Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1060 Elite Force

Chapter 1060 Elite Force
Huang Ande was just one person sent in, and of course his work was the best.In addition to him, Chen Sigen also has several other single-line intelligence personnel.There are both Dengzhou City and Shuizhai.Each intelligence agent has a walkie-talkie in his hand.Through the transfer of the secret post station outside the city, the news can be transferred to Chen Sigen soon.

Although he was on the sea more than ten nautical miles away from Dengzhou, he knew every move in Dengzhou city clearly.

According to the historical information provided by the Great Library, Sun Yuanhua was captured in Dengzhou, so the intelligence force was mainly deployed in Dengzhou City. In case the historical data records were wrong, some personnel were also sent to lurk in Penglai Water City. .

Sending intelligence personnel to lurk in Dengzhou and Penglai Water City was once opposed by some people-because no one knows whether the intelligence personnel can guarantee their own safety in the chaos.In the event of an intelligence officer's death, the walkie-talkie is inevitably permanently lost: it is almost impossible to retrieve it after a war.

But Chen Sigen thinks that this kind of thinking of not taking risks because you will lose something is problematic.A few walkie-talkies are important, but they are insignificant for the entire Dengzhou operation.

"If you are afraid of everything, even the special investigation team should not be dispatched—what if they run away with our weapons? What if they are killed and the weapons cannot be recovered? Don't worry about it." Chen Sigen Said carelessly.

Zhu Mingxia nodded: "You are right. But you still have to be as cautious as possible. If you really lose any control equipment, it will be enough to go back to the hearing."

"It doesn't matter," Chen Sigen said, "I have arranged hiding places for everyone—each of them has a hiding place locally—in a few months, even if they dug a basement, they can all be dug out."

Zhu Mingxia said: "I hope everyone is safe and sound." The sky outside the window gradually turned white, and he looked at his watch, "It is already the early morning of the third day of the first lunar month in the fifth year of Chongzhen. The fall of Dengzhou is today. "

Chen Sigen didn't speak, but just silently looked at the simple sand table of Dengzhou and Penglai Water City that had just been assembled - on Qimu Island, he had a larger and more detailed sand table - the intelligence personnel spent several months in Dengzhou Secret surveying and mapping in the city and Penglai city-he organized the team members to conduct sand table exercises on the sand table many times.This simple sand table is only used for the final task arrangement.

For Chen Sigen, the task is quite difficult.He was a fitness trainer, and he didn't know anything about how to conduct special operations, but Xue Ziliang taught them bit by bit.But it was the first time he had truly performed a combat mission on his own—and it was a rescue mission.

Chen Sigen once thought that Xue Ziliang should be called from Jeju Island to Shandong to actually command the battle, but Zhu Mingxia objected.Since the engine command transferred Xue Ziliang to Jeju Island, they should not interfere with the decision-making of the headquarters as the front finger.

"Naturally, the superior has a reason for making such a decision. We just need to resolutely implement it." Zhu Mingxia cheered him up, "Without Zhang Butcher, will we have to eat hairy pigs? It doesn't matter, his set of things is too far ahead, you It's enough to learn even a little of the fur of his fur."

Even so, when formulating the combat plan, there was a full exchange with Xue Ziliang who was far away on Jeju Island through ships and telegrams.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the duty officer of the radio station came to report: a new report came from Dengzhou.

The rebels tried to attack the city at night, but were repelled by the Hongyi cannons on the city.Early this morning, hundreds of Zhang Tao's remnants fled to the city and asked to enter the city. Now the chief officials are discussing.The gentry and some officials in the city resolutely opposed the sending of rout soldiers.The Liao soldiers inside the city and the rout soldiers outside the city clamored together.The scene tends to get out of control.

Chen Sigen knew that in history, Sun Yuanhua and other "principals" finally agreed to the rout of troops into the city-it is said that this was the main reason why Dengzhou was quickly destroyed.From the point of view at the time, it was definitely a failure.

But Chen Sigen thinks that, on the other hand, Sun Yuanhua's choice is not inconceivable.

"Sun Yuanhua may not be ignorant of the possibility of serious problems caused by the collapse of the army, but his current situation does not allow him to have other choices." Chen Sigen looked at the telegram and said, "If he resolutely refuses, I am afraid that the Liao people in the city will riot first. stand up."

Only Zhang Keda's southern soldiers and his own prestige among the Liao people could guarantee Sun Yuanhua's control over the Dengzhou army and civilians.Now, the former no longer exists as a force, and he really has no choice but to try his best to bribe the Liao people.

If he resolutely refuses to break into the city, the likely fall of Dengzhou will be advanced from night to morning.Judging from his performance, Sun Yuanhua is not a very skilled civil servant who can control the army.

Zhu Mingxia said: "What you said is reasonable. Sun Yuanhua has been trying his best to win over the old Dongjiang Ministry, just to use it--I didn't expect that he would die in their hands--even Daming was indirectly destroyed by this group of people! What a shame!"

The two were silent for a while.Chen Sigen stood up and said, "Let's start."

"it is good."

A few minutes later, members of Chen Sigen's unit, who had been on standby all the time, walked into the command tent. They were all capable young men with clean shaved hair, wearing cotton training uniforms made by the Lingao Garment Factory—not the first year The standard stand-up collar is not the two-year-style open collar, let alone the winter clothes issued by the Beishang Detachment. The style is imitated by the US military's BDU.Of course, it's just similar, and it can't even reach the level of the civilian version.Everyone wears the armband of the Special Reconnaissance Team Command and the years of service in the Special Reconnaissance Team on their arms.

The special uniform instills in these lads a special sense of superiority.As a member of the elite force, this sense of superiority is an important strength for them to persist in the arduous training and boring combat readiness.Xue Ziliang specifically suggested doing this.Whether it is weapons, uniforms, badges or food and military pay, everything is unique, several times or even dozens of times better than the army and navy.Therefore, they also know very well that their performance must be dozens of times better than ordinary soldiers.

All the team members knew nothing about the upcoming operation, they acted completely on conditional reflex, although there were rumors about going there and what target to attack in private-in the past few months, they had been familiar with the boarding station. Numerous drills have been carried out on maps and sand tables for the topography of Lizhou, Penglai Water City, Laizhou, Qingzhou and other places.Subjects range from assassination, kidnapping, rescue, reconnaissance to sabotage.They also flew more than a dozen reconnaissance missions in preparation for the mission, but none of them knew the real target.

But everyone knows that the only thing that can figure it out is the upcoming mission briefing.The air seems to be full of the smell of gunpowder and male hormones, and the sharpness of the occasional exchange of eyes seems to be able to hear the crackling sound of electricity.Because so far, one thing has been confirmed, that is, the operation already has a code name - "Treasure Hunting".

In the big tent, the brain and nerve center of the entire operation-the command center has been established.Simple sand table, large-scale map on a map table covered with a glass plate.Floor plans, [-]D structural drawings, photographs, etc. of the target area are pinned to the display board walls.

Some of these pictures were provided by intelligence officers of the Foreign Intelligence Service, and some were obtained by special investigation team members during operations.After processing by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, it becomes systematic and highly readable information.

The members of the Special Investigation Team, despite their origins, are all illiterate.However, the high-intensity and high-intensity training and learning over the past few years, especially the almost all-time guidance of veteran officers, has made them generally have a higher level of education and combat awareness than ordinary naturalized officers-everyone is an elite The elite in.

As the forerunner and supreme of special operations in this time and space.The special investigation team adopts the four-person basic system under the unit system, also known as the "four-person attack team" system, which is the benchmark structure of special teams in various countries in the 21st world.

Each team is led by a sergeant--all members are corporals--and the prefix "Special Reconnaissance Force" is added to distinguish it from the non-commissioned officers of the Fubo Army, Army and Navy.

The [-] members of Chen Sigen's team who were taken to Dazhushan Island were all in place.Chen Sigen stood at the front of the queue.

As a commander, briefings are his duty, but this is the first time Chen Sigen has actually commanded an important assault battle, so he seems a little nervous. "Attention, many smart ghosts among you may have already guessed the location of our mission - breaking into Dengzhou City. Now I want to emphasize one point, breaking into is not to see - just like you have done many times. This is This mission is not reconnaissance, but—rescue—repetition, not a drill.” Chen Sigen paused when he said this, deliberately raised his voice, and at the same time gave himself a few seconds to relieve his nervousness.

"According to the intelligence and information we have, it is very likely that Dengzhou and Penglai Water City will fall today." Chen Sigen glanced at the team members, "Therefore, we will sneak into Dengzhou City and rescue Sun Yuanhua from the rebels. You know Sun Yuanhua Who is it?" "The location of this attack will be in Dengzhou City, and it is estimated that the location will be in the governor's office of Dengzhou or the Wanghai Tower in Penglai Water City. We are still waiting for further details. The operation will start tomorrow morning. In the The darkest hour before a ray of dawn."

"Your task is very simple. With the support of local intelligence personnel, sneak into the place where Sun Yuanhua is being held, rescue him by force, and bring him out safely."

(End of this chapter)

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