Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1061 Intrusion

Chapter 1061 Intrusion
"I emphasize one point, try to bring out 01 Sun Yuanhua who is still alive. Besides him, the 02 intelligence team d in the city should also come out. I hope that all combatants will put into the battle with maximum firepower and end the whole battle with the fastest action. Fight. Leave no one alive, no wounded—including yourselves—I believe you have known this rule since the first day you joined the special investigation team.”

"Understood!" Everyone stood at attention and shouted in unison, "For the Senate and the people!"

"Relax!" Chen Sigen waved his hands, "Although we believe that the possibility of Sun Yuanhua's suicide is less than 50%, we should still control his actions and language ability after he is under control. The whole operation starts from breaking into the city wall and takes 120 minutes. Before departure Check the watch in one hour."

After Chen Sigen finished speaking, he began to introduce specific action steps.

"According to intelligence, Sun Yuanhua will probably be detained in the governor's office after being captured. So our unit will infiltrate Dengzhou from the sea." Chen Sigen pointed at the large-scale map on the table with his baton.

The resulting commando fighters totaled 12 -- with a team of four serving as reserve. The 16 members are divided into two combat teams: commando and cover.The purpose of the battle is to rescue Sun Yuanhua.

The cover team consists of 4 members, divided into 2 double sniper teams, each team is equipped with a Mosin-Nagant rifle with an infrared sight.The assault team was divided into three four-man combat teams.Each group of the assault team is equipped with a walkie-talkie, and the whole sniper team is equipped with a walkie-talkie.

"The troops will enter the battle from a general direction - the sea west of Dengzhou City." Chen Sigen's baton moved, and a strong and tall female orderly placed the mark on the position he pointed out, "This is an attack initiated Location."

As he spoke, he pointed his baton on the board again: "This is the latest photo of the city walls and fortifications in the west city of Dengzhou. Many of you have already carried out infiltration missions to Dengzhou, so you should know the specific details. Here I would like to emphasize again that the Dengzhou City Wall is 12 meters high and the moat is 6 meters wide. When preparing to climb over this obstacle, you must have adequate preparations and guarantees.

"Navy Fubo will be the starting point for surface operations, projecting forces out of sight of targets. From there, four assault craft will launch to take you ashore."

The assault boat is not a small boat, but a motorized lifeboat removed from the Fengcheng wheel.Because the small hairboat uses a steam engine, it is too noisy and there are fires coming out of the chimney in the dark, so it is not suitable for a surprise battle ship.

"The specific landing location is here." He poked the location on the sand table.The sniper team cleared the threatening targets on the city wall, and after finishing cleaning, they used the walkie-talkie to send one long and two short keystrokes to the intruders in place.The intrusion team climbed up the city wall, disposed of the corpses, and then separated into four groups to search for the target. 01 found Huang Ande at the junction, 02 went straight to Dengzhou Capital, and 03 stayed on the city wall to control the escape point.

01 After finding Huang Ande, look for Sun Yuanhua under the guidance of Huang Ande.Simultaneously press three consecutive short sounds, indicating that the secondary target has been found.After any team finds Sun Yuanhua, it immediately informs the entire combat team through the walkie-talkie. If Huang Ande is not found at this time, 01 should use the walkie-talkie to report the actual situation. According to the situation, the top commander at the time gave him a time limit of 20 minutes to continue searching. If it still fails, Must retreat.

When retreating, if conditions permit, choose the original intrusion as the retreat point.In addition, a backup retreat point is set up, and the first team to reach the retreat point controls the retreat point with firepower.Wait for other team members to arrive, and the three teams will evacuate collectively after they arrive.

After all personnel withdraw from Dengzhou City, they should go all the way west according to the predetermined route, go to the 37.82 120.73 area, fire signal flares, and then leave by boat.

On the sea, four small boats served as fire support, and another four midships carried a marine platoon and a typewriter, ready for storm support at any time.

This concludes the general situation and tasks. As for the tasks and steps of the specific actions of each group, the commanders of each group will further elaborate, so I will not say more. "Chen Sigen said as he closed the folder in front of him, "You boys have not done this once or twice. I can't even count the number of drills.Therefore, I have a very good understanding of the abilities of each of you, and I have the greatest degree of confidence in you.Fish out Sun Yuanhua for me, is there any problem? "

"No problem, sir!"

"Okay, the intelligence team will introduce the specific intelligence details."

Chen Sigen returned to his tent after the deployment meeting.He drank a cup of "energy tea" made for him by the female orderly.This is his own configuration of fitness drinks.There are a variety of traditional Chinese medicines mysteriously configured in it, but the main ingredient is not mysterious: it is beef juice.

People who are engaged in fitness need to supplement a lot of protein to maintain their own muscle groups.Chen Sigen is no exception.Considering that it is impossible to have ready-made protein powder in New Dimension and Space, and protein is also in a state of serious shortage, Chen Sigen has already made considerable adjustments to his diet and fitness to adapt to the harsh environment.

Even so, his body still needs a lot of protein, and eating a lot of fish is obviously not enough.Fortunately, at this time, the Council of Agriculture and the food factory wanted to produce some high-energy food for the special investigation team. Chen Sigen was very enthusiastic about it and made many suggestions.And this "energy tea" was also developed under his guidance.

The tent smelled of spices and herbs, mixed with the smell of meat—hardly a pleasant, appetizing food.Chen Sigen drank the drink in the cup slowly, and looked at his watch from time to time: After more than ten hours, under the support and instigation of Zhang Tao's remnants, Geng Zhongming and Chen Guangfu, the central army inside the city, finally hooked up with Kong Youde outside the city. Come.Under his internal response, the east gate of Dengzhou was opened. There were seven thousand soldiers in the city, over a thousand Chinese and Western guns, and mountains of food, grass, salaries and silver, all of which fell into the hands of Kong Youde. State".

February 1632, 24, the fourth day of the first lunar month in the fifth year of Chongzhen.At 2:00 a.m. Lingao time, a deserted beach outside Dengzhou City was covered with dark clouds and strong winds.

On the beach, there were more than a dozen corpses left when the city was broken the night before, and the blood had frozen.

A piece of grass near the beach suddenly shook, and a few hares sprang out.Immediately afterwards, three "only" three-legged hunchbacked monsters with horns on their heads and green eyes quickly crawled out of the grass and quickly moved towards a nearby hill.

The hare who ran away looked at the two monsters with colorful spots in confusion. They had never seen such strange things in the Ming plane.Of course, if the traverser Lando happened to appear on this beach, he would definitely recognize that this is the standard low-profile way of advancing through higher cover in the US military sniper teaching model "monkey crawling".In this way, the soldiers use their strong hands to hold the guns, while their weak hands and legs crawl forward on the ground, which not only increases the speed but also ensures that the soldiers will not stand up and expose themselves due to negligence.The automatic rifle in the monster's hand came from his sunken ship.A Lingao-made muffler was also added to it.

The three monsters rushed into the groves on the hillside by the bank, and immediately stood upright and knelt to guard against the guns.Half a minute later, the person in front patted the shoulder of the person behind with his right hand, pointed to his eyes with his left hand, then pointed to his watch, and typed "5" in sign language.The person at the back gave a thumbs up, and then took out an infrared telescope from the backpack, and the two of them tacitly searched in detail from the left and right sides respectively.

Five minutes later, with the vibration of the watch, the two said softly at the same time: "Safe!" and continued to observe the distant sea with the telescope.

"Three low-speed thermal image flashes appeared on the sea surface. Teams 01, 02, and 03 have already transferred trains. ETA is 20 minutes."

"The opening went well, stay vigilant." The person who had not moved all this time said in a low voice.The person who spoke was Chen Sigen.

Normally, he didn't need to come in person, but he thought about it and couldn't rest assured, so he decided to follow the 03 team.

Chen Sigen turned around and took a look. It took only 7 minutes and he was almost reaching the shore. The boys trained well!But I don't know how Huang Ande is doing in the city. "

Although Huang Ande was temporarily transferred to Dengzhou to do intelligence work only because of "social relations", he obviously did a good job, and he was the key to this treasure hunting operation-so Chen Sigen was concerned about the safety of this naturalized soldier. very concerned

Although in the routine communication after breaking the city, Huang Ande stated that he was safe and sound.At the same time, he reported that the team he gathered was also safe and was trying to find out about Sun Yuanhua's whereabouts.

The news in the city was very chaotic. Huang Ande reported that most of the main officials in the city committed suicide or were killed, and Sun Yuanhua was also on the suicide list.But it hasn't been confirmed yet.In terms of order in the city, although the order was in order after entering the city, the Liao people such as Kong Youde and Li Jiu, in order to avenge the killing of the Liao people by the residents and officials in the city, gave the Liao people in the city weapons after they broke the city, and carried out massacres on the Dengzhou natives inside and outside the city. Retaliatory massacres on a massive scale.Massacres were carried out outside the east gate, and the corpses filled the trenches.

The rich merchants and gentry in the city suffered even more.Many wealthy businessmen who had experience in the smuggling trade in Liaodong and contracted military supplies were taken to the Yamen and tortured, and they were asked to "return their stolen goods."As for the gentry, they were devastated. Young and old were killed, women were raped and looted, and their property was robbed.

According to Huang Ande's report, the rebels are checking the strength of the Liao people and expanding their army.Shandong soldiers and southern soldiers are willing to serve, and they also want to.Among the latter, there are rumors that the rebels will soon force all Ding Zhuang to join, otherwise they will kill all Lu soldiers and Nan soldiers.Therefore, except for the Liao people, everyone in the city was panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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