Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1067 Refugees on the Island

Chapter 1067 Refugees on the Island

Lu Yang thought that he could basically remember what he had learned in geometry and algebra, and if he couldn't find something to talk about, he would simply discuss math problems together—he thought his math level was enough to kill Sun Yuanhua in an instant.

"Who is this……"

"Student Lu Yang," Lu Yang said respectfully, "Student is Master Lu's friend, and he came here specially to guide you."

"Oh," Sun Yuanhua nodded, "Mr. is also from Guangdong?"

"The student is from Ningxia."

Sun Yuanhua looked at this young man for a while, and thought that Lu Wenyuan was young enough, but he didn't expect this one to be younger than him.Zeng Mo was only in his twenties, with thin skin and tender flesh, if it wasn't for his darker skin, he would have looked like a rich boy.

The other companion was a Western priest, and it was Jin Lige.

This missionary is very busy on Qimu Island - besides appeasing the people with his teachings, another thing he does is to find out "heresy".There are various local folk religions in Shandong, and the Civil Affairs Department and the Office of Religious Affairs attach great importance to them: ordinary believers are not surprising.The key is not to mix in the organizer.The countermeasures adopted are firstly to eliminate, the Political Security Bureau has quietly screened and developed the first batch of informers, paying special attention to whether there are refugees spreading such speech in the camp, and secondly, preparing an alternative belief for the refugees who are eager to find sustenance : Jinli Pavilion is naturally one choice, and a group of Daosheng, who was sent by Taoist priest Dai from Lingao to learn new Taoism, is another choice.

Whether it is Catholicism or New Taoism, their target audience is limited—the task given to them by the Civil Affairs Committee is to compete with various folk religions for believers, especially to try to make grassroots organizers and small leaders in folk religions among refugees change. Faith is their main mission.

In He Ying's instructions to them, the instruction "use all methods" was used.Therefore, the Taoist students of Jinli Pavilion and New Taoism worked frantically, and started a competition to eradicate "heretics" day and night.

A few days ago, Jinli Pavilion uncovered a "heretical" organization implicated by Xiaoxiangtou, so Xiangtou and the activists have been isolated separately. The power to preach to these believers.

Those who refuse to change will not be wasted - they will neither be expelled nor burned to death. After all, Lingao has spent a lot of money on them, but they are held incommunicado. to the mines in Sanya.

Jin Lige worked so frantically that the special commissioner of the Political Security Bureau had to deal with his "reporting" every day—in order to ensure that this work would not turn into a fanatic of religious persecution, the Political Security Bureau sent a specially trained special commissioner to Responsible for identifying such allegations.

The priest has a happy smile on his face because of his constant "saving of souls". Although he is only wearing a thin woolen robe, his whole body exudes vitality.

Seeing Sun Yuanhua, he warmly welcomed him, and then greatly praised Master Lu as a "true servant of God" and a "fearless warrior who defends the faith".

Such high praise could not help but increase Sun Yuanhua's trust in Lu Wenyuan.Keeping Jin Lige in Shandong was originally to ask him to take on the job of Sun Yuanhua.

Sun is a very devout believer and regards Western missionaries as mentors and friends.Having such a person around is of great use in alleviating his hostility and increasing his sense of trust.

In order to keep Sun Yuanhua, the "pillar of the holy church in China", the Jesuits will spare no effort to help the Senate-in the land of Ming Dynasty, no one except the Senate can help Sun Yuanhua.

The appearance of Jinli Pavilion really greatly calmed Sun Yuanhua's restless heart.Seeing his slack face, Lu Yang immediately led him up to the village.

Sun Yuanhua looked around: he could tell at a glance that this was a village built with "Western methods".Although not very obvious, the protruding bastions protecting the Zhaimen and the scattered towers are all common in the pictures about Western fortification brought by the priests.

He himself also built "Xifa piers". When he was in Liaodong, he tried to promote this kind of city building technology in the local area, so he was quite familiar with this set of things.

Of course, Master Lu is also a believer, and has a deep relationship with missionaries, so it is not surprising that he understands these things.

The problem is, although the stockade he saw was small in size, it was built with care and the concept was even more delicate.In the use of terrain, materials, and firepower, it has been brought to the extreme.Sun Yuanhua had to admit that even if he designed it himself, he would not be able to achieve this level.

It is too strange for a local gentleman from Guangdong to be so proficient in the art of city building.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, scholar-bureaucrats were quite enthusiastic about military studies. Some people wrote books on firearms, military science and city building.But most of them are hearsay, taking ancient military books or Western military science brought by Western missionaries, and adding their own "wonderful ideas" to make up random things.Sun Yuanhua is a "professional", and he can tell at a glance that the layout here is far from what ordinary scholar-bureaucrats can make.

On the wall of the stronghold, Xiangyong, wearing a sheepskin back and a suede cap, is patrolling. He looks a little more energetic than the officers and soldiers: energetic and not afraid of the cold.Obviously well fed and warmly dressed.What he held in his hand was not the whistle stick or wooden spear commonly used by the village braves, but a well-made long spear with a triangular pyramid-like tip, black and shiny.Each of them also had a wooden sheathed straight knife hanging from their waists.

Although there is no armor, this picture is already more decent than most of the officers and soldiers in Dengzhou - it is worthy of the best soldiers.If you have a suit of armor, it's not a big problem to be a forward picker.

He held the crenel with his hand and looked out. About a hundred feet away from the wall, there were rows of long houses, surrounded by ditches and fences, and some wooden towers were dotted in between.It looked like a big barracks.However, the voices of adults and children coming from the direction of the camp knew that the people living there were all ordinary people.

The morning smoke is rising. Although it is not very clear, the camp is full of people coming and going.

Some people have already come out of the camp, in teams of ten, scattered to work on the island, some are shoveling snow, some are collecting fish on the beach, and some are building and repairing.It seems to be in order and very organized.

Sun Yuanhua has been in the military for a long time, and he can tell at a glance that these people who are working have been trained.There must be quite clever generals on the island.

"Where is it?"

"It's a refugee camp." Lu Yang said, "It takes in displaced people."

Sun Yuanhua let out a long sigh, and said after a while, "Master Lu has taken in so many people, it must have cost a lot."

"Yes, but this is a matter for living people, and it doesn't matter how much it costs." Lu Yang said.

While talking, from the side of the wicker, another group of villagers escorted groups of refugees stumbling towards the refugee camp. Most of them were from the surrounding villages and towns of Dengzhou, because they heard that after Kong Youde and others captured Dengzhou The large-scale killing of the natives, the villages and towns were afraid that the Liao people would retaliate against the large-scale killing of the natives, and they helped the old and the young to flee.

It is said that Qimu Island, which is well-defended and has three coasts, has become the first choice of refugees. After all, in this ice and snow, men, women, old and weak are stumbling around, and there is not enough food, so it is impossible to go far.The news that Qimu Island has food, drink, accommodation, and many township guards has spread like wildfire through careful propaganda in the Dengzhou area.Therefore, a large number of refugees fleeing the rebels come every day recently.

"These are all refugees fleeing from the rebels..." Lu Yang said.Jinli Pavilion couldn't help but draw a cross.

Although Lu Wenyuan sent many reception teams composed of army and civil affairs personnel to go out dozens of miles with food and medicine to meet the refugees, the refugees were cold and hungry on the way, and the bandits looted, and the dead bodies along the way were scattered. .Those who were finally taken in were all like hungry ghosts in hell.

None of the three spoke, and it took a long time to see the refugees walking into the camp.Although they have their own thoughts, they are inevitably moved when they see the scene of severe suffering.

While Sun Yuanhua sighed, he couldn't help feeling surprised.There are 6000 people in this refugee camp, and refugees come in continuously every day. This Qimu Island is just a small island, how many people can it accommodate?

Furthermore, what is Master Lu's plan for taking in so many people?Sun Yuanhua didn't believe that Lu Wenyuan's hosting of refugees on such a large scale was just out of kindness - the food and drink for these many people was a huge expense every day, not to mention the heating and clothing expenses in winter.

"Master Lu's heart is kind, and the people of Shandong are very lucky!" Sun Yuanhua said, "It's just that there are so many refugees gathered on the island. Master Lu can save them for a while, but not forever. How do you plan to deal with them in the future?"

"As long as the ground in Shandong is quiet, the refugees will naturally be able to return to their hometown..." Lu Yang said, "It's just that after this chaos, even if they are safe, they will be starved to death when they go back."

Dongsanfu was originally a place where the people were extremely miserable. After such a chaos, cattle, donkeys and mules were killed and robbed, houses were burned, and property was lost. Seed grain, if there is no government relief, it will not be able to make it to the next grain harvest.

"This matter..." Sun Yuanhua originally said that he must find a way, but then he thought that he was trapped in Dengzhou, and now there are rebels dozens of miles away.

Even if I am still the governor of Denglai, the relief of the people and the distribution of cattle seeds are also the affairs of the chief envoy, and I have no control over the civil affairs.

As for whether the court can provide relief or not, it is another matter.

Judging by the way the imperial court is now on fire in all directions and smoke is everywhere, even some relief is a drop in the bucket.

(End of this chapter)

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