Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1037 Landing

Chapter 1037 Landing
The Fubo with the smallest displacement left the queue and walked alone at the front.Because it uses diesel engine power, the engine noise is light, the maneuverability is high, and there is no continuous smoke, so it is designated as the notification ship of the Second Fleet to perform reconnaissance, infiltration transportation and raid missions.

According to the sea chart drawn by "Sea and Sky", the Fubo carefully dropped buoys while sailing to guide the follow-up ships into Chengshan Bay.
Xue Ziliang, the captain of the special investigation team, stood on the deck of the Fubo—almost all the units under the special investigation team headquarters have been dispatched.Apart from Beiwei's directly subordinate unit, only Xue Ziliang's unit was not dispatched.

Xue Ziliang has served as the coach of the special investigation team for a long time, so his team is actually a training team.However, the combat environment on Jeju Island is relatively simple-the upper and lower members of the Senate are extremely contemptuous of the combat effectiveness of Li Chao's army, and the title of "Five Scums of War" is refused to be awarded-it is suitable for the training team to practice their hands.

For Xue Ziliang, it doesn't matter whether the opponent is Zhan Wu or Zhan Yi. After being bored on Hainan Island for a long time, he dragged his team around the island all day long, climbed mountains and swam across the sea, and he was already bored. Of course, there was an opportunity to go on a business trip, so of course we couldn’t miss it, and immediately selected [-] players with the best performance from the training team to form the Jeju Island task force.

The Fubo lowered its sails and approached Chengshan slowly with a diesel engine.Xue Ziliang had been to South Korea when he was an American soldier, so naturally he had also been to Jeju Island.

The city and mountain in front of him were almost exactly the same as his memory, only more desolate and quiet.There are few people on the beautiful beach in the south of the city, and occasionally you can see a few small fishing boats basking in the sun with their bottoms turned upside down.

There were no hotels, no resorts, and no hot beauties in bikinis—even though Xue Ziliang thought those beauties were not very Asian at the time.But now he misses them terribly.

Although he got Selina in his hands—causing all kinds of envy and jealousy, especially Xiao Bailang declared that he would "shoot Cheverney and take back the Ocean Horse" every time he got drunk in the farm cafe—but the maid But it's gone.Naturally, he got the maid subsidy, but in order to care about Selina's mood, he reluctantly gave up the opportunity.

"Grandma's, a tree or a forest, that is the question!" he murmured on deck.Thinking of the recent rumors in the Nanhai Cafe that many girls from Shandong have been recruited, I can't help but feel very active.

"They said they want to have a local Ziming building in Lingao, why is it not open until now!"

I was thinking wildly, when I suddenly heard the lookout post shouting: "15 degrees to starboard ahead, distance 380 meters, there is a moving target!"

Xue Ziliang quickly raised the binoculars, his face suddenly lit up, and he quickly adjusted the focus.

In the lens of the telescope are a group of bare-bottomed young daughters-in-law.

No, strictly speaking, they are not really naked, but are wearing loincloths like thongs.Although the sea is cold and windy, all of these women only wrap their heads with cloth scarves and wear straw-like cloaks on their bodies. They run barefoot among the reefs, holding rattan baskets in their hands, and their movements are very smooth. As nimble as an antelope.

"Catch it alive!" Xue Ziliang yelled unconsciously, which drew uncontrollable titters from the soldiers behind him.

"What a joke, I think it's the first time you virgins have seen a naked woman!" Xue Ziliang reprimanded.

"Report to the squad leader! We can't see..." said the reprimanded soldier.

Xue Ziliang roared, "Everyone is ready to land!"

The Fubo approached the beach, and then put down two speedboats: these were neither rowboats nor large, medium and small boats with heavy steam engines installed, but fiberglass fiberglass motorboats with paddle engines, specially equipped for special investigation teams. .

Xue Ziliang was the first to jump into the motorboat, and the last soldier fell to the bottom of the boat before he had time to stand up, and the two motorboats headed straight for the beach like arrows off their strings.

The purpose of Xue Ziliang's eagerness to go ashore is of course to capture a few women, but his starting point is not curiosity.Capturing prisoners is the most common method for reconnaissance teams to obtain intelligence.He guessed that these almost naked women should be the "Haenyeo" who fished seafood in this area - when he was traveling in South Korea, he saw their performance at the same place, and he also tasted the fresh abalone caught by the haenyeo.

Although the speed of the motorboat is fast enough, and the boys in the team have also received strict training, the distance is too far after all.By the time the special investigation team landed on the beach, the ama had already run out for a distance of nearly 600 meters, and they couldn't catch up even if they ran all the way.

"Sergeant! Take a few people and follow them in the direction they are fleeing—they should be from a nearby fishing village. Keep in touch and don't open fire at will." He ordered the sergeant beside him.

"Understood!" The sergeant saluted, turned around and ordered four soldiers to follow him.

"The others spread out and search nearby!"

According to Xue Ziliang's experience, in this sudden situation, some people will choose to run away, and some people will choose to hide on the spot, especially on the beach where there are many small forests and rocks, giving people the feeling of "being able to hide". Someone must be hiding.

Sure enough, after a while, soldiers captured five or six naked divers. They cowered, some of them were wearing straw cloaks, some of them had nothing at all, and walked over barefoot.

The escorted soldiers were all young men. Although Lingao did not have the ethos of guarding against men and women, most of the naturalized women under the rule of the Senate wore skirts and short-sleeved clothes in summer, but such a nearly naked woman had never been seen. Pass.Although the divers are of different ages, their naked thighs, breasts and buttocks are dangling in front of their eyes.Several soldiers blushed and lowered their heads, not even daring to look at the divers.

Xue Ziliang glanced at it, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are so shy! You are staring at the prisoner with wide eyes! I will ask the prisoner how many hairs he has grown in a while! If you can't answer, you won't have dinner!"

Although the soldiers tried their best to look serious, they couldn't stop laughing.

"Take them all aside and put them under custody." Xue Ziliang didn't have time to interrogate them now, and besides, he didn't understand Korean.This operation is specially equipped with a veteran who understands Korean as an interpreter, and he is still on the flagship.

"Call Admiral Li Haiping of the Zhenyang immediately!"

The soldier with the 2-watt radio on his back hurriedly started calling, and the Zhenyang was called after a while.Xue Ziliang took the microphone and said loudly:
"This is Xue Ziliang next to the radio station. Over."

"This is Li Haiping next to the radio station. Over." There was a static crackling sound from the earphones, and Li Haiping's voice was very clear.

"I have landed on Chengshan Beach and encountered no resistance. I am about to head towards the Beacon Tower. The current position is 1167. I will launch a marker flare in 5 minutes. I will mark the landing on the beach with three piles of white smoke from bonfires. Finished"

"Understood. Over"

"The call is over." He said and put down the earphones, ordering the soldiers to carry out their scheduled tasks.

The soldiers dispersed and set up three fires on the beach. A soldier sprinkled a special potion on the fires, and the smoke that came out was white—to distinguish it from the black smoke from the beacon tower here.

According to the information of the Haitian: there is a beacon tower of Li Dynasty next to the Chengshan Beach in the old time and space at the landing site.Where there is a beacon tower, there must be soldiers on guard.You can get a lot of useful information from the soldiers, so his first task is to capture the beacon tower and capture the prisoners.

Beacon towers are very conspicuous - you don't have to look for them to see them from the waterfront.Xue Ziliang did not go in person, but only sent a small team.Half an hour later, the detachment brought back five Li Chao soldiers.And it is reported that an observation post has been stationed on the beacon tower.

The Second Fleet sailed into Chengshan Bay, steam engines roared and black smoke spewed out.The H800, which dropped anchor at Seongsan's berth, started hoisting and unloading the small launch boat."Typewriters" were installed on the four small hairboats, which were used as patrol boats in the bay and cameo tugboats at the same time.

The engineering company was the first to climb the rope net from the transport ship to the small boat. The wooden trestle components were tied to the pallets with buoys, hoisted and unloaded from the Harmony Wheel, and placed directly on the sea.The engineers wearing life jackets quickly tied the towing ropes on the pallets, and the small boats pulled them to the shore, where they were assembled by the engineers.

A specially converted flat-bottomed barge was unloaded from the deck of the Harmony: it was equipped with a small steam engine and boiler set to drive the pile driver.

The vat of pure water and coal for boilers were unloaded from the coal carrier "Haifeng".The engineers and soldiers were busy on the engineering ship, adding water and coal.After a while, thick black smoke rose from the boiler chimney on the engineering ship and shot straight into the sky.But it was hours before the steam engine could work.The workers of the squadron directly under the headquarters of the Jeju Land Reclamation United Team have begun to climb down the rope net of the H800 in batches—they are carrying luggage bags, wearing rattan helmets, and machetes across their waists.The future Jeju Land Reclamation Team will be formed with them as the core.

At noon, the first batch of special reconnaissance team scouts sent out came back.They marked several villages on the map.One of them is less than two kilometers from the landing beach - just at the foot of the city hill.Xue Ziliang took a look, and it was roughly the location of the Chengshan Folk Village in the old time and space.The scouts reported that it was a fishing village, and the ama who escaped just now belonged to this village.

"The people in the village have all fled, and we did not pursue them." The scout reported, "We have searched the village, and there is nothing suspicious."

The people fled in such a hurry that they didn't even extinguish the fire in the stove.The scouts reported that the village was very poor. Apart from a small amount of fishing goods, it could hardly find any food and property, and there were no livestock.

"Very good." Xue Ziliang expressed satisfaction, "Take a break, there is a new task tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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