Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1036 City Mountain

Chapter 1036 City Mountain
On the bridge of Zhenyang, Li Haiping, Admiral of the Second Fleet, supported his back with one hand and held a telescope in the other, looking at the rising sun on the sea in the distance.Suffering from not having much ink in his stomach, he had no choice but to let go of the idea of ​​reciting a poem. He held back and wanted to say a famous saying like "I come and see me win", and finally said only one sentence:
"Jeju Island has been an inalienable territory of our country since ancient times."

After finishing speaking, he ordered without replying:

The female orderly standing behind him hurriedly wrote down his words in a notebook.

After saying this sentence, I felt that it was not very interesting, and I was waiting to think about an original sentence. The lookout post reported: "Jeju Island is 10 nautical miles ahead."Quickly picked up the binoculars and observed the sea.

The sea is calm and calm, the surrounding sea area is vast and blue, the emerald green big island lies on the sea, Halla Mountain is faintly visible.

As far as the eye can see, there is hardly a single ship, only scattered fishing boats. Seeing such a huge fleet approaching, they all avoid it.

Li Haiping took a deep breath of the fresh sea breeze in the morning, and then looked at the huge fleet following behind him, feeling intoxicated spontaneously.Now he is also a dignified fleet admiral.Back then, he stared at dozens of naturalized sea soldiers in Changhua Fort, counting the stars at night to look at the moon, and fishing and hunting during the day to dawdle.

Although these days were difficult, it also gave him enough political capital.Moreover, the extremely boring life also made him regain his enthusiasm for entering the military academy and study naval tactics textbooks.Headed by Wen Desi, a group of former naval officers and naval enthusiasts in the Senate considered that the weapons and tactics of the new navy were different from those of the old time and space. Based on the British and German naval materials at the end of the 19th century, they compiled a The "Naval Operation Code" and "Navy Primary Tactics Reader" are used as textbooks for training new navy officers.

Li Haiping is just a corporal in the navigation department in PLAN, and he is completely different from authentic naval officers like Chen Haiyang and Ming Qiu. In a sense, except that he will not get seasick when he boards a ship, and he is familiar with naval terminology and the situation on board In addition, it is actually no different from a veteran naval officer who was born as a naval enthusiast like Li Di.As far as the depth of understanding of naval tactics and strategy is concerned, it may not be as good as these naval enthusiasts who talk about war on paper.Needless to say, in terms of the characteristics of naval tactics and equipment in the age of sail and iron armor, all former PLAN naval officers combined cannot compare with Wen Desi——Mr. vanity".

Having gained enough qualifications in Changhua Fort, the remarks made at the second plenary meeting were gradually forgotten by the "democrats". Under the suggestion of the Navy, the Navy began to train middle and senior officers of the Navy from the veterans to prepare commanders for the new 845 and 901 models.As a "former navy professional soldier", Li Haiping became a "fleet commander" who was given priority training.

Now he stands on the bridge, wearing the rank of lieutenant colonel, his flag flying from the mast of Zhenyang.Every time he looked up and saw this flag, Li Haiping couldn't help but feel elated - in the Australian and Song Navy, there are only four people who have the right to fly the general flag, and he is one of them.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to Lao Di's bewitching and transferred to the Marine Corps.I really want to go to the Marine Corps, and now under Shi Zhiqi's light, I can at most be the commander of the Marine Corps, just like Lao Di.

He coughed pretending to be majestic, and gave an order: "Order all ships to prepare for battle. Strengthen observation!"

After giving the order, he turned the binoculars to Jeju Island, which was getting closer.

The appearance of Jeju Island is very regular, almost an ellipse, except for a few places, there is no broken and rugged coastline, and the terrain such as bays, capes, and capes is very rare.There are flat sandy beaches everywhere.The center of the island is Halla Mountain at an altitude of 1190 meters.The entire Jeju Island is a typical volcanic island.

To put it more vividly, Jeju Island is like lava squeezed out of Halla Mountain and spread on the sea.

Although the dimension of Jeju Island is equivalent to the Shandong Peninsula, it has a subtropical climate because of the warm current passing by. Although it snows in winter, the temperature will drop to 0 degrees.Overall it is still warm and humid.

Although the winter here is much colder than Kaohsiung, it is at least warmer than Shandong, and it is much closer to Longkou. The area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers is enough to accommodate a large number of large mouths, and the fresh water resources are also quite rich. In the 20s, under extremely underdeveloped conditions, the island maintained a population of almost 30. In the 20st century, the permanent population of Jeju Island is 21.Not including the large number of floating population who travel to the island every year, the carrying capacity of the island has great potential.

The subtropical climate of Jeju Island with four distinct seasons is much healthier for immigrants than the sweltering and humid southern Taiwan.Refugees are concentrated in Jeju Island, and the chances of outbreaks of infectious diseases will be much smaller.

Although the agricultural conditions on the island are not very good, self-sufficiency of tens of thousands of people is not a problem.

The decision to win Jeju Island at the beginning was based on the consideration of using it as an immigration transit point.Now the progress has been delayed for a month. Although the front finger does not have too much power to urge, Li Haiping still feels that the responsibility is heavy, and he must complete the task of landing in Jeju and building a refugee camp as quickly as possible.

The fleet sailed towards Seongsan in the northeast of Jeju Island.Because Jeju Island is a volcanic island, there is no natural port with good conditions, especially the shelter conditions are poor.The best port is Jeju Port, which is also where the governing body of North Korea's Li Dynasty is located.The population is relatively dense, so it is not suitable as a starting base.The final landing site was chosen in Seongsan.

Although the conditions of the port in Chengshan are relatively average, there are Niu Dao barriers in the northeast and Chengshan in the southeast surrounding the port in the open sea, which can not only shield the wind and waves, but also control the entire port by arranging forts on it.The General Staff believes that it is appropriate to locate the main military base here.

The fleet was sailing towards the east of Jeju Island, and the lookout post shouted: "There is a beacon!"

Even if he didn't report to Li Haiping from the lookout post, he saw black smoke rising from the island. The black smoke rose from the small islands around Jeju Island. Then, the black smoke rose from the east of Jeju Island and the direction of Seongsan, straight into the sky.

Although the library did not find out Li Chao's specific fortification measures for Jeju Island from the data, the Haitian already knew that Li Chao had set up beacons on the main island of Jeju Island and the surrounding small islands during the reconnaissance voyage to Jeju Island a few months ago. There are also naval ships stationed in Taiwan: this place is only more than 300 nautical miles away from Japan, and has been attacked by Japanese pirates throughout history.And at this time, it was less than 30 years since the Imjin and Dingyou Japanese Insurrections passed, and Li Chao still had a strong wariness against Japan.As the front line against Japan, this place is heavily guarded.

During the reconnaissance voyage of Jeju Island, the Haitian ship did not see the North Korean navy intercepting it, except that the islands had successively ignited alarm beacons. Therefore, it was judged that the North Korean navy near Jeju Island was too weak to take the initiative to go to sea to intercept , mainly relying on the way of defending each island's defense forces at different points, which will not cause much hindrance to the landing operation.

Therefore, Li Haiping's order is very simple: "Fly directly to Chengshan."

Because of the modern sea charts and the reconnaissance results of the Haitian, the fleet confidently and boldly passed through the islands and reefs around Jeju Island and went straight to Chengshan.

Soon, Chengshan appeared in Li Haiping's field of vision.

"It's like a big fort!"

Although Li Haiping has seen the appearance of Chengshan in countless photos and videos, he was still amazed when it really appeared in front of the bow.

The entire city mountain is a huge rock protruding from the sea - just like its name, it is like a "city".But it is much more magnificent than the real city.

The main elevation of Seongsan is 182 meters.At the top is a huge crater.The crater is 600 meters in diameter and 90 meters deep.Like a huge saucer with a flat bottom.The southeast and north sides of Seongsan are cliffs, and only the northwest side is a lawn ridge, which winds and connects with Jeju Island.

In the 21st century, this place is a United Nations World Natural Heritage Site and a well-known tourist destination. Many of the elders have been to it——Li Haiping has never set foot there because he always scoffs at the universe empire.

Now he is looking at the environment around Chengshan with the eyes of a naval officer.

Opposite Seongsan is Udo.A natural mooring is formed in the middle.Setting up a fort in each of these two places can effectively defend the harbor.The disadvantage is that the berth area is limited, and the range of shelter from the wind is not large.Only a small number of ships can be moored.Overall mooring and shelter conditions are not good.

Li Haiping shook his head: "It's a pity, this place can't park the fleet."

In terms of the geographical location of Jeju Island, this shortcoming has seriously affected its strategic value.

Jeju Island is within the category of typhoons and has always been known for its "strong wind".The island lacks a good natural haven, and it is difficult for a large fleet to berth safely. Therefore, the navy's Jeju landing was chosen to start in late autumn and early winter.

Since the conditions are limited, it becomes unnecessary to carry out excessive military construction here.It seems that it is reasonable for the general staff to cancel the plan to build forts in Seongsan and Udo.

In the original plan, the Navy planned to build a coastal fort on the top of the city and install heavy fort artillery. However, after assessing the terrain and the military potential of the Li Dynasty, the General Staff believed that this was not necessary for the time being—and it was doubtful whether it would be necessary in the future. The conclusion was that Set up a fortified camp on the top of the city mountain and set up observation posts to conduct comprehensive surveillance of the nearby sea area and the eastern part of the island.Then build a lighthouse as a navigation mark.

(End of this chapter)

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