Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1051 Launching

Chapter 1051 Launching
"Is this kid reliable?" Zhao Minggui asked.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid that he will turn the world upside down after taking the money." Huang Yunyu took a sip of wine, "I think he is very greedy and lustful..."

"Lust? Then why don't you stay overnight?"

"It's the first time I took money that was hot to the touch, and my heart was probably overwhelmed. I can't sleep at night, and you still expect to be hard enough to fuck a woman?" Huang Yunyu smiled, don't think he was just a lowly white man before he was reduced to an official servant However, he looked down on middle-aged people, second classes, and scholar-bureaucrats—he had seen too many ugly appearances of these "nobles" in front of money.

There is a saying in a big country: money can make ghosts turn millstones.What's more, there are a few "nobles" in the district.

The three laughed together.

Cui Xuanze asked: "My lord! It's easy to talk about things, but how will they be shipped out? Both Jeju Wharf and Chaotianpu are in the hands of the Japanese. No ships are allowed to go to sea, and there are no large ships in the towns."

The nine towns on the island have now disintegrated. Because the supply of military food was cut off, most of the officers and soldiers of the nine towns were disbanded.

"It's okay." Huang Yunyu picked up an abalone with chopsticks, "Master Jin in the house told me that the Japanese port is about to open up, and the ships have to be registered, and then a 'permit' will be issued - probably like a token of the arrow. It’s something that they need to buy. They go out to sea for trade with a license. It’s said that they’re going to set up a large warehouse business here.”

Cui Xuanze sighed, "This gang of pirates is different!"

Huang Yunyu snorted coldly: "Do you think they are really Japanese pirates?"

"My lord is right, they are indeed not very similar—they don't speak Japanese. But they don't look like they came from a big country."

"They speak Chinese—it's weird. They can also write Chinese characters."

Several people were silent for a while, the origin of the wag was always a mystery like the ships, weapons and many strange things they brought.And they couldn't think of an answer even if they thought about it.

"We don't care who they are. The license and other things will be implemented on Pu Dehuan at that time-he helped us once, can he not help us a second time?" Huang Yunyu said with a smile.

Cui Xuanze quickly applauded: "Master's advice."

Zhao Minggui, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth at this moment: "Can you handle what I talked to you last time?"

"There's no need to rush this." Huang Yunyu immediately changed his face and squeezed out a flattering smile, "On the weapon, the gangster is watching very closely..."

"There are so many weapons in the armory, and the Japanese can't use much, so they can't get some out? Are the military officials still the same as before?"

"The trouble is here. The military officials ran away when the Japanese kun broke the city, and they don't know where they are now. Now it's an official servant who was promoted by the Japanese kun."

"Oh? What's your name? Where did you come from?" Zhao Minggui came to Jeju City this time, and he was entrusted by his master.The first is to investigate the situation of Jeju City, and explore the local actions and attempts of the wakun.The second is to hook up the old relationships in the city and grab the property left by Li Chao to the maximum extent.

"Master Zhao, you should have met him. His name is Jin Yongzhu—" Seeing Zhao Minggui's expression of confusion, he added, "It's Jin Wushun's father..."

"It's him!" Zhao Minggui suddenly realized, "Is Jin Wushun his daughter?"

Jin Wushun was notoriously ugly when he was among the young unmarried servants in the Jeju prison camp.Everyone who has seen it has an impression.However, Jin Wushun is smart and eager to learn, and he learned good cooking skills from the former palace insider who was exiled to Jeju.He is often summoned by the experienced hands (cooks) of the prison camp to help with cooking.

Kim Yong Joo was born as a hunter, because he stole into the king's paddock to hunt, and after being captured, he was exiled from Jeju Island from a reduced crime.Has a good martial arts.In Jeju, they also rely on hunting to make a living, and they have to hand in wild animals for the prison camp.

"Bai Ding, who doesn't know how to read, also works as a scribe?" Zhao Minggui said, "I think this Jin Yongzhu looks like a fool, isn't it easy?"

"It's just an ignorant white man who can't speak clearly. Besides, Pu Dehuan's younger brother Pu Demeng is his deputy. What kind of secretary is he?"

"Unexpectedly, this matter is related to Pu Dehuan." Zhao Minggui said meaningfully, "Is the capital enough?"

"If it's not enough, add more. Take your time—"

Pu Dehuan almost "floated" home, and his younger brother Pu Demeng was already asleep.He inspected the yard and checked whether the gate was securely inserted before returning to his bedroom, lighting a small oil lamp, twisting the lamp very small, and then taking the two silk bags he carried in his arms. Take out the towel bag.

In the first silk scarf bag was a small ingot of ten taels of silver, and Pu Dehuan couldn't close his mouth in shock: This is a lot of money!Because of the small scale of the economy, the circulation of silver in the Li Dynasty was not widespread, and its value was much higher than that of Ming Dynasty.

When Wanli aided the dynasty, Ma Gui regained Pyongyang, Li Chao gave him only 50 taels of silver, and the first soldier who made his first contribution to the city wall of Pyongyang only received Li Chao's [-] taels of silver.

Ten taels of silver is not a small amount even in Daming - in a normal year, it is enough for a middle-class family to spend for a year.In North Korea, it is even more serious.

Pu Dehuan's hands trembled: Master Cui is such a big hand!Unexpectedly, the business group he served was so rich!

Then take the second one apart, although it is smaller, there are two taels of silver.

12 taels of silver in Jeju Island, that is a huge sum of money.For a former official servant like Pu Dehuan who had just "escaped from poverty", this windfall was simply unimaginable.

However, he was really worried - Pu Dehuan was not stupid, the amount of bribes was directly proportional to the risk of the matter.The other party is willing to pay such a large amount of "benefits", it seems that the number involved in the bow and arrow will not be a small number.

If the chiefs found out, his heart trembled, as if telling him: the chiefs promoted him and put him in an important position, and doing so by himself would be tantamount to betrayal...

Pu Dehuan's face changed from time to time under the faint light, like a ghost.After a long time, he wrapped up the silver, thought about it, and then divided it into two packages with the original silk scarf, wrapped it with rags, and stuffed it into the hole of the unused kang.

The inventory of bows and arrows inventory and the registration of bows and arrows shops started quickly, and it didn't take long for Park Dehuan to submit a very detailed report.Feng Zongze felt very satisfied after reading it, and ordered the bow and arrow workshops everywhere to resume work immediately.

Feng Zongze originally planned to turn the bow and arrow workshop, which was originally a prison camp, into a state-run workshop, but after thinking about it again and again, he felt that this would put a heavy burden on the military control committee: once it became a state-owned company, he would have to appoint managers.Neither he nor the naturalized people under him have experience in managing such enterprises, which will inevitably cause a lot of waste and confusion.Moreover, the craftsmen working in the workshop and the former servants of the officials immediately became "financial support personnel".This is both unnecessary and a waste of resources.

So in the end he decided to outsource the bow and arrow workshop under the prison camp, and let the local bow and arrow shop contract the production.The Military Control Commission will place the order, and the bows and arrows produced by each shop will be purchased after the Military Control Commission has passed the inspection.As for the raw materials, the bow and arrow shop will settle them in the market on its own, and the military control committee will sell some of the seized raw materials on the market as appropriate.

This avoids too much administrative energy involved in the beginning.As long as you make good harvests, that's it.After all, their main purpose in Jeju Island is to transfer refugees, not to engage in socialist transformation.

In order to improve the quality, Feng Zongze sent the samples of bow-making materials on the island and some finished products back to Lingao by transport ship, and asked the technicians to improve the design and material ratio to produce cheaper and more usable bows and arrows.If possible, even the production process should be improved.Of course, by the way, let the industrial department see if there are any raw materials needed in the Lingao industrial system among the materials for making bows and arrows.

Under the introduction and recommendation of Pu Dehuan, the contracting work of the bow and arrow workshop was outsourced to the largest local bow and arrow shop "Ming Di Zhuang", which is actually the bow and arrow shop of Master Jin.

In this way, the business of bows and arrows, from raw materials to finished products, fell into the hands of Jin Wanyi.Park Duk-hwan received another "thank you gift".

This time he was very relaxed in the brothel, after eating and drinking, he happily followed Zhao Aiyin to Chunfeng for a while, and the next day he unceremoniously went to Li Wanji.

Huang Yunyu flattered Pu Dehuan even more.Not only was he completely free of expenses in the brothel, but he also introduced a house to sell him——Pu Dehuan spent a small amount of money. Although the seller was not Huang Yunyu, everyone knew it well.Inside, all kinds of local daily necessities that are difficult to buy locally have been arranged—some of them were trafficked from Daming.

In order to show off, a few more servants were hired.Pu Dehuan was a young master, so he immediately put on a rather well-known demeanor.

On the day of the move, many people gave congratulatory gifts, and Zhao Minggui also specially sent a whole cow leg that only officials and wealthy households can enjoy on weekdays.The only thing that makes Park Dehuan regret is that the "chiefs" did not express anything.However, the chiefs have always been like this. All the local "officials" under their opponents are not fake, and they never pay attention to their private affairs.So he was not disturbed by it.

At the banquet celebrating the housewarming, Pu Dehuan was so drunk that he lost his composure and burst into tears in public.It's rare to be proud a few times in life -- not to mention him, who has fallen to the bottom and has been frustrated for more than ten years.Now he is finally acting like a human being again, and reorganizing the family business is just around the corner.

While Pu Dehuan was crying and laughing, a group of boats slowly sailed into Chaotianpu.

Among all the ports on Jeju Island at that time, Chaocheonpo had the best conditions, so ships traveling to and from North Korea were basically imported and exported here.In addition to stationing troops, there are also post houses and small markets here.Resembling a small port town.

After the D-Day on Jeju Island, it is logical that here became the main port controlled by the former committee of Jeju Island.

 The North Koreans at that time called China a great country.

(End of this chapter)

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