Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1065 Persuasion

Chapter 1065 Persuasion
But Lu Yang didn't go back to the pier, he was still drinking tea in the central hall with great interest and talking about the mountains with Lu Wenyuan. Lu Wenyuan was not a few years older than Lu Yang, and the conversation between the two was very speculative.Gradually, the topic turned to the content that men like to hear and see.Chen Sigen couldn't help but asked, "Are you here on duty for combat readiness?"

Lu Yang replied: "Because I love reading, I have a wide range of knowledge, and I look like a well-mannered young man with elegant posture and delicate features. The engine command department thinks that I am more suitable for you to receive Sun Yuanhua. And my Daishuang is a 901 gunboat after all, with 130 guns. , has stronger firepower than the Fubo, and can carry out shore bombing missions when necessary. There are also Lin Shenhe's new gadgets on board... Besides, I am a foodie, and the orderly is also a culinary expert, so I brought a lot of good things on board , so as to calm Master Sun down."

The amount of information in these words is a bit large, and Chen Sigen and Lu Wenyuan will not be able to digest them for a while.

Chen Sigen hurriedly asked: "New thing? Is it the 92 infantry artillery?"

Lin Shenhe’s new gadget can’t be anything else——Chen Sigen learned from veterans who participated in the sea-land joint landing exercise before the engine operation: During this exercise, the navy had used a brand new artillery as a companion Attack - not a smoothbore gun like the M1857 or the 12-pounder mountain grenade.

Lu Yang replied, "How can it be so fast? It's still a retreating gun. It's just a rear-loading rifled gun, and the loading speed is much faster than the previous Navy 70 gun."

"Probably Miss 75 that Lin Shenhe brags about all day long." Lu Wenyuan is not very interested in artillery, but the development of new artillery and new weapons is a regular topic on the internal BBS.From time to time, Lin Shenhe pretends to be mysterious and reveals some so-called insider information, sometimes posting a few blurry digital photos, and then suddenly deletes them with a few sentences such as: "Black tea is not good to drink" and so on. statement.

Sun Yuanhua was half asleep and half awake on the bed, only feeling thirsty, so he habitually called his servants to pour tea.It was a strange servant girl who opened the door and came in. He couldn't help being surprised: he remembered that the two servants who served him these days were clearly his two servants.

He hurriedly sat up, but found that he was not in the main room of the Jianjun Road Yamen where he slept yesterday, but in a strange room.

The room is not very tall, even a little humble.But the furnishings in the room are clean and simple.Except for the bed under him, there is only a table and two chairs.On the white walls, there are still crucifixes hanging.The window seemed to be open, and the dead branches in the yard could be seen. The bright sunlight had already shone in, but there was no cold wind in the room.

Sun Yuanhua realized: the windows are equipped with glass!

It is very extravagant to install glass on the windows-that kind of transparent and colorless flat glass is transported thousands of miles from Guangdong, and the price is so high that a high-ranking official like him dare not care about it easily.

In the entire city of Dengzhou, he dared to say that there is no house with such a window, let alone the cross on the wall.

This is where?He couldn't help being secretly surprised.

There is no stove in the room, but it is as warm as spring, the bedding is soft and warm, and the mattress under the body is soft and hard, and it is very comfortable to refuse and welcome.

At this time, the maid asked: "What else can you order, sir?" She offered half a cup of weak tea and a small spittoon for gargling.

Sun Yuanhua saw that she was very courteous and good at taking care of her, so he felt a little relieved: No matter where it is, if the other party is so meticulous, there will be no malice for a while.

After rinsing out her mouth first, the servant girl put on a new tea—it was also weak tea, but it was high quality tea.Sun Yuanhua is from Jiading, and he is very particular about tea tasting and drinking. As soon as the tea is tasted, he knows it is a new autumn tea in Zhejiang.

In Dengzhou, although he was a governor, he was on the front line, and he dealt with a bunch of warriors all day long, so he didn't enjoy such a delicate enjoyment.

After drinking tea, he collected himself and asked, "Where am I?"

The maid smiled slightly: "Don't be restless, Mr. My master said: Mr. was frightened a few days ago, please rest for a while. If Mr. doesn't want to sleep anymore, this servant will fetch a washcloth to help Mr. wash..."

"Who is your master?" Sun Yuanhua was even more surprised - from the maid's tone, it was obvious that he was not a rebel party.But he was obviously captured by Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng a few days ago, and was detained in the Jianjun Road Yamen.

Before falling asleep last night, he was still hesitating about committing suicide.

But when he thought about what the priests said: suicide is a violation of the "Ten Commandments" and he will fall into hell forever, so he hesitated.

Fall asleep in this state of mind.Ever since he was captured, Sun Yuanhua had never had a peaceful night's sleep—when he closed his eyes, he would have chaotic dreams, but he slept very peacefully last night, without any dreams.

Could it be that God heard his prayer and showed him a new path?Sun Yuanhua was surprised, but also had some expectations in his heart.

At the moment, he took care of him and said, "Wait for me to wash and change my clothes first."

The maid went out for a while, and brought back a box containing toilet utensils. He took off the hairpin and net towel for Sun Yuanhua, untied her hair, combed it again, and then tied her hair again, and brought a basin of warm water and rinsed her mouth. Willow branches with green salt, waited for him to wash, and wiped off the water droplets on his face with a thick and soft towel, a refreshing feeling immediately penetrated the heart.

The maid went out and fetched some Yujing underwear and a new padded robe for him, and said to him:
"Master, please change your clothes. In the countryside, there are only some crude clothes, but they are all newly made and extremely clean."

After Sun Yuanhua was captured, although Kong Youde treated him very preferentially, recruiting the lost old people in his mansion to serve him, and trying his best to retrieve his personal manuscripts and luggage, but after all he was a prisoner under his rank. No abuse, no worries about food and clothing.Where can there be such meticulous service and enjoyment.

"What's your name?"

"Slave Cheng Lingsu."

"Good name."

The maid smiled and said, "The master got it. I don't know if it's good or not." Then she said, "The master said, if the husband is finished washing, please have breakfast first, and then we will meet in the flower hall."

"Okay." Sun Yuanhua also felt hungry.

After a while, the maid brought a plate with porridge and pickles, all of which were Jiangnan flavors, which aroused his thoughts of water shield.

After breakfast, the maid led the way out of the bedroom, and in front of him was a small but carefully cleaned and arranged courtyard.Following the maidservant, she walked through the aisle beside the yard, turned a few corners, and walked into a hall, only to see a young man standing in the hall long ago, looking at her with a smile.

But he knew this person, it was Lu Wenyuan.The Jesuit missionaries, who came from Zhejiang to Shandong to reclaim wasteland, asked him to take care of them.

Lu Wenyuan took a step forward and bowed deeply: "Sir, you are shocked!"

"How dare you! How dare you!" Sun Yuanhua hastily replied, with mixed feelings in his heart for a while.After Kong Youde rebelled, the Master Lu once sent an envoy to remind him to pay attention to the movements of the Liao people in the city, and to guard against the intensification of conflicts between the natives and the locals. He is on guard.

What happened later almost confirmed Lu Wenyuan's reminder. I didn't expect this young man from out of town to have such a insightful view of the situation in Dengzhou.

"Ashamed, ashamed." Sun Yuanhua said as he sat down with Lu Wenyuan as guest and host, and the maid served tea.

"Where is this place?" This is the question that Sun Yuanhua is most concerned about right now.

"This is Qimu Island in Huangxian County - the student's village - Mr. is safe right now."

Sun Yuanhua remained silent.He knew about Qimu Island. Back then, Master Lu wanted to open up wasteland and buy land in Shandong, and it was with his help that the land of Qimu Island was bought.Since I was on Qimu Island, I was obviously rescued by Master Lu in front of me. Let's go, it's close to the "red line stealing box" general swordsman story, which can't help but make him suspicious.

Could it be they and Kong Youde.Li Jiuzheng made a deal before he exchanged himself.Sun Yuanhua thinks: This is the most likely possibility—although he still doesn't know what the other party's purpose is until now.

However, Lu Wenyuan was introduced by Guo Jujing, a priest whom he admired very much, at least he didn't have to doubt his motives.

As if he had guessed what Sun Yuanhua was thinking, Lu Wenyuan smiled and said, "We also rescued the two boy servants of Mister, and we will continue to serve Mister tomorrow."

The presence of these two Sun De cronies who witnessed the rescue process is more convincing than his empty words.

"Thank you, sir." Sun Yuanhua cupped his hands, "I just don't know what the master is trying to do by taking a huge risk to rescue Sun from the desperate situation?"

Lu Wenyuan thought: Here we come, this is expected.He had already fully exchanged opinions with the big library, and did a lot of homework on how to carry out Sun Yuanhua's work.At the moment, I am confident.

"First, it's for the people of Shandong. The people of Dongsan Mansion were originally suffering from hunger and cold, and now they are suffering from swords and soldiers. We are believers in God. How can we sit and watch so many lambs die in original sin?"

"Yes." This is the righteousness of the church. Even if Sun Yuanhua didn't quite believe it, he couldn't refute it.

"Secondly, it's for my husband." Lu Wenyuan talked eloquently, "Mr. is caught in the hands of thieves, and life and death are hanging between the thoughts of Kong Youde, Li Jiuzheng and others. If Mr. hadn't been kind to them at the beginning, I'm afraid Mr. would have died a long time ago." It's up!"

When Lu Wenyuan said this, Sun Yuanhua showed a look of despair—he used the Liao generals in Dengzhou to use Liao generals to favor the original Dongjiang old department, but he did not expect that he and the whole Dengzhou would eventually be destroyed by these people hand.

Dengzhou fell, and all the firearms, weapons, horses, food, grass and military pay accumulated in the city for many years were lost. The army he compiled by himself and trained with Frang robots also disappeared.Years of hard work were ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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