Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1066 Persuasion continued

Chapter 1066 Persuasion continued

His mentor, Xu Guangqi, originally had high hopes for the new Ming army in Denglai, but now not only is the new army gone, but it has even turned into a rebel army who committed all kinds of crimes—tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Dengzhou were killed, even if there were Liao people The relationship between the internal response, but as the governor of Denglai, he is also to blame.

"It's always because Sun employs people in the dark!" Sun Yuanhua sighed heavily, "Kong Youde really might as well kill me with one knife and make Sun loyal."

"Of course, Mr. is loyal when he dies, but it's just petty loyalty and righteousness." Because Lu Wenyuan considered himself a junior, it was inconvenient for him to speak too sharply. According to the plan, the only way to save the nation is to save billions of people from suffering and fire, which is what adults should do."

People like Sun Yuanhua, although they inevitably have all kinds of habits unique to bureaucrats in the late Ming Dynasty, are generally a practical bureaucrat who is willing to take responsibility and do things, and has a strong concept of taking the world's affairs as his own responsibility.So Lu Wenyuan started with this to persuade him to cooperate.

"Kong Youde, Li Jiuzheng and others don't kill Mr., I'm afraid they will also trap Mr. in a place of infidelity." Lu Wenyuan said softly.

These words were like five thunderbolts, Sun Yuanhua was stunned immediately.

Indeed, Kong Youde came to see him just the night before, and in addition to forcing him to write a letter to Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong, asking him to "recruit", he also tentatively asked him if he was willing to join forces with the rebels—— The Dongjiang Jiubu and Liao people in the state all admired him very much and were willing to support him as "king".

Sun Yuanhua naturally refused - he is a man with a family and a high-ranking official who has received "long grace", so of course he is unwilling to join forces with the rebels

The conversation was very confidential, and I didn't expect the young man to know it.This man is really unfathomable.

Lu Wenyuan said: "Sir, don't blame me for speaking abruptly. Although this matter is speculation, but with the relationship between Mr. Kong Youde and other old people from Liaodong, as long as Mr. continues to be trapped in Dengzhou City, such rumors will come out sooner or later. "

Sun Yuanhua nodded, and then he thought that what he said was very reasonable.He was not afraid of death, but he refused to commit suicide because of religious doctrine, but outsiders couldn't understand it. He used to treat Liao people very kindly and used them more, so it would not be surprising for such rumors to spread.

The current emperor is not a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and he is quite suspicious.One can imagine what would happen if such rumors broke out.

"Sir, please think about it. Even if Kong Youde is grateful for the old kindness, he will not kill Mr., but release him. Mister may not escape the calamity of imprisonment."

Sun Yuanhua's complexion suddenly changed - the cruelty of the imperial edict was very famous when Wei Zhongxian was in charge during the reign of Emperor Tianqi.Although Wei Zhongxian is gone now, it is not a good place inside.Even if the teacher and friends rescued him and the emperor was wise enough to save him from the death penalty, he would still be a useless person when he came out of the imperial prison.

Anyone who is willing to do things has a strong desire for fame.It's okay to be dismissed-the court's feng shui turns, he is not old, and he is still in good health. As long as he is active, there will always be a chance of recovery in the future.If the body is broken, then there is no chance at all.

"Sir is the pillar of my holy religion in China. If there is a mistake, sir, the billions of lambs on the land of China will lose their home..." Lu Wenyuan said with a heartbroken look.

This really moved Sun Yuanhua. He was in his prime, and he had plans to do something for the country, the people, and the church.Of course not reconciled to quit.

But when he thinks about his current situation, he feels as if he has fallen into an ice cave——now he has lost all his subordinates and is penniless.Except for two boy servants who claimed to have been rescued, there was no one to drive.

Although this Master Lu in front of him is young and promising, and he doesn't know how to fish him out of Dengzhou City, but after all, he is just a squire. Even if he has practiced bravery, he can barely protect himself at best.

However, I still have some troops in Laizhou. Although there are not many troops, as long as I get there and open the government again, I will be able to regain control of the local state capital of the third eastern prefecture that is in chaos.You can also reconnect with Governor Yu Dacheng of Shandong.Yu Dacheng and himself have always been friendly, not to mention that once the rebels become powerful, the Third West Mansion will not be safe.Yu Dacheng will definitely support himself with all his strength.

But that being said, if you want to bring only two boy servants from Huang County to Laizhou in this turmoil, without the protection of a small team of people, if you don't get out of Huang County, you will die.

Of course, he can also try to go to the nearest Huangxian County first. The magistrate of Huangxian County knows him and can definitely help him-but there will not be many troops in Huangxian County: there is no garrison there. There is nothing more than a hundred horses trotting fast, plus Xiangyong who is pulled up temporarily.

Most of the rebels were cavalry, and the Xiangyong on foot could not resist at all. Once chased and killed by the cavalry, the Xiangyong could neither win nor escape.

There is another way, which is to escape to the sea. There are garrisons on the islands under the governor of Denglai who obey his orders. As long as they can be gathered in time, they will not be able to fight back to Dengzhou in time.

As long as Dengzhou can be regained as quickly as possible, the court elders, Xu and Zhou, will have some room for change—even if they are dismissed in the end, it will be better than being sent to Beijing for interrogation.

It's just that if you want to flee to sea, you must have a boat.I don't know if the deer owner has any boats available.

He wanted to inquire about it, but then he thought about how he rescued himself from Dengzhou City, and he still didn't know.

Although he is a church member, years of experience and lessons as an official tell him that he cannot easily reveal his true intentions.

Thinking of this, he straightened his clothes, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Lu, thank you for your kindness. You saved Sun, and you also saved the people of the three Denglai prefectures. Your merits are immeasurable. One day, Sun will be able to return to the court." Hall, please seal it for Mr...."

Lu Wenyuan felt a little bored, thinking that you officials are always habitual self-appointed representatives.It was a very humble smile at the moment.

Sun Yuanhua's heart suddenly moved, since the owner of the deer manor was able to rescue himself from Dengzhou, he was by no means just an ordinary gentry.No more talking now.

Seeing the change in his eyes, Lu Wenyuan knew that he hadn't been fully trusted by him, which was also expected - but anyone who can become a high-ranking official is a human being, and he would never trust himself completely based on his own words.I don't want to say any more at the moment, just ask him to have a good rest first, and try to speak as much as possible if there is any need, and then take care of Cheng Lingsu to send Sun Yuanhua back to his residence.

"I want to walk around in this village. I wonder if you can allow me?" Sun Yuanhua asked suddenly.

"Mr. is a local parent, why not?" Lu Wenyuan smiled all over his face, "It's just that the sea breeze is very strong here, so the students asked someone to bring the clothes they went out."

When Sun Yuanhua returned to his residence, he saw his two servants and Sun Yuan were there, and the master and servant couldn't help feeling hurt when they met.Sun Yuanhua used to have quite a few servants in Dengzhou—the scholar-bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty used a large number of servants, and when Jiangnan went out, there were more than ten servants with them, which was quite simple.Sun Yuanhuagui became the governor, not counting the soldiers and servants selected in Dengzhou, there were 80 to [-] male and female slaves.After the fall of the city, you can die or escape.In order to show preferential treatment, Kong Youde specially recruited lost servants for him, but in the end only these three people were found.

Seeing that the three of them had changed into clean new clothes, their complexions were ruddy.Apparently the owner of the Deer Manor treated them well.It is quite useful in my heart.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Sun Yuanhua said, "I didn't do you any favors, but you shared our troubles with me." He said sobbingly.

Sun Yuan said: "My lord's well-being is our blessing, and it is also the blessing of Shandong people."

Sun Yuanhua smiled wryly, and didn't say anything more—Sun Yuan was just one of his servants—he had two to three hundred such servants, all of whom were selected from the local battalion soldiers and Liao people in Denglai.

Now these soldiers and family members probably all joined the rebel army, although Sun Yuanhua thought that there was only one Sun Yuan left in the new army he had worked so hard for many years, and he couldn't help feeling sad.

He went back to the house and asked about last night.Tong Pu and Sun Yuan did not hide anything, and immediately told all the experiences of the night.The three of them chattered and talked for half an hour before ending.

Sun Yuanhua remained silent.A warrior in pitch black, silently crossing the wall from outside the city in the dark night, entering and exiting the army is like entering no man's land... No matter how you look at it, it looks like a swordsman in a ghost novel.If it weren't for these three people speaking in unison, it was difficult to find flaws in it, he would have thought that they were making up nonsense.

Although he was skeptical, Sun Yuanhua already knew in his heart: the owner of the deer villa introduced by Guo Jujing is definitely not an ordinary person, and when he thinks that he is from Guangdong, he already has an idea in his heart.

Now I put on the big sheepskin vests sent by Cheng Lingsu—the Lingao Clothes Factory made a batch of leather vests specially for the northern troops with Persian sheepskin imported from the Netherlands, to keep out the wind and keep warm.There are not many of them, and they are exclusively used by night sentries.

As soon as the door curtain rang, Cheng Lingsu came in and reported: "There is a friend of the owner of the deer village who wants to see Mr. He said that he is walking around the village with him."


It was a young man with a weak crown who came in. Although he was wearing a six-in-one uniform hat, the roots of his hair protruding from his sideburns made Sun Yuanhua somewhat understand who the visitor was.

The Pianpian boy was Lu Yang. Seeing Sun Yuanhua wearing a sheepskin vest, he couldn't help but feel that it was very unfriendly, but of course he didn't show it, otherwise it would be too rude.

Lu Yang saluted, "Mr. Huo Dong, I have admired your name for a long time." Huo Dong is Sun Yuanhua's name, and it is not polite to have admired his name for a long time. Although he didn't have a deep impression of Sun Yuanhua before, he is the member of the Beishang detachment who needs cold resistance. Lu Yang was promoted to captain of the navy in advance, and the officers of the Northward Detachment had to read the materials of the Dengzhou Rebellion, so they also had some understanding of Sun Yuanhua.

(End of this chapter)

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