Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063
The "safe house" at the meeting point is an ordinary shop. The owner's family was said to be "exploiting the Liao people", and was dragged outside the city by local Liao people a few days ago and killed, and all their belongings were robbed.Such vacant shopfronts and residential streets are everywhere, and the better ones are filled with rebels.Because this street is relatively deserted, Huang Ande chose this place as a safe house for the special investigation team.

It was also the first time for Huang Ande to see the wartime state of the special investigation team known as the "Sword of the Senate".The guards of the Senate seldom show up in public, except for occasional sightings during coordinated exercises and when passing through the entrances and exits of Bairen City, almost no one is aware of their existence.

He was very surprised to see their strange costumes and all kinds of unfamiliar equipment - even the guns they carried were different from theirs - even the guns used by the veterans when shooting targets were different.

Those Guihuamin cadres who had the most contact with veterans on weekdays commented in private chats: The special investigation team members and life secretaries are the people who are most like the chief.

"But I waited for you..." Huang Ande looked at the street in fear, "Come, come to the house." He glanced at it and found that there were only seven or eight people here, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Only these few?"

The leader didn't answer, and with a wave of his hand, several team members rushed into the room and searched quickly, moving as fast as phantoms.Huang Ande and Zhu Si were dumbfounded, and before they could understand, they were taken hostage into the house.

The team members guarded the door and windows, and at this moment the leader whispered: "Tell me about the situation." He took out a pocket map from his breast pocket and turned on the blackout flashlight.

"Yes... yes..." Huang Ande is not a coward—if he had, he wouldn't be lurking in the city and pulling a group to prepare for a big fight.But seeing that the opponent was so fierce, half human, half ghost, his legs and feet couldn't help shaking: isn't killing someone the same as blowing his breath?
Zhu Size completely lost his ability to respond, and everything in front of him was beyond his comprehension.He didn't recover until the moment the light-shielding flashlight was turned on, and curiously wanted to go up to see this "luminous cylinder", but he didn't dare.

"Master Sun Yuanhua... is at the Jianjun Dao Yamen." Huang Ande carefully pointed to the location on the drawing board - he could understand maps, not to mention the large-scale map drawing of Dengzhou City was a great contribution to him.

He collected himself, and first talked about the route he had planned. The leader of the team didn't speak, but listened attentively.

Huang Ande reported that until nightfall yesterday, the gate control and guarding status of the Jianjun Road Yamen had not changed, and it was still the same as when he reported last time.

Sun Yuanhua was detained alone in the main courtyard behind the yamen—probably because he had the highest official rank, and Kong Youde and others also meant to treat him preferentially: after he was captured, not only was he treated well in life, Kong Youde, Li Jiuzheng and others all visited him, spoke to him.

After a simple exchange of information, the commando team led by Huang Ande and Zhu Si divided into two groups and went straight to the backyard of the Jianjun Road Yamen.

The main entrance of Jianjun Road Yamen is on the street, which is relatively empty, so the commando chose to break in from the back door.

According to the standards of the special investigation team, the guards at the Jianjun Road Yamen are not strict.According to the reconnaissance of Sun Yuan and others, there are no mobile or hidden whistles inside and outside the yamen, only bright ones.

There are more than 50 rebel soldiers guarding the Yamen day and night.In addition, not far from the yamen, there is a local gentry's house, where many rebels are now stationed.Coupled with the fact that the gates of the cities in Dengzhou are now closed, according to the standards of the 17th century, Sun Yuanhua is already unable to escape.

There was no one on the dark street—no one except a watchman who happened to pass by.On the contrary, the curfew facilitated their nighttime movements.The watchman was carrying a lamp while doing the watch, so it was easy to avoid it.

At 0233, the assault team came to the alley in the backyard of Jianjun Road Yamen.According to intelligence, there were two rebels stationed in the "storehouse" in the alley, so the team members dealt with them first.Then the three team members cooperated and lifted a player onto the backyard wall.

He raised the infrared telescope and began to observe the situation in the courtyard. Unexpectedly, there was almost no security in the backyard.According to Huang Ande's information, the backyard was guarded by a foreign commissioner with ten soldiers, but the yard was quiet at the moment, and there was no one there.

Almost all of the guards were asleep, only two big soldiers and an old man guarding the back door were still awake.It was freezing cold, and the three of them hid in the gatehouse and played leaf cards by the fire, probably for the convenience of observing the movement in the yard, and the windows and doors were open.

According to the plan in advance, the four commandos quietly crossed the courtyard wall.He touched the window and the gate of the gatehouse, and took out the hand crossbow on the leg bag.

The lead sergeant held up a hand, three fingers out.The three crossbows were raised simultaneously.

After the silent three-two-one, the three crossbows made a slight string sound at the same time.The three people playing cards in the room fell down together, their bodies twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

The nerve agents extracted from plants and animals in the biological laboratory are attached to the crossbow bolts, which act very fast and can stop a person's breathing within a few seconds.

Two team members quickly opened the back door and let others in.Huang Ande and Zhu Si also followed in.He saw two team members enter the wing room where the guards lived, and they came out after a while and made a gesture.The lead sergeant gestured, and the group moved on.He felt a chill in his heart, knowing that most of the dozen or so unlucky people died.

After entering the backyard, it is very convenient to move around.If you pass through the courtyards one by one, you have to search and eliminate them repeatedly, which takes too much time and increases the chance of being discovered.After leaving 2 team members to control the rear, the team took the preparation lane that ran through the entire yamen, front and rear courtyards and directly broke into the main courtyard.

The prepared door is locked, but this kind of padlock is basically defenseless.Easily snapped off with pliers.The whole team moved quickly and silently in the dark alley.The leader with two small cylinders on his eyes reminded everyone to avoid obstacles in the lane from time to time.

According to the instructions of the team members, Huang Ande stared closely at the back of the person in front: in the darkness, there was a yellow light on his back like a will-o'-the-wisp, which made people feel scalp numb.But at this time, he had no choice but to follow without hesitation.

In the darkness, the leader of the team quickly found the side door leading to the main courtyard according to the map. He quietly observed through the crack of the door. The courtyard was empty. There were no lights in the main room or the side rooms. Obviously, everyone had fallen asleep. .

The commandos quietly pinch off the padlock.Huang Ande entered the courtyard carefully.According to the agreement, imitating Ye Xiao's voice and barking three times, a figure flashed under the porch immediately, it was Sun Yuan.

"I'm looking forward to your coming." Seeing Huang Ande's sudden appearance, Sun Yuan was finally relieved.

"Talk in the spare alley!" Huang Ande said quickly.

Sun Yuan swept his eyes and saw a few ghostly figures inside Bei Nong. Even though he knew that Huang Ande had brought them here, he was still very scared, so he couldn't help but took a step towards the door before whispering:

"Only Mr. Sun is locked up in the courtyard," Sun Yuan said, "In the east wing there are my two former servants and Mr. Sun's, and in the west wing are the guards sent by Kong Youde and the others..."

"How many people are there?"


"Where is the sentry post?"

"There are two guards at the gate of the courtyard—one every hour." Sun Yuan whispered, "Look carefully, they are on the corridor beside the gate of the main courtyard."

"No one else guarding?"

Sun Yuan was taken aback, "Who can escape? Everywhere is locked—and besides, there are city walls."

"Okay, you can take us to Lord Sun's bedroom later." Huang Ande said, turning around to look at the leading sergeant.The sergeant just nodded——Huang Ande noticed that from beginning to end, they almost never spoke, and only communicated with gestures and eyes.

The two team members entered the yard in a low profile, with their crossbows facing down, and opened the simple target indicator made of a laser pointer tied with tape.

This is experimental equipment. Although it looks very fake, it has achieved good results in several simulated exercises under dark night conditions, whether it is equipped with guns or crossbows-this is the first time it has been used in actual combat. .

Since the red light of the laser pointer was visible, the two team members hid in the dark, waiting for the two soldiers on night duty to turn their backs.

When the two night watchmen turned around again, exposing their backs.The two team members raised their hand crossbows together, almost at the same time the two night soldiers fell down.

Several team members immediately flashed into the yard with their hands and feet, and touched the wing room.

"Brother Huang!" Sun Yuan said hastily, "The two children who live with me are not bad with me, they are good people, don't kill them..."

"I won't kill them, but they have to go with us, and so do you." Huang Ande said, "Otherwise you will all die at dawn."

At daybreak, Sun Yuanhua disappeared, and everyone in the yamen would be suspected, and old people like Sun Yuan were even more serious suspects. They would not be tortured to death, but they would also be killed by venting their anger.

Sun Yuan nodded again and again: "It's okay, I'll just go!"

"Go and wake them up, and then take us to Lord Sun's bedroom, hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Ten minutes later, under the supervision of two team members, Sun Yuan took two boy servants and carried Sun Yuanhua out of the bedroom. In order to prevent him from refusing to leave or committing suicide, the commandos poured sleeping pills on him as soon as he entered .

"Don't be dazed, close the booth quickly!" The sergeant said in a low voice, "Clean and check!"

All team members immediately checked their own equipment and recovered the equipment.Including the fired crossbow bolts must also be recovered.

"Newt Report: Mission accomplished!" the staff sergeant reported over the walkie-talkie. "Ready to retreat. Over."

A group of people quickly carried Sun Yuanhua, returned to the backyard from the narrow alley to join the guard team, and quickly retreated to the safe house at the first meeting point.

(End of this chapter)

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