Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1034 Route

Chapter 1034 Route
"It's deeply rooted. I'm afraid one leaf will fall and all the team leaders will be sad." The Taoist leader picked up the text.

Luo Chun smiled, this is a submissive smile: "The real person is too worried, all believers are only satisfied with their wishes, how can they be sad in autumn. This big tree can't shelter from wind and rain on weekdays, it only forces everyone to fertilize and water, and the leaves It’s better to drop it.”

Zhang Yingchen nodded: "I see."

Luo Chun said that Ma Weisan did all kinds of illegal things in Yizhou, and the general altar was not completely unaware.But he is very devout to the general altar and the leader, and the monthly deportation of incense and silver and various offerings are extremely generous, so he has always been regarded as a "capable person".

But the disciples below are quite annoying, especially the original incense masters, most of them dare not speak out against him: Ma Weisan is a local toubob, killing a few people and destroying a certain family is nothing ——It's not that he hasn't done it.

"If the real person is willing to get rid of him and eliminate harm for the people, all the team leaders and believers will probably have to beat drums and gongs."

Luo Chun's words have both public and private meanings.Ma Weisan was indeed not a good person, and she transferred all the hatred of Hu Qier's death to Ma Weisan, holding a grudge against Ma.Therefore, as soon as Zhang Yingchen expressed his intention to attack the horse, she did not hesitate to provoke her.

Zhang Yingchen didn't say anything, he knew that Ma Weisan had a bad reputation in the local sect, Luo Chun's words made him determined to get rid of him.At present, he is in urgent need of money: it is no longer enough to rely on the funds allocated by the Office of Religious Affairs and the People's Committee of Civil Affairs for the activities of the plate in Yizhou. At present, it is mainly up to him to raise money.Kill Ma Weisan, and you can get a lot of money: According to the information provided by Luo Chun and others, Ma Weisan's village has at least 1 taels of silver and thousands of grains in the cellar.Not to mention that he also owns a large amount of land and various other real properties

It seems that Xiaoye is going to be troublesome.he thought so.Ming and Qing came to report: "Uncle Wang of Qiwei Escort Bureau came to pay respects."

"Please!" Zhang Yingchen regained his spirit immediately.He had already received a telegram a few days ago that Lingao would send a veteran to Hangzhou Station to be responsible for the refugee transfer work on the Lunan and Zhebei routes.

For the convenience of work, this veteran will appear in the name of the outer cabinet manager of Qiwei Escort.

Zhang Yingchen secretly guessed who the elder came, Wang was the common surname, among the elders there were quite a few people with the surname Wang, I don't know which one it is?
Luo Chun hurriedly avoided going out——working with the leader for a long time, this point of understanding is still good.This is also one of the reasons why Taoist priest is quite satisfied with Luo Chun.In contrast, Xiao Min's comprehension is much worse.

I saw a young strong man walking in, wearing a set of Qiwei Escort's "hall" - recently Qiwei is promoting "corporate culture", which includes the promotion of employees wearing uniform "store uniforms".

Zhang Yingchen is not very familiar with all the elders, but he only knows that this is the elder of the industry.And he was the stranger to the veterans of the industrial port, so he could only greet them with a smile.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"

"Pagoda Town River Demon!"

The hands of the two were tightly held together: "Comrade, I'm looking forward to you!" The Taoist priest shook hands vigorously and made a gesture of enthusiasm.

The visitor smiled and shook hands vigorously, the priest couldn't help frowning, but luckily the other party let go in time.The Taoist leader couldn't help but admire secretly: what a strong and strong man.

The visitor was 1.8 meters tall, with a round face, a mustache with hawthorn on his chin, dark complexion, big and thick hands, and calluses between the fingers.Obviously, he is a veteran who has worked in the front line of the industry all year round.

It was Wang Ruixiang who came.He has worked in the industrial port for two years, and he has played with guns before. He feels that life in Lingao is still too boring. This time, he is from Shandong and has lived in the Jiangnan area for a long time, so he applied for an assignment. "Move."

With his unremitting efforts, Wang Ruixiang was finally allowed to participate in the overseas training of the Intelligence Bureau and returned to his hometown.

Wang Ruixiang is not from Dongsanfu, so he was not sent to Qimu Island, but went to Lunan to assist the Taoist priest in activities.Traveling back and forth between Hangzhou and Yizhou does require a young and strong person.

At the moment, the guests and the host sit down, and tea is served in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Zhang Yingchen broke away from the left and right and began to talk secretly.

The task of Wang Ruixiang to Yizhou was to discuss the refugee transfer work in Yizhou.

"What are the organizational arrangements?" Zhang Yingchen asked quickly.Since the experimental transfer of the first batch of refugees, he has taken in almost 500 people.Because it is not known when the transshipment and transshipment destinations will start, the work of taking in refugees has been temporarily slowed down: currently only orphans and refugees with children are taken in.

Wang Ruixiang said: "Commissioner Liu wants us to transfer refugees from southern Shandong and northern Jiangsu to Taiwan as soon as possible. Now there is a shortage of people there, and construction is needed."

"Refugees are fine. Now it can be said that they are all over the place. There are as many as you want. It's just that it's not easy to change luck." Zhang Yingchen was quite embarrassed.

The first batch of refugees went to Qimu Island, and the route was northward along the Yishui River.After walking for a short distance, we followed Juyangshui to Laizhou Bay, and finally arrived at Qidao Island.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Yellow River flowed into the sea from Huai'an, so Yishui was navigable at that time, and the flood in southern Shandong caused the water level of all rivers to be very high.Zhang Yingchen rented a batch of ships to transport refugees and relief rations for supplies along the way.In places without waterways, people were sent to organize refugees to march on foot.

Because the situation along the way was unknown, Zhang Yingchen only organized about [-] refugees experimentally: men, women, old and young—after all, it is impossible for all of them to be strong men when the large-scale transshipment really starts.In addition, [-] young and reliable believers who are good at coping will be sent to take care of them along the way.Qiwei also sent a few trips.The journey all the way went smoothly, but the situation on the journey verified his conjecture: safety can be guaranteed, and the government ignores the refugees, as long as they don't cause trouble, they will completely let them fend for themselves.Ordinary bandits are no match for so many people.However, there are almost no villages and towns on the road where supplies and rest can be found. All villages, towns and counties shut the doors of refugees who move in groups like this, and they are not allowed to stay.It takes a lot of time to get some water to drink.Refugees can only sleep in the wild. The old and weak cannot afford to sleep in the open air, and several of them died of illness on the way.

Food prices are high and hard to come by.Unless food is provided at designated points along the way, it is impossible for the refugees to carry food with them throughout the journey.

Moreover, with enough food on the refugees, it is inevitable that there will be absconding incidents on the road.Although the believers guarded carefully along the road, more than a dozen people escaped on the road, and the total loss rate was nearly 10% including those who died of illness on the road.

"...In general, it is better to use the waterway, the food transportation is convenient, and the refugees are easy to manage. Whether it is fleeing or dying of illness, it is much less." Zhang Yingchen said.

Wang Rui had no idea about these place names. Zhang Yingchen opened a "top secret" map on the table, which was a large-scale map of Shandong.Show him the route one by one.

"It's too difficult to set up points along the road one by one - they can't have so many people and funds. If I do it myself, it will be even more difficult." Daoquanzi said, "If it takes two more years, I will The network of the new Taoism has expanded, maybe it’s okay. Now it’s only possible to have a unified layout of the front fingers of the engine.”

Wang Ruixiang shook his head: "It's very difficult." He looked at the map and called out: "Day!" which shocked the Taoist priest.

Wang Ruixiang said: "I look at the map, and the Yishui River and the Juyang River are not connected. Of course, there is no problem in taking a part of the road, but it feels too troublesome to walk from Yizhou to Qiyi Island, and then to Jeju Island." Why not treat them as immigrants from Zhejiang and ship them directly to Zhejiang. I think it’s not far from Jining, how about organizing the refugees to go to Jining and take a return boat?” From Yizhou to Jining , the refugees will arrive on foot for at most two days.The road is also easier to walk.

After the refugees took a boat all the way to Hangzhou, they then took a boat from Hangzhou to the Qiantang River to go to Taiwan. Anyway, Jeju Island has not yet started, and the destination of the refugees is Kaohsiung.

After Wang Ruixiang arrived in Hangzhou, he conducted a certain inspection of the Caobang organization, assessing whether its transport capacity could be used in the engine operation.The return journey of the tank boat is generally empty, and it can carry passengers and cargo freely.As an important wharf along the canal, Jining can easily find a large number of empty tankers going south
"I've thought about it." Daoist stroking his beard.Going to Jining is feasible in theory and difficult to operate in practice.The main reason is that Jining is too close to Yanzhou-the king of Lu lives there, and it is the ruling center of Lunan.Whether it is for the purpose of protecting the vassal or monitoring, factory guards are indispensable.Moreover, nearby Zouxian County was the activity center of the White Lotus Sect, and it was still active even in the late Qing Dynasty.

He has just taken away a piece of land from Nan Wuliang Sect, and the two sides have formed a bond, so it is not appropriate to provoke the White Lotus Sect now.

"So it's not appropriate to go by the canal." Wang Ruixiang was slightly disappointed.After his inspection in Hangzhou, he felt that the water transportation capacity of Water Transport is actually very large and can be fully utilized.And he has some relationship with "Jian Ding", the leader of Cao Dingzhong.

"Besides, the canal passes through the densely populated hinterland of Ming Dynasty. There are too many uncontrollable factors to pass through customs and gates along the way. We are transporting thousands of refugees southward, and I am afraid that we will pay attention to them along the way."

Then they discussed the second option.If refugees from Yizhou continue to be sent to Longkou, they will still rely on Yishui to go north.Just don't take the giant ocean water.Specifically, the refugees traveled north along the Yishui River to the watershed, and then went up the Bailang River or Jiaolai River to Laizhou along the coast.Refugees only carry one or two days' worth of rations with them, and their supplies rely on waterways along the way, and relay stations are set up in Fenshuiling: supplies in Yizhou in the south of Fenshuiling, and supplies in Longkou in the north of Fenshuiling.If necessary, another fixed supply point can be set up at the relay station in the watershed.

(End of this chapter)

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