Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1058 Internal Response

Chapter 1058 Internal Response
In order to avoid trouble, Huang Ande has been hiding at Sun Yuan's house in the barracks in Shuicheng.It is said to be a barracks, but in fact it is almost a small village.It was full of local soldiers and their families.There are people coming and going on weekdays, and there are also people who are not soldiers and live with people other than their family members, so these days the yamen has also checked their household registrations for a few days to check whether there are any suspicious outsiders, and many people have been arrested all at once. .It is said that some of them were beheaded.Sun Yuan is the servant of the governor, so he is exempted from such troubles.Huang Ande knew that although the chiefs were harsh, they were not bloodthirsty.Although the officials of Ming Dynasty are full of benevolence and righteousness, they kill people very casually, especially when the situation is tense, walking on the road, if they make a wrong eye movement, they may be arrested and beheaded at any time.

Huang Ande took a great risk to stay in Shuicheng.Because by tomorrow night, Shuicheng will fall, and no one knows what will happen in the chaos-history only records the experiences of those great people, what will happen to those ordinary people, craftsmen and soldiers after the fall of the city? , the large library did not find much information.

Huang Ande's situation is not good - because both he and Sun Yuan are soldiers from Dengzhou, and they have always been at odds with the rebel Liao people.Even if Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng thought of buying people's hearts, the soldiers under them might kill people to vent their anger.

Although Kong Youde looked at Sun Yuanhua differently, not only saved his life, but even planned to make him king, but this does not mean that he would show mercy to people like Sun Yuan and give him more preferential treatment.

Huang Ande didn't know that Shuicheng would be broken tomorrow-but he was resent to the city before Dengzhou was besieged. At that time, the chief summoned him in person and gave him face-to-face instructions.

Lu Wenyuan told him clearly: "Dengzhou cannot be defended, and neither can Shuicheng."

The task Huang Ande received was simple: try to lurk in the water city, use his past "relationships" in the city to keep an eye on Sun Yuanhua's movements, especially in the future once the city is broken.If possible, it is best to stay directly by Sun Yuanhua's side.

"The mission is very dangerous - first of all, you have to survive in the city safely," Chief Lu said, "Are you confident?"

"Yes!" Huang Ande replied without hesitation.

From the first day when he changed his costume and went to Dengzhou to "seek connections", he knew that he was going to be a secret agent.

Since he should be a spy, he must risk his life.He was mentally prepared for this.

Huang Ande is not a very enlightened person, but Lingao has given him an unprecedented opportunity for personal development, not to mention that he also believes in "wealth and wealth are found in danger".

Relying on step-by-step battles and expansion to get promoted is too slow.In order to promote himself to lieutenant and captain as soon as possible, and to live in the beautiful residence of senior officers in the base, Huang Ande did not hesitate to take this risk.

As for why the chief asked him to pay attention to Sun Yuanhua's movements, although Chief Lu didn't say anything, there was no doubt that the chiefs wanted to save Governor Sun.

As for why he wanted to save Sun Yuanhua, the only reason Huang Ande could think of was because Chief Lu and Governor Sun believed in the same religion.Although he thought it was far-fetched, his experience in the Fubo Army had taught him to never ask what he shouldn't ask.

The only doubt he expressed was: What if Sun Yuanhua committed suicide?
Huang Ande had been in the Ming army, and he knew that a high-ranking official like Sun Yuanhua would either die in battle or commit suicide once the city was broken. Make a mess.

"It doesn't matter, Governor Sun will never commit suicide." Lu Wenyuan said.

As for why not, Chief Lu didn't say, and Huang Ande didn't ask.In addition to the principle of not asking about things that should not be asked, he has become more accustomed to the "magic stick" of the chiefs - the predictions of the chiefs are incomparably accurate in many matters, and the more important the country is, the more accurate they are.

Outside the house, the watch has already started.In the dead silence, Huang Ande heard a noise in the yard, turned over and got off the kang, grabbed the revolver, and opened the head.

Then, he heard the sound of three stones falling to the ground in the yard, and he quickly turned off the machine again—this was the arrival of his people.

Since Huang Ande came to Dengzhou for the first time, he has developed more than [-] "relationships" in Shuicheng through "reminiscing about the past", "begging for help" and "finding relatives".

Some of these relationships are only used to inquire about news, and some are not very reliable, and some are his accomplices who used to steal and resell official warehouses and beheaded.

According to the knowledge learned by the chiefs in class, Huang Ande selected [-] of them who were reliable and bold, and gradually formed a small gang around him through the small favors and continuous subtle ideological work. Sun Yuan is also one of them.

Of course, this small gang has no political ideas, but the common characteristics are different from those of the Liao people in Dengzhou;Finally, it is very loyal.

After the siege of Dengzhou, Huang Ande had quietly tested their attitudes in private gatherings to see if they were willing to contribute at that time. The twelve people said that he, "Brother Huang"/"Brother Huang", would do it. As long as it is not done for "Liao people" or "Tartars", it can be done for anyone, and there is no difference between going through fire and water.

Tonight, he took care of a little brother in Sun Yuan's family, went to each house, and informed them to come to the party at night.

He quickly opened the door and went out, there were already seven or eight people standing in the yard.Then in the dark night, all the people he personally recruited.

They didn't knock on the door on the main road, but jumped over the wall from the back alley—they were still walking on the street tonight, and they didn't escape when they were caught and "fa-rectified" on the spot.

"Let's talk in the room!" He greeted in a low voice.

Several people entered the house quietly, Huang Ande saw that everyone had entered the house, and turned around to look after Sun Yuan's brother, asking him to watch quietly in the yard.

When I entered the room, there were seven people in total.Except for Sun Yuan who was on duty at the governor's yamen, there were four other people who did not come.

"Mr. Lu is a coward. He said that he has diarrhea and can't come." It was Zhu Si who spoke, the brother of Zhu San, the accomplice who stole the official warehouse with him back then.After Zhu San was beheaded for the crime, Zhu Si also joined the army with the help of the robes.He has a grudge against the army and Daming.

After Huang Ande contacted Sun Yuan, he paid a special visit to Zhu's house, and even went to Zhu San's grave to cry, gave the Zhu family a lot of money, and begged Zhu Si to take care of him.After some pretentiousness, Zhu Si was drawn over.

Except for the soft-hearted Lu Laoniang, Huang Yang also refused to come.The other two were on duty and couldn't come.

"It's not in the way." Huang Ande didn't turn on the lamp, and he didn't need to turn on the lamp when he was talking -- besides, when the whole camp was dark, a single lamp would be very eye-catching.

"Please come here, everyone." Huang Ande was not too polite, "As you all know, Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng have gone outside the city. Zhang Zhentai lost another big battle today, and the Southern Army under him is out of ten. There are no three in the city. They are from Liao, and even the governor's central army is from Liao—they were godsons together under Mao Shuai's tent. Dengzhou City and Penglai Village will not last long."

These words are not alarmist, the Liao people in the city have been in turmoil since November, relying on the government's soft and hard measures to barely maintain calm.Although Sun Yuanhua tried his best to show his trust in the Liao generals in order to maintain their loyalty, others did not think so.

"It's been a few days since the city was broken." A soldier named Cao Qing said, "When the Liao people said that they would respond to Kong Youde's words, they almost said it openly. Deploy gunners to the fort on Shuicheng—it is said that it is to guard against someone from Dongjiang who wants to respond to Kong Youde and the others."

Although the chaos in Dongjiang Town has been quelled, Huanglong, the commander-in-chief, obviously has little ability to restrain the deployment of Dongjiang.What's more, he was greedy for the army's salary and forced the soldiers to go up the mountain to dig ginseng, which made the old Dongjiang people hate him to the bone.Even the big soldiers can see that the old Dongjiang Department is likely to launch a rebellion in response to Kong Youde.

Everyone is very worried, once the city is broken, will the rebels kill and set fire on a large scale in the walled city to retaliate against the old Shandong soldiers.

"In my opinion, large-scale murder and arson are not possible. After all, this is also his old lair. If he really has to let go of the fire, I'm afraid even a large number of his own people will die."

Once the army starts killing and looting, it will be completely out of control and become a bloody killing spree.The rebellious army will not care whether you are from Liao, Nan or Shandong.If Kong Youde and Li Jiuzheng didn't want to lose their hearts, they wouldn't do this.

Zhu Si said: "As long as we don't have the enemy of the Liao people, we will be fine after the three days of avoiding Kaicheng. It's just that we have to rebel with him."

The rebels will inevitably force the soldiers and civilians in the city to "follow the thieves", and then they will have no choice.

The word "rebellion" silenced several people in the room.

"Rebellion is rebellion," Cao Qing said in a low voice, "it's just that such a rebellion has no name! They are the Liao people who have the final say, and our following is just a pawn for them in vain."

"No, we don't need to rebel." Huang Ande whispered, and he noticed that everyone in the dark was looking at him.

"Brothers, the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger. Of course it is dangerous for the rebels to break the city, but we can't just hide and be manipulated by others-there is a big wealth waiting for us all. It depends on everyone's willingness." Do it."

(End of this chapter)

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