freshwater fish is better eaten, and seawater fish is even better." Shi Jiantao, the person in charge of the shipyard, said with a glass of wine, "Shunde is not far from here. , the local fish is famous..."

Shi Jiantao was in a good mood: the construction project of the H800 Harmony Wheel he presided over finally achieved considerable results after a stage of stumbling operation.Training workers for local shipbuilding workshops, providing standardized measuring tools and tools all played a role, especially the decisive support from the Planning Institute: Approval to establish a local timber processing factory in Hong Kong, processing timber shipped from Guangdong and Fujian nearby, and batches Manufacture standardized ship materials.Including masts, shell plates, deck strips, etc.

These measures have greatly accelerated the construction progress of the H800 Harmony Wheel.Shi Jiantao found that the learning ability of the indigenous people is not bad, and they are full of wisdom, but they have been blinded by years of conformity. When someone opens a window and shows a new way, and solidly teaches No matter how he went, they quickly followed up and even drew inferences about other cases from one instance.Stimulated by economic interests, the local shipbuilding workshops adapted to the Australian production model, and their efficiency rose geometrically. The first few Harmony Ships only took several months to produce qualified outsourced parts during the material preparation stage, but when everything was run-in, It only took an average of 800 days to build a H50 Harmony.Shi Jiantao builds this large transport ship at a batch rate of 4 on a simple beach slipway in Hong Kong.

In fact, the Hong Kong shipyard is performing the task of assembly.The iron bones and ribs needed for shipbuilding were processed from Bopu and transported to Hong Kong by the big whales. Simple wooden structures were subcontracted and processed by various indigenous shipbuilding workshops and wood workshops in the Pearl River Estuary, and shipped to Hong Kong Island.Manufacturing of more complex wooden structural components is made by wood processing plants.The final assembly is done on the beach slipway.

In the end, the Hong Kong shipyard completed the task of 28 ships before the D-day anniversary-not only successfully completed the task assigned by the engine operation, but also exceeded the quota by 4 ships.These 4 were converted into fleet colliers.

When Shi Jiantao found out that his shipbuilding work could be completed on schedule, he got drunk with joy—his status in the Senate was fully guaranteed, and wealth is still a matter of life and death.

Today, seeing that the transport convoy he personally presided over was about to leave the port for engine operations, his mood was even better. He drank soda water, fruit juice and rum to his heart's content.

"Your contractor is also here?" Hong Hongyin asked, and he invited local businessmen who have traded with them today.

"Here we come. There are also Luochen's Tiandihui customers."

At the reception, a group of indigenous "elites" dressed in silk and satin gathered, and some literati and scholars in lanthanum shirts were also mixed in during the reception.Hong Hongyin, as the local business person in charge, also serves as an external contact, talking and laughing in the crowd with a glass of wine, and entertaining with a group of local indigenous collaborators.

Most of the local aboriginal collaborators are small and medium-sized commercial landlords from the Kowloon Peninsula across from Saint Maid Bay and Dongguan and Xiangshan counties further north.Affected by the tide of commodity economy in the Ming Dynasty, it began to grow various economic crops very early, especially indigo and sericulture.Indigo, raw silk, and satin are the bulk exports of the Senate.Therefore, it has always been the target of Hongshui Yin's active wooing.

Attracting them to provide export products for foreign trade companies and promoting the services of "Tiandihui" is currently a major task of Hongshui Yin.

The initial cooperation between these small and medium-sized landlords and the Hong Kong station was more or less "voluntary", because the Fubo Army's "hehewuwei" at the Pearl River Estuary, plus bayonets and gunboats were not far away, and no one dared to refuse Hong Kong. Website "trade briefing".

However, once such a trade relationship was formally established, they soon discovered that it was much better to cooperate with Australians in Hong Kong than to cooperate with big and small profiteers in the city.As a result, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and Tiandihui also took the opportunity to start to develop customers in the local area-the agricultural development conditions in Hong Kong Island were not good, and Tiandihui did not have much room for use.

Of course, there are also those who take the initiative to cooperate with Australians - Liu Deshan is one of them.After he met Qiu Wuzu of the Fubo Army in Sanliang Town, he soon came up with the idea of ​​doing business with Australians.

Liu Deshan's business is to sell local products between Shandong and Guangdong. He has long heard that Australians do a lot of business. Australian products are very popular. Now that Australians are close at hand, the opportunity is certainly not to be missed.So as soon as the crusade in the Pearl River Basin was over, he ran to Hong Kong, found Hong Hongyin, and asked to sell Shandong goods.

Hong Hongyin was very interested in his proposal. Although Liu Deshan was a small businessman with little capital, he was very familiar with business. As a native of Shandong and had been doing business in the Pearl River Delta region for a long time, he was very familiar with the conditions of the two places, so he was a very suitable candidate. A trade agent—and his influence is not great, so it is not easy to create a trend that cannot be lost.

With the support of Hong Hongyin, Liu Deshan quickly acted as the agent of "Wanyou" and began to deal in Australian goods.He is very familiar with the villages and towns in the Pearl River Delta, and he was able to go deep into the villages and towns that were difficult to penetrate in the past in Guangzhou Station to carry out commercial activities. He has initially established a township business network in Dongguan County.

This township business network uses the model of itinerant vendors and local agents to sell a large number of daily necessities produced in Lingao, such as matches, new iron farm tools, and cheap Chinese patent medicines, and purchase various local products in the villages and towns.Although the business is trivial and not very profitable, at least Lingao's products have penetrated into the countryside.With the penetration of commodities, concepts will also change.

Liu Deshan himself made a small fortune.Although he didn't make much money, his shrewd mind already knew that Australians would have greater business opportunities in the future.As long as I can bear it, the day of making a fortune will be behind.

At this moment, he was standing in the hall, holding a glass of kvass just like the Australians, watching every move of Hong Shui Yin.I hope that the "chief" can reveal some more news to him.He has already smelled something from the big purchases at the Hong Kong station in the previous stage-bigger opportunities will soon come to Hong Kong Island.

(End of this chapter)

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