Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1043 Occupying Jingyi

Chapter 1043 Occupying Jingyi
"There are also stone figures!" Nangong Wudi suddenly found a stone figure standing at the gate of the city, which looked very strange.

This is the unique stone statue on Jeju Island: "Dorhalubang".It is a manifestation of ancient stone worship.

But Nangong Wudi is not a cultural scholar, let alone a tourist, he doesn't have much interest in these things.After observing the defense situation of the city for a long time, he shouted:

"Yes!" Hideji Zichuan, who had been promoted to a sergeant in the security force, immediately ran out of the team.A security platoon was incorporated into the task force attacking Jingyi County.

"Take your people and take the county seat within 10 minutes."

"Understood!" Zi Chuan said bluntly.

Zi Chuan quickly prepared for battle with his troops.He glanced at Nangong as if asking for instructions, and when he saw the other party nodding, he pulled out the sword fiercely, with a ferocious look in his eyes: "Use the bayonet!"

As Nangong Wudi held up the Taidao and let out a heart-piercing howl: more than 30 Japanese mercenaries from the Japanese company of the Security Force held Southeast Asian-style rifles with shining bayonets, and howled everyone with the largest lung capacity, "On board! "Let's start "pig sudden" together.

The ones rushing to the front were the "sword-drawing team" headed by Zi Chuan, each of them brandishing the shining Taisao, roaring and rushing forward.

"Suppress shooting." Nangong Wudi ordered.

All the Mini rifles fired at the top of the city, and a dense rain of bullets swept across the top of the city. After a round of shooting, there were no Li Chao soldiers standing on the top of the city.

The Japanese mercenaries quickly ran across the open land—there was no trench outside the city, and they easily approached the city wall. Under the suppression of the Minie rifles, they did not shoot a feathered arrow from the top of the city, nor did they dare to stick out. Throw a stone at your head.The mercenaries quickly rushed under the city wall. They didn't have ladders or ropes, but the short and strong Japanese soldiers built one after another, and quickly set up a human ladder.

The first group to climb the wall was the sword-drawing team.It was so sad when I went up to the city wall - the width of the city wall was at best only for one person to stand on, and it was impossible for two people to walk across from each other.If it wasn't for the slope at the back, if you stepped on the air, you would roll down at most, otherwise the Japanese mercenaries rushing up with fierce roars would have to fall to death.

There were not many Li Dynasty soldiers left on the city wall. Under the continuous shooting of the Mini rifles, the short and thin female wall could not withstand high-speed bullets. Some soldiers were killed on the spot, while others gave full play to the advantages of the slope. Slip down to town.

The bloody battle at the top of the city that Zichuan had expected did not happen—they faced only a few dozen terrified soldiers of the Li Dynasty who had no fighting intentions. , except for a few officers who led a few soldiers to barely fight and were soon chopped down and assassinated, the rest of the people dispersed.

In less than 10 minutes, the Japanese mercenaries had already occupied the gate of the city. Zi Chuan swung the sword fiercely, shook off the blood drops, and led a few people to rush down the city gate, unloaded the gate bar, and opened the gate. All in one go.

"Not bad." Nangong Wudi looked at his watch, exactly 10 minutes.Although this was expected, the fanaticism of the Japanese devils displayed by this group of mercenaries is quite interesting.

The large army soon entered Jingyi County.How to occupy and search has formed a standard procedure in the Planning Academy.The Planning Institute even specially compiled an ISO standard manual to guide the occupation steps of newly captured cities as a course in the training of military officers and administrators.And in each dispatched force, a special search team under the jurisdiction of the Planning Institute was incorporated to receive, register and keep the trophies and prisoners.

The troops entering the city quickly wiped out the stragglers in the city. After hanging a banner saying "Surfers will not die" and using loudspeakers to continuously broadcast in Korean, the soldiers of the Lee Dynasty who were not killed quickly Twos and threes came out from every corner and surrendered.

Due to the lack of troops, the whole city could not be surrounded, so many soldiers and civilians in the city escaped from the city wall by jumping over the wall. Nangong Wudi did not chase after him—this place itself is an island, and it is not easy for the fugitives to cross the sea to the Korean peninsula. , except for a few, the majority will eventually fall into their hands.

Nangong Invincible Qi Yu took his guards and staff members with him imposingly, and entered the city amidst the flute player and drummer playing "Grenadier March". Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the city gate, he stepped into the mud pond, and the mud was everywhere. Splashing, soiling his otherwise neat uniform.

"MMD." Nangong Wudi cursed—he actually forgot: the streets of most cities in this time and space have never been hardened, no matter whether they are Chinese or foreign.Walking in mud is a very normal phenomenon.

There was chaos in the city for a while, but calm was quickly restored under the rapid suppression of the security forces.The common people and the officials and servants thought they were Japanese pirates. Many jumped off the walls of the city where there was no Fubo army and fled to the wilderness to hide, and some hid in remote places in the city.Those who didn't have time to escape had to hide in the house and resign themselves to fate.

The accompanying civil affairs personnel posted the Anmin notice, and then broadcast it continuously in Korean to calm the people's minds.

Nangong Wudi visited the county seat with great interest.Jingyi County is in a dilapidated state. The houses are all low houses with volcanic stone walls and thatched roofs. Even the official buildings such as the county school and prison camp are also short except for the roofs that can use tiles.Basically, a person standing on the ground can touch the eaves with a raised hand.

The houses of ordinary common people, officials, servants and servants don't even have floors, they are directly made of mud.The houses of merchants and officials with a little money have raised floors.Due to the geographical environment of Jeju Island, the interior of most houses is very humid and cold.

There are county schools, official warehouses, a small market, and several small shops and workshops in the county.

The owner of the shop has already fled, leaving only empty scores. Nangong Wudi looked at it, and it was nothing more than basic commercial handicrafts such as sauce shops, grocery shops, carpentry shops, wine shops, and blacksmith shops.However, he saw a very special workshop: bow and arrow shop.

The bow and arrow store is very large, but there is no one in it.The stove for roasting bamboo is still on.The horn glue and fish maw glue boiled on the stove are being boiled on the fire.Lots of wood, bamboo poles, feathers, tendons, horns, etc. were piled on the floor.Made bows hang from the walls.

Walking through it, you can see finished products and semi-finished products everywhere.Nangong Wudi roughly estimates that there are only one hundred bows that have been made, and three or four hundred semi-finished bows.As for the feather arrows, there are even more - there are two or three hundred bundles of thin bamboo poles used to make the arrow body.

Obviously, it is impossible for so many bows and arrows to serve Jeju Island itself, and it is more likely that it is a commodity exported from Jeju Island.

Reminiscent of the large number of local horses and cattle, it is naturally rich in cowhide, horns and tendons of horses and cattle-these are important raw materials for making bows and arrows.

The headquarters of the occupying army is located in the best building in the county: Jingyi Prison Camp.

Nangong Wudi was promoted to sit in the lobby, and the captured six-house official in the county who hadn't had time to escape was driven over—the local government of the Joseon Dynasty was slightly different from that of the Ming Dynasty.There are also six offices in the county prison for officials, households, rites, soldiers, workers, and punishments to take charge of county affairs.All the officials in the six houses were selected from among the local people.Very familiar with local conditions.Therefore, after capturing the city, the first step is to control this group of people.

With no salary, no promotion channels, petty officials who live on gray income are generally not very loyal to the dynasty. This is the case in Ming Dynasty, and it is the same in North Korea.Especially when their lives and property were threatened, the petty officials quickly chose to cooperate.

The official language of the Li Dynasty was Chinese. Although Hanwen existed, it was not widely used. Neither scholars nor officials used it. It was mainly used by women and the common people.Because important official and private documents are all written in Chinese, although these petty officials cannot speak Chinese, they can read and write Chinese.Therefore, the staff sent by the Planning Institute can "talk" with them without any difficulty without the aid of an interpreter.

The petty officials quickly provided enough information about the county.Residents in the county seat, including Yiwai Village next to the city wall, have a total population of 8000.Two-thirds of them are official slaves.Of course, many people lived in various villages outside the city.The total population of the county, including public and private slaves, is 6000.

Regarding horses, all official horse ranches are under the unified management of Jeju Mu, and the county supervisor has no jurisdiction.However, there are still some private ranches, where horses, cattle and sheep are raised.

"Is there anyone named Jin Wanyi in this county?" Nangong Wudi asked suddenly.

The petty officials looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly thinking that this gang of Japanese pirates has taken a fancy to Mr. Jin!
Jin Wanyi was a well-known rich man in Jeju at that time. He was named Langguan because he donated [-] horses to the imperial court at one time.

"Master Jin lives in Jeju, not in this county." A scribe replied, "There is also his pasture in this county."

Among the confessions of the petty officials, the most valuable thing is the grain stored in the city: there are more than 1 stones of grain stored in the two official warehouses.This number made Nangong Wudi very excited - at least before the arrival of the refugees, there was plenty of food.

But the conversation that ensued soon soured him.

There are more than 1 stones of grain in the county, but there was a famine in Jeju Island last year, and the folk grain storage was extremely scarce. Now that winter has just entered, relief will be needed next year when it is too late.Moreover, there are five or six thousand officials and servants in this county, and these people basically have to receive consuls from the county supervisor to live.

Official slaves and maidservants farm and graze for the county supervisor, and they do not get any harvest themselves. Their rations and clothing are all issued by the county supervisor.When encountering natural disasters, a large number of officials and servants not only cannot play their role, but become a huge burden on the prison camp.

(End of this chapter)

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