Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1035 Late Jeju D-Day

Chapter 1035 Late Jeju D-Day

"If the refugees are transported at this speed, we will have a biochemical crisis in a few days." Lu Wenyuan stood on the watchtower of the farm, looking worriedly at the refugee camps all over the hillside.

The transport fleet has come twice and transported away a total of 4000 people, but the influx of people in the refugee camps continues unabated.Especially after Kong Youde's troops approached the city of Dengzhou, the people near Dengzhou scattered and fled in order to avoid the noise of the soldiers, and many of them hid on Qimu Island.

Lu Wenyuan is no longer able to grasp the precise number of refugees - people come in almost every hour.In addition to the number of deaths every day, he can only estimate the approximate number of people in the refugee camp through the number of refugee rations distributed every night: the total number has exceeded 4800.

Qimu Island is a very small island. Although food is not a problem, and living is barely enough, the consumption of drinking water cannot keep up.Just supplying 1.5 liters of basic drinking water to each refugee consumes more than 1 liters of water every day.And the water source on the island can't supply so much water at all-it's all due to the rainwater stored in the water cellar that Lu Wenyuan collected in the previous stage.

At this rate, even if the daily population remains below 6000, the island's water reserves will be depleted in less than half a month.If there is no heavy snow to replenish the surface water, a water fetching team must be sent to collect water more than ten miles away.

What's worse is the excrement.Although the food supply level is very low, and there are biogas digesters to deal with, the daily excrement amount is also considerable.Lu Wenyuan has already had to stop using several public relations toilets.

"Planning Institute, you bunch of misers who don't let anything go..." He said through gritted teeth: If it weren't for the insistence of the Planning Institute, he would have repaired the sewage drains of the toilets directly into the sea, and discharged them all into the sea. And clean, why should we consider these issues now.

It is not yet known when the next ship will arrive-the fleet has to be unloaded, the gains and losses in the transportation must be evaluated, and the transportation plan must be revised. This was originally planned, but no one expected that the speed of gathering refugees would be so fast. so fast.He is now in a state of "goods backlog".

From the watchtower, you can see the lights on the pier and the sparse mast lights.In addition to the few fishing boats he collected himself, a special agent squadron was sent to him from Kaohsiung to defend the sea around the island.The guns of these four spy boats were covered with guncoats and fishing nets, and their flags were hidden.

However, the cold wind and the occasional snowflakes reminded him that severe winter was coming.

The pools on the island and the surface runoff off the island have already started to freeze, and under the icy northwest wind, the sea will soon freeze as well—Lu Wenyuan has confirmed this from local fishermen.

Once Longkou Bay freezes, the spy boat must retreat from here.But now there are nearly 1000 army soldiers equipped with artillery and typewriters on the island, even if Kong Youde's entire army came to attack, it would be no problem.The only thing that worries him is the impact on the ship's docking after the ice freezes.

After getting down from the observation deck and returning to the warm meeting room with fire, Xie Yao, the special commissioner sent by the Ministry of Health to preside over the health and epidemic prevention work in the refugee camp on Qimu Island, was waiting for him.

Xie Yao is an old man in his fifties.He was originally a scholar without fame, a small bankrupt landlord, and a little knowledge of medicine.He was trained in modern Chinese and Western medicine in the training class of the Ministry of Health. Because he is from Shaanxi, he was considered "anti-freeze", so he was sent to Shandong to take charge of the sanitation work in the refugee camp, with dozens of health workers sent from Lingao.

He was wearing the half-worn uniform usually worn by naturalized people, and he sat by the fire and warmed himself.Seeing Lu Wenyuan come in, he wanted to stand up.

Lu Wenyuan waved his hand impatiently: "Don't get up, let's talk about it. What's going on today?"

"The barracks have been sprayed with disinfectant, and the killing rate of fleas and bedbugs is 17%." Xie Yao spoke slowly, "As of 31:370 today, [-] people have died, and the corpses have been transported out. New infections One hundred and nine people, including those who have not yet recovered, deducting those who have recovered and died, the current number of patients is [-] and five people..."

Lu Wenyuan smiled bitterly: "Doctor Xie, what do you think will happen tomorrow?"

"The weather is getting colder every day. Women, children, old and young may find it difficult to resist. A small cold can turn into pneumonia in no time. There is not enough medicine. It would be great if we could give them more bedding and cotton clothes." Xie Yao said .If it weren't for the chief's secret "sulfa tablets" and some other "Australian medicines", more people would die just by decocting decoction pieces.

It was precisely out of curiosity about "Australian medicine" that Xie Yao signed up for the training course of the Ministry of Health at his advanced age.

"However, the cold weather is also good. There are so many people crowded on the small island. If it weren't for the freezing weather, I'm afraid there would have been an epidemic."

There is a huge shortage of warm clothes for refugees - it is really difficult for the Senate to prepare winter clothes for 10,000+ people.Therefore, the idea of ​​the former finger is to let the refugees light a fire and roast slowly: compared with cotton, the supply of fuel is easier.

"Repair the houses for the refugees, and get more ground fire dragons. Each barracks has at least two buildings." Lu Wenyuan instructed.

After seeing off Xie Yao, Lu Wenyuan paced back and forth in the conference room a few times, and ordered the orderly to bring Wang Ruixiang to discuss: Chen Sigen took the special investigation team out, and he wanted to continue to monitor the combat operations of Kong Youde and the officers and soldiers.Since Kong Youde's trajectory changed, Chen Sigen became very worried about the historical process, and the monitoring of both sides became more and more closely. The special investigation team, scout cavalry and plainclothes spies monitored the officers and soldiers and Kong Youde's department almost 24 hours a day.This kind of task, Chen Sigen went out for several days.

On the big map behind him, there are densely packed colored flags marking the latest status of all parties.Since Kong Youde's troops approached the city of Dengzhou on November 11, there have been small-scale armed conflicts between the two sides, but the fighting situation is not intense.Generally speaking, it is still in a temporary stalemate.

Of course, this stalemate will soon be broken. In order to implement the resolution of the Senate: not only to allow Kong Youde to disrupt Shandong and capture a large amount of supplies, but also to ensure that Sun Yuanhua can "preside over counter-insurgency", the Foreign Intelligence Bureau and Lu Wenyuan are both on the scene. Carry out active strategic activities.There was an endless flow of messengers and intelligence agents going to Dengzhou, Laizhou and Shandong.

Although Lu Wenyuan did not go to Sun Yuanhua's place in person, he wrote several letters to Sun Yuanhua as a church member, made some speculations about Kong Youde's movements, and made a subtle reminder about the former Dongjiang Department in Dengzhou.In particular, it is pointed out that Kong Youde's mutiny was "paid out of accumulated salary, which cannot be destroyed with a spoon of water"-the old Dongjiang department in Dengzhou is not reliable.

Lu Wenyuan didn't expect Sun Yuanhua to obey him, he just wanted to impress him first and prepare for the next step to approach and manipulate Sun Yuanhua.

At this juncture, Lu Wenyuan didn't want any plague or the like to happen in his base camp.Furthermore, there are too many people gathered, and it is too conspicuous.

Wang Ruixiang was working out the "Grand Plan and Great Cause" in his bedroom, to be precise, it was a plan to go to Liaodong——as the main proponent of the Liaodong plan, he had been trying to get in touch with the Manchu Qing, so he was very keen on the engine operation.Once a firm foothold is established on the Shandong Peninsula and a base is established on Jeju Island, then a sea line of communication with the Manchu Qing will be established.

In Wang Ruixiang's view: Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty was barbaric and backward, it had a lot of resources, and it could use the industrial and agricultural scissors to cut its wool.If it doesn't work, it would be better to rescue more captive Han population and go to Lingao to enrich the labor force.

Hearing Lu Wenyuan's worry, he opened his mouth and smiled: "Sun, what's there to worry about? Shouldn't you go to Jeju Island?"

From Qimu Island to Jeju, it is only one-third of the distance from Qimu Island to Kaohsiung. There is no need for a large ship, and ordinary ships can also be transported. The ship can go back and forth in less than four or five days, which is much faster than direct transportation to Kaohsiung.

"However, the landing operation on Jeju Island has not been carried out so far." Lu Wenyuan frowned.It stands to reason that the landing on Jeju Island should have started a month ago.

Now it is the end of 1631, and there is still no telegraph call sign from the direction of Jeju Island.Where did the Second Fleet go?
"This is indeed a bit strange!" Wang Ruixiang scratched his head, "I think we have to send a telegram to ask!"

When the radio waves of the telegram jointly signed by Wang Ruixiang and Lu Wenyuan pierced the sky, the Second Fleet sailing from Kaohsiung had already arrived in the waters of Jeju Island.

The Second Fleet launched the landing operation almost a month later than expected.The consequences of the rapid expansion of the navy began to be revealed one by one at this time.The flagship of the Second Fleet, Zhenyang, suffered a major steam engine failure on the way from Hong Kong to Kaohsiung. One boiler failed and was forced to return to Hong Kong for repairs.After other ships arrived in Kaohsiung, they began a comprehensive overhaul and investigation. It turned out that there were also some problems in getting wet and waiting for frost: mainly in the power system: boilers, steam engines, crankshafts... Some ships also had water leakage problems.The only one with normal status is Fubo.

After some emergency repairs by the repair ship anchored in Kaohsiung, the Second Fleet finally barely completed the preparation work.The attack on Jeju Island was launched before New Year's Day in 1632.

The four battleships Zhenyang, Nengchao, Daishuang, and Fubo were sailing in a wheel formation, all sailing at a speed of 6 knots, with faint black smoke coming from their chimneys— ―The boiler didn’t use all its strength—to take care of the H800 and spy boats in the formation.They are full of sails and follow closely behind.

This is almost the entire combat fleet of the Second Fleet and two-thirds of the transport ships. The ships are fully loaded with soldiers, supplies and building materials.

The sun was rising and shining on the deck.In the distance, a large verdant island has emerged on the sea—it is Jeju Island.

(End of this chapter)

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