Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1056 Status and Disadvantages

Chapter 1056 Status and Disadvantages

He came to Jeju with him, as well as cadets drawn from the cavalry teaching team, the baggage training team and the artillery teaching team.All three arms require heavy use of reining horses.So in Lingao, I took turns to go to Mopanling Ranch to do the practical work of raising and training horses.

Except for a small number of personnel in the cavalry teaching team to maintain the organization in Lingao, one company was transferred to Shandong, and almost all the rest of the personnel and equipment were transferred to Jeju.According to the order of the General Staff, the station of the cavalry teaching team was changed from Lingao to Jeju Island.In the future, Jeju Island will be the cavalry formation and training base of the Fubo Army.

In addition, the supply and artillery training teams will also set up their own horse training squadrons on Jeju Island to train their own horses and breeders.

There are more than 200 students in this batch of high-profile students from Lingao. Although most of them are inexperienced first-year students, they are still the basic force that Nick can trust the most.Compared with the lifeless local Fenggong team, both work enthusiasm and loyalty are much stronger.Not to mention that they have all received three months of recruit training, are equipped with weapons, and are a force that can be guarded by honor.

Since these students came to Jeju, Nangong Wudi even felt that more mobile troops could be drawn out to advance the next step of deepening the rule into every area of ​​Jeju Island-this group of students can be used as the commander of Jeju City. garrison.

The cadets set up their own temporary camps outside the stables according to the type of arms.Although there is a house for them to live in Jeju City, Nick believes that the trainees must get used to the smell of horse manure and horses, so that they can be qualified for the job of raising and controlling horses in the future.

The camp was very simple, and it was no different from a stable except for the walls on all sides: the walls were made of volcanic stones, and the roof was made of planks, but a thick layer of clay was applied on top of it for fire protection.

The inside of the house is a compacted clay floor, and stones are used to build bed frames on both sides, and the standard bed boards placed on them are the soldiers' beds—the conditions are more difficult than those in the Lingao camp.One room sleeps one row.The most elegant thing in the house is the windows inlaid with glass, which attracted many curious locals to watch.

With all the personnel and horses in place, Nick took his apprentices and herdsmen and began to train the cadets and the Fenggong team.

The training is based on work-based training, or on-the-job internship, where you learn how to raise and care for horses at work.

The first step is to screen all the horses.Horses are inspected, evaluated and classified.

Sick horses were separated and sent to sick stables for treatment.Those who are healthy and can be used are separated according to male and female.Nick noticed that fat loss is common, but most of the horses are still healthy - it seems that the relatively low temperature in winter in Jeju Island is good for the health of the horses.

It is relatively easy to solve the problem of fat loss. As long as the management is strengthened and more concentrated feed is added, it will recover soon.

However, almost all horses do not hang their palms, and their hooves are not regularly sharpened.Many horses have varying degrees of wear on their hooves, which can be detrimental to horse use.

Nick knows that this is quite a common phenomenon in East Asia-especially folk horses, which basically don't hang their palms.Therefore, he deliberately brought a large number of factory-made horseshoes, and also brought a craftsman who specialized in repairing horseshoes.

Some of the apprentices had learned how to trim horses' hooves and hang their palms, so he immediately arranged for someone to trim the horses' hooves and hang their palms.He himself screened the reproductive status of the selected healthy horses.

All in all, the horses used in this batch of Jeju prison camp and Chaotianpu post station are quite chaotic.Among them are old horses and young horses, mares, geldings, and castrated stallions.The composition of the horse herd is messy.

He roughly measured the height of each uncastrated stallion, the highest was 131cm, and the lowest was 105cm.The average body height is about 120cm.

Such a body height is still low even compared with the average level of ordinary Mongolian horses.Whether it is used as a riding horse or a horse, it is too thin.It is not even as good as the average shoulder height of Shandong donkeys - a full 130cm.

Nick knows that for Mongolian horses bred on a large scale in modern time and space, the average body height of male horses is about 130, and that of mares can also reach 125.The Mongolian horses in Jeju Island are obviously substandard.

The reason for the disqualification obviously has a lot to do with unscientific breeding.The horse breed in Jeju Island itself is a pony. Even after being improved by importing Mongolian horses, this gene still exists.If the breeding of the breed is not well controlled, it will result in poor quality horses.

Obviously, the local horse breeding is very careless, the male horses are not strictly castrated, and some inferior male horses are directly put into service without castration.It is not separated from the mares. It is conceivable that after the horses come into estrus in spring, such inferior stallions will mate with mares at will, which will not only waste the resources of mares, but also have no benefit in improving the quality of foals.

Moreover, young stallions, mature stallions and old stallions are used in a mixed manner.There are not enough mares for mature males at their prime breeding age, while young males and older males take up many mares resources.

Scientific horse breeding starts with selecting the best stallion.Not only does it not make sense to keep too many stallions, it also does not optimize the pedigree.

In addition, Nick found that there was a high percentage of older stallions.About half of the stallion population.Considering that the stallions in prison camps and villages are mainly used for service, it is hard to imagine why so many old stallions should be kept.

Under normal conditions, stallions used in service will be castrated for management and use.There are a lot of stallions in the workhorse and even many of them are old stallions, which makes people feel very abnormal.

As for the mares, the condition is not ideal.Not only are mares of all ages mixed, but many mares have the problem of being overworked.Like stallions, older mares make up a large proportion.

Malnutrition and overwork lead to the fact that the mare is only in heat and not pregnant.The "empty pregnancy" not only wastes the mare's chances of pregnancy, but also wastes the breeding resources of the stallion.

Nick carefully inspected each stallion and mares, and taking this opportunity, he took Noble and several apprentices to re-compile the "horse stalls"--during field inspections, he discovered that: the horse stalls of the Jeju Prison Camp It was very confusing. Not only were there stalls but no horses, and there were horses but no stalls, but more often than not, the records on the stalls did not match the marks on the horses.

Obviously, these official horses contain a lot of selfishness and fraud.Nick summoned the remaining horse stewards and grooms, who readily admitted a great deal of fraud.

According to the horse steward's confession, a batch of new horses are transferred from the official horse ranch every year to supplement the official horses in the three local prison camps and nine towns, and to supplement the dead and eliminated horses.

However, the transferred horses were often sold out as soon as they arrived at the prison camp and settlement.The newly added strong and good horses are often replaced by horses that should have been eliminated by the officials in charge.

The officials of the official ranch are not fools either. In the spirit of "equity of interests", every time new horses are added to the prison camps and villages, some useless old or inferior horses are mixed in.Accepting officials also opened their eyes and closed their eyes-anyway, there are many old horses, so they will die quickly, and new horses will be replenished quickly.Everyone benefits.

As for the annual feed encroachment is the norm.A large part of the feed allocated to the official horses each year is miscellaneous grains such as sorghum, buckwheat, and barley.Embezzlement and reselling by officials at all levels is also the norm.Basically, it is not bad if [-]% of the concentrate can be put into the manger.

"That's right!" Nick exclaimed.No wonder there is such a high rate of dead horses here.

Although he also roughly guessed what was going on, but because of his horse-loving nature, he became more and more indignant at this kind of "horse robbing food".

However, the more realistic question is that since the horses in Jeju Island are under the management and use of such a group of people, it goes without saying that the quality of the horses will not be high.

From this point of view, it is necessary to introduce stallions from Lingao as soon as possible, and immediately start improving the local horse breeds.

During his three years in Lingao, he has used the Tieling draft horse brought by the Senate and the British thoroughbred racehorse "Alan Chi" he brought as stallions, and bred several new stallions.Moreover, the riding system and the horse-drawn system have been initially separated.

Originally, he was worried that the sea road would be bumpy, and transporting stallions might cause death—the death of "Landian" left him with deep psychological scars, making him unwilling to easily transport horses by sea.It is not easy to get several stallions, and the gestation period of a mare can be as long as 11 months.Even if the method of mating foals immediately after the mare gives birth is adopted, a pair of stallions will give birth to three horses at most in three years.What's more, from the perspective of protecting the fertility of the stallion, Nick is unwilling to match the foal.Therefore, in addition to the first pair of stallions, Big Tie and Little Tie, there are only two new purebred Tieling draft horses, one of which is a stallion.

Of course, there are still more than 20 so-called improved foals born from Tieling stallions and Mongolian mares.There are also several horses bred with early Dian mares.In order to distinguish it from the pure Tieling stallion, Nick named the former "Alpine Ridge".The latter is called "Wenlan River".Among them, several sexually mature young horses are considered to be selected as stud stallions.Nick considered again and again, and decided to transfer some of these stallions to Jeju Island—after all, the stock of horses in Lingao is too small, and the stallions cannot be fully utilized in Lingao.

As long as a stallion can be guaranteed to land safely, Nick believes that more than fifty mares can be impregnated by artificial insemination.Thus by 1633 he had fifty direct descendants of stallions.And then select stallions and mares from them.

After much deliberation, Nick decided to send electricity to the Lingao Agricultural Committee, asking them to prepare two Gaoshanling stallions and one Wenlanjiang stallion.Managed to ship to Jeju Island.

He wrote in the telegram: "Try to try to ensure the safety of the horses in transportation."

(End of this chapter)

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