Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1062 Raiders of the Lost Ark

Chapter 1062 Raiders of the Lost Ark
The order in the city has not been fully restored, and murders and robberies occur from time to time-but Li Jiuzheng has ordered a curfew for the whole city, and no movement at night is allowed except for the rebels.Huang Ande also heard that the rebels seized extremely richly, and there was a saying that they "made a windfall".He also said that after entering the city, not only did the rebels pay all the owed wages, but they also paid back three months' wages.A lot of spoils were also distributed, and many officers and soldiers have changed their minds and become rebels.

"Rebellion" was no longer a daunting word in the late Ming Dynasty.The Liao people in Dengzhou City had been discriminated against and abused all the time, and they were tempted by the countless gold and silver treasures captured, so they stood under the banner of rebellion without hesitation.

Even if you die, you have to enjoy it to your heart's content before you die.This is the common thinking of the strong in troubled times.Moreover, he may not die—the soldiers have long seen the appearance of the imperial court being strong outside.Various generals were killed on the islands of the Dongjiang River. Several generals and guerrillas were killed by the imperial court. Even Huang Long, the chief soldier sent by the imperial court, was arrested and had a leg broken. In the end, it's not the same.So no matter how big the disturbance is, it may still be a situation of "killing and arson and being recruited".

After being recruited, he was still an officer and soldier, and the money that was lost in the bag was his own.

The size of the rebel army snowballed like this under such a trend of thought.Not only the Liao people "enthusiastically joined the army", but also the remaining southern soldiers and local Shandong soldiers did not hesitate to join the enemy team that was still facing each other a few days ago.Even those ordinary people who were displaced by the rebellion went to serve as soldiers for the rebels in order to get a way out.

Chen Sigen stared nervously at the top of the Dengzhou city—it was pitch black, the rebels had just captured the city, and they hadn't established a complete guard system, and probably lacked enough personnel to patrol.Except for the faintly bright lights on the enemy tower, there are almost no lights-this is a good opportunity to sneak in.

The two sniper teams were already in place, and the observers were nervously observing the movement on the city wall with infrared telescopes. The two snipers were hiding in the grass on the sand dunes by the sea, with a long silencer attached to their rifles, ready to fire at all times.

It's a pity that the best Swiss-made K31 rifle was not approved to be brought out this time--Chen Sigen thought with regret that with this kind of rifle, the sniper's hit rate could be raised to a higher level.After all, Bei Wei is still a "miser".

Of course, before the processing capacity of the machinery factory reaches a certain level, it is understandable for him to be so stingy - modern firearms, especially high-precision firearms, are worn out and one less.And these are the capital of the special investigation team.

The soldiers of the commando had already landed, and three groups of four, two in front and one behind, each formed a triangle formation.The formation quickly approached the small soil bags hiding outside the city wall, unfolded the defensive formation, and began to prepare tools and weapons
Chen Sigen turned on the mobile station and began to use key signals to call the groups.

Responses from various groups came quickly from the mobile platform.

"The root of the tree took over the command and established a wireless communication network. The teams began to locate and plan the route."

Chen Sigen entered the frequency and started to communicate: "Network A 11, the crocodile entered the network, and the crocodile team successfully landed, requesting to start the 'Treasure Hunting' operation. Start audition, A, B, C, D, over."

Zhu Mingxia's voice came from the shortwave radio station: "Received, the implementation of the 'Treasure Hunting' operation is approved. The assault boat is expected to join you at 0400. The front committee wishes the operation a success. It's over."

"The salamander has entered the net, and the audition begins..."

"Toad is on the net, start sound audition..."

Each team is working on preparations in an orderly manner.remove

Report from the sniper team: There is no fixed sentry post on the city wall at the planned intrusion site, nor is there any mobile post.

Chen Sigen looked at his watch, it was 0158 in the morning, and the time was just right.

"Get moving," he ordered over the intercom.

The two groups quickly approached the city wall.The moat is no obstacle -- it's frozen solid.Although the team members are wearing imitation military boots, they are still products of the 21st century, and the grip effect is not comparable to the straw sandals and cloth shoes of this time and space.Having said that, the players added straw cleats to their shoes just in case

One team took cover on the edge of the moat, and the other team quickly crossed the moat.Come under the city wall.

To get over the 12-meter-high wall, they used rappel guns—throwing ropes with anchor claws powered by reinflatable high-pressure gas cylinders.

With two bang bangs, the two anchor cables flew up to the top of the city at the same time.In less than 1 minute, all four members of the 03 team boarded the top of the city.

The four team members covered alternately and touched a watchtower 30 meters away from the boarding point.

To control an "exit" on the city wall, there must be enough cover, otherwise the four people exposed on the city wall are easy to be found.So the first step is to take control of a watchtower and use captured rebel soldiers for cover.

The enemy building was dark, and we could barely see the faint lights in the window openings—obviously the rebels had deployed some defenders in the enemy building, but the number of people would not be large, and the state of alert would not be high.The city wall in this area faced the sea, and the Ming army obviously did not have the ability to land on the beach in front of the enemy.

Chen Sigen watched their actions nervously with his infrared telescope. After 3 minutes, the flashlight was turned on from the window of the watchtower: three short flashes—the watchtower had been controlled successfully.

Teams 01 and 02 went to the city immediately.They quickly crossed the tower, and the team leader sergeant used the night vision goggles to guide them, and quickly led the team down the horse path from the darkness.

The group didn't say a word. Although the street was dark all day, the two groups moved one after the other, very quickly.Soon we arrived at the place agreed with Huang Ande's team.

After the meeting of Huang Ande's subordinates, everyone survived the chaotic first two days after breaking the city.Huang Ande estimated that the Liao soldiers in the city might retaliate against the aborigines, so he asked everyone to try to hide in the vacant official building.Never show up before posting the Anmin Notice.Some people who have friends with Liao people on weekdays will hide in their homes.

Sure enough, after breaking the city, the Liao people and soldiers started a retaliatory massacre, but the barracks were basically protected. Except for those who had feuds with the Liao people on weekdays and were searched and killed by others, most of the surrendered troops were killed. worries.

As the order stabilized, the members of the group gradually emerged and dispersed to try to inquire about the news.A few people simply threw themselves into the rebel errands.

At first, the news about the life and death of the generals and officials in the city was confusing, but gradually it became clear.Sun Yuanhua is indeed not dead - it is said that he attempted suicide.However, Feng Zongze and other veterans are very clear that suicide is not in line with the teachings of Catholicism, and it is a very serious "crime".Sun Yuanhua probably missed the opportunity to commit suicide in the fierce ideological struggle between "loyalty" and "faith" and was captured by the rebels.

Among the important officials captured were Song Guanglan of Dengzhou Dao, Wang Zheng of Jianjun Dao, Zhang Tao, General of Fubiao, and others.As for other lower-level officials and generals, they were either killed or captured, and some have simply surrendered to the enemy.Huang Ande was not interested at all - because the task entrusted to him only required him to pay attention to Sun Yuanhua.

A group of captured officials were all detained in the Jianjundao Yamen in Dengzhou City-not far from the governor's Yamen, and they were not together.The Governor's Yamen has been occupied by Li Jiuzheng and others as the "Commander's Mansion".

Sun Yuan took advantage of the opportunity that he was once Sun Yuanhua's servant, and the rebel army wanted to recruit the old people around the captured officials to serve the prisoners and prevent them from committing suicide, and successfully broke into Sun Yuanhua's side.

Sun Yuan still has a lot of affection for his master - after all, he has been a servant and lived a good life. Now that the master is in trouble, the brothers are going to try to rescue him, and Sun Yuan is very enthusiastic about it .Therefore, he seemed very attentive and stayed in the prison army's Yamen all the time.

Another person under Huang Ande, through other connections, mixed into the Jianjun Road Yamen as a handyman, carrying water and burning fire for the rebels guarding the prisoners, and acting as a liaison officer.

Huang Ande received the rescue notice three hours ago - he had already quietly hidden some weapons, and planned to rescue Sun Yuanhua by himself.In the treasure hunting operation, this is plan B: Huang Ande leads the local team to rescue Sun Yuanhua, and then the special investigation team takes him out of the city.However, Chen Sigen believed that it would be difficult for the mob that Huang Ande temporarily pulled together, so in the end, he adopted plan A, which was the main attack of the special investigation team and the support of the intelligence team.

Huang Ande is now leading Zhu Si anxiously waiting for the team in a dilapidated house in the shadow of the archway—it is very dangerous to be on the street after nightfall, and if caught by the patrol team, he will be decapitated, no matter what .

Zhu Si was wearing a ragged leather jacket, and it was very cold in the second half of the night, and his teeth could not stand the chattering.He had a short knife in his waist, and although he was afraid, he was also looking forward to meeting what Brother Huang called a "strange man".

While waiting to feel drowsy, Huang Ande suddenly took out a small black box, pressed it a few times, and then listened carefully.Immediately after that, he pushed him and whispered, "Attention, here we come!"

He quickly widened his eyes, there was no moonlight, no starlight, and it was so dark that only the outlines of houses could be seen. There was a slight rustling sound on the street, but he couldn't see anything. In the midst of doubts, suddenly a few big men Appearing in front of his eyes like a ghost, he was so scared that he almost cried out.

I saw these big men wearing tight trousers and jackets, the color is not completely black, but a gray-black color of different shades, which almost blends into the night, with hats on their heads, and something covering their faces , showing only the eyes.The leading one has two cylinders tied to the eyes - it looks very strange.

Huang Ande went up to meet him: "Treasure hunting!"


 Note: After being reminded to check the information, it is known that after the collapse of Dengzhou City, the rebels carried out a large-scale massacre of the aborigines in the city, so the plot of Section 305 has been modified to some extent, so the released Section 304 is about the fall of Dengzhou Some subsequent descriptions have also been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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