Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057
The cold wind was blowing, and the city of Dengzhou was dead silent.

Today is the second day of the first lunar month in the fifth year of Renshen (Chongzhen).

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year, which is the time for every household to celebrate the new year.In the peaceful years of previous years, even the poorest families would post couplets, hang door gods, and set off some firecrackers, as long as they were not to the point where they couldn't get rid of the pot.

However, at this moment, outside the city of Dengzhou, there is already a piece of scorched earth, and the village has been turned into broken walls and ruins, with black smoke emitting from the scorched wood.

In the field, among the broken bricks and broken tiles, there are already stiff corpses lying everywhere. The blood has solidified and turned black in the severe cold.

Snowflakes slowly floated up in the gradually setting sky, and the gowns, armors, tattered clothes and silks and satins were gradually buried by the snowflakes.

The people who were wandering among the corpses looking for the loot couldn't stand the cold, and left one after another.The land was vast.

On this barren and chilling snow field, among the common mass graves in the local area, there are four or five people hidden.

They were dressed very thickly and in white camouflage clothing, hiding in the ingeniously built snow fortifications.Even if someone walked up to them, they might not be able to find their traces.These people are the members of the special investigation team under the command of Chen Sigen.

Luanfengangzi is a forest of miscellaneous trees, the terrain inside is complex, and it is easy to hide.Moreover, going out from the side of Luan Mound Mound is a river that dries up in winter. There are miscellaneous trees on both sides of the river, so it is easy to escape.

And here, it is less than one kilometer away from Mishen Mountain, the camp where Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng's rebels are outside the city.Every move of the rebel army can be clearly seen, and similarly, the South Gate of Dengzhou on the north side of the Shenmi Mountain can also be seen clearly.

Since November 22, the fourth year of Chongzhen, the rebels rushed straight into the city of Dengzhou, and it has been more than a month since the four gates of Dengzhou were closed.

During this period, both the garrison in Dengzhou City and the rebels outside the city remained relatively calm.In fact, the rebels did not attack Qingzhou and Laizhou, but drove straight to Dengzhou.

During this period, neither Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai nor Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong, intercepted or blocked the rebels. Except for the villages and towns along the road, the rebels did not touch the counties and states, and all went around the city.

With a strange tacit understanding, the two sides launched a stalemate under the city of Dengzhou.

For the Shandong Front Committee, which is silently collecting refugees on Longkou Qimu Island, this is not surprising.The situation of the Dengzhou Rebellion is very complicated.The large library gave a detailed report after referring to various historical books and research materials.Generally speaking, the two sides are not at odds, but have their own minds in this incident.Sun Yuanhua has been trying to appease this rebel army and maintain his power and status in the Denglai area.However, Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde have been trying to walk the tightrope between "being appeased" and "self-reliance" in order to obtain more concessions from the Ming court and obtain the maximum benefit for themselves and the Liao people group.

In a state where one is trying to "peace" and the other is trying to use "peace" to gain benefits, the hostilities between the two sides have not been escalated.

Although the people outside the city were unlucky, and some conflicts between the rangers broke out intermittently between the two sides, but from the beginning to the end, the two sides have not really started a battle, and the rebels have not launched a direct attack on Dengzhou.

Although the Dengzhou battlefield fell into calm for a while, the forces of all parties were surging under the calm appearance.Although the "relationships" and intelligence personnel assigned by the Foreign Intelligence Agency to Dengzhou City and the governor's office through the relationship between Lu Wenyuan and the church were low-level and had no access to any secrets, what they had seen and heard was enough to prove that since Kong was in Hebei, After raising the rebel flag, the two sides have been in secret contact.It is no secret that Kong Youde's "begging caress" and Sun Yuanhua's "main caress" are both inside and outside the city of Dengzhou.

Sun Yuanhua had an unclear relationship with the old people in Liaodong. According to the accusations of some of his political opponents: Sun Yuanhua's ability to serve as the governor of Denglai was related to Kong Youde's use of gold, silver and jewels to bribe officials in the court. Kong Youde paid special attention to it.And Chen, an old man from Pidao, sometimes bribed Sun Yuanhua, so that Kong Youde and other old men from Pidao could develop in Denglai.

As for Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong, he stopped fighting after the mutiny and advocated appeasement. It is said that it was the result of Kong Youde gifting him a cart of gold and silver treasures through Sun Yuanhua.

Regardless of whether these things are true or not, or political "splashing of dirty water", Sun Yuanhua's attitude towards the rebels is ambiguous, and it is a fact that he blindly tries to appease them.The Dengzhou Front Committee believes that: Even if political and economic entanglements are put aside, Sun Yuanhua has been trying to take the old people from Liaodong who were born in Pidao into his own hands, and retrain them as an important military force against Houjin. Kong Youde and other rebels.

But his efforts were doomed to fail, and even this appeasement led him to his own destruction.

Whether it is the old man in Liaodong or the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty in which he lives, they are all rotten fruits. The efforts of him and a few bureaucrats will not bring more results.

Not long ago, in the east of the city, Fubiao General Zhang Tao and Denglai General Zhang Keda, who were stationed outside the city to guard the city gate, had a fierce battle with the rebels.The southern soldiers led by Zhang Keda won a battle, but Zhang Tao's troops were all Liao people from Pidao. When the situation on the battlefield was very smooth, they suddenly retreated from the battlefield regardless of Zhang Tao's command. The southern soldiers were counterattacked by the rebels and lost everything.Most of Zhang Tao's subordinates surrendered to the rebels.

Zhang Keda and Zhang Tao set up outside the city, and all the barracks used to guard the city were abandoned, and all the weapons and supplies in the camp fell into the hands of the rebels.The momentum of the rebels suddenly became stronger.Originally, Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde were under the command of more than 1000 people, but now they have joined the thousands of surrendered soldiers under Zhang Tao's subordinates, and the army's prestige has greatly increased.

To make matters worse, Zhang Tao's troops are all Liao people, and they have the same origin as the rebel army.They all hate the people, officials and soldiers in the Denglei area, and their internal cohesion is extremely strong.They all held back their energy and wanted to enter Dengzhou to "revenge".

Dengzhou looks like a strong city, with grain, grass, salaries and silver piled up like a mountain, hundreds of artillery, and 7000 old and new troops. Many of them have been trained by the Portuguese, but many of the generals and soldiers are Liao people. There are also a large number of disaffected Liao people living there, and the interior has long been dissociated, as if it were paper.

The sergeant leading the team in the miscellaneous forest raised the binoculars and observed the barren land around them again.The snow was falling more and more densely, but the military thermal suit on his body from another time and space kept the cold out completely.He carefully turned the focus knob of the Russian telescope in his hand and observed.Just like another "special soldier" that is common in time and space, in fact, the sergeant was just an out-and-out Shandong farmer two years ago.

"Everything is normal, there is nothing unusual." The sergeant looked at his watch as he said - the special investigation team is a small number of naturalized civilian sergeants and officers who uniformly distribute watches, "Send a report to the headquarters!"

A radio operator turned on the 2W radio station and started another scheduled broadcast.Chen Sigen's task for the observation team was to report the situation on the Dengzhou battlefield every hour.The special investigation team members know that the sudden order from the headquarters to increase the daily reporting frequency is often a harbinger of major incidents about to happen.

At the same time, in Dengzhou City, Huang Ande was lying in a room of Sun Yuan's house with his eyes closed.Two loaded 1630 revolvers were hidden under the waist, and a hand grenade was hidden under the pillow.

Such precautions are by no means unnecessary—Sun Yuan is not at home, because today Zhang Keda and Zhang Tao were defeated outside the city, and the air in the city suddenly became tense. At the same time as "waiting for the next day", the Liao people in the city also began to commotion.

Since the rebels arrived at the foot of Dengzhou City in November, more than [-] people in Dongjiang who moved from Pidao, Lushun and other places in the city have become a heart problem for officials in the city.

The conflict between the Liao people and the local soldiers and civilians in Dengzhou has become very acute since the Dongjiang military and civilians migrated in large numbers.Since the first year of Chongzhen, a large number of Liao people crossed the sea from Pidao to Dengzhou and were resettled by local officials.There are no fewer than 10 people.

Hundreds of thousands of Liao people have been exploited and abused by local bureaucrats since they landed in Dengzhou. Many Liao people who returned from overseas had to flee back to Dongjiang because they could not bear the torture and exploitation.So that in the first year of Chongzhen, Yang Guodong, the general of Denglai, went to Pidao for business, and the Liao people who held grudges gathered and tried to kill him to vent their anger.

In addition, many Liao people who crossed the sea to Dengzhou in the early years of Chongzhen received many titles from Mao Wenlong, so that "there are countless people with yellow covers and gold waists in the market."As a result, after Mao Wenlong was killed in the second year of Chongzhen, Wang Congyi, the governor of Shandong Province, therefore requested to strengthen the defense, suggesting: "But there are boats sailing westward from the sea, and they will attack with artillery, thinking that it will not rain." It can be seen that Mao Wenlong and Dongjiang Liao people The image in the hearts of Shandong people and the tension between the two parties have reached the point.

Some literatures describe the tense relationship between the two parties: "Liao Ding was always strong, and the Deng people could not bear it", or it was said: "The two counties of Deng Lai were lost from Liaoyang, and more than [-] Liao people came to avoid chaos, and the natives were humiliated. In other words, they may kill each other, and the Liao people resent and resent", or it is said: "The Liao people avoid disasters and move inward, and the natives will be friends with each other day by day, and the commandments will not be abandoned." When the rebels returned to Dengzhou, they even said: "The Deng people abused the Liao people, and when the soldiers came to the city, they still killed the Liao people."For this reason, in Ai Rong's letter to Governor Liu Yulie, he tried to summarize the reasons for the mutiny as follows: "Kong and Li Xiao were accustomed to the past, and they rebelled on the one hand; Ningyuan, the Three Antis."

In order to suppress the Liao people in the city, since the rebel soldiers approached the city, the governor's yamen, the general army's yamen, and the Jianjun Road have all sent patrols to patrol the Dengzhou city and Shuicheng with arrows in their hands. rumor".Every few days, some unlucky ones are beheaded for public display.

(End of this chapter)

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