Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1059 Treasures in the City

Chapter 1059 Treasures in the City

Several people present exchanged glances with each other—they were not stupid, and at the cusp of this crisis, Huang Ande suddenly called them all together, no need to ask what "plan" was.

Now is not a time of peace. Needless to say, the army robs and rapes unarmed ordinary people, murders and sets fire to the government. It is not uncommon for the army to mutiny, raise wages, or even simply kill officials to rebel against the government.Especially the group of people around Huang Ande are basically not peaceful people.

"Brother Huang, just say it's okay. What kind of wealth is there?" Cao Qing said, "If you tell me a reason, we will follow you!"

Zhu Si was also very excited: "Brother Huang, do you see the official treasury in the stockade?"

There are a large amount of salary and food stored in Dengzhou City and Penglai Water Village.The annual military expenditure in the Denglei area is 80 taels.Historically, Kong Youde's rebels opened the Penglai water village and got 10 taels of salary from the warehouse.

"I heard that there are several 10 taels of silver stored there!" The others immediately cheered up.

Huang Ande shook his head: "Even if there is a lot of silver in the treasury, and no one guards it and opens it up for us to move, how much can each person move?"

After the city is broken, the attacking side will first send troops to seize and protect the warehouse, and people in the city who try to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune will also flock there together. At that time, it may be a bloody fight, and they will rob the warehouse in the chaos. Silver, that's a tiger's mouth grabbing food, even if you can get to the edge of silver, one person can't take much away.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel discouraged.

"I think there must be a lot of money in those waterside restaurants along the coast of Xiaohai. There are many rich people having fun in them, and rich businessmen live there——and there are many women..."

Someone mentioned this place, and everyone's eyes lit up.Xiaohai is the inner harbor of Penglai Water Village.Along the coast are waterside restaurants built by businessmen, where all kinds of sensual pleasures are available, and not only bureaucrats and generals often hang around here.Wealthy businessmen who do business in Dengzhou often settle here.It is an out-and-out selling gold cave, a gentle township.

Money and women are the two things that men are most interested in.

Huang Ande didn't speak all the time, he smiled, Zhu Si knew he didn't mean that - asked: "Brother Huang, what do you mean by wealth?"

Huang Ande pretended to be profound and said: "Tell me, what is the biggest treasure in Dengzhou City?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, since the 10,000+ taels in the warehouse are not counted, so what else is considered a treasure?Could it be that Brother Huang knew that there was a priceless treasure hidden around a local rich family or high-ranking official?

Huang Ande paused, then said in a deep voice, "The most valuable treasure is the Sun Junmen!"

"Sun Junmen?!" Several people shouted in unison?He covered his mouth again—this is amazing!

"Hmm!" Huang Ande stood up, opened the door and looked outside, Sun Yuan's brother was standing by the courtyard door, seeing him coming out, he shook his head.Huang Ande stepped back and closed the door again.

"Tell me, who is in charge of the Denglaiqing three mansions?"

"Of course Sun Junmen has the final say." Cao Qing said, "He is the governor of the imperial court."

"But how can he be regarded as a treasure?" Someone raised doubts, "Once Dengzhou is destroyed, he will be punished for crimes-this charge of falling into the defense line may lose his head. Besides, once the city is destroyed , Sun Junmen will definitely commit suicide."

"If the city does not fall, he is not dead."

"Of course he's still the governor, and he's just saying what he says here." Cao Qing said, "But this city, it's clear that it can't be defended."

"That's why there is a big fortune waiting for us-but this big fortune has to be earned with your head up, are you willing to do it?"

"No way! Brother Huang, tell me!" Zhu Si responded immediately. He was young and aggressive, and he was unwilling to be a soldier for such a long time ago. He really wanted to fight hard.

"Okay, let me make my words clear. What I did this time, the first is not to harm the common people, the second is not to rebel, and the third is not to be a tartar. We want to save Sun Junmen. As long as we can save him, we will all There will be a fortune." Huang Ande said, "But I have to say something up front: If you don't want to do it, I will never stop it, as long as you go back and treat each other with your destiny-don't betray your brothers. If you want to do it, You must prepare to die!"

"It's okay, I'm willing to do it." Zhu Si was the first to respond.Then the others followed suit.

Huang Ande took out a stack of papers from his waist.And carefully lit the oil lamp, covering it darkly.Let them come around and watch.

"This is the bank note for the house in Shanxi." Huang Ande said, "Each person will take 20 taels, and the right will be used as settling expenses."

The bank notes issued by Shanxi houses in the capital were relatively common large-value money orders in the north at that time, but ordinary people seldom saw them, let alone got one.Here in Dengzhou, because of the collection of military salaries and the distribution of a large number of goods, everyone should have more knowledge.Knowing this stuff is the same thing as real money.

Before the operation of the engine, in order to facilitate the activities, a batch of Shanxi House notes with good credit, strong brand and convenient exchange were exchanged through Delong Beijing Branch.After all, Deron's notes have no influence in the north.

20 taels of silver, if there is no war, it will take ten months according to their normal monthly salary!What's more, it is impossible for big soldiers like them to get their military pay on time and in full.

Huang Ande paid more than 200 taels of silver as soon as he made a move. This skill and strength made people more and more convincing.Otherwise, he was born as a poor soldier, where did he get all the money?
Cao Qing took the money ticket and asked, "Lao Sun and Xiao Huang are unreliable. What about Brother Sun and the other two brothers on duty? Do you want them to come and work together?"

"Of course. Especially Brother Sun, who is the servant of Sun Junmen—with him, our affairs will be half done." Huang Ande said, "We have to find a way to get them to come back tomorrow during the day!"

"Okay!" Cao Qing said, "I'll figure out a way."

Cao Qing is a veteran bastard, well-versed in all aspects, he said there is a way to ensure that there is a way.

Huang Ande stretched his waist: "I won't say anything extra, everyone go back and make your home safe-it's been a few days since the city was broken, and the family has a place to hide, so hide for a while. Before dawn Come back here."

"Success!" Several people listened to his words, knowing that it would take a few days to do something, and they were all gearing up. Zhu Si said, "I have knives, bows and arrows at home, do you want to bring them?"

"Don't bring anything but a dagger." Huang Ande said, "I have prepared knives and guns here."

While the intense plotting was going on in the Penglai Water Village, Chen Sigen and Zhu Mingxia had already arrived at Dazhushan Island in the Miaodao Islands.The distance between this place and Penglai is only more than a dozen nautical miles. Although it is not as close as Nanchangshan Island to Penglai, the size of Zhushan Island is very small, there are no heavy troops stationed, and there are no naval ships. Almost all of them were stationed by the Ming army. The two main islands of the Miaodao Islands, the North and South Changshan Islands, had a large number of Ming troops stationed there, as well as navy ships.

Although it would be easy for the Second Fleet to eliminate the Ming army in the Miaodao Islands, Zhu Mingxia believes that there is no need for it for the time being—as a third-party force, there is no need to make a premature appearance to attract the attention of the Ming court.

When the Dengzhou operation needed a forward base, Zhu Mingxia decided to take down the large and small Zhushan Islands that were not heavily guarded.

According to investigations, there is no Ming army on Xiaozhushan Island—the terrain is rugged and lacks fresh water, and only a small number of fishermen live there.There is also only one beacon on Dazhushan Island, which is guarded by more than a dozen Taiwanese soldiers.

A squad of the special reconnaissance team commanded by Chen Sigen took the Dazhushan Island with little effort on a fishing boat, captured all the garrison troops, and then transported another company to control the people and ships on the big and small Zhushan Islands.

In the entire Dengzhou plan, rescuing Sun Yuanhua is the first step, as long as Sun Yuanhua can be rescued from Dengzhou first, the position of governor can be kept.Regardless of whether the imperial court "suppresses and appeases", he has the right to speak, and the Dongsan Mansion must continue to follow his Sun Yuanhua's instructions.The control of Sun Yuanhua by the front committee of the engine is equivalent to controlling the initiative of the Ming army of the Dengzhou Rebellion at the same time.

As for Dengzhou, Zhu Mingxia didn't think it would be too much trouble to regain it, it just depends on how much trouble Kong Youde needs to make things happen for the engine operation.

Right now, Kong Youde has to occupy Dengzhou. If the rebels do not occupy Dengzhou, they will not be able to absorb the local Liao people and expand the size of the army, let alone recruit the remaining Dongjiang troops scattered on the islands in eastern Liaodong.

"Dengzhou, let Kong Youde occupy it for the time being." Zhu Mingxia said to Chen Sigen in the tent, "Give him the good things in the city first, and then give them to us - so that the old man Sun Yuanhua won't blame us. Take Daming's stuff, the spoils of war are justified."

"However, it's still a bit difficult to get Sun Yuanhua out of the chaotic Dengzhou city—why not send someone to kidnap him in advance?"

"How can that be done? He is not an official in Dengzhou. The disappearance of the governor must be reported to the imperial court. The imperial court will appoint a new governor immediately. Besides, he was arrested by Kong Youde, and we will rescue him and keep him safe." Don’t sacrifice his official position, reputation and life, so that he can see his love?”

He had to be in a critical situation without being completely hopeless about the situation, so that Sun would choose to cooperate deeply with them.

"Since you insist on waiting until the city falls, I have no objection. The key is his positioning." Chen Sigen said, "I don't know if the intelligence personnel will be strong enough."

This is the most critical issue: the circumference of Dengzhou City is more than 5500 meters, and the circumference of Penglai Water Village is more than 2000 meters. They are both large in size. It is impossible to find and rescue Sun Yuanhua from them without effective intelligence collection.The source of all their intelligence is the "relationship" between the intelligence agents sent in Dengzhou and Penglai and the local development.

(End of this chapter)

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