Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1042 Jeju Investigation

Chapter 1042 Jeju Investigation
Xue Ziliang did not intend to enter Jeju City in his original plan, but such a crude city defense made him have to modify the plan.Decided to go a little deeper, sneak into the city to find out the actual situation inside, and then make a decision according to the situation.

Since there are no enemy towers on the entire city wall, the towers are very humble and small, and a few patrolling soldiers simply cannot monitor the entire city wall—the entire circumference of Jeju City is as long as [-] steps—much larger than many people in Ming Dynasty. The counties and prefectures in China are much larger, and many city walls are completely empty.

Xue Ziliang left the support team outside the city, and he led the assault team to climb the city wall with simple poles.

If he was not surprised enough to climb up the city wall in broad daylight under the watchful eyes of the guards, Xue Ziliang was shocked once again when he climbed the city wall: it turned out that the fortifications of the city wall were disorderly and like a child's play, and the city wall itself was very strange. The strange thing is: there is no horse path on the inner side of the city wall-the inner side is directly piled up with soil slopes.From the defensive side, once the enemy attacks the city, it is very convenient for the defending side to go up and down the city wall anytime, anywhere.

But, on the other hand, once the enemy climbs the city wall, they can immediately rush directly into the city and go deep into the city-in other words, the original battle where the troops who ascended the city had to fight bloody battles to seize the horse road to the lower city is no longer necessary.What's more, if the attacking side adopts the tactics of ascending the city from the platform, the inner slope of the city wall will completely avoid the battle of capturing the city gate.As long as the attacker controls a section of the city wall, the follow-up troops can easily cross the city wall through the slopes outside the city.

This measure is not so much a convenience for the defenders as it is an opening for the attackers.Although Xue Ziliang has no research on ancient Chinese city walls, the tactics used to attack fortifications are consistent.After seeing this real thing, I understood where the attitude of the elders who were extremely contemptuous of the combat effectiveness of Li Chao's army came from.

After entering the city, the assault team found themselves from the open field into the field surrounded by the city wall: the city was still filled with fields, vegetable gardens, and groves, and some small thatched huts were scattered during the period.Xue Ziliang felt very uncomfortable: this really doesn't look like a city.

Xue Ziliang observed for a long time in the woods with a telescope, and marked the school grounds, prison camps, warehouses, wells and roads in the city that he observed on the map. Xue Ziliang originally planned to engage in a "belly heart attack" if the opponent's defense was strong. Blossom", destroyed the local ordnance warehouse, and then carried out assassination and arson, completely disrupting the opponent's defense measures.But now it seems that this is a bit unnecessary, but it reduces the number of spoils and prisoners-it is even unnecessary to lead a team into the city for reconnaissance.

He now has full confidence in taking down Jeju City, but there are too few people in the team, and the whole city cannot be controlled if it is taken down. If there is a riot, the gain will not be worth the loss—Xue Ziliang is well aware of the importance the Senate attaches to population and supplies.Taking down an empty city means nothing to the Senate.

The two Pu family brothers knelt on the ground nervously, still covered in cold sweat in the cold winter months: standing beside them was a Japanese pirate in floral clothes with short hair and gesticulating with a Japanese sword.I am afraid that an inadvertent answer will be wiped out--Jeju Island is deeply affected by the Japanese invasion, no matter whether it is officials, common people, soldiers or official servants, they are all devastated when they hear "Japanese pirates".

Although the North Korean spoken by the agents of the intelligence agency is not bad, it is different from the local dialect of Jeju after all. The Pu brothers were afraid and nervous, and couldn't speak clearly. It took a long time to figure out that they were the prison camp in Jeju The servants and servants of the officials came here to worship their ancestors.

Bringing food and tablets shows that they did not lie.Xue Ziliang originally didn't want to waste time on them, but when he heard that they were official slaves, he thought of Feng Zongze's spirit of looking for the "proletarian leading party", so he decided to take them away—they needed the assistance of local people after entering Jeju City.

"Take the prisoners and let's go," he ordered.

The accompanying soldiers immediately took out the gags and black hoods, and before the Pu brothers could react, they were already gagged, their heads were covered, and their wrists were tied behind their backs.

It took a little longer to go out of the city than to enter the city because of the captives.But the whole process went smoothly.The special investigation team then took the prisoners all the way to Feiyang Island.The special reconnaissance team set up a temporary forward reconnaissance base here.

Feiyang Island is a volcanic island formed by the eruption in 1002. It is the youngest of Jeju volcanic islands.The distance from Jeju Port is very short, and it only takes 15 minutes to use a Daihatsu boat.This is an ideal base to launch an attack from.There is a beacon tower on the island, which has been controlled by the special investigation team-five Taiwan soldiers continue to act as the "zombie beacon tower" according to the order of the special investigation team.

The Pu family brothers were brought here in the dark. In the secret camp in the crater woods, more than a dozen prisoners captured by the special investigation team along the way have been imprisoned.Most of the captives were local farmers, and they couldn't squeeze out much money from them. They were only temporarily detained for the sake of confidentiality.

The Pu family brothers confessed more things here: including the approximate population of the city and the number of soldiers.But for Xue Ziliang, the most valuable information was that the county supervisors of Jingyi and Dajing counties were originally in the city, but after receiving the news of the "Japanese pirates attacking", they have already rushed back to their own counties.

Xue Ziliang immediately sent two teams to pursue along the road, ordering that the two county supervisors must be intercepted and captured alive—if they could not be captured alive, they could be killed on the spot.

Although his team members walked on foot, while the county supervisor and his servants rode horses, it was impossible for a person to ride a horse for a long time: even if the person could bear it, the horse could not.And the continuous forced march of the special investigation team is not a problem.Besides, they can also use small boats to maneuver for a certain distance: the official road of Jeju Island, like Hainan Island, is developed along the coastline.

The Park brothers who provided important information were caught on a ship and transported to Seongsan before they were in shock.They are residents of Jeju City, and they are obviously very suitable candidates for the leading party. Feng Zongze asked to select some of the captives captured around Jeju and send them to Chengshan for a surprise attack.

When the special investigation team arrived at Feiyang Island and launched a reconnaissance of Jeju City, Nangong Wudi organized a task force composed of regular infantry, security forces and laborers, and began to attack Jingyi County.

Jingyi County is located on a plain by the sea, very close to Chengshan.The troops marched all the way, except for a fishing village near Chengshan, there was not even a village along the way, only a few beacon towers, some of which were abandoned long ago, and some Taiwanese soldiers had already fled

On the side of the road is a large seaside plain. Although the terrain is flat, there is no sign of land reclamation. It is a large piece of dense seaside grassland, and the dead grass is swaying in the strong sea breeze.

The sea breeze carried the salty smell of sea water, and it was extremely cold on the face.Nangong Wudi heard from Feng Zongze that this kind of seaside pasture vegetation is rich in salt and minerals, which is very beneficial for raising horses and cattle.The reason why Hokkaido can become a world-famous ranch is related to its special geographical conditions.

Although Jeju Island is not as unique as Hokkaido, it has many similar favorable conditions-this is a large pasture made in heaven.

It wasn't until Jingyi County came into view that there were some fields by the roadside.The fields have been harvested and are strewn with straw.These are obviously dry lands.

"This county is really broken!" Nangong Wudi observed the county through the binoculars.Although the dilapidated state of several counties in southern Hainan that he had been to had surprised him, the state of this county in Jingyi was obviously worse.

The so-called city wall is nothing more than a wall built of volcanic stones, at best only three meters high.And many places have already collapsed—the construction method of the North Korean city wall is to use stones to form a straight rectangle, so the foundation is not stable, it cannot be built very high, and it is not strong at the same time.

The city gate is guarded by an urn, but the gate and tower are too low, and like Jeju City, there are no battlements and parapets here.

Although the city wall is dilapidated, there are more than 1000 steps in Zhouhui.It is not small even among the county-level ancient cities in China.

Li Dynasty's fortification is characterized by greed for bigness, always trying to enclose as much land as possible in the city, but in fact there are not so many residents and buildings in the city.Therefore, most of the area in the city is often farmland and wasteland.

The result is a thin wall surrounding an oversized city, often with insufficient defenders.On weekdays, it was okay to resist small groups of bandits and mobs, but when they encountered a large-scale army, they could not resist immediately: when the Japanese army invaded North Korea, it was like entering no man's land, and no North Korean city could hold on.

Nangong Wudi had the same thoughts as Xue Ziliang in his heart: Nima, it's better to have a labor squadron in such a city—the right is to train the militia.

Even so, he cautiously dispatched sharp soldiers to scout. There was a small village outside the city.Other than that, there are no other settlements.

The city gate of Jingyi County has been closed, and all the soldiers in the city have also boarded the city.But the people and officials in the city have no heart to guard: first, the county supervisor has gone to Jeju, and there is no one in charge of the city, and people's hearts are floating; second, there is a fatal flaw in Jingyi County: there is no water in the city, and the water source is five miles outside the city. place.On weekdays, the drinking water in the city depends on people and cattle to fetch water from springs and transport water.The water used in daily life is "Fengtian water" - the ground is dug into a pit, and it is put into a bucket to catch rainwater. This kind of Fengtian water can be used for washing clothes.If you use a bamboo tube to catch water, it can be eaten after a period of time.Autumn and winter are the seasons with little rain, and the stock of Chengtian water is not enough. The fresh water that can be used in the whole city is only the water stored in the water tanks of every household, at best, it is only enough for three or four days.

Without food, they can last for quite a while, without water, they can't survive even three days.Therefore, the soldiers and officials in the city were very panicked and didn't know what to do. They only hoped that the "Japanese pirates" would retreat quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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