Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052

In order to ensure control over this place, Chaotianpu was guarded by the sailors accompanying the Second Fleet.The main force of the Second Fleet was also moored here from Seongsan.It is relatively close to Jeju City, so it is more convenient for future refugee resettlement or fleet replenishment.

Li Haiping unceremoniously occupied the best building in Chaotianpu: Chaotianpu Post House.Make it "Second Fleet Command of the Navy".

The garrison in Chaotianpu was cut off because of the food supply, some of them fled to the peninsula, some surrendered to Li Haiping, and naturally became his free slaves.The same treatment also included hundreds of servants and servants in Chaotianpu.Although they were all exempted from being white members by an official document from Feng Zongze, they were immediately incorporated into the Chaotianpu Labor Team, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the port.

Pu Changfan, the postmaster of the Chaotianpu station, is used to greet and send off on weekdays, and is also familiar with hydrology such as port entry and exit and tide time. It is a kind of "official title" invented by Feng Zongze for the leading party members under him.Before implementing the entire Senate cadre system, he can act cheaply.

Strictly speaking, being an official was not his invention. It was a kind of official position in the Li Dynasty, and it was a temporary dispatch.Feng Zongze thinks it is very suitable for the current state of panacea where the leading parties do everything.

Park Changfan has no psychological barriers to taking refuge in his new master, and even has the pleasure of revenge.He was born as an official Jinshi. Although he was not a nobleman of the second class, he was also a child of the middle class, and he could have made a difference in his official career.

But it is very tragic that Park Changbeom was born in Hamgyong-do, the land of Longxing in the Lee Dynasty.However, Li Chenggui was very worried about his fellow villagers and kept belittling them.Therefore, it is difficult for officials from Xianjing Road to have room for advancement in the Li Dynasty.Generally only in low-level positions.During the Japanese Invasion of Imjin and Dingyou, there appeared a group of "rapists" who defected to the Japanese army in North Korea, and many of them were of this origin.

Park Changfan was implicated by his birthplace, and after he was appointed as an official, he has been in low-level positions. It took another five or six years for him to be appointed as Chaotianpu Yi Cheng. It's no different.What's more, although the position of Yicheng is a bit oily, it is very hard to welcome and send. As for being blackmailed, scolded or even beaten by passing Shangguan and official servants, it is commonplace.Park Changfan has long been full of resentment.

When Kun Wo first came, he was just "begging for perfection" and "surviving humiliation". After the fall of the three cities, the main force of the fleet moved to Chaotianpu, and Park Changbeom immediately sold himself to join him.

His rebellion had the consideration of obtaining greater benefits, but it was more of dissatisfaction and hatred for the court.

Feng Zongze and Li Haiping immediately entrusted him with important tasks, and Park Changfan also worked extremely hard-he still had a little thought of "reporting to the national scholars" in his heart.

At this time, he was supervising the conscripted "Feng Gong Squadron" in the port area - in order to distinguish the labor squadrons transported from Shandong, Lingao and other places, the former official servants conscripted from Jeju Island, and the laborers formed by recruiting captured officers and soldiers The team uniformly changed to this title.

The Fenggong team distributed clothing and rations for centralized use.Mainly in infrastructure construction: as a laborer in the construction of roads, barracks and docks.What is being implemented is the reconstruction and expansion project of Chaotianpu Port Area, and the Fenggong Team is assisting the Labor Squadron to build a wooden trestle.

"It's time to eat!" As the chants for eating sounded, the workers of the Fenggong team who were working put down their tools one after another and came towards the dining spot.

The big pot carried by the "Women's Fenggong Team" was steaming hot.Inside is the food of the Fenggong team: brown rice mixed with buckwheat, barley and dried sweet potato to cook one-third each.The dishes are miso kelp dashi and kimchi.

"The chiefs give these untouchables such good food!" Park Changfan thought when he watched the "Fenggong" barely line up under the scolding of the security guards holding big sticks, and started to receive the food.

The female team members carried the tableware in large baskets. Most of the tableware used by ordinary people in North Korea was made of wood, while those with better conditions used lacquer bowls. Only the rich could use copper and porcelain.Wooden tableware is not easy to clean, so Feng Zongze ordered that all local "official personnel" adopt a centralized tableware cleaning system. After use, the tableware will be cleaned and disinfected by the women's official team to prevent infectious diseases.

The Fenggong team members took their own meals: the supply standard is 500 grams of mixed wheat and rice per person per meal for extremely heavy manual workers, and the other types of workers will decrease in descending order.

Although according to the standards of nutrition, the food provided to the Fenggong team is too monotonous and not comprehensive in nutrition.But this is the first time that Fenggong team members have been able to consume enough calories.

The large portion of the food not only made the former officials, servants and soldiers who had been in a state of chronic hunger for a long time grateful, but even small officials like Park Changbeom, who had no worries about eating and drinking on weekdays, felt that it was "too rich".

"The chiefs are so generous, aren't they afraid of being poor?" Park Changfan was worried for a while—because a lot of food was shipped from the official warehouse.It is winter now, even if the weather is good this year, the first batch of grains will not be harvested until summer.Jeju Island itself does not have enough food to eat. If there is no external food supplement, it will soon fall into famine.At that time, the chiefs are afraid that they will have to hoist their sails and escape.

However, since he saw the fleet coming from the sea from time to time to unload countless wooden barrels, sacks, straw bags and boxes, he was no longer worried-the continuous supply of supplies also strengthened him to take refuge in "" Chief's determination.They took away very little and brought in a great deal, and they were still repairing the harbor and building houses.Pulling the team... No matter how you look at the various measures, it looks like you want to stay here in Jeju for a long time.

Park Changfan is not as eager as the Guihuamin cadres to hope that the "Kun thieves" will "sit in the Dragon Court" one day, and he will become a servant of the dragon. In the long run, I will do better than the aggrieved Li Chaoyicheng.

"Master, your boxed lunch." The noon meal delivered by the servants of the family, the order that the "private bitch" has not yet been exempted is issued.But Pu Changfan's family didn't have many servants - he couldn't afford to support them.

The "box lunch" was popularized from the chief ministers, a lunch box filled with brown rice and vegetables.You can eat anywhere conveniently.In fact, Park Changfan doesn’t need to eat bento, his home is in Chaotianpu, he can eat it at home or let his servants deliver it in a food box.But leadership hobbies often become fads.Park Changfan also ate bento.

Pu Changfan was eating the box lunch brought by his servant, while watching the laborers who were working in the harbor.He has rarely seen such a large-scale construction project—there are at least three to four thousand workers on the construction site.What is the purpose of the heads of state to make great efforts to repair the port here?Do you also want to follow the example of Ping Xiangguo back then and go to North Korea to set up an "eight-way checkpoint"?

While he was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw a flag of "a ship is approaching" hanging on the flagpole of the beacon tower. He immediately put down his lunch box and looked out to the sea.

As soon as the arriving ship came into Park Changfan's sight, he breathed a sigh of relief: this is the cargo ship of the chiefs.These huge ships with tall masts will enter and leave Chaotianpu in groups of three or five in ten days and a half months, unloading a large amount of cargo, and sometimes bringing some people.

On the flagship deck of the fleet that entered Chaotianpu, a man stood.

His age is about thirty to forty, his face is full of vicissitudes, and his specific age cannot be seen.Wearing an authentic green M65.If anyone was near him, there was a lingering smell of horse manure.

This person is the "horse madman" of the Senate - Nick.

Nick, who found it difficult to flex his muscles in Gaoshanling Ranch and Changhua Ranch, finally ushered in the opportunity to flex his muscles.Occupying Jeju not only allowed the Senate to have pastures with a suitable climate for the first time, but also harvested a large number of horses at one time.

Without any hesitation, when Nick was about to apply for a field trip to Jeju Island, a transfer order from the organization department had been delivered to his desk: immediately go to Jeju Island to start work.

Nick was not slow at all. After packing his simple luggage, he handed over his work to the Council of Agriculture, especially to Yang Baogui.The horse breeding that he and Yang Baogui started is at a critical stage. If it weren't for the tens of thousands of horses in Jeju Island, he would really be reluctant to leave at this time.

"Shengbao, if you stay here and lead your apprentices and herdsmen, you must strictly follow the rules and manuals I made!" He called several of his apprentices and told him.Brothers Shengbao and Laibao were the first batch of apprentices he took in, and they are already able to take charge of their own.

"Noble is on a business trip with me." He said, "Go back and pack up, and then go get the equipment."

He selected four more from among the shepherds to serve as assistants.Although everyone's luggage is very simple, there are twenty standard military logistics boxes for tools and materials.It is full of various tools, equipment and medicines needed for raising horses.

A group of people first took a boat from Lingao to Hong Kong, and then joined the cavalry, logistics training team, and personnel from the Animal Power Department of the Joint Logistics Headquarters in Hong Kong to form the "Jeju Island Animal Power Working Group" and sailed to Jeju Island together.

Nick looked at the verdant island gradually emerging in front of him, thinking about how to carry out work there.As a horse lover, he has been to the Jeju Island horse farm in another time and space more than once, and has a better understanding of the local pasture conditions, climate conditions and horse conditions.

The Halla mountain area on the island is a very high-quality pasture, and the climatic conditions are more suitable for horse breeding.If it is combined with advanced grass planting and intensive breeding, then it is not a problem to raise more than [-] horses.

(End of this chapter)

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